8 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Network Selection in Heterogeneous Network using TOPSIS

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    Due to integration of heterogeneous wireless technology demand of seamless communication is increases. Various approaches have been proposed for network selection in vertical handoff. Here we propose a new energy efficient network selection algorithm by considering three networks (CDMA, WIMAX &WLAN) for network selection .In this work, based on the power consumption, traffic class and current battery level of each network interface card , the mobile terminal lifetime is to be calculated. As the lifetime of mobile terminal decreases, we reduce the number of attributes and networks by eliminating the particular network form network list. AHP (Analytic hierarchical process) and TOPSIS (Technique for order of Preference by similarity to the Ideal Solution) are used for network selection

    Assessment of Oral Health Care Delivery System in Greater Noida Using Five A’s Model

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    BACKGROUND: Access to dental health services refers not only to utilization but also to the extent by which the utilization is judged as per the professional norms using five independent dimensions of accessibility, availability, accommodation, affordability and acceptability. AIM: The aim of the study is to assess the dental services utilization among population of Greater Noida using Five A’s model. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The study was conducted in Dental College in Greater Noida. This cross-sectional study was carried out on the 200 subjects using convenient sampling on the patients visiting dental OPD.A self-administered structured questionnaire in English and Hindi language was used. Data was entered in the Microsoft excel sheet and analysed using SPSS (version 20.0).RESULTS: Mean level of access to dental services in the study population was 60.3.Corresponding figures for affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation and acceptability were 55.2 ± 12.1,57.1± 12.8,60.75 ± 14.7,61.75 ± 8.7,58.65± 11.4 respectively.CONCLUSION: According to the results of our study , the level of access to dental care services is not very good with family income, location and level of education being the determinants of this access

    Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the early Eocene Gurha lignite mine, Rajasthan, India

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    A 105 m early Eocene section exposed in the Gurha mine in the Nagaur-Ganganagar Basin, Rajasthan, India, archiving remains of equatorial vegetation at a time of extreme global warmth and close to the onset of the India-Eurasia collision, is investigated using palynostratigraphic and palynofacies analyses. Four palynozones e.g., Palmidites plicatus Singh, Botryococcus braunii Kützing, Triangulorites bellus Kar and Ovoidites ligneolus are identified stratigraphically on the basis of abundance of these pollen taxa over others. The occurrence of taxonomically highly diverse angiosperm pollen in all the four palynozones attests to an extremely rich near-coastal tropical flora subject to frequent wildfires under a strongly seasonal precipitation regime. Palynotaxa characteristic of these palynozones are widely distributed in other early Paleogene sediments of India. Sedimentary organic matter (structured terrestrial, biodegraded, amorphous, grey amorphous, resins, charcoal/black-brown debris and algal remains) recovered from mire and lacustrine sediments are of terrestrial origin, recording fluctuations in burial anoxia and salinity. Episodes of elevated salinity are due either to seepage of marine waters and/or a periodic excess of evaporation over precipitation at times when the depositional system was closed

    Palynostratigraphy, palynofacies and depositional environment of a lignite-bearing succession at Surkha Mine, Cambay Basin, north-western India

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    The paper reports palynology and palynofacies studies of lignite-bearing sediments exposed in an opencast mine succession at Surkha, Bhavnagar District, in the coastal region of Gujarat, India. The study examined the relationships between the palynoflora, sedimentary organic matter and environment at the time of deposition of lignite and associated sediments. Based on dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, the sedimentary succession is dated as early Eocene (Ypresian). Palynofacies studies helped reveal the palaeoenvironmental fluctuations. The dominance of angiosperm pollen grains, freshwater algae, microthyraceous fungi and a large share of land debris in the lower part of the succession suggests a freshwater swamp environment of deposition for the basal lignite facies. Two cenozones - Matanomadiasulcites maximus and Lakiapollis ovatus - were identified in the lower lignite facies, determined from the dominance of these pollen grains in the palynological assemblages. The presence of angiosperm pollen grains and pteridophyte spores in the carbonaceous shale horizon above the lignite facies indicates a change in the depositional regime from freshwater swamp to lagoonal. This was identified as the Arecipites wodehousei cenozone due to its numerical abundance in the assemblage. Dinoflagellate cyst abundance and diversity, and microforaminiferal test linings along with well-sorted terrestrial debris in the mudstone in the upper part of the succession suggest a more open marine estuarine type of depositional environment. The Homotryblium complex along with Cordospheridium fibrospinosum, Kenleyia sp., and Thalassiphora pelagica dinoflagellate cysts are the main representatives of this zone, determined as the Homotryblium tenuispinosum cenozone. The changing depositional settings (freshwater swamp-lagoonal-estuarine) along the vertical succession indicate a marine transgression in this region. Results from palynological studies of early Palaeogene successions of the Cambay and Kutch basins correlate well with the present findings

    Effect of orthodontic forces on levels of enzymes in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF): A systematic review

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    Abstract Objective: Orthodontic force application releases multiple enzymes in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) for activation, resorption, reversal, deposition of osseous elements and extracellular matrix degradation. The current systematic review critically evaluated all existing evidence on enzymes in orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: Literature was searched with predetermined search strategy on electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase), along with hand search. Results: Initial search identified 652 studies, shortlisted to 52 studies based on PRISMA. Quality assessment further led to final inclusion of 48 studies (13 moderately and 35 highly sensitive studies). Primary outcomes are significant upregulation in GCF levels of enzymes-aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), β-glucuronidase (βG), tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), acid phosphatase (ACP) and down regulation in cathepsin B (Cb). Site specificity is shown by ALP, TRAP, AST, LDH, MMP9 with levels at compression site increasing earlier and in higher quantities compared with tension site. ALP levels are higher at tension site only in retention. A positive correlation of LDH, ALP and AST is also observed with increasing orthodontic force magnitude. Conclusions: A strong evidence of variation in enzymes (ALP, AST, ACP TRAP, LDH, MMPs, Cb) in GCF is found in association with different magnitude, stages and sites of orthodontic force application