548 research outputs found

    "Artgerechte Tierhaltung" versus Schulvivarium : eine Diskussion am Beispiel ausgewÀhlter Reptilienarten

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    In dieser Arbeit sollen zwei Themenkomplexe, jeder fĂŒr sich außerordentlich interessant und vielschichtig, betrachtet und verknĂŒpft werden. Das direkte Einbinden von lebenden Tieren in die Lehre des Lebendigen ist nicht nur sinnvoll, sondern wichtig und wird auch von den RahmenplĂ€nen Biologie empfohlen. Mit dem Einsatz von Tieren im Unterricht wird sich an verschiedenen Stellen beschĂ€ftigt (z.B. OGILVIE & STINSON 1995). Der Klasse Reptilia kommt dabei aber vergleichsweise wenig Beachtung zu. Voraussetzung fĂŒr die Haltung von Tieren in der Schule, die in der Öffentlichkeit steht und eine beachtliche Vorbildsfunktion inne hat, ist unter anderem, dass eine „artgerechte“ Unterbringung und Pflege möglich ist. Was unter der Bezeichnung einer „artgerechten Tierhaltung“ verstanden wird, ist alles andere als eindeutig. Deshalb soll die Thematik mit Bezug auf die Reptilienhaltung in der Schule beleuchtet werden

    Critical Thinking and Transformational Learning: Using Case Studies as Narrative Frameworks for Threshold Concepts

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    Critical thinking is an essential component to the occupational therapy process that is a timely skill with the rapid pace of change in our healthcare system. Critical thinking exposes assumptions, biases, beliefs and points of view and challenges a shift in epistemology by asking, ‘how do we know what we believe to know?’ Case studies are a tool to engage the learner in critical thinking and are commonly employed in occupational therapy curricula. Social determinants of health (SDH) describe environmental circumstances that affect health. The authors propose that SDH, embedded in case studies, serve as a threshold concept. A threshold concept serves as a means of transformative learning and promotion of critical thinking in occupational therapy education. Social determinants of health taught through case study presentation represent the authentic complex lives of those therapists serve, bolster student critical thinking, and help to consider the multiple perspectives that may challenge long held beliefs. Qualitative content analysis of 59 case studies for SDH content across one curriculum and five semesters, revealed cases built on client factors and foundational knowledge with missed opportunity to add SDH context. Eleven guidelines for case development are proposed to foster transformational learning. Intentional instructional approaches can assist educational programs to develop the professional change agents needed to serve communities and populations with a larger goal of health equity

    "... dass sie mich als [...] armen kleinen Penner darstellt, der ihr sowieso nicht gewachsen sei": Eine psychoanalytisch-sozialpsychologische Perspektive auf mÀnnliche Hegemonie und Antifeminismus auf Basis einer tiefenhermeneutischen Fallrekonstruktion

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    Auf Basis einer tiefenhermeneutischen Fallrekonstruktion wird der Frage nachgegangen, warum sich auch gut ausgebildete MĂ€nner in geregelten BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnissen mit einem ĂŒberdurchschnittlichen Einkommen in ihrer mĂ€nnlichen Hegemonie bedroht sehen und antifeministisch reagieren können. Es wird gezeigt, dass sie versuchen, VersagensĂ€ngste, SelbstbeschĂ€mungen und -entwertungen als Mann abzuwehren, welche von den antifeministischen Narrativen der extremen Rechten noch potenziert werden. Dabei werden ErgĂ€nzungen zwischen dem machttheoretischen Ansatz hegemonialer MĂ€nnlichkeit und der psychoanalytischen Sozialpsychologie aufgezeigt.On the basis of a depth-hermeneutic case reconstruction, the question is explored why even well-educated men in regular employment with an above-average income see their masculine hegemony threatened and can react in an anti-feminist manner. It is shown that they try to ward off fears of failure, self-shaming and self-devaluation as men, which are further potentiated by the anti-feminist narratives of the extreme right. Complements between the power-theoretical approach of hegemonic masculinity and psychoanalytic social psychology are shown

    New evidence for the establishment of coastal cod Gadus morhua in Svalbard fjords

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    The Arctic is experiencing increasing water temperatures, leading to a northward shift of Atlantic species into Arctic waters. Arctic marine ecosystems are therefore subject to sub- stantial changes in species distributions and occurrence due to anthropogenic climate change. Atlantic cod is one of the most important commercial fish species in the northern seas. The largest known stock is the migrating Northeast Arctic cod (NEAC) that is distributed along the Norwe- gian coast, the Barents Sea and off Svalbard. Atlantic cod in Svalbard waters are generally reported in the literature as belonging to the NEAC ecotype. The more stationary coastal cod (CC) spawn together with NEAC in the Lofoten region and several other areas along the Norwegian coast. The aim of this study was to investigate the population structure of Atlantic cod in Svalbard waters. We used single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers, the pantophysin locus (Pan I) and otolith structure to categorize the 2 cod ecotypes collected in Svalbard fjords between 2017 and 2019. Our results show that both NEAC and CC appear in Svalbard fjords and revealed that 0- group and adult CC individuals caught in Svalbard fjords differ genetically from those along the Norwegian coast, indicating a separation into a local Svalbard CC population. The establishment of CC in Svalbard fjords may be another keystone of the ongoing borealization of the Arctic, with consequences for the local Arctic fjord ecosystem

