11 research outputs found

    Monoaminergic and histaminergic strategies and treatments in brain diseases

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    The monoaminergic systems are the target of several drugs for the treatment of mood, motor and cognitive disorders as well as neurological conditions. In most cases, advances have occurred through serendipity, except for Parkinson's disease where the pathophysiology led almost immediately to the introduction of dopamine restoring agents. Extensive neuropharmacological studies first showed that the primary target of antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anxiolytic drugs were specific components of the monoaminergic systems. Later, some dramatic side effects associated with older medicines were shown to disappear with new chemical compounds targeting the origin of the therapeutic benefit more specifically. The increased knowledge regarding the function and interaction of the monoaminergic systems in the brain resulting from in vivo neurochemical and neurophysiological studies indicated new monoaminergic targets that could achieve the efficacy of the older medicines with fewer side-effects. Yet, this accumulated knowledge regarding monoamines did not produce valuable strategies for diseases where no monoaminergic drug has been shown to be effective. Here, we emphasize the new therapeutic and monoaminergic-based strategies for the treatment of psychiatric diseases. We will consider three main groups of diseases, based on the evidence of monoamines involvement (schizophrenia, depression, obesity), the identification of monoamines in the diseases processes (Parkinson's disease, addiction) and the prospect of the involvement of monoaminergic mechanisms (epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, stroke). In most cases, the clinically available monoaminergic drugs induce widespread modifications of amine tone or excitability through neurobiological networks and exemplify the overlap between therapeutic approaches to psychiatric and neurological conditions. More recent developments that have resulted in improved drug specificity and responses will be discussed in this review.peer-reviewe

    Méiningites et encéphalites aiguës communautaires de l'adulte (analyse des difficultés diagnostiques et des enjeux prophylactiques du médecin généraliste)

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    INTRODUCTION: Le dĂ©veloppement des connaissances physiopathologiques et des mĂ©thodes d'investigation microbiologique ont permis de mieux caractĂ©riser les mĂ©ningites et encĂ©phalites aiguĂ«s infectieuses communautaires. NĂ©anmoins leur pronostic grave reste un enjeu diagnostique, thĂ©rapeutique et prophylactique. OBJECTIF: Etudier les difficultĂ©s diagnostiques et les enjeux prophylactiques qui incombent aux mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes afin d'amĂ©liorer la prise en charge dont ils sont les premiers acteurs. METHODES: 51 cas de mĂ©ningites / encĂ©phalites infectieuses ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©trospectivement Ă©tudiĂ©s en 2009 et 2011 Ă  l'H.I.A. Sainte Anne de Toulon. Les signes anamnestiques, cliniques, les explorations complĂ©mentaires, les traitements et les Ă©tiologies ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s. 50 mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ont reçu un questionnaire oĂč ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s leurs difficultĂ©s diagnostiques et leurs connaissances des moyens de prĂ©vention. RESULTATS: 73% des patients ont prĂ©sentĂ© une fiĂšvre, 65% des cĂ©phalĂ©es, 51% des signes dĂ©ficitaire. 100% ont eu une ponction lombaire positive, 67% une imagerie (contributive pour 41%) et 92% des recherches microbiologiques exhaustives. On ne retrouvait pas de germe dans 29% des cas. La moitiĂ© des mĂ©decins s'est sentie fortement impliquĂ©e et responsable devant ces infections. 21 Ă  33% ont reconnu ĂȘtre angoissĂ©s, isolĂ©s ou hĂ©sitants et ont utilisĂ© la littĂ©rature. La confusion fĂ©brile est le signe le plus signifiant pour 75% des mĂ©decins. Si les symptĂŽmes Ă©vocateurs d'un germe et les premiers rĂ©flexes thĂ©rapeutiques sont bien connus, les moyens prophylactiques primaires et secondaires et leurs indications sont mal maĂźtrisĂ©s. CONCLUSION: Le manque de spĂ©cificitĂ© sĂ©miologique, l'absence d'accĂšs Ă  l'imagerie et aux techniques d'identification microbiologique et la carence d'outils diagnostiques ambulatoires sont des difficultĂ©s ressenties par les mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes. La richesse des publications et des recommandations doit amĂ©liorer la connaissances prophylactique dont les enjeux de SantĂ© Publique sont importants en terme de risque Ă©pidĂ©mique et de coĂ»t. Leur accĂšs doit ĂȘtre favorisĂ© ainsi que les formations. La maĂźtrise des vaccins et chimioprophylaxies en collectivitĂ© assure aussi la pĂ©rennitĂ© des missions extĂ©rieures de l'ArmĂ©e.AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU MĂ©d/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-Bib. Serv.SantĂ© ArmĂ©es (751055204) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Interoperability of the ArSol (Archives du Sol) database based on the CIDOC-CRM ontology

