94 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de video vigilancia en la plataforma de telecomunicaciones del Programa Huila Digital para el municipio de Palermo

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    In this  project, developed for the Municipality of Palermo (Huila – Colombia), it is possible to implement video surveillance system in order to improve the security of the municipality. This system consists of brand - art equipment Pelco, allowing with this excellent quality camera, a range of vision of up to 80 meters and atangles of 360 ° turns, which aid has made a more efficient Police in its efforts to provide security to the Municipality. With the implementation of this system is helping to significantly improve the security of themunicipality and is recovering all the tranquility of its people which was lost. Another major milestone reached with the implementation of this system is the facility for the Municipality of a  network of optical fiber communication, which can be in the forefront of  communications while looking to deploy new services that can be provided over this network are: digital T V, IP telephony and Internet.En este proyecto, desarrollado para el Municipio de Palermo (Huila – Colombia), se logra la implementación del Sistema de Video Vigilancia con el fin de mejorar la seguridad del Municipio. Este sistema consta de equipos de última tecnología marca Pelco, permitiendo con esto una excelente calidad de imagen de las cámaras, un alcance de visón de hasta 80 metros y ángulos de giro de 360°, lo cual ayuda a realizar un trabajo más eficiente a la Policía en su trabajo de brindar seguridad al Municipio. Con la implementación de este sistema se está ayudando a mejorar notablemente la seguridad del Municipio y sobre todo se está recuperando la tranquilidad de sus pobladores la cual se había perdido. Otro logro muy importante que se alcanza con la implementación de este sistema, es la instalación para el Municipio de un red de comunicación por fibra óptica, lo cual permite estar a la vanguardia de las comunicaciones y a la vez poder implementar a futuro servicios nuevos que se pueden prestar a través de esta red como lo son: televisión digital, telefonía Ip e Internet

    Ultrasound-assisted extraction of fructans from agave (Agave tequilana Weber var. azul) at different ultrasound powers and solid-liquid ratios

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    Abstract The effects of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) at different ultrasound power densities (UPDs; 40, 80, and 120 mW/mL) and solid:liquid (S:L) ratio (1:2, 1:3, and 1:6) on the extraction of carbohydrates from Agave tequilana plant of different ages were evaluated. Extracts obtained (6- and 7-year-old plant) were analyzed in the yield of carbohydrates (YC), fructan (FRU) content, simple sugars, fructan profile and the average degree of polymerization (DPn). UPD, S:L ratio, and plant age all affected YC, FRU, and DPn. Maximum YC and FRU were obtained from the older agave with UPD and S:L ratio of 120 mW/mL and 1:6, respectively; while glucose, fructose, and sucrose were highly released from the younger plant. Agave of 7-year-old presented the highest DPn. Fructan degradation occurred at high UPD, increasing the simple sugars and decreasing the DPn. Thermal-traditional extraction without sonication caused more fructan degradation; and overall, ultrasound enhanced fructan extraction and minimized fructan damage, representing a technological alternative for fructan extraction from agave. Keywords: agave; fructans; ultrasound; power density; solid:liquid ratio; plant age. Practical Application: Agave tequilana Weber var. azul plants have significant amounts of fructans. Extraction of these components by alternative methods such as ultrasound could represent advantages, improving the extraction and product quality. This research presents an alternative for the extraction of fructans assisted with ultrasound, evaluating different powers and solid-liquid ratios from agave heads of two different ages. Both variables, as well as age of agave showed a strong effect on fructan extraction. Ultrasound enhanced the extraction and minimized fructan damage, representing a technological alternative


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    ResumenSe presenta el diseño y fabricación de una estación de pruebas para un sensor capacitivo dedicado a la detección de impurezas en el aceite para motores diésel. Se muestra el desarrollo de la construcción de un prototipo de estación para la toma de muestras usando un sistema electrónico automatizado para el posicionamiento del sensor capacitivo utilizando un microcontrolador e instrumentación con LabVIEW. Se exhiben los detalles del arranque de la estación a través de un muestreo para el sensor bajo condiciones de temperatura y la agitación específica. Se obtiene un análisis de los datos de las muestras obtenidas en LabVIEW y el despliegue de los datos usando programación. Lo anterior, con la finalidad de establecer las condiciones para obtener medidas con repetibilidad y reproducibilidad (análisis R&R) y disminuir el error. Se demostró el mejoramiento de la caracterización de muestras de aceite por medio la automatización de un sensor capacitivo en un ambiente controlado.Palabras Claves: prototipo, estación de pruebas, aceite para motores diésel, sensor capacitivo. AbstractThe design and manufacture of a test station for a capacitive sensor dedicated to the detection of impurities in diesel engine oil is presented. The development and construction of a prototype station for sampling is shown using an automated electronic system for the positioning of the capacitive sensor using a microcontroller and instrumentation with LabVIEW. The start-up details are displayed throughout a sampling for the sensor under temperature conditions and specific agitation. An analysis of the data of the samples obtained in LabVIEW and the display of the data using programming is obtained. The above, to establish the conditions to obtain measurements with repeatability and reproducibility (R & R analysis) and reduce the error. Keywords: prototype, testing station, oil for diesel engines, capacitive sensor

