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    NILAI BUDAYA PADA KESENIAN TRADISIONAL SISINGAAN SEBAGAI SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN IPS (Studi Deskriptif pada Lingkung Seni Mutiara Surya Putra Desa Sumber Sari Kecamatan Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung)

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    ABSTRACT The problem in this study is there are still many educators who have not maximized the use of environment-based learning resources around students, the learning resources used by teachers are still limited to learning that is fixated on textbooks. Which is the use of cultural value-based learning resources in traditional arts, which are rarely used by educators. The purpose of this study is to find out what cultural milestones exist in the traditional art of Sisingaan in Sumber Sar Village, to identify how the community's efforts are in Sumber Sari Village Sumber Village Sari and to analyze how to integrate cultural values in the traditional arts of Sisingaan in Sumber Sari Village with Social Studies learning resources. This research is a descriptive study conducted in Sumber Sarı Village, Ciparay Subdistrict, Bandung Regency. The technique used for data collection is observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this search indicate that cultural values in Sisingaan traditional art are local values, religious values, mutual assistance values, aesthetic value and historical value. The efforts of Sumber Sari village community in preserving cultural values in the traditional art of Sisingaan is by continuing to carry out traditional art activities of Sisingaan. creative in developing Sisingaan traditional arts. Cultural values contained in the arts can be used as a source of social studies learning in some social studies learning materials in schools. Social studies learning material that is suitable and relevant to the cultural values of traditional arts of Sisingaan, namely material on the dynamics of the Indonesian population(Ethnic and Cultural diversity), Hindu- Biddhist (Hindu-Buddhist influence on Indonesia society), the plurality of Indonesia Indonesia society and integration and community life during the Islamic era (the infulence of Islam on Indonesian society). Key words: Cultural values, Sisingaan traditional art, social study learning source

    Redefinir rey y soberanía: el retorno de Fernando VII y la agonía del Liberalismo

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    This paper analyzes, mainly drawing on the Liberal press, the political options put forward in the early months of 1814 on the occasion of the Valençay treaty and the return of Ferdinand VII to Spain. The political atmosphere of uncertainty generated by the King’s silence allowed for the incorporation of moderate alternatives to the political debate. Thus, besides the two more popular options, associated with the 1812 Constitution and the absolute regime emerged as a result of the Mutiny of Aranjuez, it was possible to defend, regarding the monarchy, the candidacy of Carlos IV to the throne; and concerning the political system, the positive qualities of post revolutionary, moderate. Regimes were highly valued. | En este trabajo analizamos, a través principalmente de la prensa liberal, las alternativas políticas puestas en juego en los primeros meses de 1814 con motivo de la firma del tratado de Valençay y el retorno de Fernando VII a España. El clima de incertidumbre política generado por el silencio del rey permitió que, junto a las dos corrientes con más apoyos, las asociadas a la Constitución de 1812 y al régimen absoluto surgido del motín de Aranjuez, fueran contempladas alternativas intermedias, tanto con respecto a la monarquía, con la entrada en escena de la candidatura de Carlos IV al trono, como con respecto al régimen político, pues fueron ponderadas las virtudes de los regímenes templados de carácter postrevolucionario

    La inspiración española de la revolución piamontesa de 1821

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    A partir de una reflexión sobre la importancia del modelo revolucionario español en la Europa liberal y romántica, el artículo aborda el caso concreto de la revolución piamontesa de 1821. De un lado, analiza el proceso revolucionario a la española afrontado por los liberales piamonteses; en tanto que, de otro lado, estudia tanto la posición que ocupó la Constitución española de 1812 entre los modelos constitucionales durante la Restauración, como el proceso que llevó a un movimiento preferentemente moderado a aceptar la propuesta política española, de corte radical.Starting from a reflection on the importance of Spanish revolutionary model in liberal and romantic Europe, the article discusses the specific case of the Piedmontese revolution of 1821. On the one hand, analyzes the revolutionary process a la española faced by Piedmontese liberals, while, on the other hand, studies both the position occupied by the Spanish Constitution of 1812 among the constitutional models during the Restoration, as well as the process leading a movement preferably moderated to accept the Spanish political proposals, of a more radical nature

    Libertad de imprenta y conservadurismo en el Cádiz de las Cortes

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    La libertad de imprenta fue uno de los derechos considerados prioritarios por el liberalismo gaditano, como lo demuestra tanto su temprano estudio por parte de las Cortes de Cádiz, que acabaron regulándolo apenas un mes y medio después de su primera reunión, como su inclusión más tarde en la Constitución de 1812. En este trabajo no sólo analizamos el proceso de reconocimiento de la libertad de imprenta, sino también la reacción que provocó entre la opinión conservadora, muy crítica tanto con el derecho en sí mismo, como con las primeras consecuencias que estaba teniendo sobre la naciente opinión pública española.Freedom of the press was one of the rights to which Cadiz liberalism conferred priority. This is evidenced by both his early study by the Cortes of Cadiz, who regulated it just a month and a half after its first meeting, and their final inclusion in the 1812 Constitution. In this work we analyze not only the process of recognition of the freedom of the press, but also the reaction that it caused among the conservatives, very critical with the right itself, and with the first consequences that its recognition was having on the emerging Spanish public opinion

    Pembelajaran Model SAVI Berpendekatan Kontekstual terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa

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    Kemampun Pemecahan masalah siswa menjadi tuntutan tertinggi dalam dunia pendidikan termasuk pembelajaran matematika pada semua jenjang pendidikan, siswa yang yang mempunyai kemampuan pemecahan masalah dengan baik akan mampu berhadapan dengan masalah-masalah nonrutin dan mampu menyusun langkah-langkah dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Usaha peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa dibentuk dari berbagai macam cara termasuk kreatifitas guru dalam merancang kegiatan pembelajaran dikelas dengan baik melalui penggunaan model dan pendekatan pada kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketuntasan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa menggunakan pembelajaran model SAVI berpendekatan kontekstual; kelas dengan pembelajaran model SAVI dan kelas dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi-experimental) yang didesain dalam bentuk non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control-group design. Penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan model SAVI berpendekatan kontekstual tuntas baik individual maupun klasikal, kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada kelas yang diajarkan model SAVI berpendekatan kontekstual lebih baik dari siswa yang diajarkan SAVI lebih baik dari siswa dengan pembelajaran konvensional

    Membangun Merek Melalui Penyelenggaraan Sebuah Event: Studi Kasus Pada Event “Sour Sally Just Wanna Have Fun”

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    A brand enables customers to remember the core information about a product, and prevent competitors from making imitations (Aaker, 1991 ). Successful brand building helps profitability by adding value that entices customers to buy (De Chernatorny and McDonald, 1994). It is also becoming clearer that companies creating strong brands can obtain important competitive advantage over those that do not (Kohli and Thakor, 1997). Event more firms and other organizations have come to the realization that one of their most valuable assets is the brand names associated with their products or services. Brands themselves may be linked to other entities that have their own knowledge structures in the minds of consumers. A brand may seem more likable or perhaps event trustworthy or expert by virtue of becoming linked to an event. The result showed that the event “Sour Sally Just Wanna Have Fun” can strongly affect the brand of the members that joined in the Facebook group. Through the stages in brand building blocks namely at the stage of salience 70.69%, performance 74,04%, judgments 73.72%, feelings 69.79%, and resonance 64.44%

    Un problema indecidible.

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