50 research outputs found

    PKA Phosphorylation of Src Mediates cAMP\u27s Inhibition of Cell Growth via Rap1

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    In fibrolast cells, cAMP antagonizes growth factor activation of ERKs and cell growth via PKA and the small P protein Rap1. We demonstrate here that PKA\u27s activation of Rap1 was mediated by the Rap1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor C3G, the adaptor Crk-L, the scaffold protein Cbl, and the tyrosine kinase Src. Src was required for cAMP activation of Rap1 and the inhibition of ERKs and cell growth. PKA activated Src both in vitro and in vivo by phosphorylation was required for cAMP\u27s activation of Src and Rap1, as well as cAMP\u27s inhibition of ERKs and cell proliferation. This study identifies an antiproliferative role for Src in the physiological regulation of cell growth by cAMP

    B2-Adrenergic Receptor Activates Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinases (ERKs) via the Small G Protein Rap1 and the Serine/Threonine Kinase B-Raf

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    G protein-coupled receptors can induce cellular proliferation by stimulating the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. Heterotrimeric G proteins are composed of both a and By subunits that can signal independently to diverse intracellular signaling pathways including those that activate MAP kinases. In this study, we examined the ability of isoproterenol, an agonist of the B2-adrenergic receptor (b2AR), to stimulate extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs). Using HEK293 cells, which express endogenous b2AR, we show that isoproterenol stimulates ERKs via b2AR. This action of isoproterenol requires cAMP-dependent protein kinase and is insensitive to pertussis toxin, suggesting that Gas activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is required. Interestingly, b2AR activates both the small G proteins Rap1 and Ras, but only Rap1 is capable of coupling to Raf isoforms. b2AR inhibits the Ras-dependent activation of both Raf isoforms Raf-1 and B-Raf, whereas Rap1 activation by isoproterenol recruits and activates B-Raf. b2AR activation of ERKs is not blocked by expression of RasN17, an interfering mutant of Ras, but is blocked by expression of either RapN17 or Rap1GAP1, both of which interfere with Rap1 signaling. We propose that isoproterenol can activate ERKs via Rap1 and BRaf in these cells

    CD28 and the Tyrosine Kinase Lck Stimulate Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activity in T Cells via Inhibition of the Small G Protein Rap1

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    Proliferation of T cells via activation of the T-cell receptor (TCR) requires concurrent engagement of accessory costimulatory molecules to achieve full activation. The best-studied costimulatory molecule, CD28, achieves these effects, in part, by augmenting signals from the TCR to the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. We show here that TCR-mediated stimulation of MAP kinase extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) is limited by activation of the Ras antagonist Rap1. CD28 increases ERK signaling by blocking Rap1 action. CD28 inhibits Rap1 activation because it selectively stimulates an extrinsic Rap1 GTPase activity. The ability of CD28 to stimulate Rap1 GTPase activity was dependent on the tyrosine kinase Lck. Our results suggest that CD28-mediated Rap1 GTPase-activating protein activation can help explain the augmentation of ERKs during CD28 costimulation

    The mycotoxin phomoxanthone A disturbs the form and function of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

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    Mitochondria are cellular organelles with crucial functions in the generation and distribution of ATP, the buffering of cytosolic Ca2+ and the initiation of apoptosis. Compounds that interfere with these functions are termed mitochondrial toxins, many of which are derived from microbes, such as antimycin A, oligomycin A, and ionomycin. Here, we identify the mycotoxin phomoxanthone A (PXA), derived from the endophytic fungus Phomopsis longicolla, as a mitochondrial toxin. We show that PXA elicits a strong release of Ca2+ from the mitochondria but not from the ER. In addition, PXA depolarises the mitochondria similarly to protonophoric uncouplers such as CCCP, yet unlike these, it does not increase but rather inhibits cellular respiration and electron transport chain activity. The respiration-dependent mitochondrial network structure rapidly collapses into fragments upon PXA treatment. Surprisingly, this fragmentation is independent from the canonical mitochondrial fission and fusion mediators DRP1 and OPA1, and exclusively affects the inner mitochondrial membrane, leading to cristae disruption, release of pro-apoptotic proteins, and apoptosis. Taken together, our results suggest that PXA is a mitochondrial toxin with a novel mode of action that might prove a useful tool for the study of mitochondrial ion homoeostasis and membrane dynamics

