54 research outputs found

    A influência da cor, imagem e formato de rótulo de vinho engarrafado na perceção do consumidor

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    Mestrado em MarketingO objetivo do presente estudo é determinar qual a influência que os elementos de design de um rótulo de vinho engarrafado - cor, imagem e formato do rótulo - têm no comportamento do consumidor. O estudo irá realizar-se através de uma análise quantitativa que investigará se a influência de determinadas cores, imagens e formatos de rótulo afetam positivamente a perceção e interpretação do consumidor. Para este efeito, foi desenhada a pesquisa que culminou na condução de um questionário divulgado, com recurso à técnica de amostragem por conveniência, a alunos de Licenciatura, Pós-graduação e Mestrado do ISEG, assim como, através do recurso às redes sociais. Embora os resultados não tenham permitido validar alguns dos objetivos propostos, foi possível verificar, através do recurso a técnicas de análise conjunta, que determinadas combinações entre os principais elementos que constituem um rótulo, têm a capacidade de gerar diferentes emoções e reações nos consumidores e num patamar mais particular, concluir quais os elementos de design a que os consumidores atribuem maior importância relativa e utilidade individual.The main objective of this study was to determine the importance of several design elements of a label presented in a bottled wine, such as colour, image and the shape of the bottle’s label. This study has been done through a quantitative analysis which has investigated the positive influence of some colours, images and the label shapes in the consumers' perception. In order to achieve this aim, participants were asked to evaluate 16 combinations of wine label elements through an online questionnaire. Although the results obtained did not allowed to confirm all the objectives of this investigation, it was possible, with the assist of conjoint analysis techniques, verify that some combinations of the wine label design elements have the means to generate certain emotions and reactions to the customer. In a more particular level the results reveal which attributes are more important for the customer and which of them has greater utility from the customer point of view

    Influência de diferentes matrizes oclusais na profundidade de polimerização de uma resina composta: análise de microdureza Knoop

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    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2013Objetivo: Determinar a influência de três materiais com a função de matriz oclusal, na profundidade de polimerização de uma resina composta, e avaliar se permitem evitar a inibição da polimerização da camada superficial da resina por parte do oxigénio. Materiais e métodos: Cem espécimes de resina composta (Grandio®SO; VOCO) com 2 mm de espessura, foram fotopolimerizados durante 20 segundos com um LED (800 mW/cm2) através da interposição do material em estudo. Os materiais utilizados (Registrado Clear; VOCO, Memosil® 2; Heraeus Kulzer e Bite-perf®; BITEPERF Dental Products) foram preparados com 1 e 2 mm de espessura. Para os grupos em que se utilizou uma matriz de acetato e sem tira de acetato, a ponta da luz foi afastada 1 e 2 mm. Desta forma foram testados dez grupos (n=10) segundo o material e a distância da luz. Após 24 horas efetuaram-se testes de microdureza Knoop na base e no topo dos espécimes. Os dados foram tratados com uma MANOVA de duas dimensões, seguindo-se testes estatísticos post-hoc, pelo método de Tukey, estabelecendo-se 5% como nível de significância. Resultados: Os grupos em que se utilizou a tira de acetato obtiveram valores de microdureza Knoop no topo estatisticamente superiores (p<0,05) aos obtidos nos outros grupos. Para a análise, o grupo do Bite-perf alcançou valores estatisticamente inferiores em relação à utilização de acetato, mas superiores ao restantes grupos (p<0,05). Para a base, o grupo do Bite-perf apresentou valores de microdureza estatisticamente inferiores em relação a todos os outros grupos (p<0,05). Os restantes valores de microdureza da base não foram significativamente diferentes (p≥0,05). Conclusões: De acordo com os resultados deste estudo in vitro, pode concluir-se que o Bite-perf foi o único material que interferiu com a polimerização em profundidade da resina composta e o único que indicia prevenir a inibição da polimerização pelo oxigénio.Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of using three occlusal matrix materials in the resin composite depth of cure. Furthermore, we intend to determine if the application of these materials could prevent the oxygen-inhibited layer of the composite surface. Materials and Methods: One-hundred composite (Grandio®SO; VOCO) specimens, 2 mm thick, were light-cured for 20 seconds with a LED device (800 mW/cm2) through the study matrix materials (Registrado Clear; VOCO, Memosil® 2; Heraeus Kulzer e Bite-perf®; BITEPERF Dental Products) previously prepared with 1 and 2 mm of thickness. In the groups where a mylar strip and no mylar strip were used, the light-cure tip was placed at 1 and 2 mm away from the resin surface. The specimens were divided into ten groups (n=10) depending on the material and light-cure tip distance. After 24 hours of storage, Knoop microhardness measurements were performed at top and bottom surface. The data was analyzed with a two-way MANOVA followed by the Tukey post-hoc test. Statistical testing was performed at a 0.05 level of significance. Results: The mylar strip groups showed the highest (p<0.05) Knoop hardness values on top surface. The Bite-perf groups showed lower values comparing to the mylar strip groups, but higher than the other groups (p<0.05). On the bottom surface, the Biteperf group presented the lowest values (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the values obtained from the other groups (p≥0.05). Conclusions: This in vitro study allows us to conclude that the Bite-perf was the only material that influenced the resin composite depth of cure and the only that seems to prevent the oxygen-inhibited layer of the composite top surface

