330 research outputs found

    Pseudococcus affinis MASK., new vector of grapevine trichoviruses A and B

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    Research Note Grapevine trichovirus A (GVA) and grapevine trichovirus B (GVB) were successfully transferred with bulk transmission trials under controlled conditions, from infected grapevines to herbaceous hosts by Pseudococcus affinis MASK., a pseudococcid mealybug that may attack grapevines. P. affinis is the fourth mealybug species capable of vectoring GVA and GVB, confirming that transmission by mealybugs of grapevine trichoviruses may not be species-specific

    Incidence of grapevine trunk diseases on four cultivars in Sardinia, Southern Italy

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    Esca proper and Botryosphaeria dieback are among the most widespread Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), characterized by similar decline symptoms. In the present work, chronic, apoplexy and death symptoms were analysed separately in four vineyards and four different cultivars, on more than 1,000 vines per cultivar, taking into account ten-year annual surveys. The cumulative incidence of plants with chronic symptoms (CHR) reached high values on 'Sauvignon Blanc' (81.9 %), 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (79.4 %) and 'Cannonau' (66.5 %), but it was low on 'Merlot' (25.1 %). 'Sauvignon Blanc' showed the highest cumulative incidence of apoplectic events (23.1 %) and dead cordons (49.2 %), while 'Cannonau' had the greatest number of dead plants (28.8 %). In each symptom category, incidence among cultivars differed significantly according to χ2 test at P ≤ 0.05. Annual incidence of foliar symptoms fluctuated over ten years (ranging from 0.9-9.5 % in 'Merlot' to 6.3‑59.1 % in 'Cabernet Sauvignon'), mostly with regard to CHR. On average, every year only 33.9 % of plants showing CHR had expressed symptoms in the previous year, while 48.6 % did not show symptoms the following year. Conversely, most of the plants exhibiting apoplexy or death were symptomatic the previous year. According to Tuckey HSD test (P ≤ 0.05) 'Merlot' had the highest incidence of plants showing CHR symptoms for the first time (72.1 %) and of apparently recovered plants (76.3 %), while 'Cabernet Sauvignon' exhibited the highest incidence of plants showing CHR symptoms also the previous year (50.0 %). The 'Cabernet Sauvignon' attitude to show chronic symptoms with a certain continuity was also confirmed by the low incidence of plants with hidden symptoms (lack of symptoms in previously symptomatic vines). On the contrary, the incidence of acute symptoms (apoplectic events and dead plants) was quite low on 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. The present study confirms that GTD incidence is influenced by cultivar. All the cultivars assessed were susceptible, but with differences in intensity, type (chronic or acute) and fluctuation of symptoms. It cannot be excluded, however, that besides the genotype also external factors, as the vigour conferred by the type of soil or the combination with the rootstock, may have influenced the results

    Damage assessment in single-nave churches and analysis of the most recurring mechanisms after the 2016–2017 central Italy earthquakes

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    Assessment of churches based on empirical data at a territorial scale is a suitable tool to have an overview of the seismic behaviour of this peculiar structural typology and to evaluate their current state of vulnerability. Fragility and vulnerability curves are also aimed to perform the analysis of different seismic scenarios. The paper presents a detailed typological analysis of 633 single-nave churches, as a selected subset of the database previously examined by the authors, with the aim of evaluating more in detail the influence of some parameters, such as masonry typology, church dimensions and presence of the bell tower, on the vulnerability of the overall church. Then, specific analyses are carried out to assess the influence played by single mechanisms on the definition of the overall damage index, with the focus of providing qualitative evaluations and explicit vulnerability and fragility curves related to the most recurring and significant collapse mechanisms. This is an original contribution of the paper in the field of the vulnerability assessment of churches, since nowadays little information is available in the literature about the damage levels related to specific mechanisms, while most attention is still focused on global damage

    Understanding the mechanisms of lung mechanical stress

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    Physical forces affect both the function and phenotype of cells in the lung. Bronchial, alveolar, and other parenchymal cells, as well as fibroblasts and macrophages, are normally subjected to a variety of passive and active mechanical forces associated with lung inflation and vascular perfusion as a result of the dynamic nature of lung function. These forces include changes in stress (force per unit area) or strain (any forced change in length in relation to the initial length) and shear stress (the stress component parallel to a given surface). The responses of cells to mechanical forces are the result of the cell's ability to sense and transduce these stimuli into intracellular signaling pathways able to communicate the information to its interior. This review will focus on the modulation of intracellular pathways by lung mechanical forces and the intercellular signaling. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which lung cells transduce physical forces into biochemical and biological signals is of key importance for identifying targets for the treatment and prevention of physical force-related disorders

