679 research outputs found

    Realization of CARE and EuCARD Projects in ISE-WUT, Accelerator and FEL Research, Development and Applications in Europe

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    There are described coordinating actions of the accelerator science in Europe in 2003-2009. The actions embrace basic science, as well as development and applications. The accelerator research was not coordinated in Europe at a global scale but was rather concentrated in a few centers owning large infrastructure. These centers include: CERN, DESY, GSI, INFN, LAL, PSI etc. Such coordinating actions enable a lot of positive processes including new possibilities for research centers in this country. It is much easier for them to extend, deepen or even start from the beginning their activities in the field of the accelerator technology. This field includes also free electron lasers. There are described two European framework projects CARE and EuCARD on accelerator technology, their extent and the participation of ISE WUT in them

    Nowa seria wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej "Technika Akceleratorowa"

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    The new Editorial Series of short research and didactic monographs on “Accelerator Technology” or in Polish “Technika Akceleratorowa” is devoted to all aspects of the research, design, construction, testing, commissioning and exploitation of very complex components and apparatus for particle accelerators, detectors, energy and particle sources, astrophysics and high energy physics experiments. A short, symbolic, title of the editorial series “Accelerator Technology”, embraces a large and flourishing branch of scientific activity. The monographs to be published in the series will be around 100 pages, usually not exceeding 150, and will provide a very concise and in depth discussion of relevant, narrowly defined topics. The books will be published in English, usually by international experts. They are mainly intended for students as well as young and new to the field engineers and physicists, as a fast start up for further and more advanced studies. The books originally stem from the EU FP6 CARE Project - Coordination of Accelerator Research in Europe and are successfully continued in the EU FP7 EuCARD Project - European Coordination of Accelerator Research. The editorial series was initiated by dr Roy Aleksan of CEA. The books were added to the EuCARD as a contractual item

    Development of accelerator technology in Poland, Impact of European CARE and EuCARD projects

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    The development of accelerator technology in Poland is strictly combined with the cooperation with specialist accelerator centers of global character, where the relevant knowledge is generated, allowing to build big and modern machines. These are relatively costly undertakings of interdisciplinary character. Most of them are financed from the local resources. Only the biggest machines are financed commonly by many nations like: LHC in CERN, ILC in Fermi Lab, E-XFEL in DESY. A similar financing solution has to be implemented in Poland, where a scientific and political campaign is underway on behalf of building two big machines, a Polish Synchrotron in Kraków and a Polish FEL in Świerk. Around these two projects, there are realized a dozen or so smaller ones

    Sustainable management in pecan cultivation in Argentina

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    243-248Pecan nut "Carya illinoinensis" is native from central and western U.S.A. and arrived in Argentina in the nineteenth century. The difference with other nuts is that it presents an 80 percent oil composition, with polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and 6 that help to reduce cholesterol and also prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains an antioxidant: vitamin E, and has a high content of fibre that helps to prevent colon cancer. Reduces bad cholesterol, helps keep blood pressure low and is recommended especially for patients with cancer and cardiac problems. A pecan sustainable farming system intends to be productive but at the same time, to preserve enviromental quality, favouring the use of biological practices over chemical inputs. Surface application of compost to pecan trees, is a common practice in organic orcharding. The objectives of the work were to compare compost and vermicompost with liquid fertilizer and a control without fertilization in a completely random block design with four replications, in a one-year crop with a planting frame of 8m x 8m. The application of organic amendments produced statistically significant changes in soil properties with reference to inorganic fertilizer, especially in the total carbon, microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus. Compost and vermicompost treatments produced statistically significant increases in factors related to production as tree height and diameter

    Towards the Data Processing Boards for CBM experiment

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    Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline ZrN PVD coatings on AISI 430 stainless steel

