977 research outputs found

    Influencia del etnocentrismo: un estudio de las reacciones neurofisiológicas del consumidor de cerveza

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    Since the 1980s, the study of consumer behavior in the face of ethnocentric phenomena has been deepened, which can influence the purchasing decisions of individuals, when choosing a product according to the affinity it has with the origin of the brand. Nowadays, where there is a digital leap that has boosted electronic commerce, it is important to know if this phenomenon continues to be a barrier for companies that want to enter foreign markets. Through an experimental quantitative research model, the neuro-behavioral pattern of consumption is explored by applying biometric technologies by measuring the attentional and emotional reaction, the association of attributes and the value associated with the brand that the consumer has when make a purchase decision. One hundred and forty-six subjects of four nationalities: Nicaraguans, Americans, Mexicans, and Costa Ricans, are exposed to various consumption tests for the beer category. The results are analyzed with biometric processing analysis software. The results show low ethnocentric levels in neurobehavioral tests for Costa Ricans and Americans, and high levels in Mexicans and Nicaraguans. The research provides very clear guidelines to brands seeking to internationalize on the importance of seeking clear associations and perceived value at the consumer scale.Desde los años ochenta se ha profundizado en el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor ante fenómenos etnocentristas, mismo que pueden influenciar las decisiones de compra de los individuos, al elegirse un producto según la afinidad que se tenga con el origen de la marca. En la actualidad, donde se vive un salto digital que ha potenciado el comercio electrónico, se hace relevante conocer si este fenómeno sigue siendo una barrera para las compañías que desean ingresar a mercados extranjeros. Por medio de un modelo de investigación cuantitativo experimental, se explora el patrón neuroconductual de consumo aplicando tecnologías biométricas por medio de la medición de la reacción atencional y emocional, la asociación de atributos y el valor asociado a la marca que tiene el consumidor al tomar una decisión de compra. 146 sujetos de 4 nacionalidades: nicaragüenses, estadounidenses, mexicanos y costarricenses, son expuestos a diversas pruebas de consumo para la categoría de cerveza. Las reacciones del consumidor son analizadas con software de análisis de procesamiento biométrico. Los resultados muestran bajos niveles etnocentristas en las pruebas neuroconductuales para los costarricenses y estadounidenses, y altos niveles en los mexicanos y nicaragüenses. La investigación brinda lineamientos muy claros a las marcas que buscan internacionalizarse acerca de la importancia de buscar asociaciones claras y valor percibido en la escala del consumidor

    Influencia del etnocentrismo: un estudio de las reacciones neurofisiológicas del consumidor de cerveza

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    Since the 1980s, the study of consumer behavior in the face of ethnocentric phenomena has been deepened, which can influence the purchasing decisions of individuals, when choosing a product according to the affinity it has with the origin of the brand. Nowadays, where there is a digital leap that has boosted electronic commerce, it is important to know if this phenomenon continues to be a barrier for companies that want to enter foreign markets. Through an experimental quantitative research model, the neuro-behavioral pattern of consumption is explored by applying biometric technologies by measuring the attentional and emotional reaction, the association of attributes and the value associated with the brand that the consumer has when make a purchase decision. One hundred and forty-six subjects of four nationalities: Nicaraguans, Americans, Mexicans, and Costa Ricans, are exposed to various consumption tests for the beer category. The results are analyzed with biometric processing analysis software. The results show low ethnocentric levels in neurobehavioral tests for Costa Ricans and Americans, and high levels in Mexicans and Nicaraguans. The research provides very clear guidelines to brands seeking to internationalize on the importance of seeking clear associations and perceived value at the consumer scale.Desde los años ochenta se ha profundizado en el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor ante fenómenos etnocentristas, mismo que pueden influenciar las decisiones de compra de los individuos, al elegirse un producto según la afinidad que se tenga con el origen de la marca. En la actualidad, donde se vive un salto digital que ha potenciado el comercio electrónico, se hace relevante conocer si este fenómeno sigue siendo una barrera para las compañías que desean ingresar a mercados extranjeros. Por medio de un modelo de investigación cuantitativo experimental, se explora el patrón neuroconductual de consumo aplicando tecnologías biométricas por medio de la medición de la reacción atencional y emocional, la asociación de atributos y el valor asociado a la marca que tiene el consumidor al tomar una decisión de compra. 146 sujetos de 4 nacionalidades: nicaragüenses, estadounidenses, mexicanos y costarricenses, son expuestos a diversas pruebas de consumo para la categoría de cerveza. Las reacciones del consumidor son analizadas con software de análisis de procesamiento biométrico. Los resultados muestran bajos niveles etnocentristas en las pruebas neuroconductuales para los costarricenses y estadounidenses, y altos niveles en los mexicanos y nicaragüenses. La investigación brinda lineamientos muy claros a las marcas que buscan internacionalizarse acerca de la importancia de buscar asociaciones claras y valor percibido en la escala del consumidor

