104 research outputs found

    Las comunidades de aprendizaje: ¿escuela educación social inte radas?

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    Es canvis que s'estan manifestant en la societat de la informació tenen una incidència rellevant en l'educació escolar, i aquest és un fet que s'està evidenciant de moltes maneres: l'exclusió educativa de les minories ètniques, el conflicte a les aules, l'abandonament i el fracàs escolar. En aquest context, el paper de l'educador i educadora social també canvia ja que ha de fer front a noves problemàtiques i nous reptes. En aquest article pretenem explicar els trets bàsics de l'experiència de les Comunitats d'Aprenentatge i presentar quin és el seu estat actual.The changes becoming apparent in the information society are having a significant effect on school education. This is being seen in many ways: the educational exclusion of ethnic minoriries. conflict in the classroom, school dropout and failure. In this context, the role of social educators has also changed and they are having to face new problems and challenges. In this article, we endeavour to explain the basic features of the experience of leaming communities and to present their present situation.Los cambios que se están manifestando en la sociedad de la información están teniendo una incidencia relevante en la educación escolar, y éste es un hecho que se está evidenciando de muchas maneras: la exclusión educativa de las minorías étnicas, el conflicto en las aulas, el abandono y el fracaso escolar. En este contexto, el papel del educador y educadora social también cambia ya que tiene que hacer frente a nuevas problemáticas y nuevos retos. En este artículo pretendemos explicar los rasgos básicos de la experiencia de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje y presentar cuál es su estado actual

    Les comunitats d'aprenentatge : escala i educació social integrades?

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    Los cambios que se están manifestando en la sociedad de la información están teniendo una incidencia relevante en la educación escolar, y éste es un hecho que se está evidenciando de muchas maneras: la exclusión educativa de las minorías étnicas, el conflicto en las au las, el abandono y el fracaso escolar. En este contexto, el papel del educador y educadora social también cambia ya que tiene que hacer frente a nuevas problemáticas y nuevos retos. En este artículo pretendemos explicar los rasgos básicos de la experiencia de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje y presentar cuál es su estado actual.Els canvis que s'estan manifestant en la societat de la información tenen una incidencia rellevant en l'educació escolar, i aquest és un fet que s'està evidenciant de moltes maneres: l'exclusió educativa de les minories ètniques, el conflicto a les aules, l'abandonament i el fracàs escolar. En aquest context, el paper de l'educador i educadora social també canvia ja que ha de fer front a noves problemàtiques i nous reptes. En aquest article pretenem explicar els trets bàsics de l'experiència de les Comunitats d'Aprenentatge i presentar quin é s el seu estat actual.The changes becoming apparent in the information society are having a significant effect on school education. This is being seen in many ways: the educational exclusion of ethnic minorities, conflict in the classroom, school dropout and failure. In this context, the role of social educators has also changed and they are having to face new problems and challenges. In this article, we endeavour to explain the basic features of the experience of learning communities, and to present their present situation

    Gender and education diversity of voices

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    http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/tsg/article/view/915/1053El pasado 8 y 9 de Abril, tuvo lugar, en el Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Barcelona, la Conferencia Gender and Education. Diversity of Voices que organizaron conjuntamente el Grupo de Mujeres CREA-Safo y la Gender and Education Association, GEA de ahora en adelante. Esta última, es una asociación con investigadoras dedicadas a los estudios de género y educación de diferentes universidades europeas e internacionales. En este sentido, GEA cuenta en la actualidad con representantes en diferentes países, entre los que se incluyen Estados Unidos, Francia, Japón, Canadá, Brasil, Irlanda y España. Desde sus inicios en los años 90, ha ido organizando conferencias de gran impacto internacional donde han asistido teóricas de prestigio como Raewyn Connell, Judith Butler y Christine Skelton..

    Empowerment and social inclusion of migrant women through dialogic literary gatherings

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    La superación de las desigualdades de género es uno de los principales retos de organismos internacionales como la Comisión Europea. En el marco de los objetivos globales de las Naciones Unidas para superar la pobreza y conseguir la prosperidad para todos los colectivos se plantean una serie de directrices dirigidas a avanzar en la mejora de la situación de la mujer. Si bien dichas estrategias visibilizan la preocupación de los principales organismos internacionales y gobiernos alrededor de las injusticias de género, persisten aún problemáticas sobre las que profundizar. El presente artículo analiza cómo las tertulias literarias dialógicas están permitiendo empoderar a las mujeres inmigrantes y disminuir su situación de vulnerabilidad. Se ha desarrollado a partir de un estudio cualitativo con orientación comunicativa, en concreto se han realizado ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas, un grupo de discusión y observaciones comunicativas articuladas en sesiones semanales durante dos cursos escolares (2014-2015 y 2015-2016). Los resultados muestran que esta actuación educativa de éxito está contribuyendo a mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma, dotando de seguridad a las mujeres, fortaleciendo su auto-estima y reforzando sus relaciones familiares y de amistadOvercoming gender inequalities is one of the main challenges of international organizations such as the European Commission. Within the framework of the United Nations' overall objectives for overcoming poverty and achieving prosperity for all groups, a series of guidelines are proposed to advance the improvement of the situation of women. Although these strategies raise the concern of the main international organizations and governments around gender injustices, there are still problems to be studied. This article analyzes how literary dialogues are enabling immigrant women to be empowered and to reduce their vulnerability. It has been developed from a qualitative study with a communicative orientation, in particular eight semi-structured interviews, a discussion group and communicative observations articulated in weekly sessions during two school years (2014- 2015 and 2015-2016). The results show that this successful educational action is contributing to improve language learning, providing women of self-confidence, strengthening their self-esteem and their family and friendship relationship

