280 research outputs found

    A Map of Periodicity Orthogonal to Frequency Representation in the Cat Auditory Cortex

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    Harmonic sounds, such as voiced speech sounds and many animal communication signals, are characterized by a pitch related to the periodicity of their envelopes. While frequency information is extracted by mechanical filtering of the cochlea, periodicity information is analyzed by temporal filter mechanisms in the brainstem. In the mammalian auditory midbrain envelope periodicity is represented in maps orthogonal to the representation of sound frequency. However, how periodicity is represented across the cortical surface of primary auditory cortex (AI) remains controversial. Using optical recording of intrinsic signals, we here demonstrate that a periodicity map exists in primary AI of the cat. While pure tone stimulation confirmed the well-known frequency gradient along the rostro-caudal axis of AI, stimulation with harmonic sounds revealed segregated bands of activation, indicating spatially localized preferences to specific periodicities along a dorso-ventral axis, nearly orthogonal to the tonotopic gradient. Analysis of the response locations revealed an average gradient of − 100° ± 10° for the periodotopic, and −12° ± 18° for the tonotopic map resulting in a mean angle difference of 88°. The gradients were 0.65 ± 0.08 mm/octave for periodotopy and 1.07 ± 0.16 mm/octave for tonotopy indicating that more cortical territory is devoted to the representation of an octave along the tonotopic than along the periodotopic gradient. Our results suggest that the fundamental importance of pitch, as evident in human perception, is also reflected in the layout of cortical maps and that the orthogonal spatial organization of frequency and periodicity might be a more general cortical organization principle

    Cortical topography of intracortical inhibition influences the speed of decision making

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    The neocortex contains orderly topographic maps; however, their functional role remains controversial. Theoretical studies have suggested a role in minimizing computational costs, whereas empirical studies have focused on spatial localization. Using a tactile multiple-choice reaction time (RT) task before and after the induction of perceptual learning through repetitive sensory stimulation, we extend the framework of cortical topographies by demonstrating that the topographic arrangement of intracortical inhibition contributes to the speed of human perceptual decision-making processes. RTs differ among fingers, displaying an inverted U-shaped function. Simulations using neural fields show the inverted U-shaped RT distribution as an emergent consequence of lateral inhibition. Weakening inhibition through learning shortens RTs, which is modeled through topographically reorganized inhibition. Whereas changes in decision making are often regarded as an outcome of higher cortical areas, our data show that the spatial layout of interaction processes within representational maps contributes to selection and decision-making processes

    Sub-nanosecond delay of light in (Cd,Zn)Te crystal

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    We study excitonic polariton relaxation and propagation in bulk CdZnTe using time- resolved photoluminescence and time-of-flight techniques. Propagation of picosecond optical pulses through 0.745 mm thick crystal results in time delays up to 350 ps, depending on the photon energy. Optical pulses with 150 fs duration become strongly stretched. The spectral dependence of group velocity is consistent with the dispersion of the lower excitonic polariton branch. The lifetimes of excitonic polariton in the upper and lower branches are 1.5 and 3 ns, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    GaAsP nanowires containing intentional and self-forming quantum dots

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    Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. GaAsP nanowires (NWs) containing a range of different heterostructures are shown to be a highly promising system for the fabrication of efficient and novel ultra-small light emitters. NWs containing GaAs radial quantum wells (QWs) have emission with high thermal stability, due to both large electron and hole confinement potentials. A structure containing three QWs exhibits very low threshold lasing at low temperatures. Within the GaAsP central region of the same NW, the formation of quantum wires (QWRs) on three of the six vertices is observed, these QWRs are aligned parallel to the NW axis. The presence of twins causes a 180° rotation of the crystal about the growth axis, breaking the QWRs into short sections which may act as quantum dots (QDs). Optical studies of the NWs support the formation of optically active QWRs and QDs. In a second type of NW, during growth of the GaAsP NW core the introduction of a short GaAs section forms a QD. The inclusion of up to 50 QDs with high structural and optical quality is shown to be possible; indicating the potential for the fabrication of QD lasers. A structure with only one QD exhibits a single sharp emission line and behavior consistent with single exciton recombination. The addition of passivation layers, grown as a shell on the NW core, is shown to be essential in obtaining good optical properties. Our studies hence demonstrate that GaAsP-GaAs NWs containing heterostructures have significant potential for a range of novel light emitting applications

