269 research outputs found

    Characterization of bacterial endo- and ectosymbionts of oligochaete worms from marine sediments: Phylogeny and metabolic potential

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    Two obligate bacterial endosymbioses and a facultative ectosymbiosis of gutless (1, 2) and gut-bearing (3) marine oligochaetes from coastal sediments were characterized. (1, 2) The gutless oligochaetes Olavius algarvensis and O. ilvae live in coastal sediments with very low sulfide concentrations. Similar bacterial consortia were found in both hosts with two sulfide-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria and two sulfate-reducing Deltaproteobacteria. The presence of sulfate-reducers providing the sulfide-oxidiziers with an internal source of sulfide could explain how the worms could colonize a sulfide-poor environment. (3) Tubificoides benedii lives in Wadden Sea sediments and is adapted to extreme fluctuations of oxygen and sulfide. Its posterior end is facultatively colonized by filamentous bacteria. This community was dominated by two morphologically distinct phylotypes: A thicker Gammaproteobacterium attached to the exterior of the cuticle and a thinner Epsilonproteobacterium penetrated it. Both ectosymbionts belonged to clades that consisted nearly exclusively of bacteria associated with deep-sea hydrothermal vent invertebrates

    3D imaging and analysis of mesenchymal stem cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes invading tumor spheroids

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    Kontinuierliche Spinalanästhesie mit Bupivacain und kombinierte Spinal- Epiduralanästhesie mit Bupivacain supplementiert mit Sufentanil in modifizierter Dosis:zur postoperativen Schmerztherapie nach Totaler Endoprothese der Hüfte im Vergleich - prospektiv-randomisierte klinische Studie -

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    Fragestellung: Vergleich der CSA mit der CSE bezüglich der Qualität der postop. Analgesie sowie Inzidenz der Nebenwirkungen. Methode: Von 74 Patienten, die sich einer Hüftgelenksimplantation unterzogen, erhielt Gruppe A postop. eine CSA mit 10 ml Bupivacain 0,25 %/24h, Gruppe B eine CSE mit 40 ml Bupivacain 0,25 % und 5 ml Sufenta mite 10 (25 ug) 4 ml/h. Die Effektivität der Analgesie wurde anhand eines Schmerzfragebogens erfasst, Nebenwirkungen/Komplikationen dokumentiert. Ergebnis: Am OP-Tag und am 1. postop. Tag zeigte die Auswertung des Fragebogens ein signifikant niedrigeres Schmerzniveau bei CSE. Fazit: Die CSE und die CSA erwiesen sich als sichere Verfahren. Die CSE war am OP-Tag und 1. postop. Tag das effektivere Verfahren

    Long-term ecological changes in Mediterranean mountain lakes linked to recent climate change and Saharan dust deposition revealed by diatom analyses

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    Anthropogenic climate change and the recent increase of Saharan dust deposition has had substantial effects on Mediterranean alpine regions. We examined changes in diatom assemblage composition over the past ~180 years from high-resolution, dated sediment cores retrieved from six remote lakes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Southern Spain. In all lakes, changes in diatom composition began over a century ago, but were more pronounced after ~1970 CE, concurrent with trends in rising regional air temperature, declining precipitation, and increased Saharan dust deposition. Temperature was identified as the main predictor of diatom assemblage changes, whereas both Saharan dust deposition drivers, the Sahel precipitation index and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation, were secondary explanatory variables. Diatom compositional shifts are indicative of lake alkalinization (linked to heightened evapoconcentration and an increase in calcium-rich Saharan dust input) and reduced lake water turbulence (linked to lower water levels and reduced inflows to the lakes). Moreover, decreases in epiphytic diatom species were indicative of increasing aridity and the drying of catchment meadows. Our results support the conclusions of previous chlorophyll-a and cladoceran-based paleolimnological analyses of these same dated sedimentary records which show a regional-scale response to climate change and Saharan dust deposition in Sierra Nevada lakes and their catchments during the 20th century. However, diatom assemblages seem to respond to different atmospheric and climate-related effects than cladoceran assemblages and chlorophyll-a concentrations. The recent impact of climate change and atmospheric Saharan deposition on lake biota assemblages and water chemistry, as well as catchment water availability, will have important implications for the valuable ecosystem services that the Sierra Nevada provides

    Influence of the ratio of planktonic to benthic diatoms on lacustrine organic matter δ13C from Erlongwan maar lake, northeast China

