15 research outputs found

    Geologia e recursos hídricos subterrâneos da Ilha da Madeira

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    Nesta tese da especialidade de Hidrogeologia, é apresentado um primeiro levantamento vulcano-estratigráfico da ilha da Madeira. Os trabalhos de campo permitiram definir, até agora, sete unidades geológicas principais, descritas da mais antiga para a mais recente: 1- Complexo Vulcânico Antigo (CA) 2- Calcários Marinhos dos Lameiros - S. Vicente (CM) 3- Depósito Conglomerático-Brechóide (CB) 4- Complexo Vulcânico Principal (CP) 5- Complexo Vulcânico S. Roque/Paul (SRP) 6- Episódios Vulcânicos Recentes (VR) 7- Depósitos de Vertente (dv), Fajãs (fj), Quebradas (q), Depósitos de Enxurrada Recentes (dr), Areias de Praia (ap), Dunas Fósseis (df), Terraços (t), e Aluviões (a) A caracterização climática da ilha da Madeira foi feita com base nos dados recolhidos em 27 pontos de observação climatológicos, dos quais 14 são estações meteorológicas e 13 são postos udométricos, o que representa uma densidade de 1 ponto de observação/27 km2. Constatou-se que a variação da precipitação com a altitude não era linear e dependia da orientação das vertentes. Efectuou-se o balanço hídrico sequencial diário, com base nos valores de precipitação média diária, registados no Paul da Serra, durante os últimos 15 anos hidrológicos. Pretendeu-se quantificar a precipitação oculta na vegetação típica da ilha da Madeira, de modo a poder avaliar a contribuição daquele tipo de precipitação para os recursos hídricos subterrâneos, e, ainda, determinar qual o potencial daquele recurso natural, como contribuição importante às fontes tradicionais de abastecimento de água à ilha. Para o efeito, procedemos a dois tipos principais de medição: medição directamente sob a vegetação de altitude da Madeira, o urzal, que se desenvolve entre os 1200 e os 1600 m de altitude, e construção de aparelhos constituídos por obstáculos artificiais, de modo a interceptarem as gotículas de água contidas no nevoeiro. Pela sua importância, os resultados obtidos justificam o desenvolvimento futuro deste estudo. A caracterização hidrodinâmica das formações da ilha da Madeira baseou-se nas observações feitas no interior das galerias e túneis em escavação, na análise dos registos de caudais de galerias e nascentes e na interpretação de ensaios de bombeamento dos furos de captação. Os dados evidenciam a grande heterogeneidade e anisotropia características do meio vulcânico. As transmissividades vão desde 11 m2/d até 25 766 m2/d. A caracterização hidrogeoquímica permitiu identificar um grupo de 5 águas termais, emergentes em falhas, no Complexo Antigo, com características muito próprias, bastante distintas das restantes, que representam, quer em quantidade, quer em volume de caudais captados, a grande maioria das águas da ilha da Madeira. O principal fenómeno mineralizador das águas é a hidrólise de minerais silicatados, verificando-se, nas águas dos furos, nas das nascentes de altitude e nas situadas próximo do litoral, o efeito da contaminação de sais de origem marinha. A partir dos dados hidrogeológicos obtidos, foi possível elaborar um modelo conceptual de funcionamento hidrogeológico para a ilha da Madeira, que, apesar de possuir alguns elementos comuns, é, no seu conjunto, diferente dos modelos conhecidos para outras ilhas vulcânicas, nomeadamente, Canárias, Reunião, Havai e Polinésia Francesa

    Systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in indexed Portuguese medical journals: time trends and critical appraisal

