218 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Complex Metallic Alloy Phases: Structure and Disorder Phenomena of Mg-Pd Compounds

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    The phase diagram of the Mg-Pd system was redetermined in the range from 50 at. % Mg to 100 at. % Mg. It contains several intermediate phases with some of them being complex metallic alloy phases (CMAs), i.e., characterized by (i) giant unit cells with more than hundred atoms, (ii) inherent disorder, (iii) the presence of a cluster substructure. Phase fields and heterogeneous equilibria of the intermediate phases β- Mg6Pd, γ-Mg57Pd13, δ-Mg56.4Pd13.6, ε-Mg306Pd77, ζ-Mg64Pd17, η-Mg3Pd, θ-Mg5Pd2, ι- Mg2Pd and κ-MgPd were determined. The first five phases are CMAs with Mackay clusters as fundamental structural units. The crystal structure of the most magnesium-rich compound β-Mg6Pd was redetermined. It was found to be more complicated than previously thought due to correlated disorder of only two atom sites in the cubic unit cell. The γ-, ε- and ζ-phases form in a small window of temperature (50 oC) and composition (3 at. %) close to 80 at. % Mg. A new structure type was assigned to Mg3Pd (Cu3P, P63cm). The single phase field of the θ-phase is caused by constitutional vacancies. The new ι-phase crystallizes with NiTi2 structure-type.Das Phasendiagramm des Systems Mg–Pd wurde im Bereich von 50 bis 100 At.-% Mg neu bestimmt. In diesem Phasendiagramm finden sich mehrere intermediäre Phasen, darunter auch komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen (engl.: complex intermetallic alloys, CMAs). CMAs sind charakterisiert durch (i) große Elementarzellen mit mehr als einhundert Atomen, (ii) intrinsischer Fehlordnung und (iii) dem Vorhandensein einer Cluster- Substruktur. Die Phasenfelder und heterogenen Gleichgewichte der intermediären Phasen β-Mg6Pd, γ- Mg57Pd13, δ-Mg56.4Pd13.6, ε-Mg306Pd77, ζ-Mg64Pd17, η-Mg3Pd, θ-Mg5Pd2, ι-Mg2Pd und κ- MgPd wurden bestimmt. Die ersten fünf der eben genannten Phasen sind CMAs mit Mackay Clustern als fundamentales strukturelles Einheit. Alle übrigen Phasen besitzen einen einfacheren kristallografischen Aufbau. Die Kristallstruktur der Mg-reichsten Verbindung β-Mg6Pd wurde neu bestimmt und ist weitaus sich als komplizierter als bisher angenommen. Die Ausdehnung des Einphasenfeldes von β-Mg6Pd lässt sich jedoch sehr einfach mit korrelierter Fehlordnung von lediglich zwei Atomen in der kubischen Elementarzelle verstehen. Die γ-, ε-, und ζ-Phasen bilden sich in einem schmalen Temperatur- (50 °C) und Zusammensetzungsbereich (3 at. %) nahe 80 at. % Mg. Der Verbindung Mg3Pd (Cu3P, P63cm) wurde ein neuer Strukturtyp zugewiesen. Die Ausdehnung des Einphasenfeldes der θ-Phase lässt sich mit dem Einbau konstitutioneller Leerstellen erklären. Die neue ι-Phase kristallisiert im NiTi2 Strukturtyp

    Underwater acoustic wave generation by filamentation of terawatt ultrashort laser pulses

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    Acoustic signals generated by filamentation of ultrashort TW laser pulses in water are characterized experimentally. Measurements reveal a strong influence of input pulse duration on the shape and intensity of the acoustic wave. Numerical simulations of the laser pulse nonlinear propagation and the subsequent water hydrodynamics and acoustic wave generation show that the strong acoustic emission is related to the mechanism of superfilamention in water. The elongated shape of the plasma volume where energy is deposited drives the far-field profile of the acoustic signal, which takes the form of a radially directed pressure wave with a single oscillation and a very broad spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Genotype determines Arbutus unedo L. physiological and metabolomic responses to drought and recovery

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    Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) is a small resilient species with a circum-Mediterranean distribution, high ecological relevance in southern European forests and with several economical applications. As most orchards are usually installed on marginal lands where plants usually face severe drought, selecting plants that can better cope with water restriction is critical, and a better understanding of the tolerance mechanisms is required. Strawberry tree plants under drought follow a typical isohydric strategy, by limiting transpiration through stomata closure. However, the contribution of genotype and its bio-geographic origin on plant performance needs clarification, as well as the involvement of a specific metabolic reactions associated with the mechanical response. To test this hypothesis, several eco-physiological and biochemical parameters were assessed on different genotypes, and the metabolic profiles studied, including important stress-related phytohormones, on plants under different water regimes (plants watered to 70% and 18% field capacity) and a recovery assay. A contrasting drought tolerance was found in plants from different genotypes, associated with physiological and metabolic responses. Metabolomics revealed more than 500 metabolic features were differentially accumulated, including abscisic and salicylic acids, for the genotype with better performance under drought (A4). This genotype also recovered faster when the imposed stress was interrupted, thus indicating the relevance of metabolic adaptation under water deficit conditions. By correlating carbon assimilation with identified metabolites, some proved to be satisfactory predictors of plant performance under drought and might be used for marker assisted breeding. Therefore, our study proves the importance of genotype as a major selection criterion of resistant plants to drought and provides empirical knowledge of the metabolic response involved. We also hypothesized the involvement of phenolics on response mechanisms under drought, which is worth to be explored to shed light on the metabolic pathways involved in plant response to water stress

