551 research outputs found

    Aspectos normativos para ensaio de desempenho de ventiladores pulmonares

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Eletrônica.Nesta monografia, apresentam-se os ensaios de desempenho de ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos. Estes equipamentos, de uso médico, são essenciais para o tratamento de doenças em estágio agravado que impedem a respiração autônoma, como a tuberculose e o até mesmo o coronavírus. Inicialmente, é necessário conhecer sobre o processo fisiológico da respiração, pois com base na fisiologia humana foram criadas diversas modalidades de funcionamento para a respiração artificial. A fim de auxiliar no processo respiratório do paciente, os ventiladores pulmonares dispõem de múltiplas funções personalizadas para cada caso clínico, baseando-se em critérios de volume pulmonar, pressão pulmonar, entre outros. Para garantir o bom funcionamento destes equipamentos eletromédicos, as normas brasileiras da ABNT descrevem uma miríade de ensaios para testar seu desempenho. Estes ensaios analisam os aspectos sonoros, elétricos, mecânicos, entre muitos outros, dos ventiladores pulmonares. Para este estudo, foram selecionados todos ensaios não-destrutivos da norma “ABNT NBR ISO 80601-2-12:2014” para aplicação nos ventiladores pulmonares comumente utilizados no Brasil; e assim esquematizado seu conteúdo em linguagem acessível, tendo como alvo as equipes técnicas que realizam estes ensaios.In this monograph, performance tests of intensive care lung ventilators are presented. These equipments, for medical use, are essential to treat diseases in an aggravated stage that prevent autonomous breathing, such as tuberculosis and even the coronavirus. Initially, it is necessary to know about the physiological process of breathing, since several operating modalities were created for artificial breathing based on human physiology. In order to assist in the patient's breathing process, lung ventilators have multiple functions customized for each clinical case, based on criteria such as lung volume, lung pressure, among others. To ensure the proper functioning of these electromedical equipment, the Brazilian ABNT standards describe a myriad of tests to evaluate their performance. These tests analyze the multiple aspects of lung ventilators, such as sounds, electrical, mechanical, among many others. For this study, all non-destructive tests of the “ABNT NBR ISO 80601-2-12:2014” standard were selected for application in lung ventilators commonly used in Brazil; and thus schematized its content in accessible language, targeting the technical teams that carry out these tests

    Understanding cadets’s evaluation of taste and wellbeing in one food menu from the Brazilian Air Force Academy through word association

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    A questionnaire was conducted in the field with the cadets of the Brazilian Air Force Academy, and its main objective was to verify their perception of the food provided by the military organization, in order to understand which kinds of food were considered positive and negative foods for wellbeing and their daily physical performance, and how the food supplied affects their routine in any aspect. The research was carried out with 130 participants, through a questionnaire of unstructured qualitative analysis and word association technique. Participants were approached shortly after lunch, inside the mess hall. The results showed that the majority of cadets classified as positive or negative foods in terms of taste and not for their nutritional value. The cadets have also correlated food to physical and mental wellbeing and affirmed that a good meal directly affects their routine


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo primordial, discutir a interligação entre crime e Estado à luz da série documental Doutor Castor (2021). Através do estudo de caso de Castor Gonçalves de Andrade e Silva é demonstrado como as dimensões sociais, econômicas e simbólicas do Estado ligam-se à contravenção e à criminalidade. Neste arcabouço, crime e Estado são tomados como esferas, não opostas, mas sim, transacionam, dialogam e cooperam. Nesta chave interpretativa, o artigo entende a ideia de mercadoria política como o elemento capaz de operar a relação entre legal/ilegal


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    Brazil confronts a challenge to implement the Forest Code, now called Native Vegetation Protection Law (LPVN), issued in 2012 under the number 12.651/12. The law introduced new mechanisms to quantified environmental liabilities in Permanent Protection Areas (APP) and Legal Reserve Areas (RL). Thus, this study presents a methodological proposal for calculation of environmental liabilities in areas of "water" permanent preservation and legal reserve using geoprocessing tools. This way, a complex analysis was required, based on the size of the private rural properties, the type of land use/cover, and “temporal cut”, for which there is no methodology defined. The “temporal cut” was defined to fine cancel those who practiced illegal deforestation prior to 22 July 2008, thus creating the figure of the "Consolidated Productive Areas”. This methodology was tested and applied in the municipality of São Félix do Xingu-PA and the results pointed to a total environmental liability of the municipality of 178,835 hectares by 2010. According to requirements established in article 61-A, the settlements were considered rural properties with consolidated productive areas, and thus benefited by law. Despite this, it is important to improve environmental education techniques and the recovering of environmental liabilities of settlements, mainly for sustainable production purposes