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    © The Author(s) 2022. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativeco mmons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Introduction: Over the last years, the number of systematic reviews published is steadily increasing due to the global interest in this type of evidence synthesis. However, little is known about the characteristics of this research published in Portuguese medical journals. This study aims to evaluate the publication trends and overall quality of these systematic reviews. Material and methods: This was a methodological study. We aimed the most visible Portuguese medical journals indexed in MEDLINE. Systematic reviews were identified through an electronic search (through PUBMED). We included systematic reviews published up to August 2020. Systematic reviews selection and data extraction were done independently by three authors. The overall quality critical appraisal using the A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR-2) was independently assessed by three authors. Disagreements were solved by consensus. Results: Sixty-six systematic reviews published in 5 Portuguese medical journals were included. Most (n = 53; 80.3%) were systematic reviews without meta-analysis. Up to 2010 there was a steady increase in the number of systematic reviews published, followed by a period of great variability of publication, ranging from 1 to 10 in a given year. According to the systematic reviews' typology, most have been predominantly conducted to assess the effectiveness/efficacy of health interventions (n = 27; 40.9%). General and Internal Medicine (n = 20; 30.3%) was the most addressed field. Most systematic reviews (n = 46; 69.7%) were rated as being of "critically low-quality". Conclusions: There were consistent flaws in the methodological quality report of the systematic reviews included, particularly in establishing a prior protocol and not assessing the potential impact of the risk of bias on the results. Through the years, the number of systematic reviews published increased, yet their quality is suboptimal. There is a need to improve the reporting of systematic reviews in Portuguese medical journals, which can be achieved by better adherence to quality checklists/tools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    so much work, so many lost opportunities

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    Mainoli, B., Machado, T., Duarte, G. S., Prada, L., Gonçalves, N., Ferreira, J. J., & Costa, J. (2021). Analysis of clinical and methodological characteristics of early COVID-19 treatment clinical trials: so much work, so many lost opportunities. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21(1), 1-10. [42]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-021-01233-wBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, and clinical research has been promoted worldwide. We aimed to assess the clinical and methodological characteristics of treatment clinical trials that have been set forth as an early response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: First, we reviewed all registered clinical trials on COVID-19. The World Health Organization International Trials Registry Platform and national trial registries were searched for COVID-19 trials through April 19th, 2020. For each record, independent researchers extracted interventions, participants, and methodological characteristics. Second, on September 14th, 2020 we evaluated the recruitment status and availability of the results of COVID-19 treatment trials previously identified. Results: In April 2020, a total of 580 trials evaluating COVID-19 treatment were registered. Reporting quality was poor (core participant information was missing in 24.1 to 92.7%). Between 54.0 and 93.8% of the trials did not plan to include older people or those with a higher baseline risk. Most studies were randomised (67.9%), single-centre (58.3%), non-industry-funded (81.1%), to be conducted in China (47.6%), with a median duration of 184 days and a median sample size of 100 participants. Core endpoints (mortality, clinical status, and hospitalization length) were planned to be assessed in 5.2 to 13.1% of the trials. Five months later, 66 trials (11.4%) were reported as “Completed”, and only 46 (7.9%) had public results available. One hundred forty-four of 580 trials (24.8%) either had the status “Not yet recruiting” or “Suspended”, and 18 (3.1%) trials were prematurely stopped (“Terminated” or “Withdrawn”) The number of completed trials and trials with results are much lower than anticipated, considering the planned follow-up. Conclusions: Our results raise concerns about the success of the initial global research effort on COVID-19 treatment. The clinical and methodological characteristics of early COVID-19 treatment trials limit their capability to produce clear answers to critical questions in the shortest possible time.publishersversionpublishe

    Antithrombotic therapy recommendations in the European Society of Cardiology Guidelines : how robust are the randomized controlled trials underpinning them?

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    © 2021. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Georg Thieme Verlag KGIntroduction: Criticisms have been raised against the sole use of p-value in interpreting results from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Additional tools have been suggested, like the fragility index (FI), a measure of a trial’s robustness/fragility, and derivative measures. The FI is the minimum number of patients who would have to be converted from nonevents to events, in the group with the least events, for a result to lose statistical significance. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate RCT supporting European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines regarding antithrombotics, using the FI and FI-related measures. Methods FI, fragility quotient (FQ), and FI minus LTF lost to follow-up (FI LTF) were calculated for the RCT underpinning recommendations regarding antithrombotic therapy from the updated ESC guidelines. LTF was compared with FI. Results were calculated for the total group of studies, as per guideline and as per recommendation type. Results Overall, 61 studies were included. The median FI was 24.5 (interquartile range [IQR]: 9.0–60.0) and median FQ was 0.0035 (IQR: 0.0019–0.0056). Median FI LTF was 2.0 (IQR: 0.0–38.0). Twenty (32.8%) of the studies had one primary or main safety outcome with LTF exceeding FI. Peripheral arterial disease guideline and chronic coronary syndrome guideline had the lowest (2.5; IQR: 1.8–3.3) and the highest (48.5; IQR: 23.8–73.0) FI, respectively. Conclusion: The median FI suggests robustness of clinical trials evaluating antithrombotic drugs cited in the guidelines, but about one-third of them had LTF larger than FI. This emphasizes the need for assessing trials’ robustness when constructing guidelines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (In)visibility of PALOP students’ perceived needs