    Reduction in regulatory T cells in preterm newborns is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis

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    BackgroundDespite multifactorial pathogenesis, dysregulation of inflammatory immune response may play a crucial role in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are involved in immune tolerance early in life. We aimed to investigate the predicting role of Tregs in developing NEC in neonates at high risk.MethodsWe studied six newborns with a diagnosis of NEC (cases) in comparison with 52 controls (without NEC). We further classified controls as neonates with feeding intolerance (FI) and neonates without it (FeedTol). The rate of female and male neonates (sex defined as a biological attribute) was similar. We analyzed the blood frequency of Tregs (not overall numbers) at three time points: 0-3 (T0), 7-10 (T1), and 27-30 (T2) days after birth by flow cytometry. Neonates' sex was defined based on the inspection of external genitalia at birth.ResultsWe observed, at T0, a significantly lower frequency of Tregs in NEC cases (p < 0.001) compared with both FI (p < 0.01) and FeedTol controls (p < 0.01). Multivariate analysis reported that the occurrence of NEC was independently influenced by Treg frequency at birth (ss 2.98; p = 0.039).ConclusionTregs frequency and features in the peripheral blood of preterm neonates, early in life, may contribute to identifying neonates at high risk of developing NEC.ImpactRegulatory T cells may play a pivotal role in regulating the immune response in early life. Reduction of Tregs in early life could predispose preterm newborns to necrotizing enterocolitis.Early markers of necrotizing enterocolitis are still lacking. We demonstrated a predicting role of assessment of regulatory T cells in the diagnosis of this gastrointestinal emergency.Early identification of newborns at high risk of necrotizing enterocolitis through measurement of regulatory T cells may guide clinicians in the management of preterm newborns in order to reduce the development of this severe condition

    Silica encapsulation of ZnO nanoparticles reduces their toxicity for cumulus cell-oocyte-complex expansion

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    Background Metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) are increasingly used in many industrial and biomedical applications, hence their impact on occupational and public health has become a concern. In recent years, interest on the effect that exposure to NPs may exert on human reproduction has grown, however data are still scant. In the present work, we investigated whether different metal oxide NPs interfere with mouse cumulus cell-oocyte complex (COC) expansion. Methods Mouse COCs from pre-ovulatory follicles were cultured in vitro in the presence of various concentrations of two types of TiO2 NPs (JRC NM-103 and NM-104) and four types of ZnO NPs (JRC NM-110, NM-111, and in-house prepared uncoated and SiO2-coated NPs) and the organization of a muco-elastic extracellular matrix by cumulus cells during the process named cumulus expansion was investigated. Results We show that COC expansion was not affected by the presence of both types of TiO2 NPs at all tested doses, while ZnO NM-110 and NM-111 induced strong toxicity and inhibited COCs expansion at relatively low concentration. Medium conditioned by these NPs showed lower toxicity, suggesting that, beside ion release, inhibition of COC expansion also depends on NPs per se. To further elucidate this, we compared COC expansion in the presence of uncoated or SiO2-coated NPs. Differently from the uncoated NPs, SiO2-coated NPs underwent slower dissolution, were not internalized by the cells, and showed an overall lower toxicity. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that ZnO NPs, but not SiO2-coated ZnO NPs, affected the expression of genes fundamental for COC expansion. Dosimetry analysis revealed that the delivered-to-cell mass fractions for both NPs was very low. Conclusions Altogether, these results suggest that chemical composition, dissolution, and cell internalization are all responsible for the adverse effects of the tested NPs and support the importance of a tailored, safer-by-design production of NPs to reduce toxicity

    The isoprenoid end product N6-isopentenyladenosine reduces inflammatory response through the inhibition of the NF\uce\ubaB and STAT3 pathways in cystic fibrosis cells

