177 research outputs found

    Hot and dense water in the inner 25 AU of SVS13-A

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    In the context of the ASAI (Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM) project, we carried out an unbiased spectral survey in the millimeter window towards the well known low-mass Class I source SVS13-A. The high sensitivity reached (3-12 mK) allowed us to detect at least 6 HDO broad (FWHM ~ 4-5 km/s) emission lines with upper level energies up to Eu = 837 K. A non-LTE LVG analysis implies the presence of very hot (150-260 K) and dense (> 3 10^7 cm-3) gas inside a small radius (\sim 25 AU) around the star, supporting, for the first time, the occurrence of a hot corino around a Class I protostar. The temperature is higher than expected for water molecules are sublimated from the icy dust mantles (~ 100 K). Although we cannot exclude we are observig the effects of shocks and/or winds at such small scales, this could imply that the observed HDO emission is tracing the water abundance jump expected at temperatures ~ 220-250 K, when the activation barrier of the gas phase reactions leading to the formation of water can be overcome. We derive X(HDO) ~ 3 10-6, and a H2O deuteration > 1.5 10-2, suggesting that water deuteration does not decrease as the protostar evolves from the Class 0 to the Class I stage.Comment: MNRAS Letter

    Left ventricular function at 24 hours, 14 days and 6 months after acute myocardial infarction

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    To determine the natural history of left ventricular function at rest and during exercise and to assess the impact of this variable on subsequent mortality, 165 patients were studied with radionuclide angiography within 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction. The ejection fraction of the 19 patients who died during the 6 month follow-up was lower than that of the 146 survivals: 41±16% vs 50±13% (P<0.001). Before hospital discharge (14±4 days), 83 patients had a rest and submaximal exercise radionuclide study. The ejection fraction of the 42 patients with anterior infarction was 44±12% and remained unchanged during exercise, while the 41 patients with posterior infarction had a resting value of 54±9% which increased to 57±10% (P<0.001) during exercise. The ejection fraction during exercise increased slightly but significantly in 37/61 patients with single vessel disease, while it did not change in the 24/61 patients with multivessel disease. At a mean of 4±1 months following infarction, 58 patients underwent a symptom-limited exercise radionuclide study. Mean value of resting ejection fraction for the group or anterior-posterior infarction subgroups did not change from initial or predischarge values. The 27 patients with anterior infarction showed no change in ejection fraction during exercise, while the 31 patients with posterior infarction increased their ejection fraction from 53±11% to 57±12% (P<0.001). Thus, ejection fraction measured by radionuclide angiography 24 hours following acute myocardial infarction provides useful prognostic information. Moreover, data collected 14 days and 4 months after infarction indicate that no significant change in ejection fraction occurred at rest or during exercise compared with values at rest for the group as a whole. However, ejection fraction values of patients with posterior infarction or of patients with single vessel disease increased with exercise, indicating that after myocardial infarction the capacity for improvement in myocardial function does exist in those patients who manifest the least extensive ischaemic or necrotic damag

    Tracing the origins of permitted emission lines in RU Lupi down to AU scales

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    Most of the observed emission lines and continuum excess from young accreting low mass stars (Classical T Tauri stars -- CTTSs) take place in the star-disk or inner disk region. These regions have a complex emission topology still largely unknown. In this paper the magnetospheric accretion and inner wind contributions to the observed permitted He and H near infrared (NIR) lines of the bright southern CTTS RU Lupi are investigated for the first time. Previous optical observations of RU Lupi showed a large H-alpha profile, due to the emission from a wind in the line wings, and a micro-jet detected in forbidden lines. We extend this analysis to NIR lines through seeing-limited high spectral resolution spectra taken with VLT/ISAAC, and adaptive optics (AO) aided narrow-band imaging and low spectral resolution spectroscopy with VLT/NACO. Using spectro-astrometric analysis we investigate the presence of extended emission down to very low spatial scales (a few AU). The HeI 10830 line presents a P Cygni profile whose absorption feature indicates the presence of an inner stellar wind. Moreover the spectro-astrometric analysis evidences the presence of an extended emission superimposed to the absorption feature and likely coming from the micro-jet detected in the optical. On the contrary, the origin of the Hydrogen Paschen and Brackett lines is difficult to address. We tried tentatively to explain the observed line profiles and flux ratios with both accretion and wind models showing the limits of both approaches. The lack of spectro-astrometric signal indicates that the HI emission is either compact or symmetric. Our analysis confirms the sensitivity of the HeI line to the presence of faint extended emission regions in the close proximity of the star.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Italian Science Case for ALMA Band 2+3

