72 research outputs found

    Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal: the renewed journal of young doctors aims even higher.

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    In January 2006, a new journal, Capsula Eburnea, was born in the Italian scientific pub-lishing scene, with the initial goal of creating, at the same time, “an open scientific forum and a blog”. Until December 2009, the vast majority of manuscripts was still published in Italian, restricting the number of readers. From the end of 2009, the journal has undergone extensive changes, becoming indexed in the main scientific search engines (Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journal, Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodical Directory), and renewing its Editorial Team with a role reassign-ment and expanding the Editorial Board to up to 40 young doctors with proven scientific experience from 15 countries around the world, working as researchers, PhD students, senior medical staff, research fellows or doctors in specialist training. Finally, the journal has progressively encouraged the publication of articles in English, through an endorsed English translation service provided by native English speaking translators. This service became mandatory for all peer-reviewed articles accepted by the Journal in 2011. At the same time, the Editorial Board unanimously decreed to change the name of the journal into “Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal for young doctors (formerly: Capsula Eburnea)” from January 2012. Today, the journal is fully open access (including the archives of Capsula Eburnea) with the possibility to download articles for free, and the publication process involves a blind peer review of each article by at least two scientists. During its first two years of activity, the Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal (EMBJ) published 48 scientific articles (17 origi-nal articles, 14 reviews, 13 case report, two technical reports and two commentaries) and one edition of Conference Proceedings

    CSF Biomarker Levels of Aß40 and TAU/Aß 42 Correspond to Neuropsychological Outcome in Chronic TBI Participants

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    Objectives: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) involves axonal injury and accumulation of pathological protein aggregates including amyloid-β (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated tau (p-tau). Biomarker analysis of tau and Aβ concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may be an objective marker of cognitive status after TBI. The goal of the current study was to analyze tau and Aβ 40–42 in a cohort of military and civilian participants with chronic deficits secondary to TBI, and correlate neuropsychological outcome data with concentrations of tau and Aβ42 measured in CSF from the same subjects. Methods: 19 chronic TBI participants ( > 6 months from injury; 16 males, mean age 41yrs, 8 military veterans and 11 civilians) underwent lumbar puncture as well as neuropsychological testing. CSF was analyzed for concentrations of total tau, Aβ1-42 (Aβ42) and Aβ1-40 (Aβ40) by ELISA, and tau/Aβ42 ratio was calculated. The neuropsychological test battery included measures of memory, processing speed and executive function: California Verbal Learning Test-II (CVLT) Short and Long Delay Free Recall (SDFR, LDFR), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Working Memory Index (WAIS IV) and Trail Making Test Part A/B. Nonparametric correlation (Spearman rho, ρ) was used to relate CSF levels to neuropsychological data, controlling for age. Results: CSF tau/Aβ42 ratio was inversely associated with Trails B (Spearman p > −0.49, p  −0.51, p  −0.50, p < 0.034, respectively). There were no significant correlations between CSF biomarker levels and WAIS neuropsychological measures. Conclusions: In chronic TBI, neuropsychological outcome on measures of memory and executive function (CVLT and Trails B) corresponded to CSF biomarkers of tau and Aβ concentrations. Additional studies with a larger cohort of TBI participants are needed to draw meaningful conclusions. The use of CSF biomarkers in ongoing studies will allow us to test more specific hypotheses regarding the link between TBI and chronic neurodegenerative conditions such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy

    Teaching Law: Perspectives and approaches

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    El presente evento gira en torno al cambio de paradigmas dentro de la enseñanza del Derecho, así como la relación que existe entre esta y otros fenómenos sociales y económicos como el mercado. De esta manera el lector se introducirá de lleno en los cambios que experimenta la educación legal en los últimos años.This event revolves around the change inside the teaching law, as well as the relationship between this and other social and economics phenomena like the market. In this way, the reader will be introduced in the changes that teaching law has experienced in the last years

    The Comet Interceptor Mission

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    Here we describe the novel, multi-point Comet Interceptor mission. It is dedicated to the exploration of a little-processed long-period comet, possibly entering the inner Solar System for the first time, or to encounter an interstellar object originating at another star. The objectives of the mission are to address the following questions: What are the surface composition, shape, morphology, and structure of the target object? What is the composition of the gas and dust in the coma, its connection to the nucleus, and the nature of its interaction with the solar wind? The mission was proposed to the European Space Agency in 2018, and formally adopted by the agency in June 2022, for launch in 2029 together with the Ariel mission. Comet Interceptor will take advantage of the opportunity presented by ESA’s F-Class call for fast, flexible, low-cost missions to which it was proposed. The call required a launch to a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point. The mission can take advantage of this placement to wait for the discovery of a suitable comet reachable with its minimum ΔV capability of 600 ms−1. Comet Interceptor will be unique in encountering and studying, at a nominal closest approach distance of 1000 km, a comet that represents a near-pristine sample of material from the formation of the Solar System. It will also add a capability that no previous cometary mission has had, which is to deploy two sub-probes – B1, provided by the Japanese space agency, JAXA, and B2 – that will follow different trajectories through the coma. While the main probe passes at a nominal 1000 km distance, probes B1 and B2 will follow different chords through the coma at distances of 850 km and 400 km, respectively. The result will be unique, simultaneous, spatially resolved information of the 3-dimensional properties of the target comet and its interaction with the space environment. We present the mission’s science background leading to these objectives, as well as an overview of the scientific instruments, mission design, and schedule