    Tackling the increasing threat of Smoke Health Impacts from Forest fires and Climate Change

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    Wildfires have a negative impact on the environment, ecosystems, and human health. Smoke from wildfires contains harmful pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can cause immediate adverse health effects, mostly related to the respiratory system, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and exacerbation of pre-existing health conditions (e.g., asthma, bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). In addition to short-term health effects, exposure to smoke has also been linked to long-term population health effects. Epidemiological studies have shown a positive association between wildfire smoke exposure and both cardiorespiratory morbidity and all-cause mortality. This has been particularly evident in susceptible populations, including children, older adults, and pregnant women. Thus, it is important to mitigate wildfires’ impact on the human population through prevention and awareness actions. Recently, occupational exposure as a firefighter was listed as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) by IARC. The proximity of firefighters to wildland fires exposes them to high levels of toxic compounds, making this activity one of the most dangerous in the world. Yet, evidence linking wildland firefighters' occupational exposure and health outcomes is still limited. Characterization of the workplace is an important step for a general perspective of potential risk factors that may influence the parameters considered in further analysis. The increasing risk of wildfires episodes and longer fire seasons highlight the need for occupational studies among these professionals who are commonly exposed to hazardous pollutants. Exposure assessment plays a central role in the identification, evaluation, and control of occupational risks. The exposure is usually assessed through environmental monitoring, where the chemical agents are quantified in environmental samples, as well as through biological monitoring, which consists in the measurement of biological endpoints, commonly called biomarkers. Scientific evidence has contributed to the establishment of measures related with firefighters’ health promotion. Regular monitoring, surveillance and health promotion activities, the introduction of innovative firefighting techniques, safer personal protective equipment and the implementation of written policies and procedures such as decontamination of fire station equipment and spaces are crucial.BioFirEx (PCIF/SSO/0017/2018) - A panel of (bio)markers for the surveillance of firefighter’s health and safety; FCT for the Grant UI/BD/150738/2020N/

    Bilateral stress fracture of femoral neck in non-athlete – case report

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    AbstractBilateral stress fracture of femoral neck in healthy young patients is an extremely rare entity, whose diagnostic and treatment represent a major challenge. Patients with history of hip pain, even non-athletes or military recruits, should be analyzed to achieve an early diagnosis and prevent possible complications from the surgical treatment. This report describes a 43-year-old male patient, non-athlete, without previous diseases, who developed bilateral stress fracture of femoral neck without displacement. He had a late diagnosis; bilateral osteosynthesis was made using cannulated screws. Although the diagnosis was delayed in this case, the study highlights the importance of the diagnosis of stress fracture, regardless of the activity level of the patients, for the success of the treatment

    Anticorpos neutralizantes contra herpesvírus bovinos tipos 1 (BHV-1) e 5 (BHV-5) induzidos por uma vacina experimental anti-BHV-1 com adjuvante oleoso

