7 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Menuju Sertifikasi Halal pada Produk "Socolat" UMKM Pondok Modern Sumber Daya At-Taqwa

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    Pemeluk agama Islam di Indonesia mencapai 87% dari total jumlah penduduk. Kebutuhan produk halal menjadi hal wajib bagi produsen maupun konsumen muslim, tetapi, kepedulian terhadap kehalalan suatu produk masih sangat rendah. Sertifikasi halal berfungsi tidak hanya sebagai perlindungan konsumen khususnya masyarakat muslim tetapi juga sebagai strategi perdagangan internasional. Pondok Modern Sumber Daya At-Taqwa memiliki Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang menghasilkan produk salah satunya adalah Socolat. Namun, produk tersebut belum memiliki sertifikasi halal. Produk Socolat merupakan produk makanan berbahan dasar coklat putih dan daun kelor. Produk ini belum memiliki sertifikat halal. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan UMKM dari Pondok modern Sumber Daya At-Taqwa (POMOSDA), hingga mampu membawa produk Socolat menuju proses sertifikasi halal. Strategi yang dilakukan antara lain:Melakukan pelatihan kader halal, pemetaan produk, menetapkan titik kritis halal berdasarkan Sistem Jaminan Halal (SJH) dan melakukan pendampingan sampai produk Socolat disubmit seluruh dokumen untuk mendapat sertifikasi halal. Pada akhir kegiatan ini, produk Socolat resmi menjadi binaan Pusat Kajian Halal ITS dan seluruh dokumen ajuan sertifikasi halal beserta kelengkapannya berhasil dibuat dan diajukan kepada Majelis Ulama Indonesia melalui Pusat Kajian Halal ITS

    An Electronic Traceability System for an Indonesian Fresh Fruit Supply Chain

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    Nowdays, traceability system for agriculture comodity is mandatory requirements in some countries such as Japan, United States, and all European countries. All export agricultural companies must applied traceability system to fulfill the mandates of goverments market requirements. Traceability system also has beneficials to reduce products return and improve efficiencies and effectiveness their inventory. Electronic traceability system is relatively new and is believed by many experts to have the advantages than paper-based traceability system such as: integration of data to multiple users, the accuracy of data input and control and monitoring easier and faster. Although the recent problems of traceability becomes the important issues in food and agriculture supply chain, but a few researchers to design and implement electronic traceability system especially to integrate multi-user and in supply chain contex. This paper develop the electronic traceability system products including software for electronic traceability system and barcode technology. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to design traceabilty system model that was described a usecase, state and sequence diagram. Based on these models, electronic traceability system was developed by adopting XAMPP control panel. Indonesian mangosteen and manggo fruits were chosen as a case study in order to validate electronic traceability system. The results showed that the electronic traceability system product is relatif support to helps members of supply chain to complete their traceability system capabilities for the benefit of mangosteen and mango export

    Modifikasi Biokomposit Kitosan dari Cangkang Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) dan Pektin untuk Aplikasi Edible Film

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    According to the 2016 data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia is the second largest plastic waste disposal country after China. The use of synthetic plastic today contains negative effects on the environment and health due to its non-biodegradable nature. It is necessary to develop renewable plastics that are safe for the environment and health to reduce the negative impact of these problems. Edible film is a good alternative to synthetic plastic because it is biodegradable and safe for health. Edible film modification by blending chitosan and pectin biopolymers is a potential way to produce denser biocomposite of edible film. This study aimed to utilize the chitosan of crab shell waste and pectin as edible film biocomposite because those wastes have not been widely utilized. The synthesis edible film and the effect of the ratio of chitosan and pectin mixture to physical properties, mechanical properties, and the biodegradability of edible film were also studied by using various ratios of chitosan and pectin (C: P), i.e., 100:0, 50:50, 0 100). In the blending process, glycerol was added as a plasticizer with a concentration of 20% of the weight of the biopolymer. Edible films produced were analyzed to investigate the physical properties, and mechanical properties. The results show that the best characteristics of edible film produced from a mixture of chitosan and pectin with a thickness of 0.068 mm and 44.11% of air solubility. Thickness and water solubility of edible films can be improved by mixing chitosan biopolymer and pectin. However, the edible film solubility in water was not too high because of the hydrophobic nature of the chitosan

    Karakteristik Biokomposit Edible Film dari Campuran Kitosan dan Pektin Limbah Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa acuminata)

