196 research outputs found

    Dampak Pembangunan Perkebunan Karet-rakyat terhadap Kehidupan Petani di Riau

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    Meaning sense of this paper is to explain and to analyze development process (insmallholder rubber sub sector) that have done by the government in Riau Province. Agriculturalsystem which plantation system is a compatible model with in local people. Afterwards for toexplain reality and to phenomenon analysis and what dynamic happen in that development, soanalysis and it's examine pressured to literacy study and others theory and to use information's.The development problems appear because of the modernization strategy that applied by thegovernment less accommodating local potential's, with the result that local societies think that thedevelopment are not for them. And finally, development programs less popular in the societiesand can not supported by the people, so consequences social change not yet

    Assembly and force measurement with SPM-like probes in holographic optical tweezers

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    We report a high fidelity tomographic reconstruction of the quantum state of photon pairs generated by parametric down-conversion with orbital angular momentum (OAM) entanglement. Our tomography method allows us to estimate an upper and lower bound for the entanglement between the down-converted photons. We investigate the two-dimensional state subspace defined by the OAM states ±ℓ and superpositions thereof, with ℓ=1, 2, ..., 30. We find that the reconstructed density matrix, even for OAMs up to around ℓ=20, is close to that of a maximally entangled Bell state with a fidelity in the range between F=0.979 and F=0.814. This demonstrates that, although the single count-rate diminishes with increasing ℓ, entanglement persists in a large dimensional state space


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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Kota Bandung diperoleh masalah disiplin kerja yang belum maksimal, hal ini terlihat dari indikator : tujuan dan kemampuan yang jelas, teladan pimpinan, balas jasa, keadilan, pengawasan melekat, sanksi hukuman, ketegasan dan hubungan kemanusiaan. .Hal ini disebabkan oleh sistem informasi administrasi presensi yang belum optimal, hal ini terlihat dari indikator: blok input, blok model, blok keluaran, blok teknologi dan basis data.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, yaitu metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk meneliti pada populasi atau sampel tertentu, pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument penelitian, analisis data bersifat kuantitatif/statistik, dengan tujuan untuk menguji hipotesis yang telah diterapkan. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari studi kepustakaan, studi lapangan (observasi partisipan dan non partisipan, wawancara mendalam kepada Kepala Dinas, angket yang disebarkan kepada 14 responden yaitu Kepala Bidang dan Kepala Seksi Dinas), desain penelitian, data dan sumber data, key informan dan informan, dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah secara kuantitatif diperoleh hasil sebesar 52,8% pengaruh sistem informasi administrasi presensi terhadap disiplin kerja di Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Kota Bandung mempunyai pengaruh yang moderat/sedang. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Administrasi Presensi, Disiplin Kerj


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    Kompetensi pegawai berperan dalam perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian organisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya. Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah kompetensi pegawai pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Subang yang belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kompetensi pegawai dan untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur kompetensi yang menjadi penentu dalam implementasi kompetensi pegawai di Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan karyawan dalam memahami persyaratan pendaftaran serikat pekerja masih rendah, hal ini disebabkan kurangnya daya tanggap karyawan dalam menyelesaikan masalah keterlambatan proses pembuatan pencatatan serikat pekerja. Keahlian pegawai nampaknya belum maksimal dengan indikator adanya permasalahan sebagai berikut: dalam pencatatan kegiatan Serikat Pekerja masih terdapat data yang tidak sinkron yang menyebabkan kualitas pelayanan terkait data serikat pekerja dari Perusahaan ke Jasa, Khususnya Bidang Pembangunan dan Perlindungan Ketenagakerjaan yang dilaporkan sampai data yang ada tidak tercatat. perbarui secara teratur. Unsur penentu dalam pelaksanaan kompetensi pegawai di Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Subang menurut hasil penelitian adalah sikap. Dengan adanya landasan perilaku pegawai yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai serta Kode Etik dan Tata Tertib diharapkan dapat menciptakan aparatur pemerintah yang bersih, berwibawa, dan bertanggung jawab. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi karyawa

    FAO/IBPGR technical guidelines for the safe movement of grapevine germplasm

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    These guidelines are divided into 2 parts. The first makes general recommendations on how best to move Vitis germplasm (general recommendations, technical recommendations, and therapy and indexing strategy) and mentions institutions recovering and maintaining healthy grape germplasm. The second part covers the important virus, viroid, virus-like, mollicute, bacterial and fungal diseases of quarantine concern. The information given on any particular pathogen concentrates on those aspects most relevant to quarantine. (Abstract © CAB ABSTRACTS, CAB International

    The importance of post-translocation monitoring of habitat use and population growth: insights from a Seychelles Warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) translocation

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    Translocations are a valuable tool within conservation, and when performed successfully can rescue species from extinction. However, to label a translocation a success, extensive post-translocation monitoring is required, ensuring the population is growing at the expected rate. In 2011, a habitat assessment identified FrĂ©gate Island as a suitable island to host a Seychelles Warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) population. Later that year, 59 birds were translocated from Cousin Island to FrĂ©gate Island. Here, we determine Seychelles Warbler habitat use and population growth on FrĂ©gate Island, assessing the status of the translocation and identifying any interventions that may be required. We found that territory quality, an important predictor of fledgling production on Cousin Island, was a poor predictor of bird presence on FrĂ©gate Island. Instead, tree diversity, middle-storey vegetation density, and broad-leafed vegetation density all predicted bird presence positively. A habitat suitability map based on these results suggests most of FrĂ©gate Island contains either a suitable or a moderately suitable habitat, with patches of unsuitable overgrown coconut plantation. To achieve the maximum potential Seychelles Warbler population size on FrĂ©gate Island, we recommend habitat regeneration, such that the highly diverse subset of broad-leafed trees and a dense middle storey should be protected and replace the unsuitable coconut. FrĂ©gate Island’s Seychelles Warbler population has grown to 141 birds since the release, the slowest growth rate of all Seychelles Warbler translocations; the cause of this is unclear. This study highlights the value of post-translocation monitoring, identifying habitat use and areas requiring restoration, and ultimately ensuring that the population is growing

    Wave-guided optical waveguides

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    This work primarily aims to fabricate and use two photon polymerization (2PP) microstructures capable of being optically manipulated into any arbitrary orientation. We have integrated optical waveguides into the structures and therefore have freestanding waveguides, which can be positioned anywhere in the sample at any orientation using optical traps. One of the key aspects to the work is the change in direction of the incident plane wave, and the marked increase in the numerical aperture demonstrated. Hence, the optically steered waveguide can tap from a relatively broader beam and then generate a more tightly confined light at its tip. The paper contains both simulation, related to the propagation of light through the waveguide, and experimental demonstrations using our BioPhotonics Workstation. In a broader context, this work shows that optically trapped microfabricated structures can potentially help bridge the diffraction barrier. This structure-mediated paradigm may be carried forward to open new possibilities for exploiting beams from far-field optics down to the subwavelength domain. (C)2012 Optical Society of Americ