    Mesa Redonda: “Enseñanza del Derecho: Perspectivas y Propuestas”

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    This event revolves around the change inside the teaching law, as well as the relationship between this and other social and economics phenomena like the market. In this way, the reader will be introduced in the changes that teaching law has experienced in the last years.El presente evento gira en torno al cambio de paradigmas dentro de la enseñanza del Derecho, así como la relación que existe entre esta y otros fenómenos sociales y económicos como el mercado. De esta manera el lector se introducirá de lleno en los cambios que experimenta la educación legal en los últimos años

    MEG-Derived Symptom-Sensitive Biomarkers with Long-Term Test-Retest Reliability

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    Neuroelectric measures derived from human magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings hold promise as aides to diagnosis and treatment monitoring and targeting for chronic sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study tests novel MEG-derived regional brain measures of tonic neuroelectric activation for long-term test-retest reliability and sensitivity to symptoms. Resting state MEG recordings were obtained from a normative cohort (CamCAN, baseline: n = 613; mean 16-month follow-up: n = 245) and a chronic symptomatic TBI cohort (TEAM-TBI, baseline: n = 62; mean 6-month follow-up: n = 40). The MEG-derived neuroelectric measures were corrected for the empty-room contribution using a random forest classifier. The mean 16-month correlation between baseline and 16-month follow-up CamCAN measures was 0.67; test-retest reliability was markedly improved in this study compared with previous work. The TEAM-TBI cohort was screened for depression, somatization, and anxiety with the Brief Symptom Inventory and for insomnia with the Insomnia Severity Index and was assessed via adjudication for six clinical syndromes: chronic pain, psychological health, and oculomotor, vestibular, cognitive, and sleep dysfunction. Linear classifiers constructed from the 136 regional measures from each TEAM-TBI cohort member distinguished those with and without each symptom, p &lt; 0.0003 for each, i.e., the tonic regional neuroelectric measures of activation are sensitive to the presence/absence of these symptoms and clinical syndromes. The novel regional MEG-derived neuroelectric measures obtained and tested in this study demonstrate the necessary and sufficient properties to be clinically useful, i.e., good test-retest reliability, sensitivity to symptoms in each individual, and obtainable using automatic processing without human judgement or intervention

    Early social pedagogical support system to families of children with Down syndrome

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    Maģistra darba mērķis ir noteikt agrīna sociālpedagoģiska atbalsta nozīmīgumu ģimenēm, kurās ir bērns ar Dauna sindromu, nodrošinot bērna tālāko attīstību un ģimenes un bērna iekļaušanos sabiedriskajās norisēs. Darbā izvērtēti nepieciešamie atbalsta pakalpojumi ģimenēm agrīnā bērna vecumposmā, atrodot iespējas atbalsta realizācijai Latvijā. Tiek teorētiski pētīta ārzemju un Latvijas pieredze agrīna sociālpedagoģiska atbalsta jomā un izstrādāti ieteikumi darbam ar ģimeni. Balstoties uz pētījuma jautājuma padziļinātu izpēti, tiek secināts, ka agrīnā atbalsta pasākumi Latvijā ir nepietiekami un agrīna sociālpedagoģiska atbalsta sistēma, kas tiek iztirzāta maģistra darba pēdējā nodaļā kā rekomendācijas modeļa izveidei, atspoguļo, kāds agrīnais atbalsts ir būtisks, lai veicinātu ģimeņu socializāciju ilgtspējīgā sabiedrībā.The main goal of Master Thesis is to define necessity and meaning of early social-pedagogical support for families of children with Down's syndrome. Recommendations for early support have been made, based on interviews of different respondents from different areas - families of child with Down's Syndrome. Different services of early child and family support in child's early age have been evaluated and also theoretical reaserch of experience of foreign countries and Latvia according to early social-pedagogical support have been made. Based on Master's thesis research question and in-depth studies it is concluded, that the earl support system in Latvia is insufficient. Early social-pedagogical support system, which is discussed in last chapter of Master Thesis, is made as recommendations of improvement in future