119 research outputs found

    La neurociencia para la inclusión en contextos pluriculturales

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    Neuroscience is important for inclusion in multicultural educational contexts. The objective of the research is to compare the opinions of Primary Education Degree´s students and students of Teachers Master´s regarding the presence of neuroscience in the multicultural classroom to encourage inclusion. This study is based on the following hypothesis: "neuroscience for educational inclusion favors multicultural educational contexts". In order to try to respond to this objective and the starting hypothesis, it has been developed a descriptive, explanatory and correlal research based on a quantitative methodology. For the research, a Likert scale has been developed, for this purpose, first, an operationalization table has been built with 6 dimensions of 6 items in each dimension and with a Cronbach Alpha of α = .836 on the scale of the Degree´s students and α = .795 on the scale of the Master´s students. The instrument was applied to a sample of 296 Degree´s subjects and 295 Master's subjects from an Andalusian university. It was concluded that Degree´s students and Master's students are aware of the importance of neuroscience for inclusion in multicultural contexts.Es importante la neurociencia para la inclusión en contextos educativos pluriculturales. El objetivo de esta investigación es comparar las opiniones del alumnado de Grado de Educación Primaria y Máster de Profesorado en relación a la presencia de la neurociencia en el aula pluricultural para fomentar la inclusión. Este estudio parte de la siguiente hipótesis: “La neurociencia para una inclusión educativa favorece contextos educativos pluriculturales”. Para tratar de dar respuesta a este objetivo y a la hipótesis de partida se ha desarrollado una investigación descriptiva, explicativa y correlacional basada en una metodología cuantitativa. Para la investigación se ha elaborado una escala Likert, para ello, en primer lugar, se ha construido una tabla de operacionalización con 6 dimensiones de 6 ítems en cada dimensión y con un Alpha de Cronbach de α = .836 en la escala de los estudiantes de Grado y α = .795 en la escala de los estudiantes de Máster. El instrumento se aplicó a una muestra de 296 sujetos estudiantes de Grado y 295 sujetos de Máster de una universidad andaluza. Se concluyó que los estudiantes de Grado y los de Máster están concienciados sobre la importancia de la neurociencia para la inclusión en contextos pluriculturales

    Estrategias de lectura para la enseñanza de las habilidades lectoras en las personas con TEA de alto funcionamiento

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    This article investigates the different reading strategies that exist for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of level 1. First, a review of the term ASD is carried out from its beginnings with Kanner and Asperger until today . A study has also been conducted on different authors who point out the importance of reading in people with ASD. The main objective of this research is to know the different reading strategies that can be applied with the global method to promote the teaching of reading of people with high functioning ASD. The research is a bibliographic review of reading skills and strategies in ASD. For this, an English search has been carried out in different scientific education journals. All the selected articles dealt with Primary Education and the high functioning ASD. The results obtained show the different strategies that can be carried out. Due to the different strategies that can be found and the discrepancies that exist between the authors, it is convenient that reading skills in people with ASD of level 1 are taught with the global method and adapting the strategies that exist to the characteristics of each person.El presente artículo investiga sobre las diferentes estretegias de lectura que existen para las personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) de nivel 1. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo una revisión del término TEA desde sus inicios con Kanner y Asperger hasta la actualidad. También se ha realizado un estudio sobre diferentes autores que señalan la importancia de la lectura en las personas con TEA. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es conocer las diferentes estrategias de lectura que pueden aplicarse con el método global para fomentar la enseñanza de la lectura de las personas con TEA de alto funcionamiento. La investigación es una revisión bibliográfica sobre las habilidades y estrategias de lectura en el TEA. Para ello se ha realizado una búsqueda en inglés en diferentes revistas científicas de educación. Todos los artículos seleccionados trataban sobre la Educación Primaria y el TEA de alto funcionamiento. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto las diferentes estrategias que pueden llevarse a cabo. Debido a las diferentes estrategias que se pueden encontrar y a las discrepancias que existen entre los autores, es conveniente que las habilidades de lectura en las personas con TEA de nivel 1 sean enseñadas con el método global y adaptando las estrategias que existen a las características de cada persona

    The impact of inclusion on the spanish education system.

