51 research outputs found

    Systematic organization of international legal documents on education as an effective means for the implementation of educational policy in Ukraine

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    The article proves the necessity of international legal acts systematization defining the legal regime in education. The criteria are proposed and the benefits of this systematization are determined

    Increasing the mechanical properties of structural cast iron for machine-building parts by combined Mn – Al alloying

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    The object of research in this work was cast iron for machine-building parts, alloyed with Al. The possibility of improving the mechanical properties of cast iron by choosing the optimal Mn – Al combinations, depending on the carbon content in the cast iron, was determined. The study was carried out on the basis of available retrospective data of serial industrial melts by constructing the regression equation for the ultimate strength of cast iron in the three-factor space of the input variables C – Mn – Al. The optimization problem was solved by the ridge analysis method after reducing the dimension of the factor space by fixing the carbon content at three levels: C = 3 %, C = 3.3 %, and C = 3.6 %. It was found that the maximum values of the ultimate strength are achieved at the minimum level of carbon content (C = 3%) and are in the range of values close to 300 MPa. In this case, the Al content is in the range (2.4–2.6) %, and the Mn content is about 0.82 %. With an increase in the carbon content, there is a tendency to a decrease in the content of Mn and Al in the alloy, which is necessary to ensure the ultimate strength close to 300 MPa. The results of the ridge analysis of the response surface also showed that at the upper limit of the carbon content (C = 3.6%), it is not possible to reach the ultimate strength of 300 MPa in the existing range of Mn and Al variation. All solutions are verified for the following ranges of input variables C = (2.94–3.66) %, Mn = (0.5–1.1) %, Al = (1.7–2.9) %. Graphical-analytical descriptions of the optimal Mn – Al ratios are obtained, depending on the actual content of carbon in the alloy, which make it possible to purposefully select the optimal melting modes by controlling the tensile strength of the allo

    Severely Impaired Learning and Altered Neuronal Morphology in Mice Lacking NMDA Receptors in Medium Spiny Neurons

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    The striatum is composed predominantly of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) that integrate excitatory, glutamatergic inputs from the cortex and thalamus, and modulatory dopaminergic inputs from the ventral midbrain to influence behavior. Glutamatergic activation of AMPA, NMDA, and metabotropic receptors on MSNs is important for striatal development and function, but the roles of each of these receptor classes remain incompletely understood. Signaling through NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) in the striatum has been implicated in various motor and appetitive learning paradigms. In addition, signaling through NMDARs influences neuronal morphology, which could underlie their role in mediating learned behaviors. To study the role of NMDARs on MSNs in learning and in morphological development, we generated mice lacking the essential NR1 subunit, encoded by the Grin1 gene, selectively in MSNs. Although these knockout mice appear normal and display normal 24-hour locomotion, they have severe deficits in motor learning, operant conditioning and active avoidance. In addition, the MSNs from these knockout mice have smaller cell bodies and decreased dendritic length compared to littermate controls. We conclude that NMDAR signaling in MSNs is critical for normal MSN morphology and many forms of learning

    Application of Geoinformation Systems for Assessment of Effective Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Energy Sector of Ukraine

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    The scientific novelty of the results presented in this article is to substantiate and expand the possibilities of using global and local geographic information systems (GIS) to assess the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. GIS analysis focused on key resource parameters can help identify territories for development of renewable energy sources and assess of their possible technical potential, as well as the possibility of effective integration of technologies for the use of renewable energy sources in the energy sector of Ukraine. In this paper the possibilities for using geographic information systems to assess the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine are analyzed. The possibility of using the Global Atlas of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to support planning of technologies for the use of energy from biomass is analyzed. The data can point to large-scale programs and applications in relation to key parameters (quality resources, transmission distance, population density, terrain and site protection), helping identify additional areas for development of renewable energy sources and give an approximate assessment of technical potential. It is determined that the software products of IRENA are able to support national and regional planning of renewable energy technologies, help establish the viability of future renewable energy facilities and help project developers identify and analyze promising facilities for the implementation of technologies using renewable energy. The application of geographic information systems of Ukrainian web resources (“UA MAP”) for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in Ukraine is been analyzed. The scientific novelty of the results lies in applying global and local GIS for comprehensive assessment of the potential and effectiveness of the use of regional non-traditional and renewable energy resources on the territory of Ukraine. This makes it possible to assess the possibilities of generating additional electric and thermal power for the needs of the regions of Ukraine using non-traditional and renewable energy sources. A comprehensive methodology for the use of GIS is proposed for assessing the potential of non-traditional and renewable energy sources at the regional level in Ukraine, taking into account energy, environmental and socio-economic factors affecting the placement of non-traditional and renewable energy facilities

    Application of Geoinformation Systems for Assessment of Effective Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Energy Sector of Ukraine