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    Kemasan plastik banyak digunakan pada industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia karena praktis dan mudah. Namun, disisi lain ini merupakan bencana bagi lingkungan karena plastik merupakan bahan yang sulit terurai (nondegradable). Edible film merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk menggantikan kemasan plastik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan kitosan dari limbah cangkang rajungan dan pektin dari limbah kulit pisang kepok sebagai bahan baku pembuatan edible film. Kitosan diperoleh dari proses degreasing, deproteinasi, demineralisasi dan deasetilasi cangkang rajungan. Pektin diperoleh dari proses hidrolisis kulit pisang kepok. Edible film yang berbasis kitosan dan pektin dibuat melalui proses blending dengan ratio (K:P) 100:0; 60:40; 50:50: 40:60 dan 0:100. Analisis karakteristik yang dilakukan meliputi warna, transparan, ketebalan, kelarutan dalam air, laju transmisi uap air (WVTR), kadar air, swelling degree, biodegradabilitas, dan aktivitas antimikroba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan edible film kitosan dan pektin yang paling optimal adalah ratio 50:50

    Analysis of Innovation Product Development of The Boardgame "Kewania”

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    Purpose: This research aims to explore the innovation and product development process of the Kewania board game, analyze its business model, and assess its product maturity. Method: The study employs the Design Thinking framework to identify the manufacturing process, conducts a Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis for business model examination, and utilizes the KTH Innovation Readiness Level (IRL) method for evaluating product maturity. Result: The findings indicate that "Kewania" successfully integrates design thinking, creating board games that are not only entertaining but also possess educational value. The BMC analysis identifies crucial elements in the business model, while the KTH-IRL analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the company's innovation readiness. limitation: The limitations of this research include challenges in business management, specifically positioning "Kewania" in the valley of death. Practical implications: Conclusions and recommendations encompass strategies for enhanced education, pricing, and marketing; advanced development; community collaboration; periodic evaluation; optimized distribution; innovation management; cost efficiency; customer-centric focus; strengthened branding; improved IPRL; team training; and diversified funding sources. Originality: This study contributes to the field by examining the innovation and product development of a board game in the context of design thinking, BMC analysis, and KTH IRL evaluation. Paper type: research paper

    Analysis of Innovation Product Development of The Boardgame "Kewania”

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    Purpose: This research aims to explore the innovation and product development process of the Kewania board game, analyze its business model, and assess its product maturity. Method: The study employs the Design Thinking framework to identify the manufacturing process, conducts a Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis for business model examination, and utilizes the KTH Innovation Readiness Level (IRL) method for evaluating product maturity. Result: The findings indicate that "Kewania" successfully integrates design thinking, creating board games that are not only entertaining but also possess educational value. The BMC analysis identifies crucial elements in the business model, while the KTH-IRL analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the company's innovation readiness. limitation: The limitations of this research include challenges in business management, specifically positioning "Kewania" in the valley of death. Practical implications: Conclusions and recommendations encompass strategies for enhanced education, pricing, and marketing; advanced development; community collaboration; periodic evaluation; optimized distribution; innovation management; cost efficiency; customer-centric focus; strengthened branding; improved IPRL; team training; and diversified funding sources. Originality: This study contributes to the field by examining the innovation and product development of a board game in the context of design thinking, BMC analysis, and KTH IRL evaluation. Paper type: research paper

    Produksi Tepung Rendah Kalsium Oksalat dari Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) dengan Kombinasi Proses Fisik dan Kimia

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    Saat ini tepung porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) telah menjadi primadona pasar global, karena sumber potensial glukomanan yang diaplikasikan di industri pangan, farmasi dan Kesehatan. Namun kualitas tepung sangat dipengaruhi oleh beragam umbi, penanganan pasca panen dan cara memproses. Disamping itu, umbi porang tidak dapat dikonsumsi secara langsung karena kandungan oksalat. Sehingga untuk mencapai standar kualitasnya, produk tepung lokal tersebut harus diturunkan kadar kalsium oksalat dan ditingkatkan kadar glukomanan. Maka tujuan penelitian ini yaitu memproduksi tepung porang rendah kalsium oksalat dari umbi yang tidak segar, dengan menggunakan kombinasi proses fisik dan kimia. Untuk mendapatkan kualitas tersebut, dilakukan variasi ketebalan irisan, yaitu 2, 4, 6, dan 8 mm, metode perendaman, yaitu Without Soaking (WS) dengan tanpa perendaman, Chemical Soaking (CS) dengan larutan natrium bisulfit 1500 ppm dan Physical Soaking (PS) dengan air, serta metode pengeringan, yaitu Oven Drying (OD) dan Sun Drying (SD). Produk tepung porang terbaik yang dihasilkan yaitu pada ketebalan irisan 2 mm, kombinasi perendaman dan pengeringan dengan larutan natrium bisulfit dan oven atau disebut Chemical Soaking - Oven Drying (CSOD). Pada kombinasi tersebut, peningkatan kadar glukomanan yaitu dari 31,78% menjadi 60%, dan kadar kalsium oksalat dapat diturunkan sebesar 43,38%, dari 155,3 mg/100g menjadi 68,6 mg/100g. Kadar tersebut diuji dengan SNI 7939:2020. Sedangkan kadar air dan kadar abu pada produk tersebut yaitu masing-masing sebesar 6,95% dan 9,4%, yang diuji dengan SNI 01-2891-1992