219 research outputs found

    Inovações sociais na educação

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      This paper addresses current debates around the concept of innovation, social innovation, and their emergence in the context of education through the tension between conscious purpose and nature proposed by Bateson (1998, p. 457). This way, we are able to clarify the sense, meaning, and application of the idea of social innovations in education. This concept is used for social innovations associated  with formal education, but also with popular and communitarian education. It explores the link with the field of innovation studies, and with de-colonial, praxeologic, and studies about other pedagogies. This allows us to identify the challenges that researching and teaching on social innovations in education entail.  En este escrito se da cuenta de los debates alrededor de los conceptos de innovación e innovación social, y su emergencia en el ámbito educativo a partir de la tensión entre propósito consciente y naturaleza, propuestos por Bateson (1998, p. 457). De modo que se logra precisar el sentido, significado y aplicación del concepto de innovaciones sociales en educación. Concepto que se usa tanto para innovaciones sociales relacionadas con la educación formal, como con la educación popular y comunitaria. Se explora su relación con el ámbito de los estudios sobre innovación, así como con los decoloniales, la praxeología y las pedagogías otras. Lo que permite precisar los retos que confrontan la investigación y la docencia en innovaciones sociales en educación.Este artigo aborda os debates atuais sobre o conceito de inovação, inovação social, e seu surgimento no contexto da educação através da tensão entre propósito consciente e natureza proposto por Bateson (1998, p. 47) Assim, é possível especificar o sentido, significado e aplicação do conceito de inovação social na educação. Conceito usado para inovações sociais relacionadas à educação formal, bem como à educação popular e comunitária. É explorada sua relação com o campo de estudos sobre inovação, bem como com descoloniais, praxeologia e outras pedagogias. O que permite especificar os desafios que a pesquisa e o ensino enfrentam nas inovações sociais na educação

    De Pueblos, Ciudades Y Metrópolis: Urbanitas Y Urbanismos

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    Eneste ensayo se buscadar cuentade los procesos de cambiosociocultural de pueblos y ciudades a partir de mi propia experiencia como urbanita migrante, pues comoseñala Manuel Delgado1serurbanita esserhabitantedel espacio público, en múltiples viajes, en cruces inesperados, en los que se construye ese modo de ser urbano que no se puede reducir a la ciudad, a sus múltiplesdispositivos, es más expresiónde esa características emergentes del modo de habitarla en tanto ciudadanos y urbanitas. La experiencia que se recorre es la vivenciatranscurrida del pueblo (La Mesa) alaciudadmoderna (Medellín,Bogotá),ensusmúltiples ¡dasy vueltas

    Thermophoretic torque in colloidal particles with mass asymmetry

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    We investigate the response of anisotropic colloids suspended in a fluid under a thermal field. Using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics computer simulations and nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory, we show that an anisotropic mass distribution inside the colloid rectifies the rotational Brownian motion and the colloids experience transient torques that orient the colloid along the direction of the thermal field. This physical effect gives rise to distinctive changes in the dependence of the Soret coefficient with colloid mass, which features a maximum, unlike the monotonic increase of the thermophoretic force with mass observed in homogeneous colloids

    Imágenes de rango de la superficie del ojo de la mosca mediante correlación interferométrica

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    In this study an initial stage of an investigation about optic areas and signal processing is presented. A description of the reconstruction process of the housefly´s eye surface topography using a microscope with nanometer resolution is explicated. For this reconstruction is implemented the maximal detection method. Using interferometric methods for reconstruction of small samples offers the possibility of analyzing samples without the need to invade with any type of destructive coating like electron microscopes methods. The prospect of topographic eye´s reconstruction offers a possibility to complement the studies on this area, both in the field of entomology and also in the area of engineering for the construction and generation of optical devices. The measures obtained in the reconstruction had an accuracy of 1 nm.En el presente trabajo se muestra parte de una investigación en el área de la óptica y tratamiento de señales. Se realiza una descripción del proceso de reconstrucción topográfica de la superficie del ojo de una mosca casera con un microscopio con resolución de nanómetros. Para la reconstrucción de la superficie del ojo se implementó el método de detección de máximos. El utilizar métodos interferométricos para realizar reconstrucciones de muestras pequeñas, a diferencia de los microscopios electrónicos, brinda la posibilidad de realizar el análisis de las muestras sin la necesidad de invadirlas con ningún tipo de recubrimiento. La perspectiva de la reconstrucción topográfica que se obtuvo del ojo brinda la posibilidad de complementar los estudios que se tienen sobre éste, tanto en el campo de la entomología así como en el área de las ingenierías para la construcción y generación de dispositivos ópticos. Las medidas que se obtuvieron en la reconstrucción tienen precisión de 1 nanómetro

    Sport-Specific Use of Doping Substances: Analysis of World Anti-Doping Agency Doping Control Tests between 2014 and 2017.