    Resolving the Galactic X-ray background

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    We use Chandra deep observations of the Galactic Center (GC) region to improve the constraints on the unresolved fraction of the Galactic X-ray background (also known as the Galactic ridge X-ray emission). We emphasize the importance of correcting the measured source counts at low fluxes for bias associated with Poisson noise. We find that at distances of 2'-4' from Sgr A* at least ~40% of the total X-ray emission in the energy band 4-8 keV originates from point sources with luminosities L(2-10 keV)> 10^{31} erg/sec. From a comparison of the source number-flux function in the GC region with the known luminosity function of faint X-ray sources in the Solar vicinity, we infer that Chandra has already resolved a large fraction of the cumulative contribution of cataclysmic variables to the total X-ray flux from the GC region. This comparison further indicates that most of the yet unresolved ~60% of the X-ray flux from the GC region is likely produced by weak cataclysmic variables and coronally active stars with L(2-10 keV)<10^{31} erg/sec. We conclude that the bulk of the Galactic X-ray background is produced by discrete sources.Comment: Submitted to A&

    Classically Perfect Gauge Actions on Anisotropic Lattices

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    We present a method for constructing classically perfect anisotropic actions for SU(3) gauge theory based on an isotropic Fixed Point Action. The action is parametrised using smeared (``fat'') links. The construction is done explicitly for anisotropy Ο=as/at=2\xi=a_s/a_t=2 and 4. The corresponding renormalised anisotropies are determined using the torelon dispersion relation. The renormalisation of the anisotropy is small and the parametrisation describes the true action well. Quantities such as the static quark-antiquark potential, the critical temperature of the deconfining phase transition and the low-lying glueball spectrum are measured on lattices with anisotropy Ο=2\xi=2. The mass of the scalar 0++0^{++} glueball is determined to be 1580(60) MeV, while the tensor 2++2^{++} glueball is at 2430(60) MeV.Comment: 64 pages, 19 figures, LaTe

    Fixed Point Gauge Actions with Fat Links: Scaling and Glueballs

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    A new parametrization is introduced for the fixed point (FP) action in SU(3) gauge theory using fat links. We investigate its scaling properties by means of the static quark-antiquark potential and the dimensionless quantities r0Tc,Tc/σr_0 T_c, T_c/\sqrt{\sigma} and r0σr_0 \sqrt{\sigma}, where TcT_c is the critical temperature of the deconfining phase transition, r0r_0 is the hadronic scale and σ\sigma is the effective string tension. These quantities scale even on lattices as coarse as a≈0.3a \approx 0.3 fm. We also measure the glueball spectrum and obtain m0++=1627(83)m_{0^{++}}=1627(83) MeV and m2++=2354(95)m_{2^{++}}=2354(95) MeV for the masses of the scalar and tensor glueballs, respectively.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figures, Late

    Reduced apparent fiber density in the white matter of premature-born adults

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    Premature-born adults exhibit lasting white matter alterations as demonstrated by widespread reduction in fractional anisotropy (FA) based on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). FA reduction, however, is non-specific for microscopic underpinnings such as aberrant myelination or fiber density (FD). Using recent advances in DWI, we tested the hypothesis of reduced FD in premature-born adults and investigated its link with the degree of prematurity and cognition. 73 premature- and 89 mature-born adults aged 25–27 years underwent single-shell DWI, from which a FD measure was derived using convex optimization modeling for microstructure informed tractography (COMMIT). Premature-born adults exhibited lower FD in numerous tracts including the corpus callosum and corona radiata compared to mature-born adults. These FD alterations were associated with both the degree of prematurity, as assessed via gestational age and birth weight, as well as with reduced cognition as measured by full-scale IQ. Finally, lower FD overlapped with lower FA, suggesting lower FD underlie unspecific FA reductions. Results provide evidence that premature birth leads to lower FD in adulthood which links with lower full-scale IQ. Data suggest that lower FD partly underpins FA reductions of premature birth but that other processes such as hypomyelination might also take place

    Dark aerobic sulfide oxidation by anoxygenic phototrophs in anoxic waters

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    Anoxygenic phototrophic sulfide oxidation by green and purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) plays a key role in sulfide removal from anoxic shallow sediments and stratified waters. Although some PSB can also oxidize sulfide with nitrate and oxygen, little is known about the prevalence of this chemolithotrophic lifestyle in the environment. In this study, we investigated the role of these phototrophs in light‐independent sulfide removal in the chemocline of Lake Cadagno. Our temporally resolved, high‐resolution chemical profiles indicated that dark sulfide oxidation was coupled to high oxygen consumption rates of ~9 ÎŒM O2·h−1. Single‐cell analyses of lake water incubated with 13CO2 in the dark revealed that Chromatium okenii was to a large extent responsible for aerobic sulfide oxidation and it accounted for up to 40% of total dark carbon fixation. The genome of Chr. okenii reconstructed from the Lake Cadagno metagenome confirms its capacity for microaerophilic growth and provides further insights into its metabolic capabilities. Moreover, our genomic and single‐cell data indicated that other PSB grow microaerobically in these apparently anoxic waters. Altogether, our observations suggest that aerobic respiration may not only play an underappreciated role in anoxic environments but also that organisms typically considered strict anaerobes may be involved