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    Foi avaliada a capacidade de uma vacina experimental oleosa inativada contra o herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 induzir anticorpos contra o herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BHV-1.1 e BHV-1.2) e herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5). Bovinos foram vacinados com duas doses de vacina, aplicadas com um intervalo de 90 dias. Foi medido o título de anticorpos nos dias 0, 30, 90, 120, 180, 270 e 450 após a primeira vacinação (DPV). Os títulos de anticorpos contra BHV-1.1 e BHV-1.2 foram significativamente maiores que os contra BHV-5, ao longo do experimento. Enquanto todos os animais soroconverteram para BHV-1.1 e BHV-1.2 após a primeira dose de vacina, apenas dois em 23 animais (8,7%) soroconverteram para o BHV-5. No entanto, após o reforço, todos os animais soroconverteram contra BHV-1.1, 1.2 e BHV-5. Aos 450 DPV, 79% (15/19 animais) e 84% (10/19) ainda se encontravam soropositivos para BHV-1.1 e BHV-1.2, enquanto apenas 50% dos animais (10/19) se demonstraram positivos contra o BHV-5. Foi concluído que, embora uma vacina com alta capacidade de indução de anticorpos contra o BHV-1 possa induzir anticorpos capazes de neutralizar o BHV-5, os níveis de tais anticorpos são significativamente mais baixos e de menor duração do que aqueles induzidos contra BHV-1.1 e BHV-1.2.An experimental oil-adjuvanted, inactivated vaccine against bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1.1), was produced and evaluated in its capacity to induce neutralizing antibodies against bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1, subtypes 1.1 and 1.2) and bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5). Cattle were vaccinated and revaccinated 90 days later. Antibodies were measured at days 0, 30, 90, 120, 180, 270 and 450 days after the first dose of vaccine (DPV). Antibody titres to BHV-1.1 and BHV-1.2 were significantly higher than to BHV-5 throughout the experiment. While all calves seroconverted to BHV-1.1 and BHV-1.2 after the first dose of vaccine, only two out of 23 (8,7%) calves seroconverted to BHV-5. However, after the booster injection all animals seroconverted to the three virus types. At 450 DPV, 79% (15/19 cattle) and 84% (16/19) were still positive for antibodies to BHV 1.1 and BHV 1.2, whereas 50% (10/19) of the calves remained seropositive for BHV-5. It was concluded that although a potent BHV-1 vaccine may induce crossreactive neutralizing antibodies to BHV-5, the levels of such antibodies are significantly lower and of shorter duration than antibodies to BHV-1.1 or BHV-1.2

    O uso do ocrelizumab no tratamento da esclerose múltipla: uma revisão de literatura

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    A Esclerose Múltipla (EM) é uma doença neurológica desmielinizante crônica, causada pela invasão linfocítica focal que leva a danos na mielina e nos axônios, sendo um distúrbio inflamatório do sistema nervoso central. No início, a inflamação é transitória e até há ocorrência de remielinização. Porém, com o tempo a neurodegeneração torna-se progressiva e extensa, aumentando a incapacidade do indivíduo. A EM é desencadeada por fatores ambientais em pessoas com perfis de risco genéticos complexos e os tratamentos disponíveis não resolvem a doença, mas diminuem os efeitos gerados, apresentando um mecanismo questionável. Nesse sentido, novos medicamentos têm sido postos a prova na tentativa de diminuir o avanço da EM progressiva primária, como o Ocrelizumab. Determinar a notabilidade dessa patologia e salientar a eficácia de um novo tratamento para diminuir a progressão da EM. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, sendo um estudo observacional, baseada em 8 artigos, na língua inglesa e portuguesa, com busca nas bases de dado Google Acadêmico e Pubmed, entre os anos de 2017 e 2019 e um estudo observacional. Observou-se grandes diferenças no uso do Ocrelizumab no tratamento da EM. Em comparação ao grupo placebo, houve melhora de 42%, sendo mais efetivo em pacientes de idade superior a 40 anos, redução na progressão da doença em 12 semanas e, diminuição em 20% o risco de progressão confirmada (confirmed progression - CP) entre 12 e 24 semanas e em casos de 9HTP (nine hole peg test, teste para saber qual mão do paciente foi mais afetada). Houve também redução de progressão de deficiência comparada com Interferon-&amp;#946;-1a (IFN-&amp;#946;-1a) e menor risco de CP em 24 semanas em casos 9HTP, na probabilidade de tempo para a primeira recidiva em pacientes com recaída de EM nas primeiras 8 semanas. Além disso, comparado com o uso de IFN-&amp;#946;-1a, houve redução de 46% na taxa de recidiva anual, 1,3% na ocorrência de infecção grave em pacientes tratados e tem eficácia em pacientes pré tratados com doença ativa. Porém, possui maior ocorrência de neoplasias, aumento na frequência de reações relacionadas à infusão, infecções do trato respiratório superior e infecções por herpes oral. Apesar de sutil, a melhora na progressão da doença ocorre quando se inicia o tratamento da EM com o Ocrelizumab, que apresentou-se mais eficiente que a atual droga que vem sendo usada no combate da progressão da enfermidade e que o placebo, mesmo apresentando alguns efeitos colaterais aos pacientes em percentuais maiores que aqueles que ocorriam com o outro fármaco e por isso, é importante analisar o caso do paciente e averiguar se o novo tratamento fará a ele grandes melhorias