    Risk of Climate-Related Impacts on Global Rangelands – A Review and Modelling Study

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    Climate change threatens the ability of global rangelands to provide food, support livelihoods and deliver important ecosystems services. The extent and magnitude of potential impacts are however poorly understood. In this study, we review the risk of climate impacts along the rangeland systems food supply chain. We also present results from biophysical modelling simulations and spatial data analyses to identify where and to what extent rangelands may be at climatic risk. Although a quantification of the net impacts of climate change on rangeland production systems is beyond the reach of our current understanding, there is strong evidence that there will be impacts throughout the supply chain, from feed and animal production to processing, storage, transport, retailing and human consumption. Regarding grazing biomass production, this study finds that mean herbaceous biomass is projected to decrease across global rangelands between 2000 and 2050 under RCP 8.5 (-4.7%), while inter- (year-to-year) and intra- (month-to-month) annual variabilities are projected to increase (+21.3% and +8.2%, respectively). These averaged global estimates mask large spatial heterogeneities, with 74% of global rangeland area projected to experience a decline in mean biomass, 64% an increase in inter-annual variability and 54% an increase in intra-annual variability. The potentially most damaging vegetation trends for livestock production (i.e., simultaneous decreases in mean biomass and increases in inter-annual variability) are projected to occur in rangeland communities that are currently the most vulnerable (here, with the lowest livestock productivities and economic development levels and with the highest projected increases in human population densities). Large uncertainties remain as to climate futures and the exposure and responses of the interlinked human and natural systems to climatic changes over time. Consequently, adaptation choices will need to build on robust methods of designing, implementing and evaluating detailed development pathways, and account for a wide range of possible futures

    PILER-CR: Fast and accurate identification of CRISPR repeats

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    BACKGROUND: Sequencing of prokaryotic genomes has recently revealed the presence of CRISPR elements: short, highly conserved repeats separated by unique sequences of similar length. The distinctive sequence signature of CRISPR repeats can be found using general-purpose repeat- or pattern-finding software tools. However, the output of such tools is not always ideal for studying these repeats, and significant effort is sometimes needed to build additional tools and perform manual analysis of the output. RESULTS: We present PILER-CR, a program specifically designed for the identification and analysis of CRISPR repeats. The program executes rapidly, completing a 5 Mb genome in around 5 seconds on a current desktop computer. We validate the algorithm by manual curation and by comparison with published surveys of these repeats, finding that PILER-CR has both high sensitivity and high specificity. We also present a catalogue of putative CRISPR repeats identified in a comprehensive analysis of 346 prokaryotic genomes. CONCLUSION: PILER-CR is a useful tool for rapid identification and classification of CRISPR repeats. The software is donated to the public domain. Source code and a Linux binary are freely available at

    Rapid enhancement of touch from non-informative vision of the hand

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    Processing in one sensory modality may modulate processing in another. Here we investigate how simply viewing the hand can influence the sense of touch. Previous studies showed that non-informative vision of the hand enhances tactile acuity, relative to viewing an object at the same location. However, it remains unclear whether this Visual Enhancement of Touch (VET) involves a phasic enhancement of tactile processing circuits triggered by the visual event of seeing the hand, or more prolonged, tonic neuroplastic changes, such as recruitment of additional cortical areas for tactile processing. We recorded somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of the right middle finger, both before and shortly after viewing either the right hand, or a neutral object presented via a mirror. Crucially, and unlike prior studies, our visual exposures were unpredictable and brief, in addition to being non-informative about touch. Viewing the hand, as opposed to viewing an object, enhanced tactile spatial discrimination measured using grating orientation judgements, and also the P50 SEP component, which has been linked to early somatosensory cortical processing. This was a trial-specific, phasic effect, occurring within a few seconds of each visual onset, rather than an accumulating, tonic effect. Thus, somatosensory cortical modulation can be triggered even by a brief, non-informative glimpse of one’s hand. Such rapid multisensory modulation reveals novel aspects of the specialised brain systems for functionally representing the body

    Improvement of Tactile Discrimination Performance and Enlargement of Cortical Somatosensory Maps after 5 Hz rTMS

