114 research outputs found

    Failure analysis of the collapse of a raised steel wine tank

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    As structural damage or even catastrophic collapses are sometimes due to improper design, underestimated design loads or unexpectedly extreme loads, progressive collapse and structural robustness has recently received a great deal of attention, while the number of scientific papers published on the topic has grown considerably. This paper describes an analysis of the failure of a 106 m3 steel raised wine tank belonging to a local wine producer that suddenly collapsed, fortunately without personal injury, but causing significant damage to the company's facilities. The collapse generated the progressive failure of other tanks next to the first one that failed. After several visits to inspect the accident on site, a diagnosis was made to determine the causes. Possible reasons were examined by visual inspections and experimental tests on steel specimens recovered from the collapsed structures, which allowed to determine the mechanical properties and study the fracture surfaces by scanning electron microscopy and micrographs. On the other hand, the load-carrying capacities of the structure were studied by a linear-static finite-element and a nonlinear-static push-over analysis. The collapse mechanism of the system was found to be due to cyclic horizontal loads generated by a pressurized air injection system. The results allowed to conclude that this type of structure is highly vulnerable to horizontal loads and has very little capacity to activate alternative loas paths. The paper also describes a possible solution that could be used to improve the mechanical performance of this structural typology against horizontal loading, based on the lessons learned from the experience

    ‘Saluda’, a programme to prevent the drug consumption: a evaluation of a new version in Spanish adolescents

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    En la actualidad se han evaluado numerosas intervenciones preventivas de drogodependencias en el medio escolar. Sin embargo, en España son pocos los estudios que analizan la influencia precisa de cada uno de los componentes específicos a los programas con el fin de determinar cuáles se consideran cruciales para el cambio de conducta de consumo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de una nueva versión del programa de prevención del consumo de drogas Saluda en la que se prescinde del componente fomento del ocio saludable y las tareas para casa. Esta versión reducida fue dirigida a una muestra de 106 escolares (44.6 % chicos) entre 14 y 17 años (M = 15.20; DT = 0.92) de un centro de Educación Secundaria. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio de tipo cuasi experimental y un diseño pre-post de un único grupo. Se realizó diferencia de proporciones mediante la prueba Z y diferencia de medias mediante la prueba T para muestras relacionadas. Los resultados muestran una reducción en el porcentaje de episodios de embriaguez, así como un efecto de mejora significativa sobre las variables protectoras del consumo. Se discuten estos hallazgos y se realizan propuestas para la mejora de futuras intervenciones.In Spain, as in the majority of countries in the world, drug use is a public health problem. Adolescence is considered to be a period at risk for the onset of drug use; thus, it becomes essential to intensify efforts and reduce the demand for drugs. For this purpose, numerous interventions have been evaluated, finding several sources of deficiency: among them, it is worth mentioning the lack of studies that analyzing the most effective components on drug prevention programs. In Spain, only Saluda program provides empirical evidence on the contribution of its components to the program. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a new version of Saluda program on a sample of 106 students (44.6% boys) between 14 and 17 years (M = 15.20, SD = 0.92). A pilot study was conducted, in which the components “healthy leisure promotion” and “homework” were omitted. Concerning intragroup comparisons, analyses of variance on repeated measures and difference of proportions were performed. The results showed a reduction in alcohol consumption and cannabis as well as a significant improving effect on consumption protective variables. These findings were made in order to improve future preventive interventions

    Green STEM to improve mathematics proficiency: ESA Mission Space Lab

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    The main goal of this study was to improve students’ outcomes and perception in Mathe matics. For this, 12 out of 34 voluntary students were involved in an international contest: European Space Agency (ESA) Mission Space Lab. The experience was organized as STEM, under a guided PjBL. Students identified an environmental problem, executed a way to monitor it from the International Space Station (ISS) and interpreted the data received. Students’ final report was awarded by ESA. Additionally, participants increased their performance in their math final exams compared to the control group. Furthermore, the perception of students and their families about the usefulness of mathematics was very positive. The only drawback detected was the increase of workload. Thus, Green STEM, using direct instruction and guide in PjBL, may be a good tool to improve students’ grades and opinion about the importance of mathematics