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    The Premiale Project "Science and Technology in Italy for the upgraded ALMA Observatory - iALMA" has the goal of strengthening the scientific, technological and industrial Italian contribution to the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the largest ground based international infrastructure for the study of the Universe in the microwave. One of the main objectives of the Science Working Group (SWG) inside iALMA, the Work Package 1, is to develop the Italian contribution to the Science Case for the ALMA Band 2 or Band 2+3 receiver. ALMA Band 2 receiver spans from ~67 GHz (bounded by an opaque line complex of ozone lines) up to 90 GHz which overlaps with the lower frequency end of ALMA Band 3. Receiver technology has advanced since the original definition of the ALMA frequency bands. It is now feasible to produce a single receiver which could cover the whole frequency range from 67 GHz to 116 GHz, encompassing Band 2 and Band 3 in a single receiver cartridge, a so called Band 2+3 system. In addition, upgrades of the ALMA system are now foreseen that should double the bandwidth to 16 GHz. The science drivers discussed below therefore also discuss the advantages of these two enhancements over the originally foreseen Band 2 system.Comment: 43 pages, 21 figure

    The census of interstellar complex organic molecules in the Class I hot corino of SVS13-A

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    We present the first census of the interstellar Complex Organic Molecules (iCOMs) in the low-mass Class I protostar SVS13-A, obtained by analysing data from the IRAM-30m Large Project ASAI (Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM). They consist of an high-sensitivity unbiased spectral survey at the 1mm, 2mm and 3mm IRAM bands. We detected five iCOMs: acetaldehyde (CH3_3CHO), methyl formate (HCOOCH3_3), dimethyl ether (CH3_3OCH3_3), ethanol (CH3_3CH2_2OH) and formamide (NH2_2CHO). In addition we searched for other iCOMs and ketene (H2_2CCO), formic acid (HCOOH) and methoxy (CH3_3O), whose only ketene was detected. The numerous detected lines, from 5 to 37 depending on the species, cover a large upper level energy range, between 15 and 254 K. This allowed us to carry out a rotational diagram analysis and derive rotational temperatures between 35 and 110 K, and column densities between 3×10153\times 10^{15} and 1×10171\times 10^{17} cm2^{-2} on the 0."3 size previously determined by interferometric observations of glycolaldehyde. These new observations clearly demonstrate the presence of a rich chemistry in the hot corino towards SVS13-A. The measured iCOMs abundances were compared to other Class 0 and I hot corinos, as well as comets, previously published in the literature. We find evidence that (i) SVS13-A is as chemically rich as younger Class 0 protostars, and (ii) the iCOMs relative abundances do not substantially evolve during the protostellar phase.Comment: 24 pages, MNRAS in pres

    Modest dust settling in the IRAS04302+2247 Class I protoplanetary disk

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    We present new VLA observations, between 6.8mm and 66mm, of the edge-on Class~I disk IRAS04302+2247. Observations at 6.8mm and 9.2mm lead to the detection of thermal emission from the disk, while shallow observations at the other wavelengths are used to correct for emission from other processes. The disk radial brightness profile transitions from broadly extended in previous ALMA 0.9mm and 2.1mm observations to much more centrally brightened at 6.8mm and 9.2mm, which can be explained by optical depth effects. The radiative transfer modeling of the 0.9mm, 2.1mm, and 9.2mm data suggests that the grains are smaller than 1cm in the outer regions of the disk and allows us to obtain the first lower limit for the scale height of grains emitting at millimeter wavelengths in a protoplanetary disk. We find that the millimeter dust scale height is between 1au and 6au at a radius 100au from the central star, while the gas scale height is estimated to be about 7au, indicating a modest level of settling. The estimated dust height is intermediate between less evolved Class 0 sources, that are found to be vertically thick, and more evolved Class II sources, which show a significant level of settling. This suggests that we are witnessing an intermediate stage of dust settling.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    How organics deuteration changes during the formation of a Sun-like star

