739 research outputs found

    The Effect of Storage Temperature and Time on The Quality of Spray Dried Egg Powder

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    Dehydration is a good approach for egg preservation. However, dried egg products may still suffer from deterioration if stored in an abused temperature environment or prolonged times. Storage conditions can induce undesirable reactions and loss of functionality and quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics and functionality of spray dried egg yolk powders, which included plain whole egg (PLWE), free flow yolk (FFY), enzyme modified yolk (EMY), and free flow whole egg (FFWE) stored at 4 °C, 25 °C, 43 °C or 54 °C, over a 2-month period; and provide useful suggestions to maximize quality when used in the food industry. Functionality and physicochemical tests included solubility index, emulsifying stability, viscosity and heat stability of emulsions, free fatty acid levels, lipid hydro peroxides, color change, and morphological appearance. Solubility Index results indicated that FFWE was the most soluble sample followed by PLWE, EMY, and FFY. Emulsion stability results revealed that EMY formed the most stable emulsion followed by FFWE, FFY, and PLWE. Free fatty acid levels indicated that EMY deteriorated faster, followed by FFWE, FFY, and PLWE. Lipid hydro-peroxides were most abundant in EMY followed by FFY, PLWE, and FFWE. Total color change was highest for FFY, followed by PLWE, EMY, and FFWE. All samples passed the heat test after 1 month at storage but failed after 2 months of storage at all temperatures. The morphology of the egg powder particles revealed that high processing temperatures increased porosity which resulted in greater oxidation and storage time induce agglomeration of the egg powders. Overall, physicochemical changes found during the storage of dried egg powders were more evident at 43 °C or 54 °C. Lipid oxidation was responsible for the decrease in quality of dried egg powders. Therefore, mostly effective approaches are required to prevent oxidation reactions. Adjusting the storage temperature and humidity, and using an effective packaging method with an oxygen barrier is strongly suggested

    Viability of the implementation of ISO/TC 228/WG 5 for beaches' certification – study case for the Praia Brava, Itajaí, Santa Catarina – Brazil

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    The standards by which beach management systems are efficiently managed are best achieved through the application of strict guidelines and requirements, such as those that will be necessary to achieve ISO/TC 228/WG 5 certification. Standards such as these will aid in providing quality services for beachgoers. It is possible verify that the requirements of a standard are met by inserting them into an evaluation matrix that is adapted from the Model for Performance Evaluation of Integrated Coastal Management. Thus, we can ascertain the efficiency of the current management system. This paper focused on the perception of 11 institutions that are involved directly in local tourism in one Brazilian beach, Praia Brava, for which the effectiveness of applied management systems was checked. This beach was used as a particular case study for proving the inadequate management of Brazilian coastal environments.The standards by which beach management systems are efficiently managed are best achieved through the application of strict guidelines and requirements, such as those that will be necessary to achieve ISO/TC 228/WG 5 certification. Standards such as these will aid in providing quality services for beachgoers. It is possible verify that the requirements of a standard are met by inserting them into an evaluation matrix that is adapted from the Model for Performance Evaluation of Integrated Coastal Management. Thus, we can ascertain the efficiency of the current management system. This paper focused on the perception of 11 institutions that are involved directly in local tourism in one Brazilian beach, Praia Brava, for which the effectiveness of applied management systems was checked. This beach was used as a particular case study for proving the inadequate management of Brazilian coastal environments.

