5,629 research outputs found

    Positioning systems in Minkowski space-time: Bifurcation problem and observational data

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    In the framework of relativistic positioning systems in Minkowski space-time, the determination of the inertial coordinates of a user involves the {\em bifurcation problem} (which is the indeterminate location of a pair of different events receiving the same emission coordinates). To solve it, in addition to the user emission coordinates and the emitter positions in inertial coordinates, it may happen that the user needs to know {\em independently} the orientation of its emission coordinates. Assuming that the user may observe the relative positions of the four emitters on its celestial sphere, an observational rule to determine this orientation is presented. The bifurcation problem is thus solved by applying this observational rule, and consequently, {\em all} of the parameters in the general expression of the coordinate transformation from emission coordinates to inertial ones may be computed from the data received by the user of the relativistic positioning system.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. The version published in PRD contains a misprint in the caption of Figure 3, which is here amende

    Francisella-like endosymbionts, potentially harmful to human health, are transported by the universally distributed species of the ciliate Euplotes.

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    Genome analyses of wild-type strains of two ecologically separated Euplotes species, E. raikovi living in temperate sea waters and E. petzi living in the polar seas, revealed that both host bacteria in their cytoplasm. These bacteria have been identified with facultative intracellular gamma-proteobacteria of the genus Francisella, which includes a number of closely related species well known as extremely infectious to a great variety of organisms. Francisella tularensis, with its four subspecies, is a specialized intracellular pathogen capable of infecting both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, humans included; F. noatunensis is the etiological agent of the fish disease known as francisellosis, and its two subspecies well adapt to different temperatures of their hosts; the Francisella-like endosymbionts Wolbachia persica, together with the freely living generalists F. philomiragia and F. novicida cause diseases in humans with a compromised immune system. The Francisella endosymbionts of E. raikovi and E. petzi have been successfully isolated and their genomes completely sequenced. They are genetically distant from one another and form two different clades in the Francisella phylogenetic tree, which are distinct from the all other well-established Francisella clades. The finding that Francisella has equally colonized polar and temperate-water species provides evidence that this bacterium is more common and widespread than previously hypothesized, and confirms that free-living Euplotes species and ciliates in general, with their worldwide distribution, may represent a natural reservoir of Francisella in every aquatic environment

    Positivity and conservation of superenergy tensors

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    Two essential properties of energy-momentum tensors T_{\mu\nu} are their positivity and conservation. This is mathematically formalized by, respectively, an energy condition, as the dominant energy condition, and the vanishing of their divergence \nabla^\mu T_{\mu\nu}=0. The classical Bel and Bel-Robinson superenergy tensors, generated from the Riemann and Weyl tensors, respectively, are rank-4 tensors. But they share these two properties with energy momentum tensors: the Dominant Property (DP) and the divergence-free property in the absence of sources (vacuum). Senovilla defined a universal algebraic construction which generates a basic superenergy tensor T{A} from any arbitrary tensor A. In this construction the seed tensor A is structured as an r-fold multivector, which can always be done. The most important feature of the basic superenergy tensors is that they satisfy automatically the DP, independently of the generating tensor A. In a previous paper we presented a more compact definition of T{A} using the r-fold Clifford algebra. This form for the superenergy tensors allowed to obtain an easy proof of the DP valid for any dimension. In this paper we include this proof. We explain which new elements appear when we consider the tensor T{A} generated by a non-degree-defined r-fold multivector A and how orthogonal Lorentz transformations and bilinear observables of spinor fields are included as particular cases of superenergy tensors. We find some sufficient conditions for the seed tensor A, which guarantee that the generated tensor T{A} is divergence-free. These sufficient conditions are satisfied by some physical fields, which are presented as examples.Comment: 19 pages, no figures. Language and minor changes. Published versio

    Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: I. A global model for the broadband spectral energy distribution

