151 research outputs found

    Clarification on protected area management efforts in Madagascar during periods of heightened uncertainty and instability

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    In early May 2022, Eklund and colleagues published an article in Nature Sustainability in which they attempted to demonstrate that the early 2020 lockdown imposed in Madagascar by the emerging COVID-19 pandemic had a direct impact on Protected Areas (PAs), with an increase in the number of fires, which then stabilized once the lockdown was over. The authors, undoubtedly in good faith but based on an incomplete understanding of the situation on the ground, were attempting to draw the attention of the international community and donors to the need to maintain and strengthen PA management efforts. Their contribution, while highlighting a real and urgent need, does not, however, do justice to Madagascar’s PA managers, who, in collaboration with the populations living in the vicinity of parks and reserves, maintained and in some instances increased efforts to ensure the integrity of parks and reserves during the COVID-19 period. Following the publication of this paper, we contacted the authors as well as the editors of Nature Sustainability in a collegial effort to draw their attention to the errors identified in the analysis and to point out how this led to a misinterpretation of what actually transpired during the lockdown. We submitted a carefully worded and argued rebuttal for possible publication in Nature Sustainability, which we regarded as justified given the nature and significance of the considerations we had carefully presented


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    Biological role and diagnostic utility of ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 53 in cutaneous melanoma

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    Background: Skin melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer and develops from melanocytes. The genetic aberrations in protein-coding genes are well characterized, but little is known about changes in non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) such as pseudogenes. Ribosomal protein pseudogenes (RPPs) have been described as the largest group of pseudogenes which are dispersed in the human genome. Materials and methids: We looked deeply at the role of one of them, ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 53 (RPL23AP53), and its potential diagnostic use. The expression level of RPL23AP53 was profiled in melanoma cell lines using qRT-PCR and analyzed based on the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data depending on BRAF status and clinicopathological parameters. Cellular phenotype, which was associated with RPL23AP53 levels, was described based on the REACTOME pathway browser, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) analysis as well as Immune and ESTIMATE Scores. Results: We indicted in vitro changes in RPL23AP53 level depending on a cell line, and based on in silico analysis of TCGA samples demonstrated significant differences in RPL23AP53 expression between primary and metastatic melanoma, as well as correlation between  RPL23AP53 and overall survival. No differences depending on BRAF status were observed. RPL23AP53 is associated with several signaling pathways and cellular processes. Conclusions: This study showed that patients with higher expression of RPL23AP53 displayed changed infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils compared to groups with lower expression of RPL23AP53. RPL23AP53 pseudogene is differently expressed in melanoma compared with normal tissue and its expression is associated with cellular proliferation. Thus, it may be considered as an indicator of patients' survival and a marker for the immune profile assessment

    Il-poter tal-kelma : politika u letteratura f'Oliver Friggieri

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    Konferenza Nazzjonali imtellgħa mid-Dipartiment tal-Politika Pubblika u d-Dipartiment tal-Malti fi ħdan l-Università ta' MaltaHemm ħafna x'jorbot il-letteratura mal-politika. Fl-opri letterarji tagħhom, kemm awturi tal-imgħoddi u wkoll dawk kontemporanji, esprimew diversi sentimenti u materji politiċi. Uħud t kellmu dwar utopja, oħrajn kixfu t-tnawwir ta' tmexxija awtoritarja. Imbagħad hemm min kiteb bl-istil tal-parodija biex isensel kritika kontra l-elitisti tal-poter, u oħrajn ikkonċentraw fuq ir-realtajiet soċjali qarsa ta' madwarhom biex jiftħu attakk fuq min imexxi. Irridu nsemmu wkoll li hemm drabi meta l-istat jikkummissjona kitbiet biex idawwar l-opinjoni pubblika favur tiegħu . Għaldaqstant il-ġlieda tal-influwenza politika fuq imħuħ in-nies minn dejjem kienet - u għadha - missielta minn fuq għal isfel b'tir dottrinali u minn isfel għal fuq b'intenzjoni ta' protesta. [Silta mid-Daħla tal-edituri]peer-reviewe