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    International audienceARSOL (ARchives du SOL) was created in 1990 by the Laboratoire Archéologie et Territoires to exploit data from excavation sites. From the start, one of its priorities was to provide access to data. The CIDOC CRM (International Committee for Documentation, Conceptual Reference Model) was chosen as the international standard for structuring digital data for cultural heritage. This choice was imposed by the MASA (Mémoire des Archéologues et des Sites Archéologiques) consortium of the Huma-Num TGIR, whose aim is to provide unified access to digital corpora. The specific features of archaeological data present a difficulty: how can the integrity and specification of data can be respected, while generalizing the names of the fields of the data bases

    A digital learning tool based on models and simulators for food engineering (MESTRAL)

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    This paper presents a digital learning tool, MESTRAL (“ModĂ©lisation Et Simulation des TRansformations ALimentaires”, “Modelling and Simulating Food Processing” in English), that can provide educators with a tool to teach food processing using simulators and a broad range of models derived from research in food science & engineering. It was built using electronic knowledge books (eK-book). The eK-book represents knowledge in the form of concept maps and knowledge sheets, connected via a network of hypertext links. MESTRAL encompasses 15 modules, that cover approximately 150 h of teaching and a broad range of real systems, from a single unit operation (e.g., frying a banana) to a logistic chain (e.g., ham cold chain). Each module conveys information on a food product or a food process, and includes a simulator based on a published scientific model. Altogether, the models address various scale of systems and are based on different theoretical frameworks. For each simulator, the model inputs and outputs are stored in a database. Outputs are visualized through abacuses, which can be used for virtual practice. MESTRAL modules also include training exercises and tests to help students to assess the knowledge they have acquired during consultation of the modules. Finally, MESTRAL has already been successfully tested by different audiences according to various learning forms.Les agrosciences mobilisĂ©es pour le numĂ©riqu

    Food process models for training purpose through knowledge engineering methods

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    The use of models and simulators in food industry remains limited, despite its interest to predict complex situations, as shown by an abundant scientific literature . Although carried out in many establishments and universities, teaching about food modelling faces theoretical hurdles (mathematical formalism ...) who tend to discourage students, who are the future engineers and managers of food industries, but may have uncertain basis in physics, for instance. A generic response through a “learning by doing” approach is possible to teach these modelling approaches. Actually, digital resources offer an opportunity to address these issues . In the MESTRAL (Modelling and simulation for food processes) project, we have built such resources for teaching through knowledge representation and transfer tools, in particular electronic knowledge books (eK-Book). The eK-Book is a Web based tool, where knowledge is represented with concept maps, process and influence graphs, knowledge sheets, and their relationships stated as hypertext links. The effectiveness of knowledge transfer via these tools has already been validated . MESTRAL now encompasses 15 modules covering about 150h, each one presenting a couple (food, process) – from “heat exchanger for starch suspensions” to “cheese ripening” – in an eK-Book. Each module contains model-based simulators, used for virtual practice, and also includes exercises and tests for applying and assessing the knowledge acquired. MESTRAL has already been successfully tested for various classes, either for self-training or hybrid learning. Current prospects include its integration as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). This work was supported by AgreenCamp project (ANR-15-IDFN-0001-01)