54 research outputs found

    Mediating Effects of Place Attachment and Satisfaction on the Relationship between Tourists’ Emotions and Intention to Recommend

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    This study develops a model based on the developmental theory of place attachment. The model considers the influence of tourists’ emotions on place attachment and the mediating effects of satisfaction and place attachment on the relationship between tourists’ emotions and intention to recommend. The model was tested using data collected from 464 international tourists at the end of their trip to Thailand. Results show that positive emotions, negative emotions and satisfaction are significant determinants of place attachment. In particular, negative emotions display a positive relationship with place attachment. In addition, only satisfaction mediates the relationship between tourists’ emotions and intention to recommend. Findings highlight the need for researchers to incorporate emotions in modeling place attachment and offer implications for marketers promoting Thailand as a tourist destination

    Explaining effervescence: Investigating the relationship between shared social identity and positive experience in crowds

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    We investigated the intensely positive emotional experiences arising from participation in a large-scale collective event. We predicted such experiences arise when those attending a collective event are (1) able to enact their valued collective identity and (2) experience close relations with other participants. In turn, we predicted both of these to be more likely when participants perceived crowd members to share a common collective identity. We investigated these predictions in a survey of pilgrims (N = 416) attending a month-long Hindu pilgrimage festival in north India. We found participants’ perceptions of a shared identity amongst crowd members had an indirect effect on their positive experience at the event through (1) increasing participants’ sense that they were able to enact their collective identity and (2) increasing the sense of intimacy with other crowd members. We discuss the implications of these data for how crowd emotion should be conceptualised

    Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities

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    Although consumer behaviour (CB) is one of the most researched areas in the field of tourism, few extensive reviews of the body of knowledge in this area exist. This review article examines what we argue are the key concepts, external influences and opportune research contexts in contemporary tourism CB research. Using a narrative review, we examine the CB literature published in three major tourism journals from 2000 to 2012. Of 519 articles identified and reviewed, 191 are included in this article. We examine the development of and scope for future research on nine key concepts, including decision-making, values, motivations, self-concept and personality, expectations, attitudes, perceptions, satisfaction, trust and loyalty. We then examine three important external influences on tourism behaviour, technology, Generation Y and the rise in concern over ethical consumption. Finally, we identify and discuss five research contexts that represent major areas for future scholarship: group and joint decision-making, under-researched segments, cross-cultural issues in emerging markets, emotions and consumer misbehaviour. Our examination of key research gaps is concluded by arguing that the hedonic and affective aspects of CB research in tourism must be brought to bear on the wider CB and marketing literature

    Measuring Tourists' Emotional Experiences: Further Validation of the Destination Emotion Scale

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    This study is an extension of Hosany and Gilbert’s original research on the development of a scale measuring the diversity and intensity of tourists’ emotional experiences toward destinations: the Destination Emotion Scale (DES). The DES consists of 15 items, representing three emotional dimensions: joy, love, and positive surprise. Although the DES displays solid psychometric properties, additional evidence is required of the scale’s validity. Using data collected from international tourists visiting two distinct destinations, Petra (Jordan) and Thailand, this study further examines the scale’s construct validity. Adopting state-of-the-art procedures guiding scale validation, results confirm the unidimensionality, reliability, convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity of the DES. In particular, discriminant validity tests show that emotions and place attachment are related but distinct constructs. The DES provides a useful tool for marketers and researchers to measure tourists’ emotional responses toward destinations

    Corporate images and customer behavioral intentions in an environmentally certified context: Promoting environmental sustainability in the hospitality industry

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    Growing environmental awareness has made customers change their attitudes andincreasingly demand that the hospitality industry provides products and services thatare environmentally friendly. This sector faces increasing pressure to operate in amore ecofriendly manner given its negative influence on the natural environment.Extant research demonstrates that sustainable tourism can be promoted throughenvironmental certifications. However, little attention has been paid to the relevanceof customer perceptions about these schemes and their influence on customerbehavioral intentions. So that, this study attempts to explore the conditions underwhich perceived green image leads to favorable customer behavioral intentionstowards environmentally certified hotels by considering the mediating effects offunctional and emotional images. A structured questionnaire was used to collect datafrom hotel customers in Spain. The results indicate that green image serves as apredictor of functional image, which in turn is linked to customer behavioralintentions. This shows that the evaluation of environmental issues influences theassessment of cognitive aspects, although not the direct evaluation of affectiveaspects. Consequently, green image associations directly influence the cognitiveresponses of consumers but not their emotions. Therefore, consumers will evaluatea hotel's functional image not only by considering traditional attributes but also bytaking into account environmental issues. These findings suggest that hotelcompanies should work to develop a green positioning strategy developing productsand services possessing both greenness and high?value attributes

    Analysis of the impact of length of stay on the quality of service experience, satisfaction and loyalty

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    Although length of stay is a relevant variable in destination management, little research has been produced connecting it with tourists' post-consumption behaviour. This research compares the post-consumption behaviour of same-day visitors with overnight tourists in a sample of 398 domestic vacationers at two Mediterranean heritage-and-beach destinations. Although economic research on length of stay posits that there are destination benefits in longer stays, same-day visitors score higher in most of the post-consumption variables under study. Significant differences arise in hedonic aspects of the tourist experience and destination loyalty. Thus, we propose that length of stay can be used as a segmentation variable. Furthermore, destination management organisations need to consider length of stay when designing tourism policies. The tourist product and communication strategies might be adapted to different vacation durations

    Local Authority planning provision for Event Management in Ireland: A Socio-Cultural Perspective

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    The increasing popularity of the event sector in Ireland has resulted in many community events being developed and marketed to international and domestic tourists alike. This growth has had an effect on host communities in a positive and negative manner. This paper assesses the current levels of Local Authority socio-cultural planning provision and guidelines for event management in Ireland. To achieve this, a content analysis approach was used to illustrate which Local Authorities in the Republic of Ireland employed socio-cultural tools and indicators for event management. Accordingly, analysis revealed a lack of Local Authority socio-cultural planning guidelines or policies for event management. However, this offers and opportunity to be improved by implementing and applying best practice indicators in socio-cultural policies and guidelines for event management in Ireland

    Rethinking place-making: aligning placeness factors with perceived urban design qualities (PUDQs) to improve the built environment in historical district

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    Understanding the concept of place is critically important for urban design and place-making practice, and this research attempted to investigate the pathways by which perceived urban design qualities (PUDQs) influence placeness factors in the Chinese context. Twelve hypotheses were developed and combined in a structural equation model for validation. The Tanhualin historical district in Wuhan, China was selected for the analysis. As a result, place attachment was verified as a critical bridge factor that mediated the influence of PUDQs on place satisfaction. Among the five selected PUDQs, walkability and space quality were revealed as the most influential factors associated with place attachment and place satisfaction. Accessibility was actually indirectly beneficial to place-making via the mediation of walkability. Corresponding implications and strategies were discussed to maintain the sense of place for historic districts

    Metabolic Phenotypes Reflect Patient Sex and Injury Status: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Human Synovial Fluid

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