    Scientists' warning to humanity on insect extinctions

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    Here we build on the manifesto ‘World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity, issued by the Alliance of World Scientists. As a group of conservation biologists deeply concerned about the decline of insect populations, we here review what we know about the drivers of insect extinctions, their consequences, and how extinctions can negatively impact humanity. We are causing insect extinctions by driving habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation, use of polluting and harmful substances, the spread of invasive species, global climate change, direct overexploitation, and co-extinction of species dependent on other species. With insect extinctions, we lose much more than species. We lose abundance and biomass of insects, diversity across space and time with consequent homogenization, large parts of the tree of life, unique ecological functions and traits, and fundamental parts of extensive networks of biotic interactions. Such losses lead to the decline of key ecosystem services on which humanity depends. From pollination and decomposition, to being resources for new medicines, habitat quality indication and many others, insects provide essential and irreplaceable services. We appeal for urgent action to close key knowledge gaps and curb insect extinctions. An investment in research programs that generate local, regional and global strategies that counter this trend is essential. Solutions are available and implementable, but urgent action is needed now to match our intentions.Peer reviewe

    Solutions for humanity on how to conserve insects

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    The fate of humans and insects intertwine, especially through the medium of plants. Global environmental change, including land transformation and contamination, is causing concerning insect diversity loss, articulated in the companion review Scientists' warning to humanity on insect extinctions. Yet, despite a sound philosophical foundation, recognized ethical values, and scientific evidence, globally we are performing poorly at instigating effective insect conservation. As insects are a major component of the tapestry of life, insect conservation would do well to integrate better with overall biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. This also involves popularizing insects, especially through use of iconic species, through more media coverage, and more inclusive education. Insect conservationists need to liaise better with decision makers, stakeholders, and land managers, especially at the conceptually familiar scale of the landscape. Enough evidence is now available, and synthesized here, which illustrates that multiple strategies work at local levels towards saving insects. We now need to expand these locally-crafted strategies globally. Tangible actions include ensuring maintenance of biotic complexity, especially through improving temporal and spatial heterogeneity, functional connectivity, and metapopulation dynamics, while maintaining unique habitats, across landscape mosaics, as well as instigating better communication. Key is to have more expansive sustainable agriculture and forestry, improved regulation and prevention of environmental risks, and greater recognition of protected areas alongside agro-ecology in novel landscapes. Future-proofing insect diversity is now critical, with the benefits far reaching, including continued provision of valuable ecosystem services and the conservation of a rich and impressive component of Earth's biodiversity.Peer reviewe

    Towards comprehensive assessment of mitral regurgitation using cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is increasingly used to assess patients with mitral regurgitation. Its advantages include quantitative determination of ventricular volumes and function and the mitral regurgitant fraction, and in ischemic mitral regurgitation, regional myocardial function and viability. In addition to these, identification of leaflet prolapse or restriction is necessary when valve repair is contemplated. We describe a systematic approach to the evaluation of mitral regurgitation using CMR which we have used in 149 patients with varying etiologies and severity of regurgitation over a 15 month period

    The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition

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    The amount of carbon stored in deadwood is equivalent to about 8 per cent of the global forest carbon stocks. The decomposition of deadwood is largely governed by climate with decomposer groups—such as microorganisms and insects—contributing to variations in the decomposition rates. At the global scale, the contribution of insects to the decomposition of deadwood and carbon release remains poorly understood. Here we present a field experiment of wood decomposition across 55 forest sites and 6 continents. We find that the deadwood decomposition rates increase with temperature, and the strongest temperature effect is found at high precipitation levels. Precipitation affects the decomposition rates negatively at low temperatures and positively at high temperatures. As a net effect—including the direct consumption by insects and indirect effects through interactions with microorganisms—insects accelerate the decomposition in tropical forests (3.9% median mass loss per year). In temperate and boreal forests, we find weak positive and negative effects with a median mass loss of 0.9 per cent and −0.1 per cent per year, respectively. Furthermore, we apply the experimentally derived decomposition function to a global map of deadwood carbon synthesized from empirical and remote-sensing data, obtaining an estimate of 10.9 ± 3.2 petagram of carbon per year released from deadwood globally, with 93 per cent originating from tropical forests. Globally, the net effect of insects may account for 29 per cent of the carbon flux from deadwood, which suggests a functional importance of insects in the decomposition of deadwood and the carbon cycle