24 research outputs found

    The effect of smoking on changes in functional attributes of Mozzarella cheese

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    Smoking of cheeses significantly modifies not only sensory attributes, but also determines the form of their further utilisation, packaging method and shelf life. The aim of thIS study was to evaluate functional characteristics of smoked and unsmoked Mozzarella cheeses subjected to 4-week storage. It was found that smoked cheese contained 7% less water than unsmoked cheese. Meltability of smoked cheese before storage was 2 times smaller than that of unsmoked cheese, but after 4 weeks, meltability was 21% greater. Smoked cheese not subjected to storage was 2.2 times harder than unsmoked cheese. During storage, hardness of smoked cheese decreased 4.6-fold, while that of unsmoked cheese only 1.1-fold. Storage time had an increase in stretchability of unsmoked and smoked cheeses by 4.2 and 14.9%, respectively.Keywords: Mozzarella, meltability, textur

    Analiza metaboličke aktivnosti bakterija mliječne kiseline i kvasaca u modelnim uzorcima kefira pripravljenim od kozjeg mlijeka i mješavina kozjeg i kobiljeg mlijeka na temelju promjena električne vodljivosti i otpora

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the metabolic activity of lactic acid bacteria and yeast based of changes in electrical conductivity and electrical impedance during fermentation of goat milk and mixtures of goat’s milk and mare’s milk (1:1, 1:2). As a result of fermentation, conductivity increased 1.4-fold. The conductivity of kefir prepared from goat and mare milk mixed at a ratio of 1:2 (6.210 Ω-3∙cm-1) was lower than that of the 1:1 mixture or of goat milk alone (7.242 Ω-3∙cm-1). A significant dependence of electrical conductivity and pH (0.970 ≤ r ≤ 0.993) was recorded during fermentation. The addition of mare milk to goat milk significantly slowed down the growth of LAB (Δλ = 0.8 h) and yeasts during kefir production.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metaboličku aktivnost bakterija mliječne kiseline i kvasaca na temelju promjena u električnoj vodljivosti i otporu izmjerenim tijekom fermentacije kozjeg mlijeka i mješavina kozjeg i kobiljeg mlijeka (1:1, 1:2). Uslijed fermentacije električna vodljivost povećala se 1,4 puta. Vodljivost kefira napravljenog od mješavine kozjeg i kobiljeg mlijeka u omjeru 1:2 (6,210 Ω-3∙cm-1) bila je manja u usporedbi s električnom vodljivosti kefira pripravljenog samo od kozjeg mlijeka (7,242 Ω-3∙cm-1), odnosno od mješavine kozjeg i kobiljeg mlijeka u omjeru 1:1. Tijekom fermentacije utvrđena je statistički značajna ovisnost između električne vodljivosti i pH vrijednosti (0,970 ≤ r ≤ 0,993). Dodavanje kobiljeg mlijeka kozjem mlijeku značajno usporava rast bakterija mliječne kiseline (Δλ = 0,8 h) i kvasaca tijekom proizvodnje kefira

    Determination of iron and tin in canned meat

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    Módszert dolgoztak ki vas és ón meghatározására húskonzervekben. A módszer lehetővé teszi mindkét fém meghatározását ugyanabban a mintábankénsavval és tömény salétromsavval végzett feltárás után, a vasat kolorimetriásan fa, a’-dipiridillel), az ónt polarográfiásan határozzák meg. Egyszerűsége és pontossága folytán a módszer alkalmas a húskonzervekben végbemenő korróziós folyamatok követésére. Eine Methode wurde zur Bestimmung des Eisen- und Zinngehaltes in Fleischkonserven entwickelt. Mittels dieser Methode kann man beide Metalle in demselben Muster unter Aufschluss mit einem Gemisch von Schwefelsäure und konzentrierter Salpetersäure bestimmen, wobei Eisen kolorimetrisch (a, a’-Dpyridyl) während Zinn polarographisch bestimmt wird. Infolge ihrer Einfachheit und Genauigkeit ist die Methode zur Nachfolgung des Ganges von korrosiven Prozessen in Fleischkonserven geeignet

    Change and consistency of self-esteem in early and middle adolescence in the context of school transition

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    Self-esteem is continuous and has stable characteristics, but it may also change, e.g., during transitions from one educational level to the next. In a prospective cross-sectional study over a year and a half, 250 Polish early adolescents (N = 109, 54 girls; mean age at T1 = 12.68 years, SD = 0.49) and middle adolescents (N = 141, 107 girls; mean age at T1 = 15.80, SD = 0.44) were tested three times using Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, assessing both global self-esteem and self-evaluation in eight domains. The change and consistency of self-esteem were analyzed, at both group and individual levels. At the group level, the following results were found: (1) continuity of self-esteem in five domains (scholastic competence, athletic competence, physical appearance, close friendship, and romantic appeal) and in global self-esteem and discontinuity in only three domains (social acceptance, job competence, and behavioral conduct); (2) significant inter-individual variation in the change not explained by age; and (3) higher self-esteem (in five domains) in early adolescents. At the individual level, the stability in most domains was weak, but was restored over the second year at the new school. The complexity of the developmental change and consistency in self-esteem in adolescence was highlighted, emphasizing the need for analyzing both group and individual change

    Reološka, teksturalna i senzorska svojstva kefira proizvedenog od kobiljeg mlijeka i njegovih mješavina s kozjim i ovčjim mlijekom

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    The aim of this study was to conduct lactic acid-alcoholic fermentation using mesophilic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for mare’s milk and its mixture with goat and sheep milk, followed by instrumental and sensory characteristic of the texture profile in the produced kefirs. It was shown that kefirs made from a mixture of goat and sheep milk are firmer, have greater values of consistency and the viscosity index than those produced from mare’s milk alone. Kefir storage for 3 weeks causes changes in their mechanical properties. Exceptions are found for firmness of kefirs made from both mixtures and the viscosity index of kefir made from sheep milk, which remained stable. The most divergent texture profile of the tested kefirs was reflected in the sensory examined descriptors of prickling, dense and mouth-coating sensation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provesti mliječno kiselu i alkoholnu fermentaciju kobiljeg mlijeka i mješavine kobiljeg mlijeka s kozjim kao i ovčjim mlijekom pomoću mezofilnih bakterija mliječne kiseline te odrediti reološka (indeks viskoznosti i konzistenciju), teksturalna (čvrstoća i kohezivnost) i senzorska (osjet peckanja, zbijenosti i premaza u ustima) svojstva proizvedenih kefira. Rezultati analiza pokazali su kako kefir proizveden od mješavine kobiljeg mlijeka s kozjim kao i ovčjim mlijekom ima bolju čvrstoću, konzistenciju i veći indeks viskoznosti u odnosu na kefir proizveden isključivo od kobiljeg mlijeka. Pohrana kefira u trajanju od 3 tjedna na temperaturi od 5±1 °C utjecala je na promjenu svih određivanih svojstava proizvoda. Izuzetak je svojstvo čvrstoće kefira proizvedenog od obje mješavine mlijeka te indeks viskoznosti kefira proizvedenog od mješavine kobiljeg i ovčjeg mlijeka, koji su ostali stabilni tijekom pohrane

    The mechanisms of leukocyte removal by filtration

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    The mechanisms of leukocyte removal by filtration

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