    Efectividad del consejo médico a pacientes alcohólicos y bebedores excesivos atendidos en consultas de atención primaria

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    ObjetivoComprobar la efectividad del consejo médico antialcohólico que se da en las consultas de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio cuasi-experimental de tipo «antes-después», abierto, multicéntrico.EmplazamientoCatorce consultas médicas de atención primaria (7 rurales y 7 urbanas) de la provincia de Córdoba (España).ParticipantesUn total de 306 pacientes de ambos sexos, captados mediante búsqueda de casos, que presentaban un consumo de alcohol ≥ 35 (varones) y 21 (mujeres) U a la semana, y/o síndrome de dependencia alcohólica (SDA) (MALTS-O ≥ 11).IntervencionesA todos se les ofreció consejo médico breve antialcohólico y se les hizo un seguimiento para valoración de su estado a los 3 meses, 1 y 2 años.Mediciones principalesLa variable de respuesta fue la suma del consumo autorreferido, más valores normales de GGT, y la confirmación del familiar. El análisis del estudio fue por «intención de tratar».ResultadosDe los 306 pacientes incluidos, en un 95,1% de los casos se trataba de varones y un 78,4% presentaba SDA. Al cabo de 2 años, el 38,89% (IC del 95%, 32,2-44,3%) había alcanzado el objetivo terapéutico: un 23,85% se encontraba en abstinencia total y el 15,0% presentaba un consumo moderado de alcohol, por debajo del límite de riesgo. El comienzo del consumo excesivo antes de los 16 años (odds ratio [OR], 3,0885), vivir en un barrio marginal (OR, 3,2103), consumir tabaco (OR, 1,7187) y un test de CAGE positivo (OR, 1,9949) se asociaron al fracaso de la intervención (p < 0,05).ConclusionesSe demuestra la alta efectividad del consejo antialcohólico impartido por el médico de familia en condiciones habituales de consulta, tanto en bebedores excesivos como en aquellos con SDA.AimTo determine the effectiveness of medical counseling for alcohol abuse, when it is provided in primary care centers.DesignQuasi-experimental, open, multicenter before-after study.Setting14 primary care physician's practices (7 rural, 7 urban) in the province of Córdoba (Spain).Participants306 patients of both sexes, recruited with a case-finding strategy, who consumed ≥35 (men) or ≥21 (women) IU per week, or who had alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS) (MALTS score O≥11).InterventionsAll patients were offered brief counseling to reduce drinking, and all were followed to evaluate their status 3 months, 1 year and 2 years later.Main measuresThe response variable was selfreported alcohol consumption together with normal GGT values or confirmation of alcohol consumption by a relative. The results were subjected to intention-to-treat analysis.ResultsOf the 306 patients included in the study, 95.1% were men and 78.4% had ADS. After 2 years 38.89% (95% CI, 32.2%-44.3%) had attained their treatment goal: 23.85% were in complete abstinence, and 15.0% consumed moderate amounts of alcohol below the limit considered to indicate risk. Starting excessive consumption at less than 16 years of age (odds ratio [OR], 3.0885), living in a slum (OR, 3.2103), smoking (OR, 1.7187), and a positive CAGE test (OR, 1.9949) were associated with failure of the intervention (P<.05).ConclusionsCounseling provided by the family doctor was highly effective under the usual conditions of general practice, both for patients with excessive alcohol consumption and for patients with con ADS