    Nuevos hallazgos de Flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

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    Los insectos relacionados con la transmisión de los patógenos causantes de las leishmaniasis han sido poco estudiados en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, incluido el departamento de Magdalena, donde a la fecha están registradas trece especies del género Lutzomyia. En la presente nota se informa el hallazgo de tres especies y un subgénero adicionales en la región. Se recolectaron 885 flebotomíneos en Seywiaka y las veredas Las Tinajas y Calabazo, estribaciones de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (117-130 m s.n.m.). El 84 % de los ejemplares se obtuvieron con trampa CDC, el 11 % con trampa Shannon y el 5 % fueron capturados, en reposo, con un dispositivo eléctrico de succión. Se identificaron nueve especies, Lu. gomezi, Lu. panamensis, Lu. trinidadensis, Lu. carpenteri, Lu. evansi, Lu. dysponeta, Lu. dubitans, Lu. shannoni, y Lu. micropyga, la más abundante fue Lu. gomezi (69 %), seguida por Lu. panamensis (14 %). También se recolectaron ejemplares de la serie Lu. osornoi del subgénero Helcocyrtomyia. Entre el material hallado sobresalen Lu. carpenteri, Lu. dubitans y Lu. dysponeta como primeros registros para el departamento del Magdalena, además de Lu. (Helcocyrtomyia) sp., que representa el primer informe del subgénero en el Caribe colombiano.Phlebotomine sand flies, vectors of leishmaniasis, have not been well studied in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and likewise, are not well known in other regions of the Department of Magdalena, Colombia. To date only thirteen species of Lutzomyia have been recorded as occurring in the Department. The present note adds three species and includes an additional subgenus. Collections were made in the lower foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta at elevations ranging from 117–130 m in the communities of Seywiaka, Las Tinajas and Calabazo. Eighty-four percent of the 885 phlebotomines sand flies collected were obtained from CDC light traps, 11 % from Shannon trap and 5 % from typical resting sites using an electric aspirator. The following nine species were identified from the collections: Lutzomyia gomezi, Lu. panamensis, Lu. trinidadensis, Lu. carpenteri, Lu. evansi, Lu. dysponeta, Lu. dubitans, Lu. shannoni, and Lu. micropyga. The most abundant species were Lu. gomezi and Lu. panamensis, which, respectively, accounted for 69 % and 14 % of the specimens. Of the nine species, Lu. carpenteri, Lu. dubitans and Lu. dysponeta represent new records for the Department of Magdalena. Also, a few female specimens were encountered of a species belonging to the Lu. osornoi series of the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia, which represents the first record of this subgenus in the Caribbean region of Colombia

    Host gene and its guest: short story about relation of long-noncoding MIR31HG transcript and microRNA miR-31

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    Epigenetics is the changes in a cellular phenotype without changes in the genotype. This term is not limited only to the modification of chromatin and DNA but also relates to some RNAs, like non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), both short and long RNAs (lncRNAs) acting as molecular modifiers. Mobile RNAs, as a free form or encapsulated in exosomes, can regulate neighboring cells or be placed in distant locations. It underlines the vast capacity of ncRNAs as epigenetic elements of transmission information and message of life. One of the amazing phenomena is long non-coding microRNA-host-genes (lnc-MIRHGs) whose processed transcripts function as lncRNAs and also as short RNAs named microRNAs (miRNAs). MIR31HG functions as a modulator of important biological and cellular processes including cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle regulation, EMT process, metastasis, angiogenesis, hypoxia, senescence, and inflammation. However, in most cases, the role of MIR31HG is documented only by one study and there is a lack of exact description of molecular pathways implicated in these processes, and for some of them, such as response to irradiation, no studies have been done. In this review, MIR31HG, as an example of lnc-MIRHGs, was described in the context of its known function and its potential uses as a biomarker in oncology

    Re-HEDP : pharmacokinetic characterization, clinical and dosimetric evaluation in osseous metastatic patients with two levels of radiopharmaceutical dose

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    BACKGROUND: A study for pain relief therapy with (188)Re-HEDP was done in patients with bone metastases secondary to breast and prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients received 1.3 or 2.2 GBq, in single or multiple doses. Platelets, white and red cells were evaluated during 11 weeks. Pharmacokinetic characterization was done from blood and urine samples for 5 patients along 24 hours. Urinary excretion was evaluated in other 16 patients during 6 hours. Bone uptake was estimated as remaining activity in whole body. Scintigraphic images were acquired at 2 and 24 hs post-administration. Absorbed dose in bone marrow was estimated with Mirdose3. Analgesics intake and pain score were daily recorded. Tumour markers (PSA, and Tn-structure) were monitored in 9 patients during 4 to 6 months. Single doses of low activity (1.3 GBq) were given to twelve patients. Nine patients received multiple doses. RESULTS: All except one patient had normal levels of platelets, white and red cells. Remaining dose in blood at 2 hours was 9%. Urinary elimination was 58%. Bone uptake at 24 hours was 43% (mean value; n = 5). No changes of the haematological parameters were detected along follow-up period. Pain relief was evidenced by decrease or supression of opioid analgesic and by subjective index. PSA showed a decrease in prostate cancer patients (n = 4). Tn-structure showed a significant increase after 4 to 8 months. CONCLUSION: Single or multiple dose scheme could be safely used, with administered activity of (188)Re-HEDP up to 60 mCi, with low bone marrow absorbed doses

    Micro-Foundations of Organizational Design and Sustainability: The Mediating Role of Learning Ambidexterity

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    This paper builds on prior scholarly works by examining the relationship between organizing paradox (formalization and decentralization), and organizational levels of learning paradoxes, i.e. exploration and exploitation, and firms’ outcomes (organizational creativity, organizational resilience and organizational energy). Using data from 98 executives and 325 senior employees working across a diverse range of firms operating in the Middle East, the findings suggest that organizing paradox (formalization and decentralization) has a positive impact on learning ambidexterity. In addition, we also found that learning ambidexterity has a positive impact on both organizational resilience and organizational energy. Furthermore, the results indicate that learning ambidexterity mediates the relationship between organizing paradox and organizational creativity. These findings provide important insights into the micro-foundation aspects of organizational ambidexterity