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    Background: In recent years, there has been a solid effort across all sports organizations to reduce the prevalence and incidence of doping in sport. However, the efficacy of current strategies to fight against doping might be improved by using anti-doping polices tailored to the features of doping in each sport. Objectives: The aim of this investigation was to analyze the substances more commonly found in doping control tests in individual and team sports. Material and Methods: The publicly accessible Testing Figures Reports made available by the World Anti-Doping Agency, were analyzed from 2014 to 2017. Results: The most commonly detected groups of banned substances were anabolic agents and stimulants but the distribution of adverse findings per drug class was very different depending on the sports discipline. Weightlifting, athletics, rugby, hockey and volleyball presented abnormally high proportions of anabolic agents (p = 2.8 × 10−11). Cycling, athletics and rugby presented atypically elevated proportions of peptide hormones and growth factors (p = 1.4 × 10−1). Diuretics and masking agents were more commonly found in boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, judo, shooting, and gymnastics than in other sports (p = 4.0 × 10−68). Cycling, rowing, aquatics, tennis, gymnastics and ice hockey presented abnormally high proportions of stimulants (p = 1.8 × 10−5). Conclusions: These results indicate that the groups of banned substances more commonly detected in anti-doping control tests were different depending on the sports discipline. These data suggest the prohibited substances used as doping agents might be substantially different depending on the type of sport and thus, sports-specific anti-doping policies should be implemented to enhance the efficacy of anti-doping testing.pre-print523 K

    Estado de la investigación sobre conflicto, posconflicto, reconciliación y papel de la sociedad civil en Colombia*

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    En este documento se exploran las condiciones para el logro de la gobernabilidad y el desarrollo humano sustentable a partir de una mirada reflexiva sobre parte de la investigación realizada en Colombia en los problemas del conflicto, postconflicto, reconciliación y papel de la sociedad civil. Esta reflexión tiene tanto su interés académico como pragmático en el sentido de apoyar la identificación del conocimiento necesario para la sociedad postconflicto y elaborar lo que con su innegable humor Jesús Antonio Bejarano llamó la pazología en contraposición a la violentología.De algunos elementos de contexto se pasará a situaciones y procesos que nos son propios, acompañados de reflexiones más generales desde el conocimiento y los debates producidos por la ciencia social moderna. No es razonable pensar que más de lo mismo es bueno y saludable. No se trata de caer en uno de dos extremos, el autoflagelamiento o la autocomplacencia, menos en relación con un tema tan complejo como el del conflicto y el futuro de los colombianos. Muchos son los retos tanto en el plano del conocimiento como de los hechos que confrontamos como personas y como nación.A critical look into research carried out in Colombia on the subject of conflict, post-conflict, reconciliation, and the role the civil society plays, is the starting point for an in-depth exploration into conditions required to achieve good governance and a sustainable human development, as set out in this paper. One of the most important challenges from the vantage point of knowledge is to review the kind of questions we are posing ourselves as regards research. To establish a distinction between actions conducive to the construction of mechanisms to explain conflict, co- existence and peace. To forestall common sense explanations, or more endogenous outlooks regarding such a sensitive issue.This paper will gradually advance from some contextual elements towards our own situations and processes, coupled with a wider analysis on the basis of knowledge and discussions arising from the modern social sciences. Pretending that more of the same thing may be good and healthy is unreasonable. We should avoid going to the extremes: either self- flagellation or self-satisfaction, even less so as regards such an issue as complex as conflict and what the future has in stock for Colombian people. Many challenges lay ahead of us, both as far as knowledge is concerned and regarding the facts we face as individuals and as a nation