    Fundamental reassessment of the taxonomy of five Normapolles pollen genera

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    National audienceDiagnoses of the Normapolles pollen genera Hungaropollis,Krutzschipollis, Longanulipollis, Oculopollis and Trudopollis and56 of their species are emended and many specimens illustrated inorder to provide a basis for more successful and consistent identificationthan has been possible hitherto. These taxa were recoveredfrom palynological preparations of selected samples from Late Cretaceousdeposits in Europe, southern Sweden and eastern USA.As indicated on an accompanying range chart the majority are encounteredin Santonian and/or Campanian deposits. Eleven of thespecies described have been transferred from other genera and aretherefore in new combinations, namely: Hungaropollis granulatus(Kedves et Herngreen), Longanulipollis coronatiformis (Góczánet Siegl-Farkas), L. orbicularis (Góczán), L. ornatus (Kedves etDiniz), L. parvoculus (Góczán), L. skarbyae (Kedves et Diniz),Oculopollis artifex (Weyland et Krieger), O. rector (Pflug), O.triceps (Skarby), Trudopollis cuneolis (Góczán et Siegl-Farkas),and T. spinulosus (Skarby). Six are new: Hungaropollis pinguis,Krutzschipollis cucullus, K. immanis, Longanulipollis amabilis, L.lobus and Oculopollis viriosus. Thirteen genera are regarded assynonyms of Hungaropollis (Aveiropollenites and Romeinipollenites),Longanulipollis (Coronatipollis, Intercalaripollis, Portaepollenitesand Verruoculopollis), Oculopollis (Druggipollenites, Pseudoculopollisand Semioculopollis) and Trudopollis (Cuneipollis,Felderipollenites, Hofkeripollenites and Kriegeripollenites) respectively.As a result of some of these nomenclatural changes 14 otherspecies are in new generic combinations but are not otherwise considered.Seven morphotypes are identified in open nomenclatureand four placed in comparison

    Re-examination of the palynological content of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Angeac, Charente, south-west France::Age, palaeoenvironment and taxonomic determinations

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    International audienceFurther to the work published by Néraudeau et al. six years ago, palynological matter recovered from the lignitic bone bed of Angeac in Charente (south-west France) has been re-examined in order to provide more evidence of its age, the previous Hauterivian–Barremian interpretation being regarded as controversial. The samples come from four sedimentological units, An2–An5, which together yielded an assemblage of 34 species, taxonomically dominated by palaeoecologically significant lygodiaceous verrucate spores, including eight species attributable to the genus Concavissimisporites and three species of Trilobosporites. A few bisaccate pollen grains, including Vitreisporites pallidus, have been recovered, but the gymnospermous pollen spectrum is clearly dominated by the cheirolepidiaceous genus Classopollis, its abundance diminishing progressively upwards from units An4 to An2. The great abundance and diversity of verrucate forms, along with the presence of other spores typical of Lower Cretaceous deposits, such as Aequitriradites verrucosus, and the scarcity of specimens referable to Cicatricosisporites, render this assemblage most similar to those of the Hastings Group of southern England, and the Bückeberg Formation in north-western Germany. The time of deposition is, therefore, more likely to have been Berriasian–Valanginian rather than Hauterivian–Barremian, as previously stated. The associated small assemblage of megaspores is consistent with this determination. Except for Trilobosporites and Concavissimisporites, the use of several other genera commonly applied to Mesozoic verrucate spores, such as Converrucosisporites and Impardecispora, is considered unnecessary. To support this assertion, a Principal Components Analysis has been carried out on 120 verrucate spores from sedimentological units An2–4, taking into account ten morphological variables. The results show that specimens attributable to Trilobosporites are well be separated from the main cluster, which corresponds to Concavissimisporites, underlining the futility of using more than two genera for the species concerned

    Analyse de maillages surfaciques par construction et comparaison de modèles moyens et par décomposition par graphes s’appuyant sur les courbures discrètes : application à l’étude de la cornée humaine