    Toxic Agents in Ruminants Diagnosed in the Pathological Anatomy Service of the UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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    Background: Toxic agents are chemical substances or physical agents that, when interacting with living organisms, cause harmful effects. For animals, toxic products include those intended to combat endo and ectoparasites, rodenticide products, and heavy metals. Minerals and dietary additives, even if essential to the animal, can become toxic agents, among which sodium chloride, copper, urea, and ionophore antibiotics stand out. This study aimed to survey the diagnoses of accidental poisoning in ruminants over 65 years as recorded in the files of the Pathological Anatomy Sector of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro.Materials, Methods & Results: The diagnoses of poisoning by ticks, rodenticides, heavy metals, macro and micronutrients, and dietary additives in ruminants were made based on the association of epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings and, in some cases, by histochemical (rubeanic acid and Masson trichrome) and toxicological examinations. A review of data recorded over 65 years identified 372 poisonings in ruminants. Of these, 85.5% (318/372) were in bovine species and 14.5% (54/372) in goats, sheep, and buffaloes. The outbreak of poisoning by organophosphates resulted in the death of 16 cattle that ingested contaminated broken rice and corn. The spraying of this product on the bags was intended to control insects. Intoxication due to excessive administration of abamectin resulted in the intoxication of 16 calves, in two distinct farms. Toxicosis caused by coumarin derivatives resulted in the death of six cattle after accidental ingestion of these rodenticides near the pens. Arsenic poisoning occurred due to ingestion of ant poison, available in bone meal and a mineral salt, through baths with arsenic-based ticks, or in cases later confirmed by toxicological analysis, resulting in the death of 109 cattle. Sodium chloride toxicosis resulted in the death of 10 sheep that became ill in two farms after excessive consumption of salt and private access to water. The diagnosed copper poisoning resulted in the death of 165 ruminants (154 cattle, 10 sheep, and 1 goat). Urea poisoning occurred due to excessive ingestion by 13 cattle and 4 buffaloes, without prior adaptation. Cases of poisoning by ionophore antibiotics occurred in 11 sheep, 18 buffaloes, and 4 cattle. In all cases, the source of exposure was mineral salt and/or feed with an excess of ionophores. The results of the laboratory tests varied according to the type of intoxication.Discussion: Among the means of diagnosing poisoning by toxic agents, minerals, and dietary additives, anamnesis should be detailed and highlighted to present all relevant information. It is the basis for toxicological diagnosis, because it generates information that helps in the definitive elucidation of cases and establishing control and prophylaxis plans, facilitates the prediction of prognosis, and directs the application of appropriate therapy, when possible. In the intoxication diagnoses reported here, the toxicological examination was important in elucidating the toxicosis caused by organophosphates, coumarin derivatives, arsenic, and copper, but the referral for toxicological analysis was previously indicated by a hypothesis generated during the anamnesis. Therefore, anamnesis becomes important yet elusive as toxicological examination leading to diagnosing intoxication.Keywords: toxicology, diagnosis, chemical substance, farm animals.Descritores: toxicologia, diagnóstico, substância química, animais de fazenda.

