43 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o clima da Bacia do Alto Paraguai a partir de séries climatológicas coletadas por diversas instituições entre 1961 e 1994. A análise de homogeneidade das séries foi utilizada para superar deficiências como o número reduzido de dados nos postos e estações, a freqüência excessiva de interrupções, permitindo selecionar apenas as séries cuja variabilidade dos dados fosse aleatória. Para a análise de homogeneidade foi utilizado o teste de iterações de Wald-Wolfowitz para séries que não possuíam interrupções, o teste bilateral de Smirnov para as séries com uma interrupção e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis quando a série apresentou mais de uma interrupção. Estas séries estavam armazenadas em diversas mídias e formatos de arquivos, os quais foram unificados por meio de um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados Relacional, o qual foi utilizado como ambiente para rotinas de cálculo da evapotranspiração (método de Penman) e classificação climática (método de Thornthwaite). Com o uso de softwares de análise estatística, programação orientada a objeto, projeto assistido por computador e análise espacial, as séries climatológicas selecionadas permitiram elaborar mapas de isolinhas para precipitação total mensal e anual, temperatura média mensal e anual, temperatura máxima média mensal e anual, temperatura mínima média mensal e anual, evapotranspiração potencial média mensal e anual, precipitação total média nos dois trimestres mais chuvosos e um mapa de zonas climáticas de Thornthwaite da Bacia do Alto Paraguai. Palavras-chaves: Bacia do Alto Paraguai – Climatologia

    Ecological research in the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: A discussion of early results

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    The Large-scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a multinational, interdisciplinary research program led by Brazil. Ecological studies in LBA focus on how tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in the Amazon region. Early results from ecological studies within LBA emphasize the variability within the vast Amazon region and the profound effects that land-use and land-cover changes are having on that landscape. The predominant land cover of the Amazon region is evergreen forest; nonetheless, LBA studies have observed strong seasonal patterns in gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange, as well as phenology and tree growth. The seasonal patterns vary spatially and interannually and evidence suggests that these patterns are driven not only by variations in weather but also by innate biological rhythms of the forest species. Rapid rates of deforestation have marked the forests of the Amazon region over the past three decades. Evidence from ground-based surveys and remote sensing show that substantial areas of forest are being degraded by logging activities and through the collapse of forest edges. Because forest edges and logged forests are susceptible to fire, positive feedback cycles of forest degradation may be initiated by land-use-change events. LBA studies indicate that cleared lands in the Amazon, once released from cultivation or pasture usage, regenerate biomass rapidly. However, the pace of biomass accumulation is dependent upon past land use and the depletion of nutrients by unsustainable land-management practices. The challenge for ongoing research within LBA is to integrate the recognition of diverse patterns and processes into general models for prediction of regional ecosystem function

    Ecological research in the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Early results

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    Copyright by the Ecological Society of America ©2004 Michael Keller, Ane Alencar, Gregory P. Asner, Bobby Braswell, Mercedes Bustamante, Eric Davidson, Ted Feldpausch, Erick Fernandes, Michael Goulden, Pavel Kabat, Bart Kruijt, Flavio Luizão, Scott Miller, Daniel Markewitz, Antonio D. Nobre, Carlos A. Nobre, Nicolau Priante Filho, Humberto da Rocha, Pedro Silva Dias, Celso von Randow, and George L. Vourlitis 2004. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE LARGE-SCALE BIOSPHERE– ATMOSPHERE EXPERIMENT IN AMAZONIA: EARLY RESULTS. Ecological Applications 14:3–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/03-6003The Large-scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a multinational, interdisciplinary research program led by Brazil. Ecological studies in LBA focus on how tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in the Amazon region. Early results from ecological studies within LBA emphasize the variability within the vast Amazon region and the profound effects that land-use and land-cover changes are having on that landscape. The predominant land cover of the Amazon region is evergreen forest; nonetheless, LBA studies have observed strong seasonal patterns in gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange, as well as phenology and tree growth. The seasonal patterns vary spatially and interannually and evidence suggests that these patterns are driven not only by variations in weather but also by innate biological rhythms of the forest species. Rapid rates of deforestation have marked the forests of the Amazon region over the past three decades. Evidence from ground-based surveys and remote sensing show that substantial areas of forest are being degraded by logging activities and through the collapse of forest edges. Because forest edges and logged forests are susceptible to fire, positive feedback cycles of forest degradation may be initiated by land-use-change events. LBA studies indicate that cleared lands in the Amazon, once released from cultivation or pasture usage, regenerate biomass rapidly. However, the pace of biomass accumulation is dependent upon past land use and the depletion of nutrients by unsustainable land-management practices. The challenge for ongoing research within LBA is to integrate the recognition of diverse patterns and processes into general models for prediction of regional ecosystem function

    Regional and large-scale patterns in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by variations in soil physical and chemical properties