    Capacidad predictiva de la Batería ENFEN en el diagnóstico del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considered to be one of the most common disorders during children and adolescents’ neurodevelopment. Given how much the individuals’ executive functions are affected, the objective of the present study was to verify the validity of the Neuropsychological Assessment of Executive Functions battery for Children (ENFEN for its acronym in Spanish) as a predictor in the diagnosis of ADHD. The sample consisted of 175 participants from southeast Spain of both sexes aged between 6 and 12 (clinical M=8.39, SD=1.87, and control M=8.78, SD=1.91). The clinical group was composed of 89 (79.50%) males and 23 (20.50%) females, and the control group consisted of 37 (58.70%) males and 26 (41.30%) females. ENFEN is an individual applications battery that allows the executive functions to be globally evaluated using a wide range of elements. We followed a non-experimental research design for this comparative descriptive study. The results indicate that the phonological fluency, colour naming path, and interference scales are closely associated with the diagnosis of ADHD as they provide data on elements including inhibition, mental flexibility, sustained and selective attention, verbal fluency, and working memory. In general, this study supports the usefulness and validity of the ENFEN battery as a tool to clinically diagnose ADHD.El trastorno por déficit de atención en hiperactividad (TDAH) es uno de los trastornos más frecuentes en el neurodesarrollo de niños y adolescentes. Las personas que lo padecen se caracterizan por presentar dificultades en los procesos de atención sostenida, ser muy activos y tener un deficiente control de sus impulsos. Pese a su elevada prevalencia y la existencia de diversas pruebas utilizadas para su diagnóstico, se conocen pocos datos sobre la utilidad y validez diagnóstica de estas herramientas. Dada la gran afectación que estos sujetos presentan en las funciones ejecutivas, el objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la utilidad y validez de la batería de Evaluación Neuropsicológica de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Niños (ENFEN), como predictora herramienta de apoyo al diagnóstico de TDAH. La muestra de estudio estuvo compuesta por 175 participantes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 12 años (grupo clínico M=8.39, SD=1.87 y grupo control M=8.78, SD=1.91). El grupo clínico estaba compuesto por 89 (79.50%) hombres y 23 (20,50%) mujeres, y el grupo de control por 37 (58,70%) hombres y 26 (41,30%) mujeres. ENFEN es una batería de aplicación individual, compuesta por varias subpruebas que requieren el empleo de funciones ejecutivas para resolver los elementos que las componen. Se siguió un diseño no-experimental para llevar a cabo un estudio descriptivo comparativo. Los resultados señalaron que las escalas Fluidez Fonológica, Sendero Color e Interferencia que requieren en mayor medida inhibición, flexibilidad mental, atención sostenida y selectiva, fluidez verbal y memoria de trabajo, entre otras aptitudes cognitivas, son las que mejor se asocian al diagnóstico de TDAH. En general, este estudio apoya la utilidad y validez de la prueba ENFEN como herramienta para el diagnóstico clínico del TDAH

    Análisis estructural de depósitos de agua realizados en escuelas de Brasil

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    Se analiza la solución estructural empleada para la ejecución de depósitos de agua de uso escolar en zonas rurales de Brasil. El estudio incluye desde el análisis teórico hasta el proceso de ejecución empleado, con el objetivo de evaluar estructuralmente la solución empleada y proponer mejoras si fuera necesario

    DisTecD, a journal for the dissemination of design and technology for development

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    DisTecD is a scientific journal ealing with design and technology for human development. Its principal objective is the dissemination of topics related to design and industrial and civil engineering that contribute in any sense to human development. Special emphasis is given to social technology. Every article published in this electronic journal is reviewed by at least two editors. The journal is freely accessible via the POLI-RED platform of the University Politechnic of Madrid

    Transcriptomic analysis reveals sex-specific differences in the expression of Dcl1 and Fis1 genes in the radio-adaptive response of thymocytes to TRP53-mediated apoptosis

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    BACKGROUND: Radio-Adaptive Response (RAR) is a biological defense mechanism whereby exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (IR) mitigates the detrimental effects of high dose irradiation. RAR has been widely observed in vivo using as endpoint less induction of apoptosis. However, sex differences associated with RAR and variations between males and females on global gene expression influenced by RAR have not been still investigated. In addition, the response to radiation-induced apoptosis is associated with phosphorylation of TRP53 at both the serine 15 (ser-18 in the mouse) and serine 392 (ser-389 in mice) residues, but the role of these two phosphorylated forms in male and female RAR remains to be elucidated. RESULTS: We analyzed the effect of administering priming low dose radiation (0.075 Gy of X-rays) prior to high dose radiation (1.75 Gy of γ-rays) on the level of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis and on global transcriptional expression in thymocytes of male and female mice. Here, we provide the first evidence of a differential sex effect of RAR on the reduction of thymocyte apoptosis with males showing lesser levels of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis than females. Analysis of transcriptomic profiles of 1944 genes involved in apoptosis signaling in radio-adapted thymocytes identified 17 transcripts exhibiting differential expression between both sexes. Among them, Dlc1 and Fis1 are closely related to the apoptosis mediated by the TRP53 protein. Our data demonstrate that overexpression of Dlc1 and Fis1 occur concomitantly with a highest accumulation of phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and caspase-3 in radio-adapted thymocytes of female mice. In an opposite way, both down-modulation of Fis1 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 accumulation appear to be associated with protection from thymocyte apoptosis mediated by caspase-3 in males. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptomic analysis performed in this work reveals for the first time sex-specific differences in gene expression influenced by RAR. Our results also suggest a sex-dependent dual role for phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 in the regulation of the radio-adaptive response in mouse thymocytes.This work was supported in part by grants from Spanish Nuclear Security Council (CSN-UAM 29072011) to JS, two grants funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF 2012-36566; SAF2015-70561-R (MINECO/FEDER, EU)), and one funded by Carlos III Health Institute (CIBERER 3-749/172.03) to JFD.S

