45 research outputs found

    Disconnection between genetic and morphological diversity in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean

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    Eight SSU rDNA genetic types have been described in the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, but the level of correlation between genetic diversity and morphological variation remains unknown in this morphospecies. In this study, we combine molecular and morphometric analyses of specimens of N. pachyderma sampled during two consecutive years across a latitudinal gradient in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. We observe that three genetic types of N. pachyderma inhabit the (sub-)polar waters of the southern Indian Ocean where they have equivalent regional distributions to those previously observed in the South Atlantic. The geographic ranges of these genetic types are largely overlapping. Our morphometric data show that contrary to other planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies, there is no relationship between genetic diversity and morphological differentiation in at least two of the austral representatives of N. pachyderma (Type III and Type IV) despite a high morphological variability and large genetic distance between these types. These genetic types of N. pachyderma in the southern Indian Ocean thus constitute true cryptic species of planktonic foraminifera

    Timescale uncertainty of abrupt events in the geologic record arising from unsteady sedimentation

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    Defining the time scale of abrupt events in the stratigraphic record is a primary goal of high-resolution paleoclimate analysis. A significant hurdle in this endeavor is that abrupt, i.e., millennial and submillennial, events in deep time can rarely be temporally constrained accurately owing to the typical absence of high-precision age control at the scale of the events. Instead, the duration of abrupt events is commonly estimated via the linear partitioning of time between age control points (e.g., defined using astronomical cycles or radiometric dates) that bracket the event and span longer time intervals. The flaw with this approach is that sedimentation is an unsteady process and does not proceed linearly with time. Here a numerical model, parameterized by geologic data, is used to quantify theoretical time-scale uncertainties that result from unsteady sedimentation. This work demonstrates that the duration of assumed millennial events estimated via a linear partitioning approach may be significantly in error, even in complete, astronomically calibrated and unbioturbated successions best suited to the study of abrupt paleoclimate change. The uncertainties established in this study are largely a function of the precise statistical properties of the sedimentation process, properties that are difficult to constrain empirically, particularly over short time spans. Nevertheless, this study illustrates how unsteady sedimentation sets an important limit on the attainable temporal resolution of the stratigraphic record, with consequent implications for defining accurately the rates and durations of rapid events in Earth history

    Genetic Relations Between the Aves Ridge and the Grenada Back-Arc Basin, East Caribbean Sea

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    The Grenada Basin separates the active Lesser Antilles Arc from the Aves Ridge, described as a Cretaceous‐Paleocene remnant of the “Great Arc of the Caribbean.” Although various tectonic models have been proposed for the opening of the Grenada Basin, the data on which they rely are insufficient to reach definitive conclusions. This study presents, a large set of deep‐penetrating multichannel seismic reflection data and dredge samples acquired during the GARANTI cruise in 2017. By combining them with published data including seismic reflection data, wide‐angle seismic data, well data and dredges, we refine the understanding of the basement structure, depositional history, tectonic deformation and vertical motions of the Grenada Basin and its margins as follows: (1) rifting occurred during the late Paleocene‐early Eocene in a NW‐SE direction and led to seafloor spreading during the middle Eocene; (2) this newly formed oceanic crust now extends across the eastern Grenada Basin between the latitude of Grenada and Martinique; (3) asymmetrical pre‐Miocene depocenters support the hypothesis that the southern Grenada Basin originally extended beneath the present‐day southern Lesser Antilles Arc and probably partly into the present‐day forearc before the late Oligocene‐Miocene rise of the Lesser Antilles Arc; and (4) the Aves Ridge has subsided along with the Grenada Basin since at least the middle Eocene, with a general subsidence slowdown or even an uplift during the late Oligocene, and a sharp acceleration on its southeastern flank during the late Miocene. Until this acceleration of subsidence, several bathymetric highs remained shallow enough to develop carbonate platforms

    Feasibility of Onchocerciasis Elimination with Ivermectin Treatment in Endemic Foci in Africa: First Evidence from Studies in Mali and Senegal

