110 research outputs found

    Activation of mTORC1 and c-Jun by Prohibitin1 loss in Schwann cells may link mitochondrial dysfunction to demyelination.

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    Schwann cell (SC) mitochondria are quickly emerging as an important regulator of myelin maintenance in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). However, the mechanisms underlying demyelination in the context of mitochondrial dysfunction in the PNS are incompletely understood. We recently showed that conditional ablation of the mitochondrial protein Prohibitin 1 (PHB1) in SCs causes a severe and fast progressing demyelinating peripheral neuropathy in mice, but the mechanism that causes failure of myelin maintenance remained unknown. Here, we report that mTORC1 and c-Jun are continuously activated in the absence of Phb1, likely as part of the SC response to mitochondrial damage. Moreover, we demonstrate that these pathways are involved in the demyelination process, and that inhibition of mTORC1 using rapamycin partially rescues the demyelinating pathology. Therefore, we propose that mTORC1 and c-Jun may play a critical role as executioners of demyelination in the context of perturbations to SC mitochondria

    GPR56/ADGRG1 regulates development and maintenance of peripheral myelin

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    Myelin is a multilamellar sheath generated by specialized glia called Schwann cells (SCs) in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which serves to protect and insulate axons for rapid neuronal signaling. In zebrafish and rodent models, we identify GPR56/ADGRG1 as a conserved regulator of PNS development and health. We demonstrate that, during SC development, GPR56-dependent RhoA signaling promotes timely radial sorting of axons. In the mature PNS, GPR56 is localized to distinct SC cytoplasmic domains, is required to establish proper myelin thickness, and facilitates organization of the myelin sheath. Furthermore, we define plectin-a scaffolding protein previously linked to SC domain organization, myelin maintenance, and a series of disorders termed "plectinopathies"-as a novel interacting partner of GPR56. Finally, we show that Gpr56 mutants develop progressive neuropathy-like symptoms, suggesting an underlying mechanism for peripheral defects in some human patients with GPR56 mutations. In sum, we define Gpr56 as a new regulator in the development and maintenance of peripheral myelin

    Laminin α2 controls mouse and human stem cell behaviour during midbrain dopaminergic neuron development

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    Development of the central nervous system requires coordination of the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells. Here, we show that laminin alpha 2 (lm-α2) is a component of the midbrain dopaminergic neuron (mDA) progenitor niche in the ventral midbrain (VM) and identify a concentration-dependent role for laminin α2β1γ1 (lm211) in regulating mDA progenitor proliferation and survival via a distinct set of receptors. At high concentrations, lm211-rich environments maintain mDA progenitors in a proliferative state via integrins α6β1 and α7β1, whereas low concentrations of lm211 support mDA lineage survival via dystroglycan receptors. We confirmed our findings in vivo, demonstrating that the VM was smaller in the absence of lm-α2, with increased apoptosis; furthermore, the progenitor pool was depleted through premature differentiation, resulting in fewer mDA neurons. Examination of mDA neuron subtype composition showed a reduction in later-born mDA neurons of the ventral tegmental area, which control a range of cognitive behaviours. Our results identify a novel role for laminin in neural development and provide a possible mechanism for autism-like behaviours and the brainstem hypoplasia seen in some individuals with mutations of LAMA2

    Merlin controls the repair capacity of Schwann cells after injury by regulating Hippo/YAP activity

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    Loss of the Merlin tumor suppressor and activation of the Hippo signaling pathway play major roles in the control of cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. We have identified completely novel roles for Merlin and the Hippo pathway effector Yes-associated protein (YAP) in the control of Schwann cell (SC) plasticity and peripheral nerve repair after injury. Injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS) causes a dramatic shift in SC molecular phenotype and the generation of repair-competent SCs, which direct functional repair. We find that loss of Merlin in these cells causes a catastrophic failure of axonal regeneration and remyelination in the PNS. This effect is mediated by activation of YAP expression in Merlin-null SCs, and loss of YAP restores axonal regrowth and functional repair. This work identifies new mechanisms that control the regenerative potential of SCs and gives new insight into understanding the correct control of functional nerve repair in the PNS

    Neuregulin 1 type III reduces severity in a mouse model of Congenital Hypomyelinating Neuropathy

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    Myelin sheath thickness is precisely regulated and essential for rapid propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons. In the peripheral nervous system, extrinsic signals from the axonal protein neuregulin 1 type III regulate Schwann cell fate and myelination. Here we ask if modulating neuregulin 1 type III levels in neurons would restore myelination in a model of congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy (CHN). Using a mouse model of CHN, we rescued the myelination defects by early overexpression of neuregulin 1 type III. Surprisingly, the rescue was independent from the upregulation of Egr2 or essential myelin genes. Rather, we observed the activation of MAPK/ERK and other myelin genes such as peripheral myelin protein 2 (Pmp2) and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein (Omg). We also confirmed that the permanent activation of MAPK/ERK in Schwann cells has detrimental effects on myelination. Our findings demonstrate that the modulation of axon-to-glial neuregulin 1 type III signaling has beneficial effects and restores myelination defects during development in a model of CHN