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    Carbon isotope ratio (δ13Corg) values of organic matter in lake sediments are commonly used to reconstruct environmental change, but the factors which influence change are varied and complex. Here we report δ13C values for sediments from Erlongwan maar lake in northeast China. In this record, changes in δ13C cannot be explained by simple changes in aquatic productivity. Instead, values were likely influenced by differences in the ratio between planktonic and benthic algae, as indicated by the remains of diatoms. This is because the variation of δ13Corg in algae from different habitats is controlled by the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer, which is dependent on the turbulence of the water. Compared with benthic algae, which grow in relatively still water, pelagic algae are exposed to greater water movement. This is known to dramatically reduce the thickness of the boundary layer and was found to cause even more severe δ13C depletion. In Erlongwan maar lake, low values were linked to the dominance of planktonic diatoms during the period commonly known as the Medieval Warm Period. Values gradually increased with the onset of the Little Ice Age, which we interpret as being driven by an increase in the proportion of benthic taxa, due to effect of the colder climate. The increase in planktonic diatoms at the end of the Little Ice Age, linked to higher temperature and a reduction in ice cover, resulted in a further decline in δ13Corg

    Terrestrial and aquatic responses to climate change and human impact on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past two centuries

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    Rapid population growth and economic development have led to increased anthropogenic pressures on the Tibetan Plateau, causing significant land cover changes with potentially severe ecological consequences. To assess whether or not these pressures are also affecting the remote montane-boreal lakes on the SE Tibetan Plateau, fossil pollen and diatom data from two lakes were synthesized. The interplay of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem response was explored in respect to climate variability and human activity over the past 200 years. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and Procrustes rotation analysis were undertaken to determine whether pollen and diatom responses in each lake were similar and synchronous. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis was used to develop quantitative estimates of compositional species turnover. Despite instrumental evidence of significant climatic warming on the southeastern Plateau, the pollen and diatom records indicate very stable species composition throughout their profiles and show only very subtle responses to environmental changes over the past 200 years. The compositional species turnover (0.36-0.94 SD) is relatively low in comparison to the species reorganizations known from the periods during the mid-and early-Holocene (0.64-1.61 SD) on the SE Plateau, and also in comparison to turnover rates of sediment records from climate-sensitive regions in the circum arctic. Our results indicate that climatically induced ecological thresholds are not yet crossed, but that human activity has an increasing influence, particularly on the terrestrial ecosystem in our study area. Synergistic processes of post-Little Ice Age warming, 20th century climate warming and extensive reforestations since the 19th century have initiated a change from natural oak-pine forests to seminatural, likely less resilient pine-oak forests. Further warming and anthropogenic disturbances would possibly exceed the ecological threshold of these ecosystems and lead to severe ecological consequences