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    This project aims to show a broader vision of educational inclusion nowadays. Through different authors and perspectives, the historic evolution of inclusive education is known, from integration to inclusion. In addition, a bibliographic review has been carried out to publicize the different inclusion strategies that can be implemented in the educational field, by the educational community of schools. These strategies can be of different types: strategies of organization and effective management of the classroom (reduction of the ratio, promotion of positive personal relationship, establishment of routines, etc.), teaching strategies and learning assessment (formative os continuous evaluation, motivational strategies, etc.), grouing strategies (according to different sises and criterions) and adaptation of activities and materials’ strategies (adaptation of materials, analysis and breakdown of tasks in simpler sequences, etc.).Este trabajo pretende mostrar una visión más amplia de la inclusión educativa en la actualidad. A través de diferentes autores y perspectivas se da a conocer la evolución histórica de la educación inclusiva, desde la integración hasta la inclusión. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica para dar a conocer las diferentes estrategias de inclusión que se pueden poner en práctica en el ámbito educativo, por parte de la comunidad educativa de los centros de enseñanza. Estas pueden ser de diferentes tipos: de organización y manejo efectivo del aula (reducción de la ratio, fomento de las relaciones personales positivas, establecimiento de rutinas, etc.), de enseñanza y evaluación de los aprendizajes (evaluación formativa o continua, estratégias de motivación, etc.), de agrupamento (atendiendo a diferentes tamaños y critérios) y de adaptación de las atividades y de los materiales (análisis y descomposición de tareas en secuencias más simples, adaptación de materiales, etc.)

    Granuloma encapsulation is a key factor for containing tuberculosis infection in minipigs

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    Altres ajuts: MISA/FIS/PI080785Altres ajuts: I+D+I/FIS/CM06/00123A transthoracic infection involving a low dose of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been used to establish a new model of infection in minipigs. The 20-week monitoring period showed a marked Th1 response and poor humoral response for the whole infection. A detailed histopathological analysis was performed after slicing the formalin-fixed whole lungs of each animal. All lesions were recorded and classified according to their microscopic aspect, their relationship with the intralobular connective network and their degree of maturity in order to obtain a dissemination ratio (DR) between recent and old lesions. CFU counts and evolution of the DR with time showed that the proposed model correlated with a contained infection, decreasing from week 9 onwards. These findings suggest that the infection induces an initial Th1 response, which is followed by local fibrosis and encapsulation of the granulomas, thereby decreasing the onset of new lesions. Two therapeutic strategies were applied in order to understand how they could influence the model. Thus, chemotherapy with isoniazid alone helped to decrease the total number of lesions, despite the increase in DR after week 9, with similar kinetics to those of the control group, whereas addition of a therapeutic M. tuberculosis fragment-based vaccine after chemotherapy increased the Th1 and humoral responses, as well as the number of lesions, but decreased the DR. By providing a local pulmonary structure similar to that in humans, the mini-pig model highlights new aspects that could be key to a better understanding tuberculosis infection control in humans

    Prophylactic Effect of a Therapeutic Vaccine against TB Based on Fragments of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The prophylactic capacity of the RUTI® vaccine, based on fragmented cells of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has been evaluated in respect to aerosol challenge with virulent bacilli. Subcutaneous vaccination significantly reduced viable bacterial counts in both lungs and spleens of C57Bl mice, when challenged 4 weeks after vaccination. RUTI® protected the spleen less than BCG. Following a 9 month vaccination-challenge interval, protection was observed for the lungs, but not for the spleen. Survival of infected guinea pigs was prolonged by vaccination given 5 weeks before challenge. Inoculations of RUTI® shortly after infection significantly reduced the viable bacterial counts in the lungs, when compared with infected control mice. Thus, vaccination by RUTI® has potential for both the prophylaxis and immunotherapy of tuberculosis

    Recommendations for screening, monitoring, prevention, and prophylaxis of infections in adult and pediatric patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy : a position paper

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is one of the most promising emerging treatments for B-cell malignancies. Recently, two CAR T-cell products (axicabtagene ciloleucel and tisagenlecleucel) have been approved for patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia; many other CAR-T constructs are in research for both hematological and non-hematological diseases. Most of the patients receiving CAR-T therapy will develop fever at some point after infusion, mainly due to cytokine release syndrome (CRS). The onset of CRS is often indistinguishable from an infection, which makes management of these patients challenging. In addition to the lymphodepleting chemotherapy and CAR T cells, the treatment of complications with corticosteroids and/or tocilizumab increases the risk of infection in these patients. Data regarding incidence, risk factors and prevention of infections in patients receiving CAR-T cell therapy are scarce. To assist in patient care, a multidisciplinary team from hospitals designated by the Spanish Ministry of Health to perform CAR-T therapy prepared these recommendations. We reviewed the literature on the incidence, risk factors, and management of infections in adult and pediatric patients receiving CAR-T cell treatment. Recommendations cover different areas: monitoring and treatment of hypogammaglobulinemia, prevention, prophylaxis, and management of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections as well as vaccination prior and after CAR-T cell therapy

    Desarrollo de un libro electrónico mejorado sobre aplicaciones de la Física Nuclear a la Medicina

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    Proyecto de innovación docente con el objetivo de desarrollar una herramienta que facilite el aprendizaje de las aplicaciones a la Medicina de la Física Nuclear. Se ha creado el sitio web https://fisnucmed.wordpress.com/. Se abordan, entre otros contenidos, las radiaciones ionizantes y los fundamentos de la interacción de la radiación con la materia, nociones de detección de radiación e instrumentación nuclear , diagnóstico por imagen, y las modalidades de imagen PET, SPECT, CT, resonancia magnética nuclear, ultrasonidos, así como la radioterapia y en particular la hadronterapia

    Country activities of Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD): focus presentations at the 11th GARD General Meeting, Brussels

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    © Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved.The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) is a voluntary network of national and international organizations, institutions and agencies led by the World Health Organization (WHO), working towards the vision of a world where all people breathe freely (1). GARD is supporting WHO in successfully implementing the WHO’s Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) 2013–2020. The GARD report on GARD activities is published on a regular basis. Collaboration among GARD countries is critical for sharing experiences and providing technical assistance to developing countries based on each country’s needs (2). The annual GARD meeting is a unique opportunity for assembling all of the GARD participants from developed and developing countries: European countries, North and South American Countries, China, Vietnam as well as Eastern Mediterranean, and African countries. Coordinator for Management of NCDs in the WHO Department for Management of Noncommunicable Diseases, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention (Cherian Varghese) is present at this meeting. The annual meeting of GARD is a forum for exchanging opinions in order to improve care for chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) and to achieve the GARD goal—a world where all people breathe freely. Experts—in collaboration with WHO—are helping developing countries to achieve their projects regarding teaching, research and programming for CRD. Each year, there is a poster presentation session on country activities. Each participant is able to present his/her country activities that have been achieved since the last meeting. This is followed by discussion. In this paper, we summarize the posters presented during the 11th GARD general meeting. We hope that this will give readers of the GARD section an opportunity to learn for their countries. We can find all posters on the link: https://gard-breathefreely.org/resources-poster/.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Política andina de planificación y gestión de recursos humanos en salud

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    The countries of the Andean subregion Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, integrated into the Andean Health Organization - Hipólito Unanue Convention (ORAS - CONHU) developed and approved by Resolution REMSAA XXXIII / 474 of 23 November 2012, Andean Policy Planning and Management of Human Resources in Health and implementation of its Action Plan 2013-2017.Los países de la subregión andina Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela, integrados en el Organismo Andino de Salud – Convenio Hipólito Unanue (ORAS – CONHU) elaboraron y aprobaron mediante Resolución REMSAA XXXIII/474 del 23 de Noviembre de 2012, la Política Andina de Planificación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos en Salud y la implementación de su Plan de Acción 2013 – 2017

    Effects of PI and PIII Snake Venom Haemorrhagic Metalloproteinases on the Microvasculature: A Confocal Microscopy Study on the Mouse Cremaster Muscle

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    The precise mechanisms by which Snake Venom Metalloproteinases (SVMPs) disrupt the microvasculature and cause haemorrhage have not been completely elucidated, and novel in vivo models are needed. In the present study, we compared the effects induced by BaP1, a PI SVMP isolated from Bothrops asper venom, and CsH1, a PIII SVMP from Crotalus simus venom, on cremaster muscle microvasculature by topical application of the toxins on isolated tissue (i.e., ex vivo model), and by intra-scrotal administration of the toxins (i.e., in vivo model). The whole tissue was fixed and immunostained to visualize the three components of blood vessels by confocal microscopy. In the ex vivo model, BaP1 was able to degrade type IV collagen and laminin from the BM of microvessels. Moreover, both SVMPs degraded type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries to a higher extent than in PCV and arterioles. CsH1 had a stronger effect on type IV collagen than BaP1. In the in vivo model, the effect of BaP1 on type IV collagen was widespread to the BM of arterioles and PCV. On the other hand, BaP1 was able to disrupt the endothelial barrier in PCV and to increase vascular permeability. Moreover, this toxin increased the size of gaps between pericytes in PCV and created new gaps between smooth muscle cells in arterioles in ex vivo conditions. These effects were not observed in the case of CsH1. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that both SVMPs degrade type IV collagen from the BM in capillaries in vivo. Moreover, while the action of CsH1 is more directed to the BM of microvessels, the effects of BaP1 are widespread to other microvascular components. This study provides new insights in the mechanism of haemorrhage and other pathological effects induced by these toxins