    Motivación y burnout en profesores de educación física: incidencia de la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas

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    A través del presente trabajo se pretende valorar la importanciade las necesidades psicológicas básicas para explicar y predecir el tipo demotivación y los niveles de burnout en profesores de educación física. Paraello, la muestra estuvo formada por 357 docentes de género masculino yfemenino, pertenecientes a diferentes centros educativos públicos y privadosde España. Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal por cada variabledependiente, que indicaron cómo la frustración de la necesidad de competenciapredecía positivamente la desmotivación, el agotamiento emocionaly el cinismo, y negativamente la motivación intrínseca y la eficacia profesional;la frustración de autonomía predecía positivamente el agotamientosemocional y negativamente la eficacia profesional; y la frustración de relacionessociales predecía positivamente la eficacia profesional. Estos resultadosestán en la línea de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (Deci y Ryan,2000; Ryan y Deci, 2000), destacando la importancia que adquieren lasatisfacción de autonomía, competencia y relaciones sociales para optimizarla motivación y el bienestar de los profesores de educación física

    Pretratamiento con hialuronidasa mejora la tinción de colágeno en notocorda de esturión

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    Objective: The current study aimed to design a histological method to determine the presence and organization of the collagen network in sturgeon notochord. Methods: Serial sections of sturgeon notochord (Acipenser naccarii) were used and assigned to two different experimental groups: Hyaluronidase pre-treatment (HP) in an alcohol acid solution (1% HCl in 70% alcohol solution) for 15 min and hyaluronidase solution in a 2 µg/ ml concentration (pre-heated at 37º C), and control (CTR) group, without pre-treatment. Then, the ECM was assessed by two histochemical methods: Picrosirius Red (PR) staining for 30 min with Sirius red (0.1% of Sirius red in saturated aqueous picric acid), for collagen bundle staining, and Alcian Blue (AB) staining for glycosaminoglycans detection. Results: Samples analyzed in this study showed positive histochemical reaction for collagen fibers in both experimental groups. Referring to PR staining, the CTR group presented a larger and homogeneous reaction was observed in the entire samples, whereas HP group presented a more definite and intense pattern of collagen network. Also, this more intense signal in HP group matched with an increase of birefringence in polarized microscopy images of PR. However, HP group showed a lower intense and more heterogeneous signal when was compared with CTR group in AB staining. Conclusion: Using a simple histological example, our study illustrates the capability of a hyaluronidase pre-treatment to enhance picrosirius red staining in sturgeon notochord trough light and polarized microscopy.Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo diseñar un método histológico para determinar la presencia y organización de la red de colágeno en la notocorda del esturión. Métodos: Secciones seriada de la notocorda de esturión (Acipenser naccarii) fueron utilizadas y se asignaron a dos grupos experimentales diferentes: pretratamiento de hialuronidasa (HP) en una solución de alcohol ácido (HCl al 1% en solución de alcohol al 70%) durante 15 minutos y posteriormente a una solución de hialuronidasa en una concentración de 2 μg / ml (precalentada a 37º C) y grupo de control (CTR), sin tratamiento previo. Luego, la ECM se evaluó mediante dos métodos histoquímicos: tinción Picrosirius Red (PR) durante 30 minutos con rojo Sirio (0,1% de rojo Sirio en una solución saturada de ácido pícrico), para la tinción de colágeno; y tinción con Alcian Blue (AB) para detección de glicosaminoglicanos. Resultados: Las muestras analizadas en este estudio mostraron una reacción histoquímica positiva para las fibras de colágeno en ambos grupos experimentales. Con respecto a la tinción PR, el grupo CTR presentó una reacción mayor y más homogénea en toda la superficie de las muestras, mientras que el grupo HP presentó un patrón red de colágeno más definido e intenso. Además, esta señal más intensa en el grupo HP coincidió con un aumento de la birrefringencia en las imágenes de microscopía polarizada de PR. Sin embargo, el grupo HP mostró una señal menos intensa y más heterogénea cuando se comparó con el grupo CTR en la tinción AB. Conclusión: Utilizando un ejemplo histológico simple, nuestro estudio ilustra la capacidad de un pretratamiento de hialuronidasa para mejorar la tinción de picrosirius en la notocorda del esturión a través de la luz y la microscopía polarizada