    Getting started in Astronomy for Primary and Secondary education : stellarium and astrolabe

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo es mostrar los aspectos básicos de la astronomía relacionados con la geometría y las matemáticas en general. Utilizaremos dos instrumentos fundamentales: Stellarium y Astrolabio. Stellarium es un software que actúa como un planetario; este programa se puede descargar en múltiples dispositivos. Por otro lado, un astrolabio es un instrumento antiguo que da las posiciones de las estrellas para una fecha determinada. Se mostrarán las pautas básicas necesarias para construir un astrolabio definido en una cierta latitud. Veremos cómo realizar diferentes operaciones astronómicas fundamentales usando ambos instrumentos.ABSTRACT: The aim is to show basic aspects of astronomy related to geometry and mathematics in general. We will use two fundamental instruments: Stellarium and Astrolabe. Stellarium is a software which acts as a planetarium; this program can be downloaded on multiple devices. On the other hand, an astrolabe is an ancient instrument which give the positions of the stars for a date. It will be showed the basic guidelines necessary to build an astrolabe for a certain latitude. We will see how to perform different fundamental stronomical operations using both instruments

    Computational thinking using robots in Primary Education : Ozobot and Mbot

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar actividades planteadas en el entorno de la robótica con el propósito de desarrollar el pensamiento computacional, en Educación Primaria. Nos apoyaremos en dos tipos de robots: Ozobot y Mbot. Los Ozobot pueden utilizarse a partir de los 3 años de edad mientras que los Mbot son más adecuados a partir de los 6 años. La resolución de un problema planteado en el entorno de la robótica requiere, en general, de dos fases: 1) obtener una primera solución que no haga uso del instrumento robótico y 2) generar un algoritmo que, implementado en el robot, reproduzca y complete la solución hallada en la fase anterior.ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present activities in a robotics environment with the purpose of developing computational thinking in Primary Education. We rely on two types of robots: Ozobot and Mbot. The Ozobot robot can be used from 3 years of age while the Mbot robot is more suitable from 6 years of age. The resolution of a problem involving robotics requires, in general, two phases: 1) obtaining a first solution without using the robotic instrument, and 2) generating an algorithm that, implemented in the robot, reproduce and complete the solution found in the previous phase.El proyecto STEMforYouth está financiado con fondos del programa de la Unión Europea —Promotion of Stem Education by Key Scientific Challenges and their impact on our Life and Career Perspectives, Horizon 2020-­ Seac-­2015-­1-­710577

    Mathematical modelling of two chemical reactants evolution

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    RESUMEN: En los últimos años investigadores han resaltado la importancia de trabajar las materias de forma interdisciplinar para aumentar el interés por las áreas STEM. Esta experiencia describe una actividad STEM basada en la resolución de problemas del ámbito de la química. En concreto las estudiantes modelizaron la evolución de dos reactivos en una reacción química, desempeñando un papel fundamental la función exponencial. La conexión entre la química y las matemáticas se efectúa gracias a la modelización, siendo un recurso idóneo para fomentar la adquisición de las competencias clave e integrar los contenidos de distintas áreas.ABSTRACT: In recent years, researchers have highlighted the importance of working the subjects in an interdisciplinary way, to increase the interest in the STEM areas. This experience describes a STEM activity based on the problem solving contextualized in the chemistry discipline. In particular, students modelled the evolution of two reactants in a chemical reaction, playing a key role the exponential function. The connection between mathematics and chemistry is made through modelling, being it a suitable resource to promote the acquisition of key competences and to integrate contents from different areas.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto STEM4youth: Promotion of Stem Education by Key Scientific Challenges and their Impact on our Life and Career Perspectives, dentro del Programa Horizon 2020 (H2020- Seac-2015-1710577); y por el FEDER/ Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ _Proyecto EDU2017-84979-R