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    Partindo do modelo bioecológico de Bronfeenbrenner e Morris (2006), com este estudo exploratório e quantitativo, pretende-se conhecer o perfil social dos estudantes oriundos dos países PALOP e identificar as suas necessidades, mediante um inquérito por questionário. Colaboraram 112 estudantes, de ambos os sexos, sendo a média etária de 22,52 anos. Os resultados indicam que, mais de metade dos inquiridos, aufere um rendimento mensal baixo, assinalado, maioritariamente, como insuficiente. Destacam-se várias dificuldades financeiras com implicações na satisfação de necessidades básicas e nos processos de aprendizagem. É igualmente necessário investir no acesso à informação sobre os serviços disponíveis na instituição do ensino superior (IEs) e na comunidade local. Os principais resultados apontam para a premência de um cuidado acrescido face aos estudantes que frequentam o ensino superior pela primeira vez e para uma reflexão atenta e permanente das IEs, no sentido de proporcionar respostas mais sustentáveis para atenuar as necessidades destes estudantes.Based on the bioecological model of Bronfeenbrenner and Morris (2006), this exploratory quantitative study, aims to know PALOP students’ social profile of and to identify their needs, through a questionnaire survey. Our study recruited 112 students, both sexes included, with the mean age of 22,52 years. Data support that, more than half of the respondents, earn a low monthly income, marked, mostly, as insufficient. There are several financial difficulties with implications for meeting the basic needs and for learning processes. It is also necessary to improve access to information services that are available at the higher education institution (HEI) and in the local community. The main results highlight the need of a better support for students attending higher education for the first time and of a careful and permanent reflection of the HEI, in order to provide a more sustainable response to mitigate the needs of these students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative aspects of canine and human inflammatory breast cancer

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    Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in humans is the most aggressive form of mammary gland cancer and shares clinical, pathologic, and molecular patterns of disease with canine inflammatory mammary carcinoma (CIMC). Despite the use of multimodal therapeutic approaches, including targeted therapies, the prognosis for IBC/CIMC remains poor. The aim of this review is to critically analyze IBC and CIMC in terms of biology and clinical features. While rodent cancer models have formed the basis of our understanding of cancer biology, the translation of this knowledge into improved outcomes has been limited. However, it is possible that a comparative “one health” approach to research, using a natural canine model of the disease, may help advance our knowledge on the biology of the disease. This will translate into better clinical outcomes for both species. We propose that CIMC has the potential to be a useful model for developing and testing novel therapies for IBC. Further, this strategy could significantly improve and accelerate the design and establishment of new clinical trials to identify novel and improved therapies for this devastating disease in a more predictable way

    Estudo hidrogeológico do Paúl da Serra

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    Orientador: Manuel Oliveira da Silv

    Comparison of veterinary health services expectations and perceptions between oncologic pet owners, non-oncologic pet owners and veterinary staff using the SERVQUAL methodology

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    Aim: Client satisfaction gained great importance in health care as a measurement of service quality. One of the most popular methods to evaluate client satisfaction is the SERVQUAL inquiry which measures service quality by evaluating client expectations and services towards a service in five dimensions: Tangibles, Empathy, Assurance, Reliability and Responsiveness. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate if owners of pets with cancer constitute a distinctive group from the general pet owner population and if these differences were perceived by the hospital staff we applied a SERVQUAL questionnaire to 51 owners of pet with cancer, 68 owners from the general pet population and 14 staff members. Results: Owners of oncologic pets had different expectations of an ideal service granting importance to Assurance questions (6.75 vs 6.5, p= 0.045) while showing unmet needs in Reliability and Empathy dimensions. Veterinarians failed to understand these specificities and over evaluated characteristics of Tangible dimension (6.75 vs 6.25, p=0.027). Conclusion: Owners of pet with cancer seem to constitute a specific subpopulation with special needs and veterinary staff should invest resources towards Assurance instead of privileging tangible aspects of veterinary services. By aligning professionals expectations with those of pet owners veterinarians can achieve better client satisfaction, improved compliance and stronger doctor-owner relationships