    Kalman Filters in crop models: old experiences in new contexts

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    Data assimilation has been widely used for improvement of crop models’ estimates, for example to incorporate the effects of external events or compensate calibration errors in large areas. The term describes multiple approaches for those who want to take advantage of satellite imagery to reduce uncertainty or improve accuracy of model estimates. Kalman Filters are among the most used methods for achieving these goals. But their use in new contexts, i.e., from open field to protected environments, requires untangling aspects of the pipeline that are often performed in many different ways without guidelines, such as which variables to assimilate or how to ascribe uncertainty to observations or model estimates. This study is then divided in two parts. In the first, we review details on how uncertainty is ascribed on crop model estimates and in observations for applications of the Kalman Filter and three variations of the method, i.e., the Extended, Unscented and Ensemble, as well as which state variables are often updated and the frequency with which assimilation may occur, as well as how these aspects are connected to each other. In the second part, we apply different approaches from the reviewed literature in a greenhouse tomato crop model. We use artificial data with controlled noise levels as well as artificial data generated by simulation using other tomato crop model. We assess the impacts of using different methods and different approaches for ascribing uncertainty in model estimates and in observations, by assimilating artificial observations of fruit and of mature fruit biomass. We note that covariances should not be fixed values, that there are trade-offs between ascribing model uncertainty to the state itself and to other elements of the process, that observation covariance may have been considered disproportionality higher when using some ensemble generation approaches in the EnKF, and that bias in model estimates may lead to worse outcomes even when observations are high-quality ones. While we discussed aspects that should be considered in a new environment, many of them are also important for field crops, and we concluded assimilation should follow an assessment of which variables could be useful for assimilation

    Oil blends with sesame oil in fish diets: oxidative stress status and fatty acid profiles of lambari

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth performance, oxidative stress, and fatty acid profiles of lambari (Astyanax altiparanae) fed diets containing different lipid sources: soybean oil, linseed oil, and freshwater fish residue oil combined or otherwise with sesame oil (SEO). The fish (mean weight 0.95±0.46 g; mean length 4.21±2.77 cm) were distributed into 24 cages (cage capacity: 0.70 m3; fish density: 276 individuals m−3) in six treatments and four replicates. After 80 days of feeding, they were weighed, and samples were collected for assay of catalase, glutathione reductase (GR), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activities in muscle and analysis of the fatty acid profiles of polar and neutral fractions of whole eviscerated fish. The addition of SEO reduced docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3, DHA) levels but increased the percentage of highly unsaturated n-3 fatty acids and the DHA: eiocosapentaenoic acid ratio, while reduced GR and LDH enzyme activities in muscle. Thus, certain blends of oils added to fish diets can improve the lipid profile of lambari and protect consumers against reactive oxygen species

    The essential neurological examination in telemedicine consultations in the context of COVID 19/ O exame neurológico essencial nas consultas de telemedicina no contexto da COVID 19

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    Introduction: In clinical evaluation, the neurological area is one of the most complex and extensive to be analyzed, besides that, when added with Neurophobia it becomes even more difficult. With the COVID-19 Pandemic, there was an accelerated process of migration from outpatient clinics to digital platforms, requiring doctors to update their way of examining patients. The essential neurological examination, the tool that collaborates in this updated assessment, demonstrates greater objectivity in confirming the normality of the neurological system. The practice of checklists is a tool that helps these doctors to better evaluate their patients, optimizing their time and exams, contributing to its clinical diagnosis. Methodology: Review study integrative process that culminated in the elaboration and adaptation of new measures for essential neurological therapy in patients in the context of COVID-19 through Telemedicine. Results and Discussion: When comparing the essential neurological exam with the knowledge experienced by the authors of this article and the global pandemic context, were recommendations on the application of telemedicine were made. In addition to the need for doctor-patient communication to be audible and visible, without external interference so as not to impair the exams, the participation of a patient's companion is important to assist the doctor in exams. With that done, we identified that some of the exams essential neurological conditions become difficult to perform digitally, being: Indirect fundoscopy and reflexes (Biceps, Brachioradialis, Triceps, Patellar, Aquileu). However, exams such as direct fundoscopy, pupillary reflex, eye chase, mimic facial, gait, and plantar reflex can be examined via digital platforms as long as always the patient is accompanied. Conclusion: It is concluded that, amid pandemic, essential neurological examination becomes outdated, but useful in several areas, helping the doctor to take more informed measures

