15 research outputs found

    El qué y el cuánto de la pesca recreativa en Mallorca

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    [spa] La tesis es una aproximación metodológica para realizar un estudio socioeconómico de la actividad de la pesca recreativa en la isla de Mallorca. Esta aproximación basa sus resultados en tres diferentes encuestas. La primera de ellas fue una encuesta mandada por correo a la población residente en posesión de licencia de pesca recreativa, la segunda realizada en el puerto y aeropuerto de Palma para conocer la incidencia de la pesca recreativa entre la población turística y la última también presencial realizada en embarcaciones fondeadas en calas para conocer la conexión entre turismo náutico y pesca recreativa. Los resultados permitieron realizar un estudio de impacto económico de la actividad así como conocer la opinión sobre la gestión de la actividad y establecer un perfil de practicantes en el que se incluyó a la población turista

    Scientists and recreational fishers: communication manners and its efficiency

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    Despite the reliance on angler cooperation and engagement in many fisheries assessment techniques (e.g., log-books, interviews, catch and effort reporting, reporting tagged fish, etc.), there have been few studies aimed at understanding how to increase levels of cooperation and communication between scientists and anglers. In the ROQUER research project, 3000 fish (Coris julis, Diplodus annularis and Serranus scriba) were externally tagged with conventional t-tags inserted below the dorsal fin. A communication program involving TV and radio broadcasts, leaflets, lectures and organization of angling tournaments, was subsequently undertaken to inform anglers about the project and encourage them to return tagged fish. To evaluate the effectiveness of the different communication methods we conducted a face to face survey of 103 anglers in Palma Bay. Results revealed that 36% of fishers were aware of the research project and what they should do if they caught a tagged fish. Most anglers who knew about the project learned about it through either word of mouth (57%), leaflets (46%), or presentations made by the project team at fishing competitions (30%). Of the 23 anglers who returned tagged fish to the project, 18 (78%) had heard about the project through fishing competitions and 5 (22%) were aware of the project through leaflets. To be successful, fish tagging studies must allocate sufficient resources to informing and engaging with the recreational fishing community

    Monitoreig de la biodiversitat marina, de l’ús i de la freqüentació antròpica a les aigües interiors de l’illa de l’Aire

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    Entre el 15 de maig i l ́1 d’octubre es va realitzar un estudi per tal de quan-tificar la pressió antròpica de l’illa de l’Aire i analitzar part de la biodiversi- tat marina. Els treballs realitzats inclouen censos visuals d’embarcacions en trànsit i fondejades, censos de pescadors, censos de peixos, transsectes sobrePosidonia oceanica i enquestes a usuaris. Els resultats mostren una major dis- minució de la densitat de feixos de P. oceanica a la zona més impactada perfondejos entre principis de juliol i finals de setembre i una major concentracióde les activitats antròpiques durant el mes d’agost

    Does angling activity influence consumer choices of fresh fish?

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a profile of fresh fish consumers and analyze trends in their choices of fresh fish. In addition, this study investigates whether being an active practitioner of angling or whether belonging to a household with angling activity has an effect on consumers' choices. Design/methodology/approach: Consumers' habits, profiles, and perceptions were obtained from randomized personal interviews (n=395) at traditional markets (the main source of fresh fish for Spaniards) and from interviews with restaurant managers (n=11) carried out on Mallorca Island, in the West Mediterranean, in 2009. Findings: A wide range of middle-aged and middle-class residents consumed fresh fish. The residents in the sample preferred to buy fish in traditional retail markets and consumed fish at least once a week, including a wide range of species. Consumers were satisfied with the quality of the fish but were moderately unsatisfied with the information that they received about the fish and fisheries. Although fish price was a factor in decisions to purchase, consumers were willing to pay more for local products of good quality. A significant proportion of individuals in the sample were themselves recreational fishers or belonged to households with recreational fishing members. These individuals shared a different consumer profile, tending to prefer local species that come at higher prices. A parallel survey of fish restaurants showed differences in preferred species depending on customers' place of residency and nationality. Practical implications: The consumer trends that were identified and the perception of fresh fish captured by local fleets might have implications for commercialization and fishery management. Originality/value: This is the first study of consumer choice related to leisure activity in a country with a very high rate of fish consumption. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.Peer Reviewe

    The LHCb upgrade I

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    International audienceThe LHCb upgrade represents a major change of the experiment. The detectors have been almost completely renewed to allow running at an instantaneous luminosity five times larger than that of the previous running periods. Readout of all detectors into an all-software trigger is central to the new design, facilitating the reconstruction of events at the maximum LHC interaction rate, and their selection in real time. The experiment's tracking system has been completely upgraded with a new pixel vertex detector, a silicon tracker upstream of the dipole magnet and three scintillating fibre tracking stations downstream of the magnet. The whole photon detection system of the RICH detectors has been renewed and the readout electronics of the calorimeter and muon systems have been fully overhauled. The first stage of the all-software trigger is implemented on a GPU farm. The output of the trigger provides a combination of totally reconstructed physics objects, such as tracks and vertices, ready for final analysis, and of entire events which need further offline reprocessing. This scheme required a complete revision of the computing model and rewriting of the experiment's software