56 research outputs found

    A Comparative Studies of Racial Prejudice Against African-american Portrayed in the Help and the Blind Side Movie

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    Keywords: Prejudice, Black African American, Comparative Literature, The Help, The Blind Side movie Literature which uses visual and acoustic elements is movie. Racialprejudice between white and black in this movie continuously appear and becomeinteresting to be studied more. Racial prejudice can happen to anyone, but thewriter here more focus on how the racial prejudice happens to blacks people inAmerica. The writer tries to find the problem of studies about the differences andsimilarities of racial prejudice experienced by two main characters of the moviesThe Help and The Blind Side in 1960 and 2000. The writer uses comparativestudies as the methodology in her research while historical approach is used as aresearch approach. Postcolonialism theory and Cinematography elements are alsoused as a theory to guide the writer study the issue. The writer uses model of prejudice expression who divides by Allport,they are antilocution or spoken abuse, avoidance, discrimination or legalized(Institutionalized) racism, Physical attack or violence against people and property,and extermination or genocide. In the finding of both movies, there are only threemodel of prejudice expression. They are antilocution, avoidance and legalizedracism. Antilocution and avoidance are found in both of the movies, whilelegalized racism is only found in The Help movie. This happens because bothmovies have different time setting. From these differences we can see how racialprejudice still exists between those years. In the result of this research the racialprejudice has decreases in their phase. There is a rule about Black and Whitesegregation in 1960 era that the writer found in The Help movie, but this law doesnot exist anymore in 2000 era as depicted The Blind Side movie because thepeople are more aware about humanism

    Wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera var. silvestris) in Italy: Distribution, characteristics and germplasm preservation-1989 report

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    Research on the distribution and characteristics of wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera var. silvestris) in Italy was started whose main goals are: the preservation of the germplasm by setting up plant collections;the furthering of biological knowledge about this plant;the study of relations between wild and cultivated grapevines by means of chemotaxonomic techniques;the assessment of the possibility of using wild plants for genetic improvement of grapevines.The gathering of data began in 1984. 221 sites in 15 out of the 20 Italian regions have been indicated as possible locations in which wild grapevines grow. So far, 49 of these sites have been inspected. The greatest number of individuals were found in central Italy. This population is dioecious (male/female = 1.8) with few (2.0 %) hermaphrodite examples.The leaves of the Italian wild grapevines generally have 3 lobes (57 %), but 5 to 7-lobe (36%) and non-lobed (8.9 %) plants exist. Lower variability exists with regard to leaf shape. The study of seed morphology has classified the plants into three groupe, one of which is very numerous.Two germplasm collections have been established with approximately 400 vines

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Makanan Berbasis Web pada Cafe Surabiku

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    Café merupakan tempat yang melayani pesanan minuman dan makanan, café juga merupakan salah satu pusat interaksi sosial dimana  orang-orang  dapat  berkumpul,  berbicara,  menulis,  membaca,  melawak,  atau sekedar mengisi waktu. Pemesanan adalah suatu aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh konsumen sebelum membeli. Untuk mewujudkan kepuasan konsumen maka Perusahaan harus mempunyai sebuah sistem pemesanan yang baik.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan software menggunakan metode waterfall. Pada saat ini Cafe Surabiku mengalami  kesulitan  dalam melayani  pemesanan dan masih menggunakan pencatatan yang belum terkomputerisasi atau masih menggunakan sistem konvesional. Dimana pembeli harus menunggu terlalu lama untuk memesan makanan, selain itu pelayan juga mengalami kesulitan dalam mencatat pesanan secara manual menggunakan kertas. Pencatatan  pesanan secara  manual  kurang efisien  dari  sisi  waktu. Maka untuk mewujudkan kepuasan konsumen dalam pemesanan makanan dibuatlah sebuah rancang bangun sistem informasi pemesanan pemesanan makanan berbasis web dengan menggunakan PHP dan Mysql. Kata Kunci: Pemesanan, Sistem Informasi, Café, We

    OXTR Gene DNA Methylation Levels Are Associated with Discounting Behavior with Untrustworthy Proposers

