186 research outputs found

    Rotational Line Emission from Water in Protoplanetary Disks

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    Circumstellar disks provide the material reservoir for the growth of young stars and for planet formation. We combine a high-level radiative transfer program with a thermal-chemical model of a typical T Tauri star disk to investigate the diagnostic potential of the far-infrared lines of water for probing disk structure. We discuss the observability of pure rotational H2O lines with the Herschel Space Observatory, specifically the residual gas where water is mainly frozen out. We find that measuring both the line profile of the ground 110-101 ortho-H2O transition and the ratio of this line to the 312-303 and 221-212 line can provide information on the gas phase water between 5-100 AU, but not on the snow line which is expected to occur at smaller radii.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    Modeling water emission from low-mass protostellar envelopes

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    Within low-mass star formation, water vapor plays a key role in the chemistry and energy balance of the circumstellar material. The Herschel Space Observatory will open up the possibility to observe water lines originating from a wide range of excitation energies.Our aim is to simulate the emission of rotational water lines from envelopes characteristic of embedded low-mass protostars. A large number of parameters that influence the water line emission are explored: luminosity, density,density slope and water abundances.Both dust and water emission are modelled using full radiative transfer in spherical symmetry. The temperature profile is calculated for a given density profile. The H2O level populations and emission profiles are in turn computed with a non-LTE line code. The results are analyzed to determine the diagnostic value of different lines, and are compared with existing observations. Lines can be categorized in: (i) optically thick lines, including ground-state lines, mostly sensitive to the cold outer part; (ii) highly excited (E_u>200-250 K) optically thin lines sensitive to the abundance in the hot inner part; and (iii) lines which vary from optically thick to thin depending on the abundances. Dust influences the emission of water significantly by becoming optically thick at the higher frequencies, and by pumping optically thin lines. A good physical model of a source, including a correct treatment of dust, is a prerequisite to infer the water abundance structure and possible jumps at the evaporation temperature from observations. The inner warm (T>100 K) envelope can be probed byhighly-excited lines, while a combination of excited and spectrally resolved ground state lines probes the outer envelope. Observations of H218O lines, although weak, provide even stronger constraints on abundances.Comment: 17 pages with an online appendix of 6 pages. Accepted by A&A. Several figures are too large for astro-ph. These can be downloaded from http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~kempen/water.ph

    Cardiac outcome in classic infantile Pompe disease after 13\xe2\x80\xafyears of treatment with recombinant human acid alpha-glucosidase

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    Background: Cardiac failure is the main cause of death in untreated classic infantile Pompe disease, an inheritable metabolic myopathy characterized by progressive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Since the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), survival has increased significantly due to reduced cardiac hypertrophy and improved cardiac function. However, little is known about ERT\'s long-term effects on the heart. Methods: Fourteen patients were included in this prospective study. Cardiac dimensions, function, conduction and rhythm disturbances were evaluated at baseline and at regular intervals thereafter. Results: Treatment duration ranged from 1.1 to 13.9 years (median 4.8 years). At baseline, all patients had increased left ventricular mass index (LVMI) (median LVMI 226 g/m2, range 98 to 599 g/m2, Z-score median 7, range 2.4\xe2\x80\x9312.4). During the first four weeks, LVMI continued to increase in six patients. Normalization of LVMI was observed in 13 patients (median 30 weeks; range 3 to 660 weeks). After clinical deterioration, LVMI increased again slightly in one patient. At baseline, PR interval was shortened in all patients; it normalized in only three. A delta-wave pattern on ECG was seen in six patients and resulted in documented periods of supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs) in three patients, two of whom required medication and/or ablation. One patient had severe bradycardia (35 beats/min). Conclusion: This study shows that ERT significantly reduced LVMI, and sustained this effect over a period of 13.9 years. The risk for rhythm disturbances remains. Regular cardiac evaluations should be continued, also after initially good response to ERT

    Water abundances in high-mass protostellar envelopes: Herschel observations with HIFI