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    Forest structure and dynamics have been noted to vary across the Amazon Basin in an east-west gradient in a pattern which coincides with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that soil fertility may play an important role in explaining Basin-wide variations in forest biomass, growth and stem turnover rates. To test this hypothesis and assess the importance of edaphic properties in affect forest structure and dynamics, soil and plant samples were collected in a total of 59 different forest plots across the Amazon Basin. Samples were analysed for exchangeable cations, C, N, pH with various Pfractions also determined. Physical properties were also examined and an index of soil physical quality developed. Overall, forest structure and dynamics were found to be strongly and quantitatively related to edaphic conditions. Tree turnover rates emerged to be mostly influenced by soil physical properties whereas forest growth rates were mainly related to a measure of available soil phosphorus, although also dependent on rainfall amount and distribution. On the other hand, large scale variations in forest biomass could not be explained by any of the edaphic properties measured, nor by variation in climate. A new hypothesis of self-maintaining forest dynamic feedback mechanisms initiated by edaphic conditions is proposed. It is further suggested that this is a major factor determining forest disturbance levels, species composition and forest productivity on a Basin wide scale

    Branch xylem density variations across Amazonia

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    International audienceMeasurements of branch xylem density, Dx, were made for 1466 trees representing 503 species, sampled from 80 sites across the Amazon basin. Measured values ranged from 240 kg m?3 for a Brosimum parinarioides from Tapajos in West Pará, Brazil to 1130 kg m?3 for an Aiouea sp. from Caxiuana, Central Pará, Brazil. Analysis of variance showed significant differences in average Dx across the sample plots as well as significant differences between families, genera and species. A partitioning of the total variance in the dataset showed that geographic location and plot accounted for 33% of the variation with species identity accounting for an additional 27%; the remaining "residual" 40% of the variance accounted for by tree to tree (within species) variation. Variations in plot means, were, however, hardly accountable at all by differences in species composition. Rather, it would seem that variations of xylem density at plot level must be explained by the effects of soils and/or climate. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the xylem density of the more widely distributed species varied systematically from plot to plot. Thus, as well as having a genetic component branch xylem density is a plastic trait that, for any given species, varies according to where the tree is growing and in a predictable manner. Exceptions to this general rule may be some pioneers belonging to Pourouma and Miconia and some species within the genera Brosimum, Rinorea and Trichillia which seem to be more constrained in terms of this plasticity than most species sampled as part of this study

    Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by both soils and climate

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    Forest structure and dynamics vary across the Amazon Basin in an east-west gradient coincident with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that soil fertility may play an important role in explaining Basin-wide variations in forest biomass, growth and stem turnover rates. Soil samples were collected in a total of 59 different forest plots across the Amazon Basin and analysed for exchangeable cations, carbon, nitrogen and pH, with several phosphorus fractions of likely different plant availability also quantified. Physical properties were additionally examined and an index of soil physical quality developed. Bivariate relationships of soil and climatic properties with above-ground wood productivity, stand-level tree turnover rates, above-ground wood biomass and wood density were first examined with multivariate regression models then applied. Both forms of analysis were undertaken with and without considerations regarding the underlying spatial structure of the dataset. Despite the presence of autocorrelated spatial structures complicating many analyses, forest structure and dynamics were found to be strongly and quantitatively related to edaphic as well as climatic conditions. Basin-wide differences in stand-level turnover rates are mostly influenced by soil physical properties with variations in rates of coarse wood production mostly related to soil phosphorus status. Total soil P was a better predictor of wood production rates than any of the fractionated organic- or inorganic-P pools. This suggests that it is not only the immediately available P forms, but probably the entire soil phosphorus pool that is interacting with forest growth on longer timescales. A role for soil potassium in modulating Amazon forest dynamics through its effects on stand-level wood density was also detected. Taking this into account, otherwise enigmatic variations in stand-level biomass across the Basin were then accounted for through the interacting effects of soil physical and chemical properties with climate. A hypothesis of self-maintaining forest dynamic feedback mechanisms initiated by edaphic conditions is proposed. It is further suggested that this is a major factor determining endogenous disturbance levels, species composition, and forest productivity across the Amazon Basin. © 2012 Author(s). CC Attribution 3.0 License

    Laboratório didático de Física como produção científica

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    A dificuldade na articulação de idéias em um texto escrito, o desconhecimento de normas para a elaboração de um trabalho científico, a não utilização dos recursos de informática disponíveis na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) e a dificuldade que os alunos têm de articular os conceitos que possuem com os trabalhados nas diversas disciplinas de seu curso, bem como a dificuldade na construção dos mesmos, foram constatados em alunos de semestres avançados dos cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Física e de Engenharia Elétrica da referida Universidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia que facilite a avaliação de relatórios de aulas experimentais de física, no sentido de que estes sigam o modelo de um trabalho científico e que ao mesmo tempo propicie a construção de conceitos em óptica geométrica e motive os alunos a utilizarem os recursos existentes na UFMT. O laboratório didático foi o locus escolhido para desenvolver as atividades durante um semestre letivo, com alunos dos cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Física e de Engenharia Elétrica, cursando a disciplina Física IV (Óptica geométrica), nas quais baseou-se as análises e conclusões. Da análise dos resultados pode-se observar que a metodologia proposta foi aprovada pelos alunos, apesar da resistência inicial, que foi superada ao longo dos trabalhos. Facilitou a construção dos conceitos de reflexão, difração e refração, bem como a concepção que envolve o modelo holístico de propagação de imagem, dentre outros