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    Réalisé en cotutelle avec Aix Marseille Université.Cette thèse se découpe en trois parties. Les deux premières portent sur le développement de méthodes pour la construction de modèles géométriques moyens et pour la comparaison de modèles. Ces approches sont appliquées à la cornée humaine pour l’élaboration d’atlas et pour l’étude biométrique robuste. La troisième partie porte sur une méthode générique d'extraction d'informations dans un maillage en s'appuyant sur des propriétés différentielles discrètes afin de construire une structure par graphe permettant l'extraction de caractéristiques par une description sémantique. Les atlas anatomiques conventionnels (papier ou CD-ROM) sont limités par le fait qu'ils montrent généralement l'anatomie d'un seul individu qui ne représente pas nécessairement bien la population dont il est issu. Afin de remédier aux limitations des atlas conventionnels, nous proposons dans la première partie d’élaborer un atlas numérique 3D contenant les caractéristiques moyennes et les variabilités de la morphologie d'un organe, plus particulièrement de la cornée humaine. Plusieurs problématiques sont abordées, telles que la construction d'une cornée moyenne et la comparaison de cornées. Il existe à ce jour peu d'études ayant ces objectifs car la mise en correspondance de surfaces cornéennes est une problématique non triviale. En plus d'aider à développer une meilleure connaissance de l'anatomie cornéenne, la modélisation 3D de la cornée normale permet de détecter tout écart significatif par rapport à la "normale" permettant un diagnostic précoce de pathologies ou anomalies de la forme de la cornée. La seconde partie a pour objectif de développer une méthode pour reconnaître une surface parmi un groupe de surfaces à l’aide de leurs acquisitions 3D respectives, dans le cadre d’une application de biométrie sur la cornée. L’idée est de quantifier la différence entre chaque surface et une surface donnée, et de déterminer un seuil permettant la reconnaissance. Ce seuil est dépendant des variations normales au sein d’un même sujet, et du bruit inhérent à l’acquisition. Les surfaces sont rognées et trouées de façon imprévisible, de plus il n’y a pas de point de mise en correspondance commun aux surfaces. Deux méthodes complémentaires sont proposées. La première consiste à calculer le volume entre les surfaces après avoir effectué un recalage, et à utiliser ce volume comme un critère de similarité. La seconde approche s’appuie sur une décomposition en harmoniques sphériques en utilisant les coefficients comme des descripteurs de forme, qui permettront de comparer deux surfaces. Des résultats sont présentés pour chaque méthode en les comparant à la méthode la plus récemment décrite dans la littérature, les avantages et inconvénients de chacune sont détaillés. Une méthodologie en cascade utilisant ces deux méthodes afin de combiner les avantages de chacune est aussi proposée. La troisième et dernière partie porte sur une nouvelle méthode de décomposition en graphes de maillages 3D triangulés. Nous utilisons des cartes de courbures discrètes comme descripteur de forme afin de découper le maillage traité en huit différentes catégorie de carreaux (ou peak, ridge, saddle ridge, minimal, saddle valley, valley, pit et flat). Ensuite, un graphe d'adjacence est construit avec un nœud pour chaque carreau. Toutes les catégories de carreaux ne pouvant pas être adjacentes dans un contexte continu, des jonctions intermédiaires sont ajoutées afin d'assurer une cohérence continue entre les zones. Ces graphes sont utilisés pour extraire des caractéristiques géométriques décrites par des motifs (ou patterns), ce qui permet de détecter des régions spécifiques dans un modèle 3D, ou des motifs récurrents. Cette méthode de décomposition étant générique, elle peut être appliquée à de nombreux domaines où il est question d’analyser des modèles géométriques, en particulier dans le contexte de la cornée.This thesis comprises three parts. The first two parts concern the development of methods for the construction of mean geometric models and for model comparison. These approaches are applied to the human cornea for the construction of atlases and a robust biometric study. The third part focuses on a generic method for the extraction of information in a mesh. This approach is based on discrete differential properties for building a graph structure to extract features using a semantic description. Conventional anatomical atlases (paper or CD-ROM) are limited by the fact they generally show the anatomy of a single individual who does not necessarily represent the population from which they originate. To address the limitations of conventional atlases, we propose in the first part of this thesis to construct a 3D digital atlas containing the average characteristics and variability of the morphology of an organ, especially that of the human cornea. Several issues are addressed, such as the construction of an average cornea and the comparison of corneas. Currently, there are few studies with these objectives because the matching of corneal surfaces is a non-trivial problem. In addition to help to develop a better understanding of the corneal anatomy, 3D models of normal corneas can be used to detect any significant deviation from the norm, thereby allowing for an early diagnosis of diseases or abnormalities using the shape of the cornea. The second part of this thesis aims to develop a method for recognizing a surface from a group of surfaces using their 3D acquisitions in a biometric application pertinent to the cornea. The concept behind this method is to quantify the difference between each surface and a given surface and to determine the threshold for recognition. This threshold depends on normal variations within the same subject and noise due to the acquisition system. The surfaces are randomly trimmed and pierced ; moreover, there is no common landmark on the surfaces. Two complementary methods are proposed. The first method consists of the computation of the volume between the surfaces after performing geometrical matching and the use of this volume as a criterion of similarity. The second approach is based on a decomposition of the surfaces into spherical harmonics using the coefficients as shape descriptors to compare the two surfaces. Each result of the proposed methods is compared to the most recent method described in the literature, with the benefits and disadvantages of each one described in detail. A cascading methodology using both methods to combine the advantages of each method is also proposed. The third and final part of this thesis focuses on a new method for decomposing 3D triangulated meshes into graphs. We use discrete curvature maps as the shape descriptor to split the mesh in eight different categories (peak, ridge, saddle ridge, minimal, saddle valley, valley, pit and flat). Next, an adjacency graph is built with a node for each patch. Because all categories of patches cannot be adjacent in a continuous context, intermediate junctions are added to ensure the continuous consistency between patches. These graphs are used to extract geometric characteristics described by patterns that allow for the detection of specific regions in a 3D model or recurrent characteristics. This decomposition method, being generic, can be used in many applications to analyze geometric models, especially in the context of the cornea