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    The control of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, is based on annual or six-monthly ivermectin treatment of populations at risk. This has been effective in controlling the disease as a public health problem, but it is not known whether it can also eliminate infection and transmission to the extent that treatment can be safely stopped. Many doubt that this is feasible in Africa. A study was undertaken in three hyperendemic onchocerciasis foci in Mali and Senegal where treatment has been given for 15 to 17 years. The results showed that only few infections remained in the human population and that transmission levels were everywhere below postulated thresholds for elimination. Treatment was subsequently stopped in test areas in each focus, and follow-up evaluations did not detect any recrudescence of infection or transmission. Hence, the study has provided the first evidence that onchocerciasis elimination is feasible with ivermectin treatment in some endemic foci in Africa. Although further studies are needed to determine to what extent these findings can be extrapolated to other areas in Africa, the principle of onchocerciasis elimination with ivermectin treatment has been established

    Genetic and morphometric evidence for parallel evolution of the Globigerinella calida morphotype

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    Molecular genetic investigations of the highly abundant extant planktonic foraminifera plexus Globigerinella siphonifera/Globigerinella calida have recently shown this group to be the genetically most diverse one within planktonic foraminifera, separating it into 12 distinct genetic types belonging to three main genetic lineages. Independently, several morphological or physiological variants have been described within the group, but the correlation between the high genetic diversity and the phenotypic variability remains unclear. In this study, we combine genetic data with morphometric analyses of shell shape and porosity of genotyped individuals of the different genetic lineages. Our morphometric measurements suggest a differentiation of three morphotypes within the plexus, two of which possess the elongated chambers described as a typical trait of G. calida. These two morphotypes with elongated chambers are associated with two distinct genetic lineages. The G. calida morphology therefore appears to have evolved twice in parallel. Unexpectedly, we show that the two morphotypes with elongated chambers can be separated from each other by characters seen in the lateral view of their shells. This implies that the taxonomy of the extant members of the genus Globigerinella should be revised. A comparison with the original descriptions and type specimens of members of the genus shows that two genetic types of one major lineage correspond to G. calida. The second group with elongated chambers is associated with a recently diverged genetic type and we propose to reinstate the name Globigerinella radians for this distinct form. The remaining nine of the 12 genetic types correspond to the G. siphonifera morphology, and in the absence of evidence for morphological differentiation, they form a paraphyletic morpho-taxon. Our results highlight the prevalence of parallelism in the evolution of shell morphology in planktonic foraminifera even at the lowest level of relatedness represented by genetic types

    Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of invertebrate carbonate shells and the reconstruction of paleotemperatures and paleosalinities-A case study of the early Pleistocene of Rhodes, Greece

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    The coastal sediments of Rhodes in the eastern Mediterranean have recorded transgression-regression cycles that took place during the early Pleistocene. The sedimentary deposits from the Kritika Member of the Rhodes Formation consist in conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and clays deposited in brackish to shallow marine environments. Faunal associations are dominated by molluscs and reveal rapid ecological changes. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of aquatic skeletal carbonates show that these ecological changes were most likely driven by large salinity changes while water temperature remained rather constant at about 22.0 ± 1.5 °C. The tectonic activity of the island rather than glacio-eustatic variations of climatic origin is advocated to be responsible for the ecological and salinity changes and sea-level variations recorded in the sedimentary sequence. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Pleistocene marine fish invasions and paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the eastern Mediterranean

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    Marine bioinvasions affect ecosystems in irreversible ways, creating socio-economic problems worldwide. In particular, eastern Mediterranean marine fish faunas today are significantly disturbed due to overfishing, habitat deterioration, the Lessepsian invasion, and climate change. Isolating the impact of each parameter is difficult, because pre-anthropogenic activity data are lacking. In this study, we use the paleontological record to infer the causes and mechanisms behind marine fish invasions, focusing on the Mediterranean basin, which is a restricted basin and a biological hotspot, where the effects of climatic and oceanographic changes are amplified. Therefore, the Mediterranean Sea is an ideal area to study marine biological invasions in relation to abrupt climate changes. Furthermore, we focus on the Pleistocene, which was a period of intense glacial–interglacial changes. Thus, we investigate the effect of climate changes on the fish fauna of an eastern Mediterranean shelf, by identifying the fish otoliths in the Early–Middle Pleistocene marine sediments of Rhodes (Greece). We offer a synthesis of the Mediterranean marine fish from the Tortonian until today and hypothesize on the conditions that drove marine fish distribution range shifts during the Pleistocene. We reconstruct the paleobathymetric evolution of the study areas based on fish otoliths, and we consider taphonomy in our interpretations. The Pleistocene climatic variability induced periodic and gradual replacements of fish taxa. Episodic invasions of cold-water North Atlantic mesopelagic species are correlated with intervals of climatic deterioration, specifically during marine isotope stages 50, 44, 36, 20, and 18