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    N6-isopentenyladenosine (iPA) is an intermediate of the mevalonate pathway that exhibits various anti-cancer effects. However, studies on its anti-inflammatory activity are scarce and underlying molecular mechanisms are unknown. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the ability of iPA to exert anti-inflammatory effects in the human cystic fibrosis (CF) cell model of exacerbated inflammation. TNF alpha-stimulated CF cells CuFi-1 and its normal counterpart NuLi-1 were pre-treated with increasing concentrations of iPA and cell viability and proliferation were assessed by MTT and BrdU assays. The effect of iPA on IL-8 and RANTES secretion was determined by ELISA, and the activation and expression of signaling molecules and selenoproteins were studied by Western blot. To assess the direct effect of iPA on NF kappa B activity, luciferase assay was performed on TNF alpha-stimulated HEK293/T cells transfected with a NF kappa B reporter plasmid. We demonstrated for the first time that iPA prevents IL-8 and RANTES release in TNF alpha-stimulated CF cells and this effect is mediated by increasing the expression of the direct NF kappa B inhibitor I kappa B alpha and decreasing the levels of STAT3. Consistent with this, we showed that iPA inhibited TNF alpha-mediated NF kappa B activation in HEK/293T cells. Finally, we also found that iPA improved the levels of glutathione peroxidase 1 and thioredoxin reductase 1 only in CF cells suggesting its ability to maintain sufficient expression of these anti-oxidant selenoproteins. Our findings indicate that iPA can exert anti-inflammatory activity especially in the cases of excessive inflammatory response as in CF

    The 2017 Regional Election in Catalonia: An attempt to understand the pro-independence vote

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    This paper tries to unveil the main factors behind the triumph of the proindependence vote in the 2017 Regional Election in Catalonia. The empirical analysis, which is carried out at the county level and by using a spatial econometric model, reveals that geographical location matters. The estimation results also suggest that the pro-independence vote is mainly linked to the birthplace of individuals. More specifically, it shows that the independence feeling is weaker the higher the share of citizens born outside Catalonia. On the other side, young and highly educated people are more prone to independence. Additionally, it is shown that people working in the public sector are more likely to vote for a political party in favor of Catalonia remaining in Spain, while the opposite happens for those voters working in construction. Finally, the results seem to dispel some myths associated with the role played by the county’s size and level of income on the proindependence vote

    Genetic variability, chemotype distribution, and aggressiveness of Fusarium culmorum on durum wheat in Tunisia

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    Fusarium culmorum is the most commonly reported root rot pathogen in Tunisian durum wheat. Isolates of the pathogen from four durum wheat growing areas in the north of Tunisia were analyzed for their chemotypes. Two chemotypes were detected at unequal abundance (96% of 3-ADON and 4% of NIV). Distribution of a SNP mutation located at the position 34 bp after the first exon of the EF-1\u3b1 partial sequence was analysed, to verify whether the haplotype was specifically associated to Fusarium root rot. A and T haplotypes were homogeneously distributed in three different Tunisian regions (Mateur, Beja and Bousalem) but not for the region of Bizerte, from which greatest number of A haplotype strains were detected. The isolates were tested for their virulence under glasshouse conditions, and a mean of 91% of crown and root infection was observed. Chemotype influenced virulence, but there was no significant influence of the geographical origin or haplotype on virulence. The distribution of three inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) was examined, to better understand the structure of F. culmorum populations in Tunisia. A total of 27 fragments were obtained with eight polymorphic bands. Cluster analysis showed a high level of similarity between isolates. Analysis of molecular variance confirmed that there was little genetic differentiation among F. culmorum strains from different locations

    Cell identity and nucleo-mitochondrial genetic context modulate OXPHOS performance and determine somatic heteroplasmy dynamics

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    Heteroplasmy, multiple variants of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the same cytoplasm, may be naturally generated by mutations but is counteracted by a genetic mtDNA bottleneck during oocyte development. Engineered heteroplasmic mice with nonpathological mtDNA variants reveal a nonrandom tissue-specific mtDNA segregation pattern, with few tissues that do not show segregation. The driving force for this dynamic complex pattern has remained unexplained for decades, challenging our understanding of this fundamental biological problem and hindering clinical planning for inherited diseases. Here, we demonstrate that the nonrandom mtDNA segregation is an intracellular process based on organelle selection. This cell type-specific decision arises jointly from the impact of mtDNA haplotypes on the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system and the cell metabolic requirements and is strongly sensitive to the nuclear context and to environmental cues