    POWERbreathe® Inspiratory Muscle Training in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

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    Inspiratory muscle training may benefit respiratory function, cardiocirculatory parameters, quality of life and functionality in neuromuscular diseases. This pilot study aimed to demonstrate the POWERbreathe® inspiratory muscle training effects on maximum inspiratory pressure (PImax), heart rate (HR) and HR variability, as well as the quality of life impairment and functionality in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). A pilot single-blinded, non-randomized controlled clinical trial was carried out. A total of 20T ALS patients were enrolled and divided into experimental (n = 10) and control (n = 10) groups. The experimental group received POWERbreathe® inspiratory muscle training in conjunction with usual care, and the control group received only usual care for 8 weeks. PImax (measured by POWERbreathe® KH1), HR and HR variability (evaluated by Polar H7), quality of life impairment [measured by the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assessment Questionnaire—40 items (ALSAQ-40)] and functionality [assessed by the ALS Functional Rating Scale Revised (ALSFRS-R)] were collected at baseline and after 8 weeks of intervention. We detected statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) with an effect size ranging from medium to large (Cohen’s d = 0.72–1.37); relative to the control group, the experimental group had an increased PImax (mean difference = 10.80 cm H2O; 95% CI = 3.42–18.17) and ALSFRS-R score (mean difference = 5.30 points; 95% CI = −0.03–10.63) and reduced HR (mean difference = −8.80 beats-per-minute; 95% CI = −20.27–2.67) and R-R interval (mean difference = 78.30 ms; 95% CI = 2.89–153.70). POWERbreathe® inspiratory muscle training, in addition to usual care, may improve inspiratory strength and heart rate in patients with ALS. These results encourage larger and longer trials investigating potential clinically relevant benefits of inspiratory muscle training to these patients over the disease course.post-print6421 K

    Multitemporal monitoring of plant area index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies in order to assess crop yield. Frequently, plant canopy analyzers (LAI-2000) and digital cameras for hemispherical photography (DHP) are used for indirect effective plant area index (PAIeff ) estimates. Nevertheless, these instruments are expensive and have the disadvantages of low portability and maintenance. Recently, a smartphone app called PocketLAI was presented and tested for acquiring PAIeff measurements. It was used during an entire rice season for indirect PAIeff estimations and for deriving reference high-resolution PAIeff maps. Ground PAIeff values acquired with PocketLAI, LAI-2000, and DHP were well correlated (R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 0.21 m2/m2 for Licor-2000, and R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 0.6 m2/m2 for DHP). Complementary data such as phenology and leaf chlorophyll content were acquired to complement seasonal rice plant information provided by PAIeff. High-resolution PAIeff maps, which can be used for the validation of remote sensing products, have been derived using a global transfer function (TF) made of several measuring dates and their associated satellite radiances

    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies: I. Optical and NIR photometric results