    Educação ambiental e cultura escolar: o pedagogo no ensino fundamental

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    Environmental education needs to be discussed more effectively in basic education, with the teacher having the role of dialoguing with the school culture and the means to preserve non-renewable resources. The issue of this research is about the initial training of pedagogues who teach the content of environmental sustainability contributed to the development of a culture aimed at preserving the environment. The objectives were to understand the limits and possibilities of the initial training of pedagogues who teach the content of environmental sustainability, and to understand the relationship between school culture and actions aimed at the theme. The research is qualitative and exploratory. The participants were two elementary school nature science teachers. The results show that the teachers frequently develop actions focused on the theme of environment and sustainability, with the collaboration of the management in this process, thus promoting cultural changes in the institution.A educação ambiental precisa ser discutida de forma mais efetiva na educação básica, tendo o professor o papel de dialogar com a cultura escolar e os meios de preservar os recursos não renováveis. A problemática desta pesquisa é sobre a formação inicial dos pedagogos que ministram o conteúdo de sustentabilidade ambiental contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura voltada para preservação do meio ambiente. Os objetivos foram compreender os limites e possibilidades da formação inicial dos pedagogos que ministram o conteúdo de sustentabilidade ambiental, e perceber a relação entre a cultura escolar e as ações voltadas para a temática. A pesquisa é qualitativa e exploratória. Os participantes foram duas professoras de ciências da natureza do ensino fundamental. Os resultados apontam que as professoras desenvolvem ações voltadas para a temática de meio ambiente e sustentabilidade com frequência, tendo a colaboração da gestão nesse processo, promovendo assim mudanças culturais na instituição

    Uso de risedronato na consolidação e formação do calo na fratura de Colles em mulheres na pós‐menopausa – Estudo Solid

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    ResumoObjetivoEste estudo multicêntrico, randomizado, aberto, grupo paralelo avaliou a eficácia de Actonel® 35 mg mais cálcio/vitamina D versus cálcio/vitamina D isoladamente na preservação da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em mulheres pós‐menopausadas com fratura de Colles.MétodosPacientes com fratura de Colles em sete dias foram aleatoriamente designadas para receber Actonel® 35 mg semanalmente mais cálcio/vitamina D (Grupo AO [GAO]) ou cálcio/vitamina D (grupo O [GO]) isoladamente. As pacientes foram avaliadas após 90 e 180 dias de tratamento.ResultadosCompletaram as avaliações 59 pacientes no GAO e 56 no OG. No fim do estudo, a DMO do rádio no local da fratura mostrou variação negativa no GO (32,8%) que foi discretamente menor no GAO (20,8%), assim como uma perda menor na DMO no GAO comparado com o OG. Houve diferença na proporção de paciente com perda da DMO no fim do estudo nos dois grupos de tratamento em favor do GAO, apesar de não estatisticamente significante. Não houve diferença significativa na identificação radiológica da formação do calo entre os grupos de tratamento. Na maioria das pacientes a identificação radiológica do calo ocorreu depois de 90 dias.ConclusãoMulheres pós‐menopausadas com fratura de Colles que receberam risedronato sódico, além do cálcio/vitamina D, comparado com cálcio/vitamina D não mostraram diferença significativa na perda da DMO na fratura do antebraço, com tendência de efeito protetor do risedronato na perda da DMO devido à imobilização. O tempo até a consolidação da fratura não foi afetado.AbstractObjectiveThis open, randomized and blinded parallel‐group multicenter study evaluated the efficacy of Actonel® (35mg) plus calcium/vitamin D versus calcium/vitamin D alone for preserving bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with Colles fractures.MethodsPatients with a Colles fracture for seven days were randomized to receive either Actonel® (35mg) once a week plus calcium/vitamin D (ACD group) or calcium/vitamin D alone (CD group). The patients were evaluated after 90 and 180 days of treatment.ResultsCompleted all the evaluations 59 ACD patients and 56 CD patients. At the end of the study, the BMD of the radius at the fracture location showed a negative change in the CD group (32.8%). The loss of BMD in the ACD group (20.8%) was slightly less than in the CD group. There was a difference in the proportions of patients with BMD losses at the end of the study period in the two treatment groups, in favor of the ACD group, although this was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in radiological identification of callus formation between the treatment groups. In the majority of the patients, the callus could be radiologically identified after 90 days.ConclusionPostmenopausal women with Colles fractures who received risedronate sodium plus calcium/vitamin D did not show any significant difference in BMD loss in forearm fractures, in comparison with those who received calcium/vitamin D alone. Risedronate presented a tendency towards a protective effect regarding BMD loss due to immobilization. The time taken for fracture consolidation to be achieved was unaffected