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    En México una de las principales luchas que se están llevando a cabo en este siglo XXI, es la que encabezan un grupo plural de pueblos, científicos, juristas, académicos, artistas, entre otros, mediante una acción colectiva para defender a los maíces mexicanos de la introducción de los transgénicos producidos por grandes corporaciones transnacionales. La lucha no es menor porque por un lado se defiende la principal base de alimentación de la población mexicana, pero además porque al igual que en muchas partes del mundo, son pequeños grupos organizados los que enfrentan a los gigantes consorcios que además de contar con el poder económico-comercial, político y mediático mundial, se sirven de su alianza con los gobiernos para llevar a cabo grandes negocios. Sin embargo, como veremos en este texto, es posible que la acción conjunta, organizada y bien sustentada de la sociedad le gane algunas de estas batallas al gran capital. Palabras clave: transgénicos, maíz, acción colectiva Méxic

    Comparison of quasi-spherical surfaces : application to corneal biometry

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    In this study, the authors present two new techniques with their own particular advantages dedicated to the authentication of a person based on the three-dimensional geometry of the cornea. A device known as corneal topographer is used for capturing the shape of each cornea. Until now only a few studies on corneal biometry have been conducted and they were limited only to the anterior surface. In this study, since the whole cornea is a tissue layered by two (anterior and posterior) surfaces, the authors propose to use both surfaces to characterise the corneal shape. The first proposed method consists of comparing coefficients from a spherical harmonics decomposition, and this allows to do a fast comparison that can be used to perform many-to-one comparisons. The second approach is based on the minimal residual volume between two corneas after a registration step, this geometry-based method is more accurate but slower, and is thus used to perform one-to-one comparisons. A cascade fusion scheme is also proposed to benefit from the advantages of both methods. The authors’ study demonstrates that corneal shape could be used for biometry. The two proposed methods have been tested and validated on a dataset of 257 corneas

    El derecho a la seguridad jurídica y principio de irretroactividad de las normas: un estudio del otorgamiento de concesiones mineras en pequeña minería metálica, periodo 2016-2017

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    A partir del 2008 nuestro país se ve inmerso en una serie de cambios paradigmáticos que dan inicio al nuevo constitucionalismo, caracterizado por ser garantista de derechos; en este nuevo modelo, la naturaleza se convierte en un nuevo sujeto de derechos, no obstante, los artículos 1, 313, 317 y 408 de nuestra constitución manifiestan que los recursos naturales no renovables, entre ellos la minería, pertenecen al patrimonio inalienable, irrenunciable e imprescriptible del Estado ecuatoriano,1 así también, determina que a través del órgano rector de sectores estratégicos podrá emitir directrices para administrar la actividad minera y controlar las actividades que de ella se deriven conforme principios de sostenibilidad ambiental, precaución y eficiencia. Es así, que en lo que respecta al sector minero, este tuvo su auge con la división del Ministerio de Energía y Minas y la creación del Ministerio de Minería en el año 2015, como institución independiente y autónoma en la emisión de políticas públicas para el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de la actividad minera en el Ecuador, esto permitió tener mayor rectoría y organización en el otorgamiento, administración y extinción de los derechos mineros ya que se creó normativa técnica, económica y legal que ayudó en gran parte a organizar el sector minero. Sin embargo, pese a existir un aparataje institucional y normativo creado a partir del año 2008, se ha evidenciado que las políticas públicas creadas en su momento, así como, la emisión de normativa que regula el otorgamiento y administración de derechos mineros no han constituido herramientas legales adecuadas que permitan a los actores del sector minero confiar en la administración pública; tal es el caso que las múltiples reformas al “Instructivo de Otorgamiento de Concesiones Mineras para Minerales Metálicos”2 y la nueva fusión de los ministerios de energía y petróleos, han ocasionado que el derecho a la seguridad jurídica se vea comprometido y en consecuencia se vean afectados otros derechos contemplados en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador

