225 research outputs found

    Ochratoxin A-induced cytotoxicity in liver (HepG2) cells: Impact of serum concentration, dietary antioxidants and glutathione-modulating compounds

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    Abbrevations: BSO, buthionine sulfoximine; CAT, catechin; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; DTNB, dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid; EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate; FCS, foetal calf serum; GSH, glutathione; IARC, international agency for research on cancer; NAC, N-acetylcysteine; NO, nitric oxide; NR, neutral red; OATP, organic anion-transporting polypeptide; OTA, ochratoxin A; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; QUE, quercetin; ROS, reactive oxygen species; ROSAC, rosmarinic acid; RPMI, roswell park memorial institute; α-TOC, α-tocopherol; α-TOC-P, α-tocopherol phosphat

    Pflanzen für die Gesundheit-Vorstellung eines neuen interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes zum ökologischen Anbau von Arzneipflanzen

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    Ecologically grown medicinal plants containing bioactive compounds hold great poten-tial as high-value niche crops for farmers. However, the way to grow these plants differs from traditional crops. Growing techniques, harvest methods and postharvest handling of the raw material plays a crucial role regarding the quality of the raw material that the farmers can offer. The purpose of a new research project financed by EU-Interreg IIIA programme is among other things to carry out production, harvest and processing experiments with plants containing bioactive plant compounds that hold a preventive effect toward diabetes II. One of the project´s goals is to draw up cultivation instructions for the primary producers to use when cultivating the plants in question. Examples of the plants that are being examined in the project are Goat´s Rue (Galega officinalis) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

    A comprehensive in-vitro/in-vivo screening toolbox for the elucidation of glucose homeostasis modulating properties of plant extracts (from roots) and its bioactives

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    Plant extracts are increasingly recognized for their potential in modulating (postprandial) blood glucose levels. In this context, root extracts are of particular interest due to their high concentrations and often unique spectrum of plant bioactives. To identify new plant species with potential glucose-lowering activity, simple and robust methodologies are often required. For this narrative review, literature was sourced from scientific databases (primarily PubMed) in the period from June 2022 to January 2024. The regulatory targets of glucose homeostasis that could be modulated by bioactive plant compounds were used as search terms, either alone or in combination with the keyword “root extract”. As a result, we present a comprehensive methodological toolbox for studying the glucose homeostasis modulating properties of plant extracts and its constituents. The described assays encompass in-vitro investigations involving enzyme inhibition (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, dipeptidyl peptidase 4), assessment of sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 activity, and evaluation of glucose transporter 4 translocation. Furthermore, we describe a patch-clamp technique to assess the impact of extracts on KATP channels. While validating in-vitro findings in living organisms is imperative, we introduce two screenable in-vivo models (the hen’s egg test and Drosophila melanogaster). Given that evaluation of the bioactivity of plant extracts in rodents and humans represents the current gold standard, we include approaches addressing this aspect. In summary, this review offers a systematic guide for screening plant extracts regarding their influence on key regulatory elements of glucose homeostasis, culminating in the assessment of their potential efficacy in-vivo. Moreover, application of the presented toolbox might contribute to further close the knowledge gap on the precise mechanisms of action of plant-derived compounds

    Association between genetic variants in the Coenzyme Q10 metabolism and Coenzyme Q10 status in humans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coenzyme Q<sub>10 </sub>(CoQ<sub>10</sub>) is essential for mitochondrial energy production and serves as an antioxidants in extra mitochondrial membranes. The genetics of primary CoQ<sub>10 </sub>deficiency has been described in several studies, whereas the influence of common genetic variants on CoQ<sub>10 </sub>status is largely unknown. Here we tested for non-synonymous single-nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNP) in genes involved in the biosynthesis (CoQ3<sup>G272S </sup>, CoQ6<sup>M406V</sup>, CoQ7<sup>M103T</sup>), reduction (NQO1<sup>P187S</sup>, NQO2<sup>L47F</sup>) and metabolism (apoE3/4) of CoQ<sub>10 </sub>and their association with CoQ<sub>10 </sub>status. For this purpose, CoQ<sub>10 </sub>serum levels of 54 healthy male volunteers were determined before (T<sub>0</sub>) and after a 14 days supplementation (T<sub>14</sub>) with 150 mg/d of the reduced form of CoQ<sub>10</sub>.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>At T<sub>0</sub>, the CoQ<sub>10 </sub>level of heterozygous NQO1<sup>P187S </sup>carriers were significantly lower than homozygous S/S carriers (0.93 ± 0.25 μM versus 1.34 ± 0.42 μM, p = 0.044). For this polymorphism a structure homology-based method (PolyPhen) revealed a possibly damaging effect on NQO1 protein activity. Furthermore, CoQ<sub>10 </sub>plasma levels were significantly increased in apoE4/E4 genotype after supplementation in comparison to apoE2/E3 genotype (5.93 ± 0.151 μM versus 4.38 ± 0.792 μM, p = 0.034). Likewise heterozygous CoQ3<sup>G272S </sup>carriers had higher CoQ<sub>10 </sub>plasma levels at T<sub>14 </sub>compared to G/G carriers but this difference did not reach significance (5.30 ± 0.96 μM versus 4.42 ± 1.67 μM, p = 0.082).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, our pilot study provides evidence that NQO1<sup>P187S </sup>and apoE polymorphisms influence CoQ<sub>10 </sub>status in humans.</p

