50 research outputs found


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    PenggunaanĀ  media pembelajaran yang tepat ikut menentukan keberhasilanĀ  pembelajaranĀ Ā  di kelas. Rendahnya kompetensiĀ  siswa dalam praktek beribadah terutama pada kompetensi menghafal urut-urutan berwudhu yang rendah perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Melalui penggunaan media lagu diharapkankompetensi siswa dalam praktek beribadah khususnya berwudhu serta kompetensi menghafal urut-urutan berwudhu dapat meningkat. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I dengan jumlah siswa 33 anak yang terdiri dari 12 siswa laki-laki dan 21 siswa perempuan.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkanbahwamelalui media lagu dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kompetensi berwudhu pada siswa kelas I SD Negeri Rejodani Ngaglik SlemanTahun Pelajaran 2015/2016. Persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan tiap siklusnya. Pada saat prasiklus rata-rata prestasi belajar 66,06 dengan ketuntasan 57,58%, siklus I rata-rata prestasi belajar 71,67 dengan ketuntasan 75,76%, dan siklus II rata-rata prestasi belajar 82,12 dengan ketuntasan 87,88%. Adanya peningkatan aktivitas siswa dan aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran PAI. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I sebesar 60%. Pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 88,33%. Sedangkan aktivitas guru siklus I sebesar 70%. Pada siklus IImeningkat menjadi 95%

    Pengelolaan Sekolah Berbasis Mutu Di Sd Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini: (1) Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik struktur organisasi sekolah di SD Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan. (2) Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik hubungan kerja antara guru dan kepala sekolah di SD Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan. (3) Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik tata ruang sekolah di SD Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan. Lokasi penelitian di SD Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan metode analisis dokumen. Model analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data tertata dalam situs untuk diskripsi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Struktur organisasi SD Negeri Ngadirejan Kecamatan Pringkuku Kabupaten Pacitan terdiri dari kepala sekolah, bidang kurikulum, bidang kesiswaan, bidang sarana prasarana, bidang humas, bidang tata usaha, dan guru mata pelajaran, disertai dengan pembagian tugas yang jelas. Pembagian tugas merupakan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing personil berdasarkan wewenang dan tanggung jawab masingmasing. (2) Hubungan guru dengan kepala sekolah dilakukan untuk memperlancar pelaksanaan tugas guru baik dalam perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran maupun dalam melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran. Hubungan kerja dalam hal pembelajaran dilakukan guru dengan berkonsultasi kepada kepala sekolah. Adanya hubungan kerja guru dengan kepala sekolah yang dijadwalkan setiap bulan sekali tersebut ternyata mampu menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis antara guru dengan kepala sekolah, guru dengan guru, dan guru dengan staf, karena pertemuan tersebut biasanya dihadiri oleh semua guru dan staf. (3) Karakteristik ruang di SD Negeri Ngadirejan semuanya telah tertata sesuai dengan fungsi masing-masing, setiap ruang dilengkapi dengan perabot dan peralatan yang diperlukan. Ruang kepala sekolah berada di sebelah barat yang menghadap ke utara dan merupakan ruang pertama yang akan dilihat apabila masuk ke dalam lingkungan sekolah SD Negeri Ngadirejan. Ruangan guru tertata rapi dengan beberapa meja yang digunakan oleh dua guru, 1 buah meja beserta komputer yang berada di sebelah pintu masuk, pada dinding terpampang jadwal pelajaran, struktur organisasi sekolah dan papan absen guru. Pada ruang kelas terlihat tata ruang klasikal

    Legality of Notary Deals Concerning Land Selling Not At Actual Price

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    Notary as PPAT is a public official who is given the authority to make authentic deeds regarding certain legal actions regarding land rights or property rights over apartment units. The formulation of the research problem is: How as a result of the notarial deed regarding the sale and purchase of land that did not match the actual price in Kendari City? This research method uses a sociological juridical approach with research specifications using descriptive research specifications. Meanwhile, the method of collecting research data is through field studies and literature studies. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Qualitative analysis is carried out by describing and describing the data and facts resulting from a field study with an interpretation, evaluation, and general knowledge. The conclusions of this study are: As a result, the notary deed regarding the sale and purchase of land does not match the actual price in Kendari City has an impact on the Notary because it is not suitable Article 17 letter i Act No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary Public. Where the action in question can affect the honor and dignity of the position of a Notary who can be subject to sanctions in accordance with Article 85 of Act No. 30 of 2004. The legal consequence is that there is a violation of Article 16 paragraph (1) of Act No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary which may cause administrative sanctions in accordance with Article 85 of Act No. 30 Of 2004 which include: a. verbal warning, b. written warning, c. temporary dismissal, d. honorific dismissal; or, e. dishonorable discharge