    Impacts of Road Dust on Small Subarctic Lake Systems

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    Arctic regions have been experiencing increasing pressures from multiple environmental stressors, most notably rapid climate change and human development. Previous research has demonstrated the impacts of calcareous dust from gravel roads on surrounding vegetation and permafrost, whereas aquatic systems have remained largely unstudied. Here, we explore whether 1) the chronic generation of dust from the 740 km long Dempster Highway has affected water chemistry and diatom assemblages in lakes in the Peel Plateau region of the Northwest Territories, and 2) accelerated regional warming has affected these lakes. A suite of 27 water chemistry variables was assessed from 28 lakes along a 40 m – 26 km distance from the highway. Paleolimnological analyses of biological proxies (diatoms, visible reflectance spectroscopy-derived chlorophyll-a, and an index of chrysophyte scales to diatoms [S:D]) were undertaken on dated sediment cores from two lakes near the highway and one lake situated far from the highway, outside the expected range of dust transport. Conductivity and calcium exhibited a wide range of measurements across our 28 sites; lakes within 1 km of the highway generally exhibited higher ions and related variables than more distant lakes. Analyses of diatom assemblages indicated that the two shallower sites near the highway underwent modest compositional changes over the past approximately 100 years, whereas changes recorded at the farther site were more pronounced. The diatom records, supported by chlorophyll-a and S:D indices, indicated that changes in both the near and far lakes were consistent with warming, with little discernable impact from road dust. Whilst chemical changes associated with the half-century old highway corridor appear clear, they are not yet of sufficient magnitude to elicit a directional biological response in algal assemblages.Les rĂ©gions de l’Arctique subissent de plus en plus de pressions en provenance d’agresseurs environnementaux, plus particulièrement le changement climatique rapide et le dĂ©veloppement humain. Des recherches ont permis de dĂ©montrer les incidences de la poussière calcaire Ă©manant des routes en gravier sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation et le pergĂ©lisol environnants, mais les systèmes aquatiques ont fait l’objet de très peu d’études. Ici, nous explorons : 1) si la production chronique de poussière par la route de Dempster d’une longueur de 740 km a une influence sur la chimie de l’eau et les assemblages de diatomĂ©es dans les lacs de la rĂ©gion du plateau Peel, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest; et 2) si le rĂ©chauffement rĂ©gional accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© a un effet sur ces lacs. Un ensemble de 27 variables de chimie des eaux a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© Ă  partir de 28 lacs sur une distance variant entre 40 m et 26 km de la route. Des analyses palĂ©olimnologiques de substituts biologiques (diatomĂ©es, chlorophylle-a dĂ©rivĂ©e de la spectroscopie en rĂ©flectance visible (chl-a) et indice d’échelles de chrysophytes Ă  diatomĂ©es [S:D]) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur des carottes de sĂ©diments datĂ©es, prĂ©levĂ©es dans deux lacs situĂ©s près de la route et dans un lac situĂ© loin de la route, Ă  l’extĂ©rieur de l’étendue possible du transport de la poussière. Dans les 28 sites, les taux de conductivitĂ© et de calcium enregistrĂ©s se sont rĂ©partis sur une vaste gamme de mesures. De manière gĂ©nĂ©rale, les lacs se trouvant Ă  moins d’un kilomètre de distance de la route avaient une plus forte teneur en ions et en variables connexes que les lacs plus Ă©loignĂ©s. Les analyses d’assemblages de diatomĂ©es ont permis de constater que les deux sites moins profonds Ă  proximitĂ© de la route avaient connu des changements de composition modestes au cours des cent dernières annĂ©es environ, tandis que les changements enregistrĂ©s au site plus Ă©loignĂ© Ă©taient plus prononcĂ©s. Les enregistrements de diatomĂ©es, taux de chl-a et indices S:D Ă  l’appui, ont permis de constater que les changements caractĂ©risant tant les lacs situĂ©s Ă  proximitĂ© qu’à distance coĂŻncidaient avec le rĂ©chauffement, et que l’incidence de la poussière de route Ă©tait Ă  peine perceptible. Bien que les changements chimiques liĂ©s au corridor routier d’un demi-siècle semblent clairs, leur ampleur n’est toujours pas suffisante pour obtenir une rĂ©ponse biologique directionnelle dans les assemblages d’algues

    Abruptly and irreversibly changing Arctic freshwaters urgently require standardized monitoring

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    1. Arctic regions support a wide variety of freshwater ecosystems. These naturally oligotrophic and cold-water streams, rivers, ponds and lakes are currently being impacted by a diverse range of anthropogenic pressures, such as accelerated climate change, permafrost thaw, land-use change, eutrophication, brownification and the replacement of northern biota with the range expansion of more southern species. 2. Multiple stressors are rapidly changing Arctic freshwater systems as aquatic habitats are becoming more suitable for species originating from more southerly regions and thereby threatening biota adapted to cold waters. The livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples of the north will be altered when ecosystem services associated with changes in biodiversity are affected. Unfortunately, monitoring of biodiversity change in Arctic freshwaters is currently inadequate, making it difficult, if not impossible, to predict changes in ecosystem services. 3. Synthesis and applications. We propose a three-step approach to better address and facilitate monitoring of the rapid ecological changes that Arctic freshwater ecosystems are currently experiencing as a result of climate change. First, we should increase our efforts in the monitoring of freshwaters across all Arctic countries by setting up a network of monitoring sites and devoting more effort to a broad-scale baseline survey using standardized methods. Second, we should enhance modelling efforts to include both ecological change and socio-economic development. These models should help pinpoint species, ecosystems and geographical areas that are likely to show abrupt changes in response to any changes. Third, we should increase interaction among scientists, policymakers and different stakeholder groups. In particular, Indigenous Peoples must be involved in the leadership, planning and execution of monitoring and assessment activities of Arctic freshwaters. The proposed approach, which is critical to detecting the effects of climate change in the circumpolar region, has broader applications for global coordination of Arctic freshwater biomonitoring. Through routine monitoring, standardization of methods, enhanced modelling of integrated scientific and socio-economic change, and increased collaboration within and among sectors, more effective monitoring and management of climate change impacts on freshwater biodiversity will be possible in the Arctic and globally
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