338 research outputs found

    Human adipose derived stroma/stem cells grow in serum-free medium as floating spheres,”

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    With the goal of obtaining clinically safe human adipose-derived stroma/stem cells (ASC) and eliminating the use of serum, we have developed a new culture system that allows the expansion of ASC as spheres in a defined medium. These spheres can be passaged several times. They are not only aggregated cells but rather originate from single cells as clonal spheres can be obtained after seeding at very low density and reform clonal spheres after dissociation. These spheres can also revert to monolayer growth when plated in medium containing human plasma and even generate fibroblast-like colonies (CFU-f). Under several differentiation-specific media, spheresderived ASC maintain their capacity to differentiate into osteoblasts, endothelial cells and adipocytes. These results indicate that human ASC can be maintained in a serum-free 3D culture system, which is of great interest for the expansion in bioreactors of autologous ASC and their use in clinical trials

    Adipose stromal cells improve healing of vocal fold scar: Morphological and functional evidences

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Adipose derived stromal cells (ASCs) are abundant and easy to prepare. Such cells may be useful for treating severe vocal disturbance caused by acute vocal fold scars. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective animal experiments with controls. METHODS: Twenty New-Zealand white rabbits were used in the present study. We evaluated vocal fold healing, with or without injection of autologous ASCs, after acute scarring. A defined lesion was created and the ASCs were immediately injected. Vocal fold regeneration was evaluated histomorphometrically and via viscoelastic analysis using an electrodynamic shaker. RESULTS: Six weeks after ASC injection, vocal folds exhibited significantly less inflammation than control folds (P < 0.005). In addition, hypertrophy of the lamina propria and fibrosis were significantly reduced upon ASC injection (P < 0.02). The decrease in viscoelastic parameters was less important in the ASC injected group compared to the noninjected group (P = 0.08). CONCLUSION: Injection of autologous ASCs improved vocal fold healing in our preclinical model. Further studies are needed, but this method may be useful in humans. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: NA. Laryngoscope, 126:E278-E285, 2016

    Adult Murine Skeletal Muscle Contains Cells That Can Differentiate into Beating Cardiomyocytes In Vitro

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    It has long been held as scientific fact that soon after birth, cardiomyocytes cease dividing, thus explaining the limited restoration of cardiac function after a heart attack. Recent demonstrations of cardiac myocyte differentiation observed in vitro or after in vivo transplantation of adult stem cells from blood, fat, skeletal muscle, or heart have challenged this view. Analysis of these studies has been complicated by the large disparity in the magnitude of effects seen by different groups and obscured by the recently appreciated process of in vivo stem-cell fusion. We now show a novel population of nonsatellite cells in adult murine skeletal muscle that progress under standard primary cell-culture conditions to autonomously beating cardiomyocytes. Their differentiation into beating cardiomyocytes is characterized here by video microscopy, confocal-detected calcium transients, electron microscopy, immunofluorescent cardiac-specific markers, and single-cell patch recordings of cardiac action potentials. Within 2 d after tail-vein injection of these marked cells into a mouse model of acute infarction, the marked cells are visible in the heart. By 6 d they begin to differentiate without fusing to recipient cardiac cells. Three months later, the tagged cells are visible as striated heart muscle restricted to the region of the cardiac infarct

    Polymer-Based Reconstruction of the Inferior Vena Cava in Rat: Stem Cells or RGD Peptide?