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    The scientific novelty of the results presented in this article is to substantiate and expand the possibilities of using global and local geographic information systems (GIS) to assess the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. GIS analysis focused on key resource parameters can help identify territories for development of renewable energy sources and assess of their possible technical potential, as well as the possibility of effective integration of technologies for the use of renewable energy sources in the energy sector of Ukraine. In this paper the possibilities for using geographic information systems to assess the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine are analyzed. The possibility of using the Global Atlas of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to support planning of technologies for the use of energy from biomass is analyzed. The data can point to large-scale programs and applications in relation to key parameters (quality resources, transmission distance, population density, terrain and site protection), helping identify additional areas for development of renewable energy sources and give an approximate assessment of technical potential. It is determined that the software products of IRENA are able to support national and regional planning of renewable energy technologies, help establish the viability of future renewable energy facilities and help project developers identify and analyze promising facilities for the implementation of technologies using renewable energy. The application of geographic information systems of Ukrainian web resources (“UA MAP”) for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in Ukraine is been analyzed. The scientific novelty of the results lies in applying global and local GIS for comprehensive assessment of the potential and effectiveness of the use of regional non-traditional and renewable energy resources on the territory of Ukraine. This makes it possible to assess the possibilities of generating additional electric and thermal power for the needs of the regions of Ukraine using non-traditional and renewable energy sources. A comprehensive methodology for the use of GIS is proposed for assessing the potential of non-traditional and renewable energy sources at the regional level in Ukraine, taking into account energy, environmental and socio-economic factors affecting the placement of non-traditional and renewable energy facilities

    Розробка методу визначення апертурної яскравості об'єкту з використанням типової форми його зображення

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    The object of this study is the aperture brightness of the image of the object, which has a variety of typical shapes in the frames of the series. It directly depends on the stability of the shooting conditions of the objects under study. Thus, determining the exact aperture brightness of an object in the frame becomes more difficult. For this purpose, a method was devised for determining the aperture brightness of an object using the typical shape of its image on a series of frames. This method is based on the formation of a typical shape of a digital image of an object based on data from all frames of the series. The typical shape makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of the formation of the image of the object on each frame of the series. Based on this, a more accurate estimate of the initial approximation of the parameters of all Gaussian images of the object is performed. In addition, the adaptation of the method to the standard shape makes it possible to perform a more accurate assessment of the aperture brightness of the object in comparison with the analytically defined profile. An estimate of the aperture brightness of the object was derived using the least squares method. Due to minimization using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, the use of the method improved identification with reference objects and reduced the number of false positives. The study showed a decrease in the standard deviation of frame identification errors by 5–7 times when using a typical shape of a digital image. The devised method for determining an object's aperture brightness using its image's typical shape was tested in practice within the framework of the CoLiTec project. It was implemented in the intra-frame processing unit of the CoLiTecVS software for the automated construction of brilliance curves of the studied variable stars. Owing to the use of the CoLiTecVS software and the proposed computational method implemented in it, more than 700,000 measurements of various objects under study were successfully processed and identifiedОб'єктом дослідження є апертурна яскравість зображення об'єкта, що має різноманітну типову форму на кадрах серії. Вона залежить від стабільності умов зйомки досліджуваних об'єктів. Таким чином, визначення точної апертурної яскравості об'єкта на кадрі стає більш скрутним. Для цього було розроблено метод визначення апертурної яскравості об'єкта з використанням типової форми зображення на серії кадрів. Даний метод заснований на формуванні типової форми цифрового зображення об'єкта на основі даних з усіх кадрів серії. Типова форма дозволяє врахувати особливості формування самого зображення об'єкта на кожному кадрі серії.  Базуючись на цьому, виконується більш точна оцінка початкового наближення параметрів усіх гауссіан зображення об'єкта. Також адаптація методу саме під типову форму дозволяє виконати більш точну оцінку апертурної яскравості об'єкту у порівнянні з аналітично заданим профілем. Оцінка апертурної яскравості об'єкта була отримана за допомогою методу найменших квадратів. Завдяки мінімізації за допомогою алгоритму Левенберга-Марквардта, використання методу покращило ототожнення з опорними об'єктами та скоротило кількість помилкових виявлень. Дослідження показало зменшення середньоквадратичного відхилення помилок ототожнення кадрів у 5‒7 разів при використанні типової форми цифрового зображення. Розроблений метод визначення апертурної яскравості об'єкту з використанням типової форми його зображення був апробований на практиці в рамках проекту CoLiTec. Він був впроваджений в блоці внутрішньокадрової обробки програмного забезпечення CoLiTecVS для автоматизованого автоматизованої побудови кривих блиску досліджуваних змінних зірок. Завдяки використанню програмного забезпечення CoLiTecVS та впровадженого в нього запропонованого обчислювального методу було успішно оброблено та ототожнено понад 700 000 вимірювань різних об'єктів, що досліджуютьс

    Ab Initio Study of a Molecular Crystal for Photovoltaics: Light Absorption, Exciton and Charge Carrier Transport

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    Using ab initio methods we examine the molecular and solid-state electronic properties of a recently synthesized small-molecule donor, <i>p</i>-DTS­(PTTh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, which belongs to the dithienosilole-pyridylthiadiazole family of chromophores. In combination with the PC<sub>70</sub>BM acceptor, <i>p</i>-DTS­(PTTh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub> can be used to fabricate high-efficiency bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. A precise picture of molecular structure and interchromophore packing is provided via a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study; such details cannot be easily obtained with donor materials based on conjugated polymers. In first-principles approaches we are limited to a single-crystallite scale. At this scale, according to our investigation, the principal properties responsible for the high efficiency are strong low-energy light absorption by individual molecules, large exciton diffusion length, and fast disorder-resistant hole transport along π-stacks in the crystallite. The calculated exciton diffusion length is substantially larger than the average crystallite size in previously characterized device active layers, and the calculated hole mobility is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the measured device-scale mobility, meaning that the power conversion “losses” on a single-crystallite scale are minimal