    Efectos en la salud de los trabajadores de la industria de cárnicos por la exposición en el proceso de ahumado

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    Determinar las condiciones de riesgo por la exposición al humo en el proceso de ahumado en una industria de cárnicos.La presente investigación se realiza en los trabajadores de la empresa de cárnicos que realizan el proceso de ahumado dentro de sus actividades, el cual es causante de un gran número de riesgos debido a la exposición a agentes químicos como el monóxido de carbono y dióxido de carbono, los mismos que son perjudiciales en la salud respiratoria del personal. Se tiene como objetivo determinar las condiciones de riesgo por la exposición al humo en la producción de carne ahumada. El trabajo se desarrolló de acuerdo con la metodología cuantitativa, descriptiva, transversal y observacional, obteniendo datos de listados libres, el cuestionario aplicado, la historia clínica ocupacional realizada y el monitoreo ambiental medido. En esta investigación se enfatizó en las alteraciones respiratorias producto de la exposición al monóxido de carbono y dióxido de carbono, obteniendo que el 100% de los trabajadores no presentan ninguna patología asociada a su sistema respiratorio, sin embargo, se encontraron concentraciones que superan el límite permisible según la normativa para CO y CO2. Se realizó el análisis de una matriz de riesgos para poder determinar medidas a aplicar, planteando un programa de control y planificación de la gestión preventiva de riesgos en la fuente, medio y receptor. En conclusión, se considera importante contar con un plan de vigilancia para la salud, para permitir llevar un control de riesgos y enfermedades ocupacionales, así como también el uso adecuado del equipo de protección personal (EPP) durante la producción de carne ahumada para minimizar enfermedades respiratorias en los trabajadores, debido a que existe riesgo ocupacional a largo plazo en este puesto de trabajo.Maestrí

    Padrões e sazonalidade do tráfego viário no município de Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brasil

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    The absence of urban traffic data and information is one of the major problems that cities face in order to adequate long-term urban planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the seasonal patterns of traffic displacement in the municipality of Balneário Camboriú-SC, establishing a relationship with the demographic dynamics of the municipality. The study was developed using historical vehicle flow data monitored by electronic speed control radars distributed in six points of the municipality. It were analyzed the hourly flow variation throughout the day at the analyzed points, daily variation considering weekdays and seasonal, along the months and the influence of weekends and holidays in the flow of vehicles. The results of the evaluations allowed to identify the influence of the seasonal patterns in the points of study, to identify peak times and flows, days of greater movement and the influence of weekends and holidays. A ausência de dados e informações de tráfego urbano constitui um dos principais problemas que as cidades enfrentam para realizar planejamento urbano adequado de longo prazo. O trabalho teve por objetivo investigar os padrões sazonais de deslocamento viário no município de Balneário Camboriú-SC, estabelecendo relação com a dinâmica demográfica do município. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de dados históricos de fluxo de veículos monitorados por radares de controle eletrônico de velocidade distribuídos em seis pontos do município. Foram analisadas a variação horária do fluxo ao longo do dia nos pontos analisados, variação diária considerando dias úteis e sazonal, ao longo dos meses e a influência dos fins de semana e feriados no fluxo de veículos. Os resultados das avaliações permitiram identificar a influência dos padrões sazonais nos pontos de estudo, identificar horários e fluxos de pico, dias de maior movimento e a influência de fins de semana e feriados.&nbsp