    Living long and well: prospects for a personalized approach to the medicine of ageing

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    Research into ageing and its underlying molecular basis enables us to develop and implement targeted interventions to ameliorate or cure its consequences. However, the efficacy of interventions often differs widely between individuals, suggesting that populations should be stratified or even individualized. Large-scale cohort studies in humans, similar systematic studies in model organisms as well as detailed investigations into the biology of ageing can provide individual validated biomarkers and mechanisms, leading to recommendations for targeted interventions. Human cohort studies are already ongoing, and they can be supplemented by in silico simulations. Systematic studies in animal models are made possible by the use of inbred strains or genetic reference populations of mice. Combining the two, a comprehensive picture of the various determinants of ageing and ‘health span' can be studied in detail, and an appreciation of the relevance of results from model organisms to humans is emerging. The interactions between genotype and environment, particularly the psychosocial environment, are poorly studied in both humans and model organisms, presenting serious challenges to any approach to a personalized medicine of ageing. To increase the success of preventive interventions, we argue that there is a pressing need for an individualized evaluation of interventions such as physical exercise, nutrition, nutraceuticals and calorie restriction mimetics as well as psychosocial and environmental factors, separately and in combination. The expected extension of the health span enables us to refocus health care spending on individual prevention, starting in late adulthood, and on the brief period of morbidity at very old ag

    Plasma markers of oxidative stress are uncorrelated in a wild mammal.

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Oxidative stress, which results from an imbalance between the production of potentially damaging reactive oxygen species versus antioxidant defenses and repair mechanisms, has been proposed as an important mediator of life-history trade-offs. A plethora of biomarkers associated with oxidative stress exist, but few ecological studies have examined the relationships among different markers in organisms experiencing natural conditions or tested whether those relationships are stable across different environments and demographic groups. It is therefore not clear to what extent studies of different markers can be compared, or whether studies that focus on a single marker can draw general conclusions regarding oxidative stress. We measured widely used markers of oxidative damage (protein carbonyls and malondialdehyde) and antioxidant defense (superoxide dismutase and total antioxidant capacity) from 706 plasma samples collected over a 4-year period in a wild population of Soay sheep on St Kilda. We quantified the correlation structure among these four markers across the entire sample set and also within separate years, age groups (lambs and adults), and sexes. We found some moderately strong correlations between some pairs of markers when data from all 4 years were pooled. However, these correlations were caused by considerable among-year variation in mean marker values; correlation coefficients were small and not significantly different from zero after accounting for among-year variation. Furthermore, within each year, age, and sex subgroup, the pairwise correlation coefficients among the four markers were weak, nonsignificant, and distributed around zero. In addition, principal component analysis confirmed that the four markers represented four independent axes of variation. Our results suggest that plasma markers of oxidative stress may vary dramatically among years, presumably due to environmental conditions, and that this variation can induce population-level correlations among markers even in the absence of any correlations within contemporaneous subgroups. The absence of any consistent correlations within years or demographic subgroups implies that care must be taken when generalizing from observed relationships with oxidative stress markers, as each marker may reflect different and potentially uncoupled biochemical processes.We would like to thank Melissa M. Page, Ruth Banks, Christopher Mitchell and Sharon Mitchell for technical assistance and the St Kilda summer field teams of 2010-2013. In addition, we are very grateful to the National Trust for Scotland for permission to carry out fieldwork on St Kilda, and QinetiQ, Angus Campbell and Kilda Cruises for logistic support. LLC was supported by a BBSRC EASTBIO Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship and DHN by a BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship. The Soay sheep project was supported by a NERC responsive mode grant to JMP over the course of our four-year study

    The decreased molar ratio of phytate:zinc improved zinc nutriture in South Koreans for the past 30 years (1969-1998)

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    For the assessment of representative and longitudinal Zn nutriture in South Koreans, Zn, phytate and Ca intakes were determined using four consecutive years of food consumption data taken from Korean National Nutrition Survey Report (KNNSR) every 10 years during 1969-1998. The nutrient intake data are presented for large city and rural areas. Zn intake of South Koreans in both large city and rural areas was low during 1969-1988 having values between 4.5-5.6 mg/d, after then increased to 7.4 (91% Estimated Average Requirements for Koreans, EAR = 8.1 mg/d) and 6.7 mg/d (74% EAR) in 1998 in large city and rural areas, respectively. In 1968, Zn intake was unexpectedly higher in rural areas due to higher grain consumption, but since then until 1988 Zn intake was decreased and increased back in 1998. Food sources for Zn have shifted from plants to a variety of animal products. Phytate intake of South Koreans during 1969-1978 was high mainly due to the consumption of grains and soy products which are major phytate sources, but decreased in 1998. The molar ratios of phytate:Zn and millimmolar ratio of phytate×Ca:Zn were decreased due to the decreased phytate intake in South Koreans, which implies higher zinc bioavailability. The study results suggest that Zn nutriture has improved by increased dietary Zn intakes and the decreased molar ratio of phytate:Zn in South Koreans in both large city and rural areas