    Instructional Media and English: Using Macromedia Flash to Teach EFL Writing

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    The objectives of this study were to find out whether or not (1) Macromedia Flash enhanced studentsā€™ writing competence, and (2) there was significant difference between the students taught by using Macromedia Flash and those who were not. This study employed quasi experimental design, pretest and posttest nonequivalent groups. There were 39 students of one of junior high schools in Jambi participating in this study. They were grouped in two different classes. The experimental group consisted of 20 students while the other 19 students were in control group. The data were collected by using writing test. Studentsā€™ paragraphs writing scores in pretest and posttest were analyzed through the use of paired sample and independent sample t-test statistical analysis. The findings showed that first, based on the result of paired sample t-test, there was significant improvement of the studentsā€™ writing competence after the intervention. Second, with regard to the result of independent sample t test, there was significant difference of studentsā€™ writing competence in experimental group and control group


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    Sejarah kota Malang tidak bisa lepas dari keberadaan Kayutangan. Pada era kolonial Belanda, kawasan ini menjadi pusat bisnis, yang hingga sekarang masih bertahan, bahkan telah ditetapkan sebagaiĀ Ā bangunan Heritage ke perwakilan pengelola 32 bangunan di Kota Malang 10 diantaranya berada dalam kawasan Kayutangan. Diantara bangunan-bangunan heritage terdapat gang yang juga dipenuhi rumah-rumah heritage, disanalah terdapat Kampung Heritage Kayutangan. Kampung Heritage Kayutangan sekarang ini menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata, dimana warganya sangat membuka diri dan menyiapkan rumah mereka sebagai titik swafoto. Namun ketika berkunjung ke Kampung Heritage Kayutangam, baik wisatawan lokal maupun wisatawan asing kesulitan mencari souvenir yang khas. Pengebdian ini bertujuan mengajak warga untuk dapat menumbuh kembangkan kemampuan berwirausaha yang selanjutnya mampu mengangkat potensi daerah melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Souvenir Batik Motif Bangunan Kampung Heritage Kayutangan Malang dengan Teknik Smok. metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal. Hasil kegiatan ini terdapat pengembangan Kemampuan Berwirausaha Masyarakat dengan produk unggulan membuat Souvenir Wisatawan terutama bagi wisatawan asing berupa t-shirt dan goodie bag.Kata kunciā€”Heritage Malang, Kayu Tangan, Teknik SMOKĀ AbstractThe history of Malang cannot be separated from the existence of Kayutangan. In the Dutch colonial era, this area became a business center, which until now still survives, even has been designated as a Heritage building to the representative of the management of 32 buildings in Malang. 10 of them are in the Kayutangan area. Among the heritage buildings there are alleys which are also filled with heritage houses, there is Heritage Kayutangan Village. Kayutangan Heritage Village is now one of the tourist destinations, where the residents are very open and preparing their homes as a selfie point. But when visiting the Kayutangam Heritage Village, both local and foreign tourists have difficulty finding distinctive souvenirs. This service aims to invite citizens to be able to develop and develop entrepreneurial skills which are then able to raise the potential of the region through the Training of Making Batik Motifs in Malang Kayutangan Heritage Village Building with Smok Technique. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal. The result of this activity is the development of Community Entrepreneurial Ability with superior products making Tourist Souvenirs especially for foreign tourists in the form of t-shirts and goodie bags.Keywordsā€”Heritage Malang, Hand Wood, SMOK Engineering


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    ABSTRACT The existence of land is basically very important and very closely related to human life. Everyone certainly needs land, not even in his life, to die he needs a piece of land. To meet these needs, there arises a desire in some people to own the land as wide as possible in order to enrich themselves as fulfilling their life needs. In the end there was a social inequality that did not evenly spread the amount of land owned by each Indonesian citizen. Some even do not have the land parcel. And as a solution to this, the importance of the role of the government in adopting a policy called the Restriction on Land Rights (Article 17 of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles). This research is a research library research that is library research. Library research is research that is carried out by collecting data from various literature, both literature and other textual sources. Data analysis was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner and deductively deduced. From the results of this study it  can  be concluded that restrictions on the broad ownership of land rights are indeed supposed to be applied and enforced. By determining the extent of control of land rights based on provisions that have been made and ratified by the State. And in  Islamic law restrictions on the extent of land rights are permissible, with provisions that really provide an equal distribution of land rights for the Indonesian people to achieve mutual benefit. Keywords: Islamic law, ownership rights, restrictions on land ownership rights   ABSTRAK Keberdaan tanah pada dasarnya sangatlah penting dan sangat erat hubungannya dengan kehidupan manusia. Setiap orang tentu perlu akan tanah,bahkan bukan hanya dalam kehidupannya, untuk matipun ia memerlukan sebidang tanah. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut maka timbul keinginan disebagian orang untuk memiliki tanah seluas-luasnya guna untuk memperkaya diri sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan hidupnya. Yang pada akhirnya terjadilah ketimpangan sosial tidak meratanya jumlah luas tanah yang dimiliki masing warga negara indonesia. Bahkan ada yang tidak memiliki bidang tanah tersebut. Dan sebagai solusi dari hal ini maka pentingnya peran pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan   yang disebut dengan Pembatasan Hak Milik Atas Tanah (Pasal 17 Undang-Undang no.5 tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria). penelitian ini merupakan penelitian library research yaitu penelitian yang bersifat kepustakaan. Penelitian kepustakaan adalah penelitian yang yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai literatur, baik pustaka maupun sumber lain yang bersifat tekstual. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif kualitatif dan disimpulkan secara deduktif. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembatasan terhadap kepemilikan luas hak atas tanah memang sudah seharusnya diterapkan dan diberlakukan. Dengan menentuakan luas penguasaan hak atas tanah berdasarkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah dibuat dan disahkan oleh Negara. Dan dalam hukum islam pembatasan luas hak milik atas tanah dibolehkan, dengan ketentuan betul-betul memberikan  pemerataan luas hak milik atas tanah bagi masyarakat indonesia untuk mencapai kemaslahatan bersama. Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Hak Kepemilikan, Pembatasan Hak Kepemilikan Atas Tana

