765 research outputs found

    Loess caves of Austria - a preview

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    [Abstract] Loess caves account for a negligible amount of Austria’s caves only - despite the fact that the areas covered by loess and loess-loam comprise several thousand square kilometres. Loess can be found in the northern and eastern foreland of the Alpine Mountain Range as well as in the Styrian Basin south of the Alps. Only a handful of caves have been mapped so far, concentrated at a few spots. This eye-catching fact documents a certain lack of exploration rather than a general lack of loess caves. According to Striebel (2005) and others most loess caves are formed by piping and gully erosion, initiated by inhomogeneities like disintegrating roots and animal burrows where the infiltrating water causes fast-growing pipe structures, subsequently enlarging to caves that can be entered by cavers. The rate of cave evolution is tremendous. In several cases - so far investigated - the earliest onset of cave formation lies within the early 20th Century. This can be dated as the required gradient was man-made at that time. On the other hand distinctive alterations of the caves took place within 30 years. This can be documented strikingly by comparing old and new cave maps. The crucial points – from a quantitative point of view - for the formation of loess caves are still under fundamental discussion as there are severe differences in local climatic parameters – some of the areas belong to the driest in Austria – lithologies, gradients and human interventions. Furthermore, the role of dissolution of calcitic components enhancing the subsequent erosion remains ambiguous

    Emergence of chaos in a viscous solution of rods

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    It is shown that the addition of small amounts of microscopic rods in a viscous fluid at low Reynolds number causes a significant increase of the flow resistance. Numerical simulations of the dynamics of the solution reveal that this phenomenon is associated to a transition from laminar to chaotic flow. Polymer stresses give rise to flow instabilities which, in turn, perturb the alignment of the rods. This coupled dynamics results in the activation of a wide range of scales, which enhances the mixing efficiency of viscous flows.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Overcoming the risk of inaction from emissions uncertainty in smallholder agriculture

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    The potential for improving productivity and increasing the resilience of smallholder agriculture, while also contributing to climate change mitigation, has recently received considerable political attention (Beddington et al 2012). Financial support for improving smallholder agriculture could come from performance-based funding including sale of carbon credits or certified commodities, payments for ecosystem services, and nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) budgets, as well as more traditional sources of development and environment finance. Monitoring the greenhouse gas fluxes associated with changes to agricultural practice is needed for performance-based mitigation funding, and efforts are underway to develop tools to quantify mitigation achieved and assess trade-offs and synergies between mitigation and other livelihood and environmental priorities (Olander 2012)

    Estimation in high dimensions: a geometric perspective

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    This tutorial provides an exposition of a flexible geometric framework for high dimensional estimation problems with constraints. The tutorial develops geometric intuition about high dimensional sets, justifies it with some results of asymptotic convex geometry, and demonstrates connections between geometric results and estimation problems. The theory is illustrated with applications to sparse recovery, matrix completion, quantization, linear and logistic regression and generalized linear models.Comment: 56 pages, 9 figures. Multiple minor change

    Metamorphic titanite–zircon pseudomorphs after igneous zirconolite

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    The formation of metamorphic zircon after baddeleyite is a well-known reaction that can be used to date the metamorphism of igneous silica-undersaturated rocks. By contrast, metamorphic minerals formed after igneous zirconolite have rarely been reported. In this paper, we document metamorphic titanite + zircon pseudomorphs formed from the metamorphic breakdown of igneous zirconolite in syenodiorite and syenite, in the southeastern Sveconorwegian Province, Sweden. Water-rich fluid influx during tectonometamorphism in epidote–amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions caused the release of silica during a metamorphic reaction involving igneous feldspar and pyroxene and the simultaneous breakdown of igneous Zr-bearing phases. Typical titanite + zircon intergrowths are elongated or platy titanite crystals speckled with tiny inclusions of zircon. Most intergrowths are smaller than 15 ”m; some are subrounded in shape. Locally, bead-like grains of titanite and zircon are intergrown with silicate minerals. The precursor igneous zirconolite was found preserved only in a sample of near-pristine igneous syenodiorite, as remnant grains of mainly &lt; 2 ”m in size. Two somewhat larger crystals, 8 and 12 ”m, allowed semiquantitative confirmation using microprobe analysis. Analogous with zircon pseudomorphs after baddeleyite, titanite + zircon pseudomorphs after zirconolite potentially offer dating of the metamorphic reaction, although the small size of the crystals makes dating with today's techniques challenging. The scarcity of reports of zirconolite and pseudomorphs reflects that they are either rare or possibly overlooked.</p

    Pourquoi les politiques publiques sont-elles si peu suivies d’effets ?:Quelques interrogations