    A novel bispecific antibody for HER2+ breast cancer: The BEAT GBR 1302

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    While the idea of bispecific drugs was brought up over 30 years ago, the development of formats mature enough for the clinic remained for a long time a challenge. The whole field has been hampered by major problems of manufacturability (e.g. product purity and yields) and immunogenicity. With the recent arrival of new bispecific formats, either as antibody–like molecules (containing an Fc) or scFv fragments, at least 18 bispecific molecules have entered clinical trials showing very promising results. The BEAT® format has been developed as bispecific antibodies maintaining the pharmacokinetics and the low immunogenicity of human IgG with excellent manufacturability properties. In brief, the molecule is asymmetric consisting of a Hc, a Lc and a Fc-scFv. A proprietary engineered CH3 interface mimics the natural association of the heterodimeric TCRα β chains driving heterodimerization of the Hc and Fc-scFv. CHO cell lines are generated with a volumetric productivity of several g/L and a high product purity (e.g. \u3e90% of bispecific product). Based on a built-in purification approach the BEAT molecules can be purified using a standard DSP process with yield and purity comparable to standard mAbs. The presentation will highlight a new bispecific drug targeting HER2 on tumor cellsand CD3 on cytotoxic T-cells: the GBR 1302-BEAT molecule. GBR 1302-BEAT effectively recruits cytotoxic T cells against HER2 positive breast cancer cells including the trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cell line JIMT-1. It shows strong tumor cell lysis activity with a better in vitro potential than current HER2-targeting therapies including the ADC TDM-1. The differential killing efficacy both in vitro and in vivo of HER2 overexpressing (3+) and normal, HER2 (0) cells reveals a large therapeutic window. In addition GBR 1302 does not trigger non-specific T cell activation. The excellent manufacturing attributes and the pre-clinical efficacy and safety of GBR1302 justify further clinical development as a treatment for HER2 positive cancers

    085: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: changes in clinical parameters between acute presentation and subsequent follow-up

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    PurposeIn the prospective KaRen registry of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF), changes in clinical and biological parameters and medications were assessed between acute presentation and out-patient follow-up in stable state.MethodsThe KaRen study included patients presenting with acute heart failure (HF) according to inclusion criteria: Framingham criteria for HF, left ventricular ejection fraction > or=45% and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)>100pg/mL or NT-proBNP>300pg/mL. Once stabilized, 4-8 weeks after the index presentation, patients returned as out-patients for repeat assessment. Changes in clinical and biological parameters and medications between inclusion and follow-up were assessed with Students t-test and Chi-square testsResults577 patients were recruited and 458 returned for the 4-8 weeks visit. 56% were women. The median [25-75pctl] age was 79 [72-84] years. Medical history included 78% hypertension, 58% atrial arrhythmia, 26% type II diabetes and 27% serum creatinin >100 micromol/l. The table provides inclusion and follow-up dataConclusionsPatients presenting with HFPEF are elderly and a majority are women, with a high rate of hypertension and atrial arrhythmias. Blood pressure is incompletely controlled. At follow-up, blood pressure and NT-proBNP were reduced, but patients remain symptomatic. Still, efforts are needed to improve symptoms in HFPEF.Table (abstract 85) – Inclusion and follow-up data.Variable Mean (IQR)NYHA I / II / III / IVSBPCreatinineNT-proBNPACEI /ARBB-blockerANTICOAGInclusion0.8 / 9.4 / 40 / 49.8%148 [130-170]93 [74-128]2433 [1272-4790]60%65%41%Follow-up13 / 62.5 / 22.2 / 2.3140 [120-150]95 [75-129]1409 [514-2641]68%67.5%51.3%p<0.00010.003<0.000

    Impaired cell growth under ammonium stress explained by modeling the energy cost of vacuole expansion in tomato leaves