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    An extensive multi-satellite campaign on NGC 5548 has revealed this archetypal Seyfert-1 galaxy to be in an exceptional state of persistent heavy absorption. Our observations taken in 2013-2014 with XMM-Newton, Swift, NuSTAR, INTEGRAL, Chandra, HST and two ground-based observatories have together enabled us to establish that this unexpected phenomenon is caused by an outflowing stream of weakly ionised gas (called the obscurer), extending from the vicinity of the accretion disk to the broad-line region. In this work we present the details of our campaign and the data obtained by all the observatories. We determine the spectral energy distribution of NGC 5548 from near-infrared to hard X-rays by establishing the contribution of various emission and absorption processes taking place along our line of sight towards the central engine. We thus uncover the intrinsic emission and produce a broadband continuum model for both obscured (average summer 2013 data) and unobscured (<< 2011) epochs of NGC 5548. Our results suggest that the intrinsic NIR/optical/UV continuum is a single Comptonised component with its higher energy tail creating the 'soft X-ray excess'. This component is compatible with emission from a warm, optically-thick corona as part of the inner accretion disk. We then investigate the effects of the continuum on the ionisation balance and thermal stability of photoionised gas for unobscured and obscured epochs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 19 pages, 13 figure

    Nodavirus colonizes and replicates in the testis of gilthead seabream and European sea bass modulating its immune and reproductive functions

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    Viruses are threatening pathogens for fish aquaculture. Some of them are transmitted through gonad fluids or gametes as occurs with nervous necrosis virus (NNV). In order to be transmitted through the gonad, the virus should colonize and replicate inside some cell types of this tissue and avoid the subsequent immune response locally. However, whether NNV colonizes the gonad, the cell types that are infected, and how the immune response in the gonad is regulated has never been studied. We have demonstrated for the first time the presence and localization of NNV into the testis after an experimental infection in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and in the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), a very susceptible and an asymptomatic host fish species, respectively. Thus, we localized in the testis viral RNA in both species using in situ PCR and viral proteins in gilthead seabream by immunohistochemistry, suggesting that males might also transmit the virus. In addition, we were able to isolate infective particles from the testis of both species demonstrating that NNV colonizes and replicates into the testis of both species. Blood contamination of the tissues sampled was discarded by completely fish bleeding, furthermore the in situ PCR and immunocytochemistry techniques never showed staining in blood vessels or cells. Moreover, we also determined how the immune and reproductive functions are affected comparing the effects in the testis with those found in the brain, the main target tissue of the virus. Interestingly, NNV triggered the immune response in the European sea bass but not in the gilthead seabream testis. Regarding reproductive functions, NNV infection alters 17β-estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone production and the potential sensitivity of brain and testis to these hormones, whereas there is no disruption of testicular functions according to several reproductive parameters. Moreover, we have also studied the NNV infection of the testis in vitro to assess local responses. Our in vitro results show that the changes observed on the expression of immune and reproductive genes in the testis of both species are different to those observed upon in vivo infections in most of the casesMINECO and FEDER (AGL2010-20801-C02-01; AGL2010-20801-C02-02; AGL2013-43588-P); Fundación Séneca (04538/GERM/06)Versión del editor4,411

    A fast and long-lived outflow from the supermassive black hole in NGC 5548

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    Supermassive black holes in the nuclei of active galaxies expel large amounts of matter through powerful winds of ionized gas. The archetypal active galaxy NGC 5548 has been studied for decades, and high-resolution X-ray and UV observations have previously shown a persistent ionized outflow. An observing campaign in 2013 with six space observatories shows the nucleus to be obscured by a long-lasting, clumpy stream of ionized gas never seen before. It blocks 90% of the soft X-ray emission and causes simultaneous deep, broad UV absorption troughs. The outflow velocities of this gas are up to five times faster than those in the persistent outflow, and at a distance of only a few light days from the nucleus, it may likely originate from the accretion disk.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science, electronically available at Science Express (June 19, 2014). For a brief video explaining the key results of this paper, please visit http://www.issibern.ch/teams/ngc5548/?page_id=2