258 research outputs found

    Individual thermal comfort prediction using classification tree model based on physiological parameters and thermal history in winter

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    Individual thermal comfort models based on physiological parameters could improve the efficiency of the personal thermal comfort control system. However, the effect of thermal history has not been fully addressed in these models. In this study, climate chamber experiments were conducted in winter using 32 subjects who have different indoor and outdoor thermal histories. Two kinds of thermal conditions were investigated: the temperature dropping (24–16 °C) and severe cold (12 °C) conditions. A simplified method using historical air temperature to quantify the thermal history was proposed and used to predict thermal comfort and thermal demand from physical or physiological parameters. Results show the accuracies of individual thermal sensation prediction was low to about 30% by using the PMV index in cold environments of this study. Base on the sensitivity and reliability of physiological responses, five local skin temperatures (at hand, calf, head, arm and thigh) and the heart rate are optimal input parameters for the individual thermal comfort model. With the proposed historical air temperature as an additional input, the general accuracies using classification tree model C5.0 were increased up by 15.5% for thermal comfort prediction and up by 29.8% for thermal demand prediction. Thus, when predicting thermal demands in winter, the factor of thermal history should be considered

    Children\u27s experiences of companion animal maltreatment in households characterized by intimate partner violence

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    Cruelty toward companion animals is a well-documented, coercive tactic used by abusive partners to intimidate and control their intimate partners. Experiences of co-occurring violence are common for children living in families with intimate partner violence (IPV) and surveys show that more than half are also exposed to abuse of their pets. Given children\u27s relationships with their pets, witnessing such abuse may be traumatic for them. Yet little is known about the prevalence and significance of this issue for children. The present study examines the experiences of children in families with co-occurring pet abuse and IPV. Using qualitative methods, 58 children ages 7–12 who were exposed to IPV were asked to describe their experiences of threats to and harm of their companion animals. Following the interviews, template analysis was employed to systematically develop codes and themes. Coding reliability was assessed using Randolph\u27s free-marginal multirater kappa (kfree = .90). Five themes emerged from the qualitative data, the most common being children\u27s exposure to pet abuse as a power and control tactic against their mother in the context of IPV. Other themes were animal maltreatment to discipline or punish the pet, animal cruelty by a sibling, children intervening to prevent pet abuse, and children intervening to protect the pet during a violent episode. Results indicate that children\u27s experiences of pet abuse are multifaceted, potentially traumatic, and may involve multiple family members with diverse motives

    Rekommendation om måltider för högskolestuderande : Mat ger hälsa.

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    Motsvarande version på finska har getts ut under namnet Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden ruokailusuositus. Terveyttä ruoasta, 2016. 978-951-669-994-6 (pdf ). Översättning Annika Cavonius.Måltider för studerande vid universitet och yrkeshögskolor subventioneras med statliga medel i form av det måltidsstöd som betalas av FPA. Enligt statsrådets förordning ska måltiderna för studerande fylla de allmänna kvalitetskraven i fråga om hälsosam och näringsrik mat. Den här rekommendationen preciserar förordningen om måltidsstödet och stöder en gynnsam utveckling av de studerandes näringsläge och hälsa. Rekommendationen erbjuder ett arbetsredskap som hjälper studentrestaurangerna vid planeringen och tillredningen av måltider som uppfyller kriterierna för måltidsstöd. Rekommendationen är avsedd som ett arbetsredskap för dem som arbetar inom måltidsservicen och som en informationskälla också för studerande och för dem som svarar för de studerandes hälso- och sjukvård. En studentmåltid ska täcka ungefär en tredjedel av det dagliga energibehovet och följa näringsrekommendationerna till sin sammansättning. Särskild uppmärksamhet måste ägnas åt fetternas och kolhydraternas kvalitet och åt mängden salt. Måltidernas näringskvalitet ska beaktas också vid konkurrensutsättning av studentrestauranger. En studentmåltid ska tillredas av sådana ingredienser som rekommenderas och bilda en helhet som förutom huvudrätt omfattar dryck, sallad, bröd och smörgåsfett. Det måste finnas minst två måltidsalternativ till grundpris att välja mellan. Förutom dem kan man på menyn ha en specialportion, tillredd av dyrare råvaror än de studentmåltider som säljs till grundpris. För planeringen och tillredningen av vegetarisk kost och specialdieter gäller samma rekommendationer som för andra måltider. Det ska finnas en beskrivning av en modellmåltid enligt tallriksmodellen för de studerande och vid behov ska de få vägledning i valet av mat. FPA övervakar att rekommendationen följs. De studerande ska själva ansvara för att dagens övriga måltider och mellanmålen främjar hälsan, viktkontrollen och studieenergin. Det är viktigt att vara uppmärksam både i fråga om fett, kolhydrater och salt och i fråga om måltidsrytmen, portionsstorlekarna, valet av drycker, ett tillräckligt intag av D-vitamin, folat och jod samt tandhälsan

    Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden ruokailusuositus : Terveyttä ruoasta