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    We derive the dense core structure and the water abundance in four massive star-forming regions which may help understand the earliest stages of massive star formation. We present Herschel-HIFI observations of the para-H2O 1_11-0_00 and 2_02-1_11 and the para-H2-18O 1_11-0_00 transitions. The envelope contribution to the line profiles is separated from contributions by outflows and foreground clouds. The envelope contribution is modelled using Monte-Carlo radiative transfer codes for dust and molecular lines (MC3D and RATRAN), with the water abundance and the turbulent velocity width as free parameters. While the outflows are mostly seen in emission in high-J lines, envelopes are seen in absorption in ground-state lines, which are almost saturated. The derived water abundances range from 5E-10 to 4E-8 in the outer envelopes. We detect cold clouds surrounding the protostar envelope, thanks to the very high quality of the Herschel-HIFI data and the unique ability of water to probe them. Several foreground clouds are also detected along the line of sight. The low H2O abundances in massive dense cores are in accordance with the expectation that high densities and low temperatures lead to freeze-out of water on dust grains. The spread in abundance values is not clearly linked to physical properties of the sources.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication the 15/07/2010 by Astronomy&Astrophysics as a letter in the Herschel-HIFI special issu

    Klimaatverandering: Risico's en kansen voor de Nederlandse visserij- en aquacultuursector

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    Dit rapport presenteert de resultaten van een studie naar de effecten van klimaatveranderingen voor de Nederlandse vissector tot 2050. De studie is gebaseerd op beschikbare literatuur en getoetst in een bijeenkomst met stakeholders. Het rapport behandelt achtereenvolgens de visserij op wilde bestanden (pelagische visserij, kottervisserij, schelpdiervisserij, binnenvisserij en recreatieve visserij), de aquacultuur (schelpdieren, vis) en visconsumptie. De risico’s en kansen worden primair bepaald door de effecten van klimaatverandering op de productiviteit van de visbestanden. Operationele aspecten spelen een rol bij de ruimtelijke inperking van de visserijmogelijkheden door het toenemend ruimtebeslag van windmolenparken, en mogelijk door het risico op stormschade

    The interactions of winds from massive young stellar objects: X-ray emission, dynamics, and cavity evolution

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    2D axis-symmetric hydrodynamical simulations are presented which explore the interaction of stellar and disk winds with surrounding infalling cloud material. The star, and its accompanying disk, blow winds inside a cavity cleared out by an earlier jet. The collision of the winds with their surroundings generates shock heated plasma which reaches temperatures up to ~10^8 K. Attenuated X-ray spectra are calculated from solving the equation of radiative transfer along lines-of-sight. This process is repeated at various epochs throughout the simulations to examine the evolution of the intrinsic and attenuated flux. We find that the dynamic nature of the wind-cavity interaction fuels intrinsic variability in the observed emission on timescales of several hundred years. This is principally due to variations in the position of the reverse shock which is influenced by changes in the shape of the cavity wall. The collision of the winds with the cavity wall can cause clumps of cloud material to be stripped away. Mixing of these clumps into the winds mass-loads the flow and enhances the X-ray emission measure. The position and shape of the reverse shock plays a key role in determining the strength and hardness of the X-ray emission. In some models the reverse shock is oblique to much of the stellar and disk outflows, whereas in others it is closely normal over a wide range of polar angles. For reasonable stellar and disk wind parameters the integrated count rate and spatial extent of the intensity peak for X-ray emission agree with \textit{Chandra} observations of the deeply embedded MYSOs S106 IRS4, Mon R2 IRS3 A, and AFGL 2591.(abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Inhibition of lipoxygenase affects induction of both direct and indirect plant defences against herbivorous insects

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    Herbivore-induced plant defences influence the behaviour of insects associated with the plant. For biting–chewing herbivores the octadecanoid signal-transduction pathway has been suggested to play a key role in induced plant defence. To test this hypothesis in our plant—herbivore—parasitoid tritrophic system, we used phenidone, an inhibitor of the enzyme lipoxygenase (LOX), that catalyses the initial step in the octadecanoid pathway. Phenidone treatment of Brussels sprouts plants reduced the accumulation of internal signalling compounds in the octadecanoid pathway downstream of the step catalysed by LOX, i.e. 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) and jasmonic acid. The attraction of Cotesia glomerata parasitoids to host-infested plants was significantly reduced by phenidone treatment. The three herbivores investigated, i.e. the specialists Plutella xylostella, Pieris brassicae and Pieris rapae, showed different oviposition preferences for intact and infested plants, and for two species their preference for either intact or infested plants was shown to be LOX dependent. Our results show that phenidone inhibits the LOX-dependent defence response of the plant and that this inhibition can influence the behaviour of members of the associated insect community