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    As part of a program targeted at developing a resorbable valved tube for replacement of the right ventricular outflow tract, we compared three biopolymers (polyurethane [PU], polyhydroxyalkanoate (the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate-co-4-hydroxyvalerate) [PHBVV]), and polydioxanone [PDO]) and two biofunctionalization techniques (using adipose-derived stem cells [ADSCs] or the arginine-glycine-aspartate [RGD] peptide) in a rat model of partial inferior vena cava (IVC) replacement. Fifty-three Wistar rats first underwent partial replacement of the IVC with an acellular electrospun PDO, PU, or PHBVV patch, and 31 nude rats subsequently underwent the same procedure using a PDO patch biofunctionalized either by ADSC or RGD. Results were assessed both in vitro (proliferation and survival of ADSC seeded onto the different materials) and in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), histology, immunohistochemistry [against markers of vascular cells (von Willebrand factor [vWF], smooth muscle actin [SMA]), and macrophages ([ED1 and ED2] immunostaining)], and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; for the expression of various cytokines and inducible NO synthase). PDO showed the best in vitro properties. Six weeks after implantation, MRI did not detect significant luminal changes in any group. All biopolymers were evenly lined by vWF-positive cells, but only PDO and PHBVV showed a continuous layer of SMA-positive cells at 3 months. PU patches resulted in a marked granulomatous inflammatory reaction. The ADSC and RGD biofunctionalization yielded similar outcomes. These data confirm the good biocompatibility of PDO and support the concept that appropriately peptide-functionalized polymers may be successfully substituted for cell-loaded materials

    Autologous Adipocyte Derived Stem Cells Favour Healing in a Minipig Model of Cutaneous Radiation Syndrome

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    Cutaneous radiation syndrome (CRS) is the delayed consequence of localized skin exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. Here we examined for the first time in a large animal model the therapeutic potential of autologous adipose tissue-derived stroma cells (ASCs). For experiments, Göttingen minipigs were locally gamma irradiated using a 60Co source at the dose of 50 Gy and grafted (n = 5) or not (n = 8). ASCs were cultured in MEM-alpha with 10% fetal calf serum and basic fibroblast growth factor (2 ng.mL−1) and post irradiation were intradermally injected on days 25, 46, 67 and finally between days 95 and 115 (50×106 ASCs each time) into the exposed area. All controls exhibited a clinical evolution with final necrosis (day 91). In grafted pigs an ultimate wound healing was observed in four out of five grafted animals (day 130 +/− 28). Immunohistological analysis of cytokeratin expression showed a complete epidermis recovery. Grafted ASCs accumulated at the dermis/subcutis barrier in which they attracted numerous immune cells, and even an increased vasculature in one pig. Globally this study suggests that local injection of ASCs may represent a useful strategy to mitigate CRS

    Osteogenic differentiation of two distinct subpopulations of human adipose-derived stem cells: an in vitro and in vivo study

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    The first stem cells considered for the reconstruction of bone were bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Subsequently, cells with similar marker expression panel and differentiation potential were found in new sources of cells, such as adipose tissue. This source of stem cells has a promising future in tissue-engineering applications, considering the abundance of this tissue in the human body, the easy harvesting and the high number of stem cells that are available from such a small amount of tissue. The isolation of the adipose stem cells is generally performed by means of enzymatic digestion of the tissues, followed by a natural selection of the stem cells based on their capacity to adhere to the culture flasks, leading to a quite heterogeneous population. This constitutes a major drawback for the use of these cells, since the heterogeneity of the cell culture obtained can compromise their proliferation and differentiation potential. In the present study we have analysed the in vitro and in vivo behaviour of two selected subpopulations with high osteogenic potential. For this purpose, ASCsCD29+ and ASCs STRO−1+ subpopulations were isolated and in vitro cultured onto a biodegradable polymeric scaffold, using osteogenic medium, before implantation in a nude mice model. The biodegradable polymeric scaffold used is a fibre-mesh structure based on a blend of starch and polycaprolatone (SPCL) that has been successfully used in several bone tissue-engineering studies. The implanted ASCs–scaffold constructs promoted the formation of new bone tissue in nude mice. However, the results obtained show differences in the behaviour of the two ASCs subpopulations under study, particularly regarding their potential to differentiate into the osteogenic lineage, and allowed the identification of ASCs STRO−1+ as the best subpopulation for bone tissue-engineering applications