    Promoting zero violence from early childhood: a case study on the prevention of aggressive behavior in Cappont Nursery

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    Relevant studies have shown that if aggressive behavior is not stopped in early childhoodand persists during elementary school, the risk of continued physical violence and othernon-violent forms of delinquency increases during adolescence (Williford et al.2011). Evidence also shows the effectiveness of an intervention that targets aggressive behavior whenimplemented with children underfive (Tremblay et al.2008). The aim of this study is toanalyze the violence-prevention actions being implemented in Cappont Nursery, whichserves children from one to three years old in Lleida (Spain)

    Communicative Daily Life Stories: Raising Awareness About the Link Between Desire and Violence

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    Gender violence poses a serious risk for women, girls, and children worldwide. Despite all efforts put forth to curtail it, few successful results have emerged. Narratives have been used to denounce the reality lived by survivors. However, scarcely any literature has explored how they get to question their own reality and, if they do, how these survivors are able to break the circle of gender violence by making room for nonviolent and egalitarian relationships. This article is a step in this direction: It explores how some girls, after participating in an initiative based on the language of desire, known as "Dialogic Feminist Gatherings," encourage one another to question the dominant model of socialization in relationships in which attraction is linked to violent behaviors. The analysis focuses on communicative daily life stories (hereafter CDLS) performed in a Spanish high school with female teens after their participation in the gatherings. Drawing from these stories, the article illustrates how this methodological tool allows one to assess the impact of these gatherings on identifying the existence of this dominant model while also pushing to question it. This article also contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between attraction and violence, a risk factor for gender violence previously noted in the scientific literature. The knowledge obtained through this inquiry reinforces an evidence-based approach to having an effective social impact on the struggle against gender violence

    The zero violence brave club : a successful intervention to prevent and address bullying in schools

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    Bullying among peers in schools is a growing problem affecting children and adolescents from an early age worldwide. The consequences of bullying victimization in the emotional development of children and youth and their academic achievement are adverse for them and the rest of the school community, with its negative impact extending into the mid and long run. The Zero Violence Brave Club is implemented in schools in the framework of the Dialogic Model of Violence Prevention, a successful educational action according to the INCLUD-ED project [Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from Education] (6th Framework Program of Research of the European Commission). The Zero Violence Brave Club has decreased peer bullying in schools by establishing and cultivating a culture of zero tolerance to violence in educational centers located in diverse socioeconomic and cultural contexts. This evidence-based intervention is grounded in the principle that only the person who denounces violence suffered by a peer and takes a stand always on the victim's side¿and those who support her or him¿against the aggressor can be considered brave. This article reports a qualitative study of the Zero Violence Brave Club as a successful intervention in seven schools in Spain. The schools are diverse in terms of public or private ownership, religious or lay background, and population served (different proportions of cultural minorities and students with special needs), challenging the misconception that the impact of educational interventions depends on the context. Interviews were conducted with teachers in the schools implementing the Zero Violence Brave Club in their class, using the communicative methodology of research. The results shed light on specific mechanisms through which the Zero Violence Brave Club prevents and responds to bullying in schools, such as emptying of social attractiveness any aggressive behaviors or attitudes. Benefits on mental health and psychological wellbeing are also reported

    Image similarity metrics suitable for infrared video stabilization during active wildfire monitoring: a comparative analysis

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    Aerial Thermal Infrared (TIR) imagery has demonstrated tremendous potential to monitor active forest fires and acquire detailed information about fire behavior. However, aerial video is usually unstable and requires inter-frame registration before further processing. Measurement of image misalignment is an essential operation for video stabilization. Misalignment can usually be estimated through image similarity, although image similarity metrics are also sensitive to other factors such as changes in the scene and lighting conditions. Therefore, this article presents a thorough analysis of image similarity measurement techniques useful for inter-frame registration in wildfire thermal video. Image similarity metrics most commonly and successfully employed in other fields were surveyed, adapted, benchmarked and compared. We investigated their response to different camera movement components as well as recording frequency and natural variations in fire, background and ambient conditions. The study was conducted in real video from six fire experimental scenarios, ranging from laboratory tests to large-scale controlled burns. Both Global and Local Sensitivity Analyses (GSA and LSA, respectively) were performed using state-of-the-art techniques. Based on the obtained results, two different similarity metrics are proposed to satisfy two different needs. A normalized version of Mutual Information is recommended as cost function during registration, whereas 2D correlation performed the best as quality control metric after registration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version