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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is increasingly used to investigate mechanisms of brain functions and plasticity, but also as a promising new therapeutic tool. The effects of rTMS depend on the intensity and frequency of stimulation and consist of changes of cortical excitability, which often persists several minutes after termination of rTMS. While these findings imply that cortical processing can be altered by applying current pulses from outside the brain, little is known about how rTMS persistently affects learning and perception. Here we demonstrate in humans, through a combination of psychophysical assessment of two-point discrimination thresholds and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), that brief periods of 5 Hz rTMS evoke lasting perceptual and cortical changes. rTMS was applied over the cortical representation of the right index finger of primary somatosensory cortex, resulting in a lowering of discrimination thresholds of the right index finger. fMRI revealed an enlargement of the right index finger representation in primary somatosensory cortex that was linearly correlated with the individual rTMS-induced perceptual improvement indicative of a close link between cortical and perceptual changes. The results demonstrate that repetitive, unattended stimulation from outside the brain, combined with a lack of behavioral information, are effective in driving persistent improvement of the perception of touch. The underlying properties and processes that allow cortical networks, after being modified through TMS pulses, to reach new organized stable states that mediate better performance remain to be clarified

    Differential effects of tactile high- and low-frequency stimulation on tactile discrimination in human subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) play important roles in mediating activity-dependent changes in synaptic transmission and are believed to be crucial mechanisms underlying learning and cortical plasticity. In human subjects, however, the lack of adequate input stimuli for the induction of LTP and LTD makes it difficult to study directly the impact of such protocols on behavior.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using tactile high- and low-frequency stimulation protocols in humans, we explored the potential of such protocols for the induction of perceptual changes. We delivered tactile high-frequency and low-frequency stimuli (t-HFS, t-LFS) to skin sites of approximately 50 mm<sup>2 </sup>on the tip of the index finger. As assessed by 2-point discrimination, we demonstrate that 20 minutes of t-HFS improved tactile discrimination, while t-LFS impaired performance. T-HFS-effects were stable for at least 24 hours whereas t-LFS-induced changes recovered faster. While t-HFS changes were spatially very specific with no changes on the neighboring fingers, impaired tactile performance after t-LFS was also observed on the right middle-finger. A central finding was that for both t-LFS and t-HFS perceptual changes were dependent on the size of the stimulated skin area. No changes were observed when the stimulated area was very small (< 1 mm<sup>2</sup>) indicating special requirements for spatial summation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate differential effects of such protocols in a frequency specific manner that might be related to LTP- and LTD-like changes in human subjects.</p

    The complete genome sequence and comparative genome analysis of the high pathogenicity Yersinia enterocolitica strain 8081

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    The human enteropathogen, Yersinia enterocolitica, is a significant link in the range of Yersinia pathologies extending from mild gastroenteritis to bubonic plague. Comparison at the genomic level is a key step in our understanding of the genetic basis for this pathogenicity spectrum. Here we report the genome of Y. enterocolitica strain 8081 (serotype 0:8; biotype 1B) and extensive microarray data relating to the genetic diversity of the Y. enterocolitica species. Our analysis reveals that the genome of Y. enterocolitica strain 8081 is a patchwork of horizontally acquired genetic loci, including a plasticity zone of 199 kb containing an extraordinarily high density of virulence genes. Microarray analysis has provided insights into species-specific Y. enterocolitica gene functions and the intraspecies differences between the high, low, and nonpathogenic Y. enterocolitica biotypes. Through comparative genome sequence analysis we provide new information on the evolution of the Yersinia. We identify numerous loci that represent ancestral clusters of genes potentially important in enteric survival and pathogenesis, which have been lost or are in the process of being lost, in the other sequenced Yersinia lineages. Our analysis also highlights large metabolic operons in Y. enterocolitica that are absent in the related enteropathogen, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, indicating major differences in niche and nutrients used within the mammalian gut. These include clusters directing, the production of hydrogenases, tetrathionate respiration, cobalamin synthesis, and propanediol utilisation. Along with ancestral gene clusters, the genome of Y. enterocolitica has revealed species-specific and enteropathogen-specific loci. This has provided important insights into the pathology of this bacterium and, more broadly, into the evolution of the genus. Moreover, wider investigations looking at the patterns of gene loss and gain in the Yersinia have highlighted common themes in the genome evolution of other human enteropathogens