    Metabolomic Plasticity in GM and Non-GM Potato Leaves in Response to Aphid Herbivory and Virus Infection

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    An important aspect of ecological safety of genetically modified (GM) plants is the evaluation of unintended effects on plant–insect interactions. These interactions are to a large extent influenced by the chemical composition of plants. This study uses NMR-based metabolomics to establish a baseline of chemical variation to which differences between a GM potato line and its parent cultivar are compared. The effects of leaf age, virus infection, and aphid herbivory on plant metabolomes were studied. The metabolome of the GM line differed from its parent only in young leaves of noninfected plants. This effect was small when compared to the baseline. Consistently, aphid performance on excised leaves was influenced by leaf age, while no difference in performance was found between GM and non-GM plants. The metabolomic baseline approach is concluded to be a useful tool in ecological safety assessment

    Leaf colour as a signal of chemical defence to insect herbivores in wild cabbage (Brassica Oleracea)

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    Leaf colour has been proposed to signal levels of host defence to insect herbivores, but we lack data on herbivory, leaf colour and levels of defence for wild host populations necessary to test this hypothesis. Such a test requires measurements of leaf spectra as they would be sensed by herbivore visual systems, as well as simultaneous measurements of chemical defences and herbivore responses to leaf colour in natural host-herbivore populations. In a large-scale field survey of wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea) populations, we show that variation in leaf colour and brightness, measured according to herbivore spectral sensitivities, predicts both levels of chemical defences (glucosinolates) and abundance of specialist lepidopteran (Pieris rapae) and hemipteran (Brevicoryne brassicae) herbivores. In subsequent experiments, P. rapae larvae achieved faster growth and greater pupal mass when feeding on plants with bluer leaves, which contained lower levels of aliphatic glucosinolates. Glucosinolate-mediated effects on larval performance may thus contribute to the association between P. rapae herbivory and leaf colour observed in the field. However, preference tests found no evidence that adult butterflies selected host plants based on leaf coloration. In the field, B. brassicae abundance varied with leaf brightness but greenhouse experiments were unable to identify any effects of brightness on aphid preference or performance. Our findings suggest that although leaf colour reflects both levels of host defences and herbivore abundance in the field, the ability of herbivores to respond to colour signals may be limited, even in species where performance is correlated with leaf colour

    The effects of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax and a nutrient profiling tax based on Nutri-Score on consumer food purchases in a virtual supermarket: A randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax and a nutrient profiling tax on consumer food purchases in a virtual supermarket. Design: A randomised controlled trial was conducted with a control condition with regular food prices (n 152), an SSB tax condition (n 130) and a nutrient profiling tax condition based on Nutri-Score (n 112). Participants completed a weekly grocery shop for their household. Primary outcome measures were SSB purchases (ordinal variable) and the overall healthiness of the total shopping basket (proportion of total unit food items classified as healthy). The secondary outcome measure was the energy (kcal) content of the total shopping basket. Data were analysed using regression analyses. Setting: Three-dimensional virtual supermarket. Participants: Dutch adults aged ≥18 years are being responsible for grocery shopping in their household (n 394). Results: The SSB tax (OR = 1·62, (95 % CI 1·03, 2·54)) and the nutrient profiling tax (OR = 1·88, (95 %CI 1·17, 3·02)) increased the likelihood of being in a lower-level category of SSB purchases. The overall healthiness of the total shopping basket was higher (+2·7 percent point, (95 % CI 0·1, 5·3)), and the energy content was lower (-3301 kcal, (95 % CI-6425,-177)) for participants in the nutrient profiling tax condition than for those in the control condition. The SSB tax did not affect the overall healthiness and energy content of the total shopping basket (P > 0·05). Conclusions: A nutrient profiling tax targeting a wide range of foods and beverages with a low nutritional quality seems to have larger beneficial effects on consumer food purchases than taxation of SSB alone