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    The nanocrystalline films of zirconium nitride have been synthesized using ion-plasma vacuum-arc deposition technique in combination with high-frequency discharge (RF) on AISI 430 stainless steel at 150oC. Structure examinations X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoidentation method – were performed to study phase and chemical composition, surface morphology, microstructure and nanohardness of coatings. The developed technology provided low-temperature coatings synthesis, minimized discharge breakdown decreasing formation of macroparticles (MPs) and allowed to deposit ZrN coatings with hardness variation 26.6…31.5 GPa. It was revealed that ZrN single-phase coatings of cubic modification with finecrystalline grains of 20 nm in size were formed

    Teaching English as a foreign language: a case study from Poland

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    This article presents a detailed history of the development of a particular immersion program to teach English to young Polish students. The program draws support from two organizations, the Kościuszko Foundation and the Polish Scouting Organization. Kościuszko Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the ties between the United States and Poland as well as to increase knowledge of Poland’s history and culture in the United States. The cooperation of these two organizations developed an experience of immersion in language and cultural exchange. Both the teachers and the students in this program benefited from the opportunity to engage in a number of different types of language activities and cultural events through a summer camp experience. This program is, of course, unique, but the elements of context, culture and immersion could be used in other programs to develop English skills and knowledge in the context American culture


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    Paper it is devoted working out of provisions on safety work of workers on sections manufacture of powdered zirconium. The thin chip and zirconium rasping’s easily light up. At presence in air of certain concentration of a dust from zirconium and a heating source there can be an ignition and explosion. Therefore it is widely used in fireworks at manufacturing of lamps for flashlights, caps-detonators, and a nitro powder and for fireworks.By working out of processes manufacture of a powder from zirconium, at designing of industrial installations and their maintenance it is necessary to consider, as it is told above, tall explosive and fire danger of this product. Therefore production processes a powder of zirconium should be mechanized and automated.All works (restoration, flushing out, treatment, crushing, screening and another) should be carried out in the separate premises rigged with system of plenum-exhaust ventilation.The metal powder in the form of a mix with water is stored in an incombustible room with constant temperature a little above a freezing point. The powder relative humidity should be in limits of 15-20 %. Separately packed portions of a powder are recommended to be kept separately for decrease quantity of zirconium which can be annihilated fire in case of a fire.Burning rather zirconium small amounts can be stopped a considerable quantity of the lather, applied so that not to call powder inflating. In these cases it is possible to apply dry sand and feldspar also.If in circulation there is a small amount of zirconium in the form separate portions properly packed in case an ignition one of them it is better to give the chance to burn down easy to it up to the end.Workers in production areas and premises storing of a powder should be in special shoe without metal nails and in overalls from a fire-resistant material, for protection against fire to wear goggles or the shield for the person from a high-melting material.Paper it is devoted working out of provisions on safety work of workers on sections manufacture of powdered zirconium. The thin chip and zirconium rasping’s easily light up. At presence in air of certain concentration of a dust from zirconium and a heating source there can be an ignition and explosion. Therefore it is widely used in fireworks at manufacturing of lamps for flashlights, caps-detonators, and a nitro powder and for fireworks.By working out of processes manufacture of a powder from zirconium, at designing of industrial installations and their maintenance it is necessary to consider, as it is told above, tall explosive and fire danger of this product. Therefore production processes a powder of zirconium should be mechanized and automated.All works (restoration, flushing out, treatment, crushing, screening and another) should be carried out in the separate premises rigged with system of plenum-exhaust ventilation.The metal powder in the form of a mix with water is stored in an incombustible room with constant temperature a little above a freezing point. The powder relative humidity should be in limits of 15-20 %. Separately packed portions of a powder are recommended to be kept separately for decrease quantity of zirconium which can be annihilated fire in case of a fire.Burning rather zirconium small amounts can be stopped a considerable quantity of the lather, applied so that not to call powder inflating. In these cases it is possible to apply dry sand and feldspar also.If in circulation there is a small amount of zirconium in the form separate portions properly packed in case an ignition one of them it is better to give the chance to burn down easy to it up to the end.Workers in production areas and premises storing of a powder should be in special shoe without metal nails and in overalls from a fire-resistant material, for protection against fire to wear goggles or the shield for the person from a high-melting material