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    Deuterated molecules have been detected towards the early stages of Sun-like star formation (prestellar cores, Class 0 objects) as well as towards the Solar System; they are a powerful diagnostic tool for studying physical conditions at the moment of the organics formation. However, observations in intermediate stages (Class I/II objects) are still missing. In the framework of the ASAI-IRAM Large Program, we report here the formaldehyde and methanol deuteration as measured in the Class I object SVS13-A. The deuterium fractionation is found to be 9 × 10-2 for HDCO, 5 × 10-3 For D2CO, and 4 × 10-3 for CH_2DOH, up to one order of magnitude lower than the value measured in Class 0 sources. The present measurements of organics deuteration towards the Class I object SVS13-A contribute to fill in the gap between prestellar cores and protoplanetary disks in the context of deuterium fractionation measurements (see \citet{bia17})

    Sub-arcsecond [FeII] spectro-imaging of the DG Tau jet: Periodic bubbles and a dusty disk wind?

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    We present SINFONI/VLT observations of the DG Tauri jet in the [FeII] lines with 0.15" angular resolution and R=3000 spectral resolution. We observe an onion-like velocity structure in [FeII] in the blueshifted jet, similar to that observed in optical lines. High-velocity gas at ~-200 km/s is collimated inside a half-opening angle of 4 degrees and medium-velocity gas at ~-100 km/s in a cone with an half-opening angle 14 degrees. Two new axial jet knots are detected in the blue jet, as well as a more distant bubble with corresponding counter-bubble. The periodic knot ejection timescale is revised downward to 2.5 yrs. The redshifted jet is detected only beyond 0.7" from the star, yielding revised constraints on the disk surface density. From comparison to [OI] data we infer iron depletion of a factor 3 at high velocities and a factor 10 at speeds below -100 km/s. The mass-fluxes in each of the medium and high-velocity components of the blueshifted lobe are ~1.6+-0.8x10^-8 Msun/yr, representing 0.02-0.2 of the disk accretion rate. The medium-velocity conical [FeII] flow in the DG Tau jet is too fast and too narrow to trace photo-evaporated matter from the disk atmosphere. Both its kinematics and collimation cannot be reproduced by the X-wind, nor can the "conical magnetospheric wind". The level of Fe gas phase depletion in the DG Tau medium-velocity component also rules out a stellar wind and a cocoon ejected sideways from the high-velocity beam. A quasi-steady centrifugal MHD disk wind ejected over 0.25-1.5 AU and/or episodic magnetic tower cavities launched from the disk appear as the most plausible origins for the medium velocity component in the DG Tau jet. The same disk wind model can also account for the properties of the high-velocity flow, although alternative origins in magnetospheric and/or stellar winds cannot be excluded for this component

    The composition of the protosolar disk and the formation conditions for comets

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    Conditions in the protosolar nebula have left their mark in the composition of cometary volatiles, thought to be some of the most pristine material in the solar system. Cometary compositions represent the end point of processing that began in the parent molecular cloud core and continued through the collapse of that core to form the protosun and the solar nebula, and finally during the evolution of the solar nebula itself as the cometary bodies were accreting. Disentangling the effects of the various epochs on the final composition of a comet is complicated. But comets are not the only source of information about the solar nebula. Protostellar disks around young stars similar to the protosun provide a way of investigating the evolution of disks similar to the solar nebula while they are in the process of evolving to form their own solar systems. In this way we can learn about the physical and chemical conditions under which comets formed, and about the types of dynamical processing that shaped the solar system we see today. This paper summarizes some recent contributions to our understanding of both cometary volatiles and the composition, structure and evolution of protostellar disks.Comment: To appear in Space Science Reviews. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11214-015-0167-