    Screening for Prognostic microRNAs Associated with Treatment Failure in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treatment with R-CHOP regimen produces 5-year progression-free survival and overall survival of around 60-70%. Our objective was to discover prognostic biomarkers allowing early detection of the remaining 30-40% with poor long-term outcome. For this purpose, we applied a novel strategy: from a cohort of DLBCL patients, treated with standard therapy, a discovery group of 12 patients with poor prognosis (advanced stage III-IV, R-IPI > 2) was formed, consisting of six chemoresistant (refractory/early relapse 3 years) subjects. By using microarray assays, the most differentially expressed miRNAs were defined as an initial set of prognostic miRNA candidates. Their expression was then analyzed in a validation cohort of 68 patients and the three miRNAs with the most significant impact on event-free and overall survival were selected. In the DLBCL cell line U-2932 the transfection with miR-1244 and miR-193b-5p, but not miR-1231, blocked the effect of CHOP on cell viability. A subsequent gene set enrichment analysis in patients revealed the implication of the first two miRNAs in cell cycle control and chemoresistance-related pathways, whereas the last one was involved in immunological processes. In conclusion, this novel strategy identified three promising prognostic markers for DLBCL patients at high risk of failure with standard therapy

    Propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Petroco S.A

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    El documento contiene 12 tablas, 20 figuras y 11 anexos que incluyen los valores más relevantes y gráficos para dar mayor entendimiento al documentoEn este documento se implementa un análisis profundo de las operaciones y procesos de la empresa Petroco S.A enfatizando en las diferentes estrategias de producción y comercialización con base en las herramientas adquiridas del Supply Chain Management y de la logística de profundización. Se tiene en cuenta su red de cadena de suministro para poder recopilar datos específicos sobre cambios significativos en los estándares o requisitos de sus productos, con base en las redes y las actividades que involucran a clientes y proveedores identificando los variados métodos de gestión de su cadena de suministro en pro de proporcionar diferentes estrategias para mejorar los procesos de la empresa.This document implements an in-depth analysis of the operations and processes of the company Petroco S.A, emphasizing the different production and marketing strategies based on the tools acquired from Supply Chain Management and deepening logistics. Your supply chain network is taken into account to be able to collect specific data on significant changes in the standards or requirements of your products, based on the networks and activities involving customers and suppliers identifying the various methods of managing your chain of supply in favor of providing different strategies to improve the processes of the company

    Case Report: Characterization of known (c.607G>C) and novel (c.416C>G) ELANE mutations in two Mexican families with congenital neutropenia

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    The most common causes of congenital neutropenia are mutations in the ELANE (Elastase, Neutrophil Expressed) gene (19p13.3), mostly in exon 5 and the distal portion of exon 4, which result in different clinical phenotypes of neutropenia. Here, we report two pathogenic mutations in ELANE, namely, c.607G>C (p.Gly203Arg) and a novel variant c.416C>G (p.Pro139Arg), found in two Mexican families ascertained via patients with congenital neutropenia who responded positively to the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment. These findings highlight the usefulness of identifying variants in patients with inborn errors of immunity for early clinical management and the need to rule out mosaicism in noncarrier parents with more than one case in the family

    Petrography and application of the rietveld method to the quantitative analysis of phases of natural clinker generated by coal spontaneous combustion

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    Fine-grained and mainly reddish color, compact and slightly breccious and vesicular pyrometamorphic rocks (natural clinker) are associated to the spontaneous combustion of coal seams of the Cerrejón Formation exploited by Carbones del Cerrejón Limited in La Guajira Peninsula (Caribbean Region of Colombia). These rocks constitute remaining inorganic materials derived from claystones, mudstones and sandstones originally associated with the coal and are essentially a complex mixture of various amorphous and crystalline inorganic constituents. In this paper, a petrographic characterization of natural clinker, aswell as the application of the X-ray diffraction (Rietveld method) by mean of quantitative analysis of its mineral phases were carried out. The RIQAS program was used for the refinement of X ray powder diffraction profiles, analyzing the importance of using the correct isostructural models for each of the existing phases, which were obtained from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD). The results obtained in this investigation show that the Rietveld method can be used as a powerful tool in the quantitative analysis of phases in polycrystalline samples, which has been a traditional problem in geology

    Reflexiones en torno a un proyecto educativo. Universidad Católica de Colombia y su aporte al pacto educativo global

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    Este libro conmemora las Bodas de Oro de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, 1970 -2020, así como los veinte años de vida de su Departamento de Humanidades y Centro de Pastoral Universitaria. En este marco celebrativo, la presente publicación recoge una colección de selectos artículos de gran valor académico y ofrece profundas e interesantes reflexiones en el campo de las Humanidades. El volumen se divide en dos partes: la primera fija su atención en el estudio teórico de los fundamentos misionales de la Universidad; la segunda se enfoca en la aplicación práctica de la Misión en las distintas actividades propuestas por la Alma Mater. La primera sección, “Elementos históricos y misionales”, analiza los lineamientos de la Misión desde una triple perspectiva: antropológica, educativa y filosófica, con el fin de resaltar la raíz más genuina y profunda de la identidad de la Universidad. Asimismo, presenta una reseña histórica del nacimiento y consolidación académica tanto del Departamento de Humanidades como de la Pastoral Universitaria, y aborda de manera original la concepción de educación como acto humano de naturaleza moral. La segunda sección, “Iniciativas y desarrollo académico”, presenta las diferentes iniciativas de formación que, en consonancia con la Misión de esta Casa de Estudios y su Proyecto Educativo Institucional, se han adelantado en los últimos años. Se hace aquí el análisis y reflexión sobre el matrimonio y la familia a la luz de la enseñanza de la Iglesia y los Principios de la Universidad; el voluntariado universitario y su servicio a la Misión Institucional; la lectura y la escritura como eje transversal del Departamento de Humanidades; y otras perspectivas de igual riqueza. Las valiosas reflexiones antropológico-educativas, cobijadas al calor del nacimiento e historia de la Alma Mater, brindan al lector razones potentes para internarse en la lectura de esta obra, que marcará un hito significativo en la vida universitaria.PRÓLOGO. PRIMERA PARTE: ELEMENTOS HISTÓRICOS Y MISIONALES. SEGUNDA PARTE: INICIATIVAS Y DESARROLLO ACADÉMICO.1a