
Francisella-like endosymbionts, potentially harmful to human health, are transported by the universally distributed species of the ciliate Euplotes.


Genome analyses of wild-type strains of two ecologically separated Euplotes species, E. raikovi living in temperate sea waters and E. petzi living in the polar seas, revealed that both host bacteria in their cytoplasm. These bacteria have been identified with facultative intracellular gamma-proteobacteria of the genus Francisella, which includes a number of closely related species well known as extremely infectious to a great variety of organisms. Francisella tularensis, with its four subspecies, is a specialized intracellular pathogen capable of infecting both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, humans included; F. noatunensis is the etiological agent of the fish disease known as francisellosis, and its two subspecies well adapt to different temperatures of their hosts; the Francisella-like endosymbionts Wolbachia persica, together with the freely living generalists F. philomiragia and F. novicida cause diseases in humans with a compromised immune system. The Francisella endosymbionts of E. raikovi and E. petzi have been successfully isolated and their genomes completely sequenced. They are genetically distant from one another and form two different clades in the Francisella phylogenetic tree, which are distinct from the all other well-established Francisella clades. The finding that Francisella has equally colonized polar and temperate-water species provides evidence that this bacterium is more common and widespread than previously hypothesized, and confirms that free-living Euplotes species and ciliates in general, with their worldwide distribution, may represent a natural reservoir of Francisella in every aquatic environment

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