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    Individual differences in temporal and probabilistic discounting are associated with a wide range of life outcomes in literature. Traditional approaches have focused on impulsiveness and cognitive control skills, on goal-oriented personality traits as well as on the psychological perception of time. More recently, literature started to consider the role of social and contextual factors in discounting behavior. Between others, higher generalized trust in human beings and specific trust in people who will deliver the future/probabilistic rewards have been related to a stronger willingness to wait and to assume risk. Moreover, the tendency to trust others has been associated with the oxytocin receptor gene regulation that can be modified by life experiences. In this perspective, we hypothesized that differences in the tendency to wait and to take risks for a more desirable reward according to the proposer’s trustworthiness could be related to a different level of DNA methylation at the oxytocin receptor gene. Findings confirmed that participants are less willing to wait and to risk when the proposer is considered highly untrustworthy and revealed how higher oxytocin receptor gene DNA methylation is associated with a stronger effect due to the presence of an untrustworthy proposer. Limits and future directions are outlined

    Studies on the phytoplankton of the deep subalpine Lake Iseo

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    This paper reports the results of investigations carried out on the chemical characteristics and phytoplankton community of Lake Iseo. Samplings were performed on a monthly basis from 1998 to 2000. At least three main algal groups dominated the community throughout the study period. The large Bacillariophyceae were dominant mainly during late winter and early spring (Aulacoseira spp., Melosira varians, Asterionella formosa), with few species able to maintain occasional positive growth also during mid summer and/or autumn (Fragilaria crotonensis and Diatoma elongatum). The thermal stability of the water column and silica depletion were the main factors responsible for the decline of the large spring diatoms. The subsequent growth of Mougeotia sp. (Conjugatophyceae) was favoured by its lower sinking rate and resistance to increasing grazing pressure by the dominant copepods (Copidodiaptomus steueri) and cladocerans (Daphnia hyalina × galeata). Among the cyanobacteria, the greater development of Planktothrix rubescens in the autumn months, with conditions of vertical homogenisation and decreasing Zeu/Zmix ratios, was favoured by its ability to survive at low light irradiances. The temporal replacement of these three groups constitutes the main sequence of the annual phytoplankton succession in Lake Iseo. A large development of other algal groups was recorded only in one or two of the three study years (e.g. Dinophyceae and Chlorococcales). The changes observed in the annual phytoplankton development are discussed in the light of differences in the spring fertilisation of the waters, caused by differences in the depth of the layer involved in the late winter and spring vertical mixing

    Vitis vinifera - a chemotaxonomic approach: Seed storage proteins

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    The IEF pattern of the constituent peptides for the storage protein from Viris vinifera endosperm is used for the construction of a dendrogram relating 74 seed specimens

    Partnership Encounters in Literature(s), Poetry and Voices from Other Worlds

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    The academic bulk of this year’s Blue Gum contains texts in both English and Italian. Out of fourteen articles, seven are in Italian and seven in English. They all scrutinise and illuminate a diversity of relevant literary works under the lens of the biocultural partnership-domination theory (Eisler 1987). The literary texts in this issue range from the ancient to the contemporary, from ‘canon’ to post-decolonial literature, in a joyful variety of interrelated recurrences, connections and encounters. William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Doris Lessing, Ursula Le Guin, Bram Stoker, David Malouf and Jean Rhys are just few of the many writers tackled by our invited authors

    The promise of color in marketing: use, applications, tips and neuromarketing

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    In our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to many stimuli, some of which influence our behavior without full awareness. One of these stimuli is color. In particular, our purchasing decisions are guided by individual color preferences. Color preferences influence various daily tasks. For example, people make decisions within 90 s of their first interaction with products, and approximately 60-90% of the evaluation of a product is based solely on its color properties. However, these types of behavior often escape consumer awareness, so marketing may need the help of neuroscience. Thus, it is necessary to place color preferences at the center of marketing strategies. However, few attempts have been made to unify the literature on the contribution of different color characteristics and the role of consumer characteristics. This article reviews scholarly articles that focus on the use of color in marketing, identifying salient features and highlighting limitations. Practical implications and future directions for this area of research are outlined, with a particular interest in neuromarketing. The results obtained will be useful for both basic research and companies that want to operate consciously in the use of color
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