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    (Abridged) We have performed a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of a sample of 20 starburst galaxies that show the presence of a substantial population of massive stars. The main aims are the study of the massive star formation and stellar populations in these galaxies, and the role that interactions with or between dwarf galaxies and/or low surface companion objects have in triggering the bursts. We completed new deep optical and \NIR\ broad-band images, as well as the new continuum-subtracted Hα\alpha maps, of our sample of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. We analyze the morphology of each system and its surroundings and quantify the photometric properties of all important objects. All data were corrected for both extinction and nebular emission using our spectroscopic data. The age of the most recent star-formation burst is estimated and compared with the age of the underlying older low-luminosity population. The \Ha-based star-formation rate, number of O7V equivalent stars, mass of ionized gas, and mass of the ionizing star cluster are also derived. We found interaction features in many (15 up to 20) of the analyzed objects, which were extremely evident in the majority. We checked that the correction for nebular emission to the broad-band filter fluxes is important in compact objects and/or with intense nebular emission to obtain realistic colors and compare with the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. The estimate of the age of the most recent star-formation burst is derived consistently. With respect to the results found in individual objects, we remark the strong \Ha\ emission found in IRAS 08208+2816, UM 420, and SBS 0948+532, the detection of a double-nucleus in SBS 0926+606A, a possible galactic wind in Tol 9, and one (two?) nearby dwarf star-forming galaxies surrounding Tol 1457-437.Comment: Published in A&A, 491, 131 (2008). 39 Figures have NOT been included here. Full version in http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Angel.Lopez-Sanchez/papers/9409WRG1.pdf False color pictures of the galaxies can be found in http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Angel.Lopez-Sanchez/pictures.htm

    Diagnóstico de producción en ganado lechero en pastoreo de un grupo ganadero de validación y transferencia de tecnología

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    The regionalization of framing issues for producers Livestock Group of Validation and Technology Transfer (GGAVATT) from San Jose Miahuatlán Veracruz, Mexico, under the current production of native grass prairie with mainly during the months of higher temperature have a poor performance and thus milk production declines which promotes a great use of concentrated feeds which causes an increase in production cost and less use to them. For this purpose we made a diagnosis of current conditions GGAVATT production, yielding information that helps us source and compared to determine precisely what the effect of applying the proposed alternative. We propose an alternative implementation of pastures with improved pastures needed to produce a greater amount of forage per unit area especially in the colder months.La regionalización de la problemática encuadrando a los productores del Grupo Ganadero de Validación y Transferencia de Tecnología (GGAVATT) de San José Miahuatlán Veracruz, México, bajo la actual situación de producción de praderas básicamente con gramas nativas que durante los meses de menor frío tienen un pobre desempeño y por ende la producción de leche se deteriora lo cual promueve una gran utilización de alimentos concentrados lo que provoca un incremento en el costo de producción y una menor utilidad para estos. Para dicho propósito se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones actuales de producción del GGAVATT, arrojando información que nos sirve de partida y de comparación para determinar con precisión cuál es el efecto de aplicar la alternativa propuesta. Se plantea como alternativa la implantación de praderas con pastos mejorados que permitan producir una mayor cantidad de forrajes por unidad de superficie sobre todo en los meses de menor temperatura

    Agroecosystem and rural tourism: Bibliometric analysis and its conceptual relationship from 2014 to 2020

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    Objective: Analyze scientific papers close linked to the concepts of agroecosystems, rural tourism and its conceptual relationship. Design/methodology/approach: A search of papers published from 2014 up to 2020 in Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com) was conducted, using key words related to the agroecosystem concept and rural tourism. Later, a bibliometric and text analysis was performed. Results: The concept of agroecosystems has been dynamic through time and related to other disciplines. However, research relating this concept with rural tourism is scarce. Limitations of the study/implication: Research proposals on agroecosystems associated to rural tourism are limited. Findings/Conclusions: Papers with the conceptual evolution of agroecosystems integrating rural tourism are scarce. So, it is suggested to study the agroecosystem in its different aspects, but considering their cultural and historical basis.Objective: Analyze scientific papers close linked to the concepts of agroecosystems, rural tourism and its conceptual relationship. Design/methodology/approach: A search of papers published from 2014 up to 2020 in Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com) was conducted, using key words related to the agroecosystem concept and rural tourism. Later, a bibliometric and text analysis was performed. Results: The concept of agroecosystems has been dynamic through time and related to other disciplines. However, research relating this concept with rural tourism is scarce. Limitations of the study/implication: Research proposals on agroecosystems associated to rural tourism are limited. Findings/Conclusions: Papers with the conceptual evolution of agroecosystems integrating rural tourism are scarce. So, it is suggested to study the agroecosystem in its different aspects, but considering their cultural and historical basi