    Oral health of paralympic athletes: is there enough scientific evidence to support oral health actions for this population? Narrative review: Saúde bucal de atletas paraolímpicos: existem evidências científicas suficientes para fundamentar ações de saúde bucal para essa população? Revisão narrativa

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    Paralympic athletes are athletes with disabilities who compete in official recreational or collegiate competitions. Like any other group of people, these para-athletes need special attention concerning oral health. Oral health is a hotly debated topic in the literature in general, but what about the oral health of para-athletes, is there enough scientific evidence on oral health to support oral health actions for para-athletes? This narrative review aimed to answer this question. A review of the literature using the PubMed database was performed between March and April 2022. The authors selected original studies in the English language without a limit of date. The search strategy consisted of a combination of terms “Special Olympics” AND “athletes” and “Paralympic athletes” AND “oral health”. 1140 articles were founded, but only 24 matched the inclusion criteria. The studies included oral health data from 185,499 para-athletes. Gingival problems and dental caries were the most cited oral problems. There is a significant need for the preventive and restorative oral health of this population. The studies provide sufficient information to plan specific actions for this population

    TSE Monitoring in Wildlife Epidemiology, Transmission, Diagnosis, Genetics and Control

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    Among the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cervids is now the rising concern within Europe. CWD will be outlined in this chapter gathering its epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, genetics, and control. Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal isoform of the prion protein (PrPc), usually designated by PrPsc or prion. CWD is a prion disease of natural transmission affecting cervids detected mainly in North America. The first European case was detected in Norway, in 2016, in a wild reindeer; until April 2018, a total of 23 cases were described. The definite diagnosis is postmortem, performed in target areas of the brain and lymph nodes. Samples are first screened using a rapid test and, if positive, confirmed by immunohistochemistry and Western immunoblotting. It is not possible to establish a culling plan based on the genotype, once affected animals appear with all genotypes. However, some polymorphisms seem to result in longer incubation periods or confer a reduced risk. The control is not easy in captive cervids and even more in the wildlife; some recommendations have been proposed in order to understand the danger and impact of CWD on animal and public health

    Neuropathology of animal prion diseases

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    Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are a fatal group of infectious, inherited and spontaneous neurodegenerative diseases affecting human and animals. They are caused by the conversion of cellular prion protein (PrPC) into a misfolded pathological isoform (PrPSc or prion- proteinaceous infectious particle) that self-propagates by conformational conversion of PrPC. Yet by an unknown mechanism, PrPC can fold into different PrPSc conformers that may result in different prion strains that display specific disease phenotype (incubation time, clinical signs and lesion profile). Although the pathways for neurodegeneration as well as the involvement of brain inflammation in these diseases are not well understood, the spongiform changes, neuronal loss, gliosis and accumulation of PrPSc are the characteristic neuropathological lesions. Scrapie affecting small ruminants was the first identified TSE and has been considered the archetype of prion diseases, though atypical and new animal prion diseases continue to emerge highlighting the importance to investigate the lesion profile in naturally affected animals. In this report, we review the neuropathology and the neuroinflammation of animal prion diseases in natural hosts from scrapie, going through the zoonotic bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the chronic wasting disease (CWD) to the newly identified camel prion disease (CPD).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: analysis of variability and genetic structure of the Portuguese roe deer population

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    Among the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in cervids is now the rising concern in wildlife within Europe after the first case detected in Norway in 2016. CWD shows a notable horizontal transmission, affecting both free-ranging and captive cervids. Furthermore, several genetic variants in the Prion Protein (PRNP) gene coding sequence of the cervid were identified, which increase the susceptibility to the disease.This work was supported by the project WastingPrionRisk [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029,947/ PTDC/CVT-CVT/29947/2017] funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FCT PhD grant [SFRH/BD/146961/2019] financed by FCT through FSE (Fundo Social Europeu). This work was also supported by national funds [UIDB/CVT/00772/2020], [LA/P/0059/2020] and [UIDB/04033/2020] by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio