1,170 research outputs found

    Channel plasmon-polaritons: modal shape, dispersion, and losses

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    We theoretically study channel plasmon-polaritons (CPPs) with a geometry similar to that in recent experiments at telecom wavelengths (Bozhevolnyi et al., Nature 440, 508 (2006)). The CPP modal shape, dispersion relation, and losses are simulated using the multiple multipole method and the finite difference time domain technique. It is shown that, with the increase of the wavelength, the fundamental CPP mode shifts progressively towards the groove opening, ceasing to be guided at the groove bottom and becoming hybridized with wedge plasmon-polaritons running along the groove edges.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The role of microbial food webs in benthic-pelagic coupling in freshwater and marine ecosystems

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    A majority of carbon in freshwater and marine ecosystems is in the form of ultraplankton, heterotrophic and autotrophic plankton &\u3c&5 &\mu&m including heterotrophic bacteria, Prochlorococcus, cyanobacteria, and autotrophic eucaryotes. However, ultraplankton and subsequently microbial food webs have yet to be incorporated into models of benthic-pelagic coupling despite the preponderance of macroinvertebrates with the capacity to feed on ultraplankton. I have examined the role of microbial food webs in benthic-pelagic coupling in three ecosystems: Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia; Gulf of Maine, Northwest Atlantic Ocean; and Conch Reef, Florida Keys, USA. Using sponges as a model organism and in situ measurements, I have quantified (1) suspension feeding on ultraplankton and (2) release of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) resulting in direct evidence that benthic macroinvertebrates do occupy the level of primary consumer within the microbial food web. Dual-beam flow cytometry was employed to quantified sponge suspension feeding on five types of ultraplankton: heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus-type cyanobacteria, autotrophic picoplankton &\u3c&3 &\mu&m, autotrophic eucaryotes 3-10 &\mu&m, and in marine ecosystems Prochlorococcus. Grazing by the freshwater sponges Baikalospongia intermedia and B. bacilliferia and the boreal marine sponge, Mycale lingua, was unselective for all types of ultraplankton with efficiencies ranging from 63-99%. This is the first time that grazing on Synechococcus-type cyanobacteria and Prochlorococcus by macroinvertebrates has been quantified in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Conversely, the coral reef sponges Ircinia felix and I. strobilina release significant amounts of DIN and DIP as a result of grazing on procaryotic plankton. Using a general model for organism-mediated fluxes, it is conservatively estimated that through active suspension feeding sponges in Lake Baikal retain 1.97 g C day&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}& and M. lingua retains 29 mg C day&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}& while at Conch Reef sponges released 204 &\mu&mol DIN day&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}& and 48 &\mu&mol DIP day&\sp{lcub}-1{rcub}& m&\sp{lcub}-2{rcub}&. A majority of the carbon retained at all three locations was from procaryotic cell types suggesting that ultraplankton are an important overlooked component of benthic-pelagic coupling

    Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs

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    Current theory on the population dynamics of marine species with complex life history patterns posits that a suite of physical and biotic forces (e.g., habitat structure and density-dependent predation or emigration) control survival and abundance in early life history, particularly after settlement. We have conducted a long-term sampling effort accompanied by a series of field and laboratory experiments examining the joint effects of habitat type, body size, and population density upon abundance and survival of early juveniles of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. In addition, the chance occurrence of a tropical storm during one set of experiments provided an opportunity to assess the impact of a physical disturbance upon newly settled blue crab survival and abundance. In the 10-yr sampling effort, we quantified relationships between sequential life history stages (juvenile crab instars) in seagrass beds, the initial nursery habitat for blue crabs in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Inter-instar relationships were defined as the densities of larger instars as dependent on the densities of smaller instars. Inter-instar relationships for the youngest instars are described by hyperbolic functions until crabs begin to emigrate to unvegetated habitats at approximately the fifth instar. Inter-instar relationships between crabs larger than the fifth instar and smaller crabs become either parabolic or linear functions and decay as the number of instars between sequential life history stages increases. While both the hyperbolic and parabolic functions are indicative of populations regulated by density-dependent processes, either predation or emigration, the decay in the functions describing the inter-instar relationships for crabs larger than the fifth instar indicates that the suite of processes regulating this segment of the population changes qualitatively. In laboratory and field experiments, the effects of vegetated and unvegetated habitats and size-specific predation on newly settled juveniles were tested. Tethering was used to quantify relative rates of predation, and a laboratory study was conducted to determine if tethering induced treatment-specific bias. We found no statistically significant interactions between the tethering treatment and the factor treatments of crab size and habitat during the laboratory study, indicating that tethering did not produce treatment-specific bias. Thus, tethering provided a relative measure of predation that allowed comparisons between treatments of habitat and crab size on crab survival. In both laboratory and field experiments, survival was significantly higher in vegetated habitats and with increasing size until the ninth instar, when survival did not differ by habitat. This difference explains the dispersal from vegetated to unvegetated habitats that occurred between the fifth and seventh instars. In addition, survival of all crabs was significantly increased both during and after Tropical Storm Danielle compared to pre-storm conditions. A model is developed that describes juvenile survival as a function of crab size and habitat type. Survival curves in both habitats are represented by similar sigmoid functions with survival higher in vegetated habitats. Subsequently, the survival of newly settled blue crabs is likely dependent on the availability of complex habitat. Thus, a suite of biotic and physical processes, both density-dependent and density-independent, control the early life history after settlement for the blue crab

    Testing and Implementation Progress on the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator (Linac) High-Power S-band Switching System

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    An S-band linear accelerator is the source of particles and the front end of the Advanced Photon Source injector. In addition, it supports a low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) and drives a free-electron laser (FEL). A waveguide-switching and distribution system is now under construction. The system configuration was revised to be consistent with the recent change to electron-only operation. There are now six modulator-klystron subsystems, two of which are being configured to act as hot spares for two S-band transmitters each, so that no single failure will prevent injector operation. The two subsystems are also used to support additional LEUTL capabilities and off-line testing. Design considerations for the waveguide-switching subsystem, topology selection, control and protection provisions, high-power test results, and current status are describedComment: Linac 2000 paper No. THE07 3 pages with 3 figure

    Prevalência e formas clínicas de Trypanosoma cruzi em candidatos a doadores de sangue no Brasil

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    A prevalência e a manifestação das formas clinicas de Trypanosoma cruzi foram avaliadas em candidatos a doadores de sangue atendidos em um hospital geral de Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, no período de janeiro de 1997 a abril de 1999. A pesquisa sorológica foi realizada por meio do teste de hemaglutinação indireta e confirmada pelo ELISA. Os dados foram coletados considerando os exames clínicos, eletrocardiograma convencional, radiografia de tórax e ecocardiografia. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar da prevalência ser de 1,17% (128 pacientes), principalmente entre homens com idade igual ou superior a 40 anos, 70,8%, principalmente de homens entre 19 e 39 anos, demonstraram alterações que permitiram o diagnóstico de cardiopatias e/ou esofagopatias, ratificando mais uma vez sua importância nos centros urbanos.The prevalence and clinical forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were evaluated among blood donor candidates attended at a general hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from January 1997 to April 1999. The investigation was done by means of the indirect hemagglutination test and was confirmed via ELISA. Data were collected from clinical examinations, conventional electrocardiogram, chest radiography and echocar-diography. The results showed that despite Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence of 1.17% (128 patients), mainly in males aged 40 years or over, 70.8% of these patients, mainly males aged 19 to 39 years, demonstrated abnormalities that allowed the diagnosis of cardiopathy and/or esophagopathy. This once again corroborates the importance of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in urban centers

    Experiential Learning through Community Co-design in Interior Design Pedagogy

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    The profit‐driven tendency of interior design trends and styles today has developed in line with the decrease of social awareness in design. The majority of interior design students also decide to pursue interior design education for its marketable and profitable purposes rather than seeing interior design as a field of opportunity to contribute to the social welfare of their communities. Hence, the objective of this research is to implement community service through co‐design in interior design pedagogy. The article describes the learning and design methods used based on human‐centred design approaches of co‐design and analyses the resulting benefits from this approach. Findings reveal that the process of collective creativity and collaborative development with the community enables a direct experience of learning and fosters a deeper connection and understanding of users. They also promote novel multidisciplinary design innovations, accommodate the communitys potentials in the society and stimulate a reflexive impact, allowing students to reflect on their future role as interior designers in bringing positive changes to their community against the profit‐driven tendency of contemporary designers today

    Weak decays of 4He-Lambda

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    We measured the lifetime and the mesonic and non-mesonic decay rates of the 4He-Lambda hypernucleus. The hypernuclei were created using a 750 MeV/c momentum K- beam on a liquid 4He target by the reaction 4He(K-,pi-)4He-Lambda. The 4He-Lambda lifetime was directly measured using protons from Lambda p -> n p non-mesonic decay (also referred to as proton-stimulated decay) and was found to have a value of tau = 245 +/- 24 ps. The mesonic decay rates were determined from the observed numbers of pi-'s and pi0's as Gamma_pi-/Gamma_tot = 0.270 +/- 0.024 and Gamma_pi0/Gamma_tot = 0.564 +/- 0.036, respectively, and the values of the proton- and neutron-stimulated decay rates were extracted as Gamma_p/Gamma_tot = 0.169 +/- 0.019 and Gamma_n/Gamma_tot <= 0.032 (95% CL), respectively. The effects of final-state interactions and possible 3-body Lambda N N decay contributions were studied in the context of a simple model of nucleon-stimulated decay. Nucleon-nucleon coincidence events were observed and were used in the determination of the non-mesonic branching fractions. The implications of the results of this analysis were considered for the empirical Delta I = 1/2 rule and the decay rates of the 4H-Lambda hypernucleus.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, published in PRC, revised content to match published versio

    Pathogens of Dikerogammarus haemobaphes regulate host activity and survival, but also threaten native amphipod populations in the UK

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    Dikerogammarus haemobaphes is a non-native amphipod in UK freshwaters. Studies have identified this species as a low-impact invader in the UK, relative to its cousin Dikerogammarus villosus. It has been suggested that regulation by symbionts (such as Microsporidia) could explain this difference in impact. The effect of parasitism on D. haemobaphes is largely unknown. This was explored herein using 2 behavioural assays measuring activity and aggregation. First, D. haemobaphes were screened histologically post-assay, identifying 2 novel viruses (D. haemobaphes bi-facies-like virus [DhbflV], D. haemobaphes bacilliform virus [DhBV]), Cucumispora ornata (Microsporidia), Apicomplexa, and Digenea, which could alter host behaviour. DhBV infection burden increased host activity, and C. ornata infection reduced host activity. Second, native invertebrates were collected from the invasion site at Carlton Brook, UK, and tested for the presence of C. ornata. PCR screening identified that Gammarus pulex and other native invertebrates were positive for C. ornata. The host range of this parasite, and its impact on host survival, was additionally explored using D. haemobaphes, D. villosus, and G. pulex in a laboratory trial. D. haemobaphes and G. pulex became infected by C. ornata, which also lowered survival rate. D. villosus did not become infected. A PCR protocol for DhbflV was also applied to D. haemobaphes after the survival trial, associating this virus with decreased host survival. In conclusion, D. haemobaphes has a complex relationship with parasites in the UK environment. C. ornata likely regulates populations by decreasing host survival and activity, but despite this benefit, the parasite threatens susceptible native wildlife