    Designing an Architectural Sign System as a Supporting Visual Image of Petungsewu Tourism Village

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    It is important to create an architectural sign system design as a supporting visual image for the Petungsewu tourism village icon. It will increase the level of attractiveness for tourists by functioning as information on the existence of the area, and also strengthen the visual character of the tourism village. This architectural sign system design is created with a local nature concept based on natural resources. The creative design method to realize the concept, to the realization of the architectural sign system prototype includes the following steps: (1) the formulation of the architectural sign system concept taken from local nature as the development of ideas for various design forms, (2) the process of making form sketch design and architectural sign system construction techniques, (3) the process of realizing the design prototype of the architectural sign system through the name of the tourist location of the Petungsewu agro-eco park tourist village, (4) the finishing process of the design product, (5) analysis of the creation of architectural sign system products or prototypes with local natural characteristics. Keywords: architectural sign system, design, Petungsew

    Themed Figurative Ceramic Artistic Creation from Local Culture Inspiration

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    Indonesian local culture expression which contained motherā€™s loyalty to her children has been basic for creative idea source of ceramic art creation. Researcher as creator realized existence of mother who become the center and life spirit in various social changes. Nowadays, mothers are no longer a central figure. She was ignored and didnā€™t get enough attention as main figure in household life. Motherā€™s loyalty has been expressed through various art media, with also various unique art form and style. They are all meaningful, whether in this life or afterlife. That local culture meaning also attract ceramic artist to create a figurative ceramic artwork with contemporary shades. This expression will enrich artwork variety with motherā€™s loyalty meaning in various artistic and attractive ways. Method to produce ceramic artwork consist of study in idea source and creative action to embody the idea. Study is done to discuss motherā€™s loyalty meaning in Indonesian local culture. Creative action is by creating figurative ceramic art which express the meaning uniquely through ceramic art. This activity is started from exploring artwork shape plan and through ceramic making technique to produce artwork. Creative activity produce contemporary figurative ceramic artwork.     Keywords: Motherā€™s Loyalty, Ceramic art, Creative

    Critical and Creative Reflection of ā€œKendiā€ (Jug) Ceramic Craft Sourced from Garudea Myth in Kidal Temple of Malang, East Java

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    The research is a reflective review of craft art sourced from ā€œkendiā€ ( jug) ā€“ traditional water container from Java ā€“ myth. ā€œKendiā€ ( jug) as water container became myth for Javanese. The myth was carved in Kidal temple in ā€˜Garudeaā€™ story. ā€œKendiā€ ( Jug) myth said that it is used to contain ā€œtirta amartaā€ (water of life) which used as conditions to free Dewi Winata who has been slave to take care Dewi Kadruā€™s children. ā€œKendiā€ Jug)ā€™s function in common people is to store drinking water, just like produced by earthenware crafters in Indonesia. Creative orientation of ā€œKendiā€ ( Jug) creation titled ā€œCeramic Jug sourced from Garudea Myth in Kidal Temple of Malangā€ based on historical and aesthetic principles. Method used is critical and creative method. Critical method is used to do study of value or meaning contained in Kamandalu jug relief artefact in Garudea relief story of Kidal Temple of Malang. Next, the reflection then created to form ceramic artwork with contemporary jug theme. Creation result in form of ā€œkendiā€ ( jug) ceramic artwork with contemporary shape using local clay in Malang. Creative approach based on Indonesian aesthetic, which is aesthetic based on spiritual values, eastern culture aesthetic with modern package.   Keywords: ceramic, craft, creative ā€œkendiā€ ( jug)


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    Abstract: Ceramic craft in Sentra Keramik Dinoyo of Malang has been produced in more or less four generations long. In the beginning, local crafters made potteries in traditional kitchenware. The increasing demand of consumer made room for decorative ceramic. Unfortunately, their product design development didnā€™t reflect local culture nuance. It because crafters werenā€™t able to develop the design. Through this activity, researcher tried to solve design problem, extracted from local culture as ceramic creation idea. So that local culture could appear as local ceramic characters. Ceramic product design development is done by formulating design concept, manifesting concept into product design image. Design image result then tested to design expert. The product design image then improved. This design improvement then manifested into ceramic product prototype. This development produced a unique design, one of them is ceramic with ā€˜Kendi Garuda Kamandaluā€™ (teapot) from Kidal Templeā€™s reliefs theme.Ā Ā permalink/DOI:Ā dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v46i12018p11