14 research outputs found


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    Objet Ă©trange s’il en fut, cette arme de l’Âge du bronze pose de multiples problĂšmes dont le premier est son simple nom. La hallebarde prĂ©historique, “poignard amĂ©liorĂ©â€ selon J. Briard, a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crit par la plupart des auteurs comme une arme composĂ©e d’une lame de poignard fixĂ©e perpendiculairement Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© d’un manche de taille variable. VoilĂ  qui ne correspond en rien Ă  la dĂ©finition commune de cette arme dont le manche trĂšs long (cinq pieds) porte un fer Ă©chancrĂ© et une grande lame fo..


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    PrĂ©histoire (G. Camps) Les armes des PalĂ©oberbĂšres de la PrĂ©histoire ne prĂ©sentent guĂšre d’originalitĂ© mais Ă  la documentation archĂ©ologique provenant de fouilles s’ajoute, en Afrique du Nord et au Sahara, une documentation iconographique d’une grande richesse que ne possĂšdent pas les autres pays riverains du bassin occidental de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e. Durant les temps palĂ©olithiques, les hommes qui occupĂšrent le Maghreb et le Sahara utilisĂšrent, en plus des outils et armes connus ailleurs ; biface..

    Remotely Sensed Rivers in the Anthropocene: State of the Art and Prospects

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    The rivers of the world are undergoing accelerated change in the Anthropocene, and need to be managed at much broader spatial and temporal scales than before. Fluvial remote sensing now offers a technical and methodological framework that can be deployed to monitor the processes at work and to assess the trajectories of rivers in the Anthropocene. In this paper, we review research investigating past, present and future fluvial corridor conditions and processes using remote sensing and we consider emerging challenges facing fluvial and riparian research. We introduce a suite of remote sensing methods designed to diagnose river changes at reach to regional scales. We then focus on identification of channel patterns and acting processes from satellite, airborne or ground acquisitions. These techniques range from grain scales to landform scales, and from real time scales to inter‐annual scales. We discuss how remote sensing data can now be coupled to catchment scale models that simulate sediment transfer within connected river networks. We also consider future opportunities in terms of datasets and other resources which are likely to impact river management and monitoring at the global scale. We conclude with a summary of challenges and prospects for remotely sensed rivers in the Anthropocene

    6 | Antilopes – Arzuges

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    Ouvrage publié avec le concours et sur la recommandation du Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines (UNESCO). Ce volume, à l'origine publié par Edisud, est désormais diffusé par les Editions Peeters sous l'Isbn : 978-2-85744-324-7