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    Ammonium (NH4+)-based fertilization efficiently mitigates the adverse effects of nitrogen fertilization on the environment. However, high concentrations of soil NH4+ provoke growth inhibition, partly caused by the reduction of cell enlargement and associated with modifications of cell composition, such as an increase of sugars and a decrease in organic acids. Cell expansion depends largely on the osmotic-driven enlargement of the vacuole. However, the involvement of subcellular compartmentation in the adaptation of plants to ammonium nutrition has received little attention, until now. To investigate this, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants were cultivated under nitrate and ammonium nutrition and the fourth leaf was harvested at seven developmental stages. The vacuolar expansion was monitored and metabolites and inorganic ion contents, together with intracellular pH, were determined. A data-constrained model was constructed to estimate subcellular concentrations of major metabolites and ions. It was first validated at the three latter developmental stages by comparison with subcellular concentrations obtained experimentally using non-aqueous fractionation. Then, the model was used to estimate the subcellular concentrations at the seven developmental stages and the net vacuolar uptake of solutes along the developmental series. Our results showed ammonium nutrition provokes an acidification of the vacuole and a reduction in the flux of solutes into the vacuoles. Overall, analysis of the subcellular compartmentation reveals a mechanism behind leaf growth inhibition under ammonium stress linked to the higher energy cost of vacuole expansion, as a result of alterations in pH, the inhibition of glycolysis routes and the depletion of organic acids.TP benefited from a cotutelle PhD (University of Bordeaux and University of the Basque Country) and thanks the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Spain) for his PhD grant during the execution of this work. This research was financially supported by the Basque Government (IT-932-16) and the Spanish Government (BIO2017-84035-R co-funded by Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional [FEDER]). Analytics were supported by MetaboHUB (ANR-11-INBS-0010) and PHENOME (ANR-11-INBS-0012) projects. Technical support was provided by Cedric Cassan, Ana Renovales and Mandy Bordas. The authors also thank SGIker (UPV/EHU, FEDER, EU) for the technical and human support provided

    An international tool to measure perceived stressors in intensive care units: the PS-ICU scale.

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    Background The intensive care unit is increasingly recognized as a stressful environment for healthcare professionals. This context has an impact on the health of these professionals but also on the quality of their personal and professional life. However, there is currently no validated scale to measure specific stressors perceived by healthcare professionals in intensive care. The aim of this study was to construct and validate in three languages a perceived stressors scale more specific to intensive care units (ICU). Results We conducted a three-phase study between 2016 and 2019: (1) identification of stressors based on the verbatim of 165 nurses and physicians from 4 countries (Canada, France, Italy, and Spain). We identified 99 stressors, including those common to most healthcare professions (called generic), as well as stressors more specific to ICU professionals (called specific); (2) item elaboration and selection by a panel of interdisciplinary experts to build a provisional 99-item version of the scale. This version was pre-tested with 70 professionals in the 4 countries and enabled us to select 50 relevant items; (3) test of the validity of the scale in 497 ICU healthcare professionals. Factor analyses identified six dimensions: lack of fit with families and organizational functioning; patient- and family-related emotional load; complex/at risk situations and skill-related issues; workload and human resource management issues; difficulties related to team working; and suboptimal care situations. Correlations of the PS-ICU scale with a generic stressors measure (i.e., the Job Content Questionnaire) tested its convergent validity, while its correlations with the Maslach Burnout Inventory-HSS examined its concurrent validity. We also assessed the test–retest reliability of PS-ICU with intraclass correlation coefficients. Conclusions The perceived stressors in intensive care units (PS-ICU) scale have good psychometric properties in all countries. It includes six broad dimensions covering generic or specific stressors to ICU, and thus, enables the identification of work situations that are likely to generate high levels of stress at the individual and unit levels. For future studies, this tool will enable the implementation of targeted corrective actions on which intervention research can be based. It also enables national and international comparisons of stressors’ impact.post-print925 K

    Landscape genomics of a widely distributed snake, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin, 1789) across Eastern Europe and Western Asia

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    Across the distribution of the Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius), populations have become increasingly disconnected due to habitat alteration. To understand population dynamics and this widespread but locally endangered snake’s adaptive potential, we investigated population structure, admixture, and effective migration patterns. We took a landscape-genomic approach to identify selected genotypes associated with environmental variables relevant to D. caspius. With double-digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing of 53 samples resulting in 17,518 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we identified 8 clusters within D. caspius reflecting complex evolutionary patterns of the species. Estimated Effective Migration Surfaces (EEMS) revealed higher-than-average gene flow in most of the Balkan Peninsula and lower-than-average gene flow along the middle section of the Danube River. Landscape genomic analysis identified 751 selected genotypes correlated with 7 climatic variables. Isothermality correlated with the highest number of selected genotypes (478) located in 41 genes, followed by annual range (127) and annual mean temperature (87). We conclude that environmental variables, especially the day-to-night temperature oscillation in comparison to the summer-to-winter oscillation, may have an important role in the distribution and adaptation of D. caspius

    The cleaved FAS ligand activates the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1 through Akt/ROCK1 to stimulate cell motility

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    International audienceTransmembrane CD95L (Fas ligand) can be cleaved to release a promigratory soluble ligand, cl-CD95L, which can contribute to chronic inflammation and cancer cell dissemination. The motility signaling pathway elicited by cl-CD95L remains poorly defined. Here, we show that in the presence of cl-CD95L, CD95 activates the Akt and RhoA signaling pathways, which together orchestrate an allosteric activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger NHE1. Pharmacologic inhibition of Akt or ROCK1 independently blocks the cl-CD95L-induced migration. Confirming these pharmacologic data, disruption of the Akt and ROCK1 phosphorylation sites on NHE1 decreases cell migration in cells exposed to cl-CD95L. Together, these findings demonstrate that NHE1 is a novel molecular actor in the CD95 signaling pathway that drives the cl-CD95L-induced cell migration through both the Akt and RhoA signaling pathways