    Міжурядовий підхід нового лібералізму у розвитку інтеграційних процесів

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    Investigated intergovernmental theory approach to understanding the new liberalism integration processes. Determined the nature of the liberal intergovernmental approach that Andrew Moravchik developed within the new liberalism. Emphasized that the intergovernmental approach of the new liberalism theory considers national preferences in international relations as being primarily determined by domestic political processes. Liberal intergovernmental approach rejects the rhetoric of so­called national interests and instead focuses on interest groups that define a specific government policy regarding foreign partners. Specified on crucial economic lobbying pressure defined interest groups in the formation of national preferences. The features considering interest groups that determine foreign policy under the intergovernmental approach a theory of new liberalism. Singled out a number of critical approaches to the liberal intergovernmental approach given the nature explanation integration processes. Clarified the value of the intergovernmental approach within theories of political integration by taking into account the theoretical and conceptual foundations of his liberal variety ­ liberal intergovernmental approach as part of a new theory of liberalism, which involves the formation of national preferences in international relations through domestic contexts interaction of national interest groups and their lobbying pressure. У представленій статті досліджено міжурядовий підхід теорії нового лібералізму до розуміння євроінтеграційних процесів. Визначено природу ліберального міжурядового підходу, який  Ендрю Моравчік розвинув у рамках нового лібералізму. Наголошено, що міжурядовий підхід теорії нового лібералізму розглядає національні преференції у міжнародних відносинах як такі, що визначаються передовсім внутрішньополітичними процесами. Ліберальний міжурядовий підхід відкидає риторику про так звані національні інтереси і замість цього концентрується на групах інтересів, які визначають конкретну політику держави стосовно зовнішньополітичних партнерів.  Вказано на вирішальне значення економічного лобістського тиску визначених груп інтересів при формуванні національних преференцій. З’ясовано особливості розгляду груп інтересів, які визначають зовнішню політику держави у рамках міжурядового підходу теорії нового лібералізму. Виокремлено низку критичних підходів щодо ліберального міжурядового підходу з огляду на характер експланації інтеграційних процесів. Уточнено значення міжурядового підходу у рамках теорій політичної інтеграції за рахунок врахування теоретико­концептуальних засад його ліберального різновиду – ліберального міжурядового підходу як складової теорії нового лібералізму, що передбачає формування національних преференцій у міжнародних відносинах через внутрішньополітичні контексти взаємодії національних груп інтересів та їхній лобістський тиск. У представленій статті досліджено міжурядовий підхід теорії нового лібералізму до розуміння євроінтеграційних процесів. Визначено природу ліберального міжурядового підходу, який  Ендрю Моравчік розвинув у рамках нового лібералізму. Наголошено, що міжурядовий підхід теорії нового лібералізму розглядає національні преференції у міжнародних відносинах як такі, що визначаються передовсім внутрішньополітичними процесами. Ліберальний міжурядовий підхід відкидає риторику про так звані національні інтереси і замість цього концентрується на групах інтересів, які визначають конкретну політику держави стосовно зовнішньополітичних партнерів.  Вказано на вирішальне значення економічного лобістського тиску визначених груп інтересів при формуванні національних преференцій. З’ясовано особливості розгляду груп інтересів, які визначають зовнішню політику держави у рамках міжурядового підходу теорії нового лібералізму. Виокремлено низку критичних підходів щодо ліберального міжурядового підходу з огляду на характер експланації інтеграційних процесів. Уточнено значення міжурядового підходу у рамках теорій політичної інтеграції за рахунок врахування теоретико­концептуальних засад його ліберального різновиду – ліберального міжурядового підходу як складової теорії нового лібералізму, що передбачає формування національних преференцій у міжнародних відносинах через внутрішньополітичні контексти взаємодії національних груп інтересів та їхній лобістський тиск.