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    L’insertion des femmes sur le marchĂ© du travail a connu Ă  la fois des avancĂ©es et des reculs. Si davantage de femmes accĂšdent Ă  l’éducation supĂ©rieure et aux emplois qualifiĂ©s, d’autres sont touchĂ©es par la prĂ©caritĂ© et connaissent une dĂ©gradation de leurs conditions de travail et de vie. Face Ă  ce constat ambivalent, on peut questionner la mise en Ɠuvre et l’efficacitĂ© des politiques qui visent Ă  promouvoir l’égalitĂ© entre les femmes et les hommes. Cet article a pour objectif de soulever quelques dĂ©bats. Le plus souvent, les politiques publiques au sens large (y compris la protection sociale) sont dĂ©finies en termes de compensation et de correction des inĂ©galitĂ©s et des discriminations. Mais elles ne concernent pas les causes effectives de l’extension du sous-emploi des femmes, qui relĂšvent du fonctionnement mĂȘme du marchĂ© du travail. C’est donc la dĂ©finition des politiques publiques qu’il faut interroger, en dĂ©passant une vision binaire qui oppose d’une part un champ Ă©conomique extĂ©rieur, d’autre part un champ social, juridique et culturel qui, seul, pourrait ĂȘtre l’objet d’inflexions. En rĂ©alitĂ©, le champ Ă©conomique est aussi le produit des politiques publiques : la libre-concurrence et la prĂ©Ă©minence du marchĂ© sont le rĂ©sultat d’une action volontaire des États. Il faut donc rĂ©intĂ©grer les politiques Ă©conomiques dans le champ de la rĂ©flexion sur les moyens de combattre les discriminations Ă  l’encontre des femmes.The integration of women into the labour market has gone through both upswings and downturns. In view of this ambivalent result, we can question the efficiency of public policies set up to overcome gender inequality and fight gender discrimination. Does a real will exist, and if so why is it so inefficient or so poorly implemented? What forms do individual and collective resistance take? Most of the time, public policies are defined in terms of compensation and correction. But they don’t deal with the actual causes of women’s underemployment resulting from labour market adjustments. It is therefore the definition of the public policies that we need to examine, going beyond a binary view that opposes economic issues, on the one hand, to social, juridical and cultural concerns on the other

    M31 Pixel Lensing PLAN Campaign: MACHO Lensing and Self Lensing Signals

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    We present the final analysis of the observational campaign carried out by the PLAN (Pixel Lensing Andromeda) collaboration to detect a dark matter signal in form of MACHOs through the microlensing effect. The campaign consists of about 1 month/year observations carried out during 4 years (2007-2010) at the 1.5m Cassini telescope in Loiano ("Astronomical Observatory of BOLOGNA", OAB) plus 10 days of data taken in 2010 at the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) monitoring the central part of M31 (two fields of about 13'x12.6'). We establish a fully automated pipeline for the search and the characterization of microlensing flux variations: as a result we detect 3 microlensing candidates. We evaluate the expected signal through a full Monte Carlo simulation of the experiment completed by an analysis of the detection efficiency of our pipeline. We consider both "self lensing" and "MACHO lensing" lens populations, given by M31 stars and dark matter halo MACHOs, in the M31 and the Milky Way (MW), respectively. The total number of events is compatible with the expected self-lensing rate. Specifically, we evaluate an expected signal of about 2 self-lensing events. As for MACHO lensing, for full 0.5 (0.01) solar mass MACHO halos, our prediction is for about 4 (7) events. The comparatively small number of expected MACHO versus self lensing events, together with the small number statistics at disposal, do not enable us to put strong constraints on that population. Rather, the hypothesis, suggested by a previous analysis, on the MACHO nature of OAB-07-N2, one of the microlensing candidates, translates into a sizeable lower limit for the halo mass fraction in form of the would be MACHO population, f, of about 15% for 0.5 solar mass MACHOs.Comment: ApJ accepted, 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Quantization and Compressive Sensing

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    Quantization is an essential step in digitizing signals, and, therefore, an indispensable component of any modern acquisition system. This book chapter explores the interaction of quantization and compressive sensing and examines practical quantization strategies for compressive acquisition systems. Specifically, we first provide a brief overview of quantization and examine fundamental performance bounds applicable to any quantization approach. Next, we consider several forms of scalar quantizers, namely uniform, non-uniform, and 1-bit. We provide performance bounds and fundamental analysis, as well as practical quantizer designs and reconstruction algorithms that account for quantization. Furthermore, we provide an overview of Sigma-Delta (ΣΔ\Sigma\Delta) quantization in the compressed sensing context, and also discuss implementation issues, recovery algorithms and performance bounds. As we demonstrate, proper accounting for quantization and careful quantizer design has significant impact in the performance of a compressive acquisition system.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figures, to appear in Springer book "Compressed Sensing and Its Applications", 201

    Efficient and feasible state tomography of quantum many-body systems

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    We present a novel method to perform quantum state tomography for many-particle systems which are particularly suitable for estimating states in lattice systems such as of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. We show that the need for measuring a tomographically complete set of observables can be overcome by letting the state evolve under some suitably chosen random circuits followed by the measurement of a single observable. We generalize known results about the approximation of unitary 2-designs, i.e., certain classes of random unitary matrices, by random quantum circuits and connect our findings to the theory of quantum compressed sensing. We show that for ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices established techniques like optical super-lattices, laser speckles, and time-of-flight measurements are sufficient to perform fully certified, assumption-free tomography. Combining our approach with tensor network methods - in particular the theory of matrix-product states - we identify situations where the effort of reconstruction is even constant in the number of lattice sites, allowing in principle to perform tomography on large-scale systems readily available in present experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections, discussion added, emphasizing that no single-site addressing is needed at any stage of the scheme when implemented in optical lattice system

    Social support for and through exercise and sport in a sample of men with serious mental illness.

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    Social support is important for people experiencing serious mental illness and is also important during the initiation and maintenance of exercise. In this article we draw on interpretive research into the experiences of 11 men with serious mental illness to explore four dimensions of social support both for and through exercise. Our findings suggest that informational, tangible, esteem, and emotional support were both provided for and given by participants through exercise. We conclude that experiences of both receiving and giving diverse forms of support in this way are significant for some people living with and recovering from serious mental illness