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    Yliopisto- ja ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden ruokailua tuetaan valtion varoin Kelan maksaman ateriatuen muodossa. Valtioneuvoston asetuksen mukaan opiskelija-aterian tulee täyttää laadultaan yleiset terveydelliset ja ravitsemukselliset vaatimukset. Tämä suositus tarkentaa ateriatukea koskevaa asetusta sekä tukee opiskelijoiden ravitsemuksen ja terveyden myönteistä kehitystä. Suositus tarjoaa työvälineen, joka auttaa opiskelijaravintoloita ateriatuen kriteerit täyttävien aterioiden suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Suositus on tarkoitettu työvälineeksi ruokapalveluhenkilöstölle ja tietolähteeksi myös opiskelijoille ja heidän terveydenhuollostaan vastaaville. Opiskelija-aterian tulee kattaa noin kolmannes päivittäisestä energian tarpeesta ja olla koostumukseltaan ravitsemussuositusten mukainen. Huomiota tulee kiinnittää erityisesti rasvojen ja hiilihydraattien laatuun sekä suolan määrään. Aterioiden ravitsemuksellinen laatu tulee ottaa huomioon myös opiskelijaravintoloiden kilpailutuksessa. Opiskelija-aterian tulee olla suositeltavista ruoka-aineista koostuva ateriakokonaisuus, joka sisältää pääruoan lisäksi juoman, salaatin, leivän ja levitteen. Tarjolla pitää olla vähintään kaksi perushintaista ateriavaihtoehtoa. Näiden lisäksi voidaan tarjota erikoisannos, jonka raaka-ainekustannukset ovat kalliimmat kuin perushintaisessa opiskelija-ateriassa. Kasvis- ja erityisruokavalioiden suunnittelua ja valmistusta koskevat samat suositukset kuin muitakin aterioita. Opiskelijoille tulee kuvata lautasmalliin perustuva malliateria ja antaa tarvittaessa ohjausta ruokavalinnoissa. Kela valvoo suosituksen toteutumista. Opiskelijoiden omalla vastuulla on se, että päivän muutkin ateriat sekä välipalat ovat terveyttä, painonhallintaa ja opiskeluvireyttä tukevia. Tärkeää on kiinnittää huomiota rasvojen, hiilihydraattien ja suolan lisäksi ruokailurytmiin, annoskokoihin, juomien valintaan, D-vitamiinin, folaatin ja jodin riittävään saantiin sekä hammasterveyteen.Toinen, korjattu paino

    Estudo da contribuição de um sistema de ar condicionado com distribuição de ar pelo piso para a remoção de particulados e dióxido de carbono do ar de um ambiente interno

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    É crescente a preocupação com a qualidade do ar em ambientes internos, dado que ela impacta na saúde e produtividade dos ocupantes. Alguns estudos relatam vantagens do sistema de ar condicionado com distribuição de ar pelo piso sobre os sistemas convencionais na remoção de poluentes do ar interior. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar, experimentalmente e em condições reais de uso, a contribuição de um sistema UFAD para a remoção de particulados e CO2 do ar de uma sala de aula do Departamento de Engenharia de Construção Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP. A verificação baseou-se em medições das concentrações de partículas na zona de respiração para pessoas sentadas e na exaustão do ar simultaneamente, sob seis diferentes valores de temperatura do ar preestabelecidos para a zona ocupada. Essas concentrações permitiram o cálculo do Índice de Efetividade na Remoção de Particulado (IERP) em diversos pontos do ambiente. Análise similar foi realizada para o CO2. As baixas concentrações do Total de Partículas em Suspensão (TPS) sugerem que esse sistema não dispersa particulados no ambiente. Os IERP próximos a 1,0 para TPS e CO2 mostraram a boa contribuição desse sistema em sua remoção, sob diversas condições de operação

    The effect of hot days on occupational heat stress in the manufacturing industry: implications for workers' well-being and productivity

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    Climate change is expected to exacerbate heat stress at the workplace in temperate regions, such as Slovenia. It is therefore of paramount importance to study present and future summer heat conditions and analyze the impact of heat on workers. A set of climate indices based on summer mean (Tmean) and maximum (Tmax) air temperatures, such as the number of hot days (HD: Tmax above 30 °C), and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) were used to account for heat conditions in Slovenia at six locations in the period 1981–2010. Observed trends (1961–2011) of Tmean and Tmax in July were positive, being larger in the eastern part of the country. Climate change projections showed an increase up to 4.5 °C for mean temperature and 35 days for HD by the end of the twenty-first century under the high emission scenario. The increase in WBGT was smaller, although sufficiently high to increase the frequency of days with a high risk of heat stress up to an average of a third of the summer days. A case study performed at a Slovenian automobile parts manufacturing plant revealed non-optimal working conditions during summer 2016 (WBGT mainly between 20 and 25 °C). A survey conducted on 400 workers revealed that 96% perceived the temperature conditions as unsuitable, and 56% experienced headaches and fatigue. Given these conditions and climate change projections, the escalating problem of heat is worrisome. The European Commission initiated a program of research within the Horizon 2020 program to develop a heat warning system for European workers and employers, which will incorporate case-specific solutions to mitigate heat stress.The work was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action (Project number 668786: HEATSHIELD)

    The Generationing of Power: A Comparison of Child-Parent and Sibling Relations in Scotland

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    The paper concentrates on an exploration of power relations within families. The paper discusses parental power in relation to legitimacy, household resources and children’s anticipated reactions of adult discipline. The nature of sibling power is highlighted before exploring the reciprocal expectations of sibling and child-parent interactions. The paper ends by suggesting that the generationing of power relations can lead to differing degrees of backstage and frontstage performances within the home