    An example of introducing new technology at university classes

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    [SPA] La utilización educativa de los videos en los campus, en los departamentos de todas las disciplinas está aumentando, desde artes, humanidades y ciencias a planes de estudios profesionales y vocacionales. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una experiencia docente desarrollada en la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena y, más concretamente, en la asignatura de Métodos Numéricos para Ingenieros Agrónomos. Hemos utilizado videos en clase para enseñar nuestra asignatura. Los videos fueron realizados por nosotros. Se puede decir que nuestras clases eran una mezcla entre el sistema tradicional y el nuevo sistema educativo. Además, hemos intentado adaptar el proceso de evaluación al Nuevo Marco Europeo de Educación Superior. Hemos realizado un estudio comparativo entre las notas obtenidas por los estudiantes en nuestra asignatura, con el uso de videos en clase, y las notas obtenidas por los estudiantes en el resto de asignaturas de la carrera. Este estudio ha sido realizado durante cuatro cursos académicos y los resultados fueron muy positivos. Se detectó un aumento en la motivación e interés de nuestros estudiantes. También pudimos apreciar un aumento de la concentración de nuestros estudiantes durante las sesiones de video. Lo anteriormente expuesto se vio reflejado en las calificaciones finales. [ENG] The educational use of video on campus is accelerating rapidly in departments across all disciplines from arts, humanities, and sciences to professional and vocational curricula. The aim of this paper is to present a teaching experience developed in the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and, more specifically, in the subject of Numerical Methods for Agricultural Engineers. We used videos to teach our subject at class. The videos were made by ourselves. Our classes were a mixed between the traditional system and the new educational system. Moreover, we tried to adapt the evaluation process to the new European Framework for Higher Education. A survey was carried out using video at class in order to compare our students’ grades with the rest of university students’ grades. We did the survey during four academic years and the results were strongly positive for both students and teachers. We could find an increase in motivation and in the interest of our students. We could also appreciate our student quite concentrated during the video sessions. The previous one was reflected in the final grades. In the future we are going to introduce e-beam at class and we would like to study the students’ performance

    Unifying the classical approach with new technologies: An innovative proposal for teaching mathematics in engineering

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    The aim of this paper is to present a teaching experience developed in the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and, more specifically, in the subject of Mathematical Methods Applied to Civil Engineering, that belongs to the Master Degree of Paths, Channels and Ports. Our classes were a mix between the traditional system and the new educational system. Moreover, we tried to adapt the evaluation process to the new European Framework for Higher Education. We have used videos developed by us and by students in our classes. We have noticed that the interest and motivation in class has grown. Also the grades have improved. We did a survey during this academic year and the results were strongly positive for both students and teachers

    Agroecological Traditional Peasant Knowledge in Mexico

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    The aim of the paper is to present an application of a theoretical and methodological model for the systematization of peasant knowledge about a traditional agriculture practice of family orchards. It is a proposal that involves social participation, community organization and environmental education at three rural localities in the State of Mexico. The methodology applied includes participatory workshops, for obtaining ecological knowledge from farmers related to family orchards and agroecosystems management. The collected information was analyzed to identify aspects related to origin, application, transformation and transmission of traditional knowledge. The last step for knowledge systematization consisted of an important reflection that includes confrontation of the empirical experience with current theoretical approaches. The importance of this research, related to knowledge associated with family orchards, is due to their function of providing products for family subsistence. Because they allow “in situ” germplasm conservation, they favor family integration, foster community relationships, and bring environmental goods and services. Their management is based on vernacular and rational experience of using available natural resources, and represents an alternative for sustainable local development. However, these systems are subject to a disappearance process caused by urban growth, social migration, loss of traditional knowledge about orchard management, and lack of maintenance activities, among other problems that lead to abandonment. The study is based on the theoretical framework of agroecology, environmental education and knowledge systematization

    Finanzas conductuales aplicadas al mercado de renta variable en Colombia

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    Este trabajo de grado pretende evaluar la manera como las decisiones de algunos participantes del mercado son afectadas e influenciadas por factores externos o ajenos a la información común al mercado local colombiano, haciendo un énfasis especial en la importancia que tiene la parte psicológica del operador. Revisaremos que en el proceso de toma de decisiones de inversión, existen factores psicológicos que son determinantes al momento de elegir entre varias alternativas de inversión adicionalmente a los fundamentos teóricos aplicados.De lo racional a lo comportamental. La toma de decisiones. Comportamiento del mercado. Metodología. Limitantes. Resultados de la encuesta referencia. Encuesta aplicada a operadores del mercado de valores colombiano. Presentación. Consecución de datos. Análisis de los resultados obtenidos.Magíster en Finanzas CorporativasMaestrí