49 research outputs found

    Resolution changes relationships: Optimizing sampling design using small scale zooplankton data

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    Marine research surveys are an integral tool in understanding the marine environment. Recent technological advances have allowed the development of automated or semi-automated methods for the collection of marine data. These devices are often easily implemented on existing surveys and can collect data at finer spatiotemporal resolutions than traditional devices. We used two automated instruments: the Plankton Imager and FerryBox, to collect information on zooplankton, temperature, salinity and chlorophyll in the Celtic Sea. The resulting data were spatiotemporally aligned and merged to decreasing spatial resolutions to explore how distribution patterns and the relationship between variables change across different spatial resolutions. Relative standard deviation was used to describe variability of merged data within grid cells. All variables displayed large, area-wide spatial patterns excluding copepod size which remained consistent across the study area. Copepod biomass and abundance displayed high variations across small spatial scales. Decreasing the sampling resolution changed the description of the data where small spatial changes (those that occur over scales < 3 km) were lost and area wide patterns were emphasized. Furthermore, we found that the choice of resolution can affect both the statistical strength and significance of relationships with high variability at lower resolutions due to the mismatch between the scales of ecological processes and sampling. Determining the optimum sampling resolution to answer a specific question will be dependent upon several factors, mainly the variable measured, season, location and scale of process, which all drive variation. These considerations should be a key element of survey design, helping move towards an integrated approach for an improved understanding of ecosystem processes and gaining a more holistic description of the marine environment

    Are plankton nets a thing of the past? An assessment of in situ imaging of zooplankton for large-scale ecosystem assessment and policy decision-making

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    Zooplankton are fundamental to aquatic ecosystem services such as carbon and nutrient cycling. Therefore, a robust evidence base of how zooplankton respond to changes in anthropogenic pressures, such as climate change and nutrient loading, is key to implementing effective policy-making and management measures. Currently, the data on which to base this evidence, such as long time-series and large-scale datasets of zooplankton distribution and community composition, are too sparse owing to practical limitations in traditional collection and analysis methods. The advance of in situ imaging technologies that can be deployed at large scales on autonomous platforms, coupled with artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) for image analysis, promises a solution. However, whether imaging could reasonably replace physical samples, and whether AI/ML can achieve a taxonomic resolution that scientists trust, is currently unclear. We here develop a roadmap for imaging and AI/ML for future zooplankton monitoring and research based on community consensus. To do so, we determined current perceptions of the zooplankton community with a focus on their experience and trust in the new technologies. Our survey revealed a clear consensus that traditional net sampling and taxonomy must be retained, yet imaging will play an important part in the future of zooplankton monitoring and research. A period of overlapping use of imaging and physical sampling systems is needed before imaging can reasonably replace physical sampling for widespread time-series zooplankton monitoring. In addition, comprehensive improvements in AI/ML and close collaboration between zooplankton researchers and AI developers are needed for AI-based taxonomy to be trusted and fully adopted. Encouragingly, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies for zooplankton research may provide a solution to maintaining the critical taxonomic and ecological knowledge needed for future zooplankton monitoring and robust evidence-based policy decision-making

    RAPID : research on automated plankton identification

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    Author Posting. © Oceanography Society, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 20, 2 (2007): 172-187.When Victor Hensen deployed the first true plankton1 net in 1887, he and his colleagues were attempting to answer three fundamental questions: What planktonic organisms are present in the ocean? How many of each type are present? How does the plankton’s composition change over time? Although answering these questions has remained a central goal of oceanographers, the sophisticated tools available to enumerate planktonic organisms today offer capabilities that Hensen probably could never have imagined.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants OCE-0325018, OCE-0324937, OCE-0325167 and OCE-9423471, and the European Union under grants Q5CR-2002-71699, MAS3-ct98-0188, and MAS2-ct92-0015

    Methane detection scheme based upon the changing optical constants of a zinc oxide/platinum matrix created by a redox reaction and their effect upon surface plasmons

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    We detect changes in the optical properties of a metal oxide semiconductor (MOS), ZnO, in a multi-thin-film matrix with platinum in the presence of the hydrocarbon gas methane. A limit of detection of 2% by volume with concentrations from 0 to 10% and maximum resolution of 0.15% with concentrations ranging from 30% to 80% at room temperature are demonstrated along with a selective chemical response to methane over carbon dioxide and the other alkane gases. The device yields the equivalent maximum bulk refractive index spectral sensitivity of 1.8 × 105 nm/RIU. This is the first time that the optical properties of MOS have been monitored to detect the presence of a specific gas. This single observation is a significant result, as MOS have a potentially large number of target gases, thus offering a new paradigm for gas sensing using MOSs

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Sunyaev Zel'dovich Selected Galaxy Clusters at 148 GHz in the 2008 Survey

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    We report on twenty-three clusters detected blindly as Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) decrements in a 148 GHz, 455 square-degree map of the southern sky made with data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2008 observing season. All SZ detections announced in this work have confirmed optical counterparts. Ten of the clusters are new discoveries. One newly discovered cluster, ACT-CL J0102-4915, with a redshift of 0.75 (photometric), has an SZ decrement comparable to the most massive systems at lower redshifts. Simulations of the cluster recovery method reproduce the sample purity measured by optical follow-up. In particular, for clusters detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than six, simulations are consistent with optical follow-up that demonstrated this subsample is 100% pure. The simulations further imply that the total sample is 80% complete for clusters with mass in excess of 6x10^14 solar masses referenced to the cluster volume characterized by five hundred times the critical density. The Compton y -- X-ray luminosity mass comparison for the eleven best detected clusters visually agrees with both self-similar and non-adiabatic, simulation-derived scaling laws.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    A novel application of motion analysis for detecting stress responses in embryos at different stages of development.

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    Motion analysis is one of the tools available to biologists to extract biologically relevant information from image datasets and has been applied to a diverse range of organisms. The application of motion analysis during early development presents a challenge, as embryos often exhibit complex, subtle and diverse movement patterns. A method of motion analysis able to holistically quantify complex embryonic movements could be a powerful tool for fields such as toxicology and developmental biology to investigate whole organism stress responses. Here we assessed whether motion analysis could be used to distinguish the effects of stressors on three early developmental stages of each of three species: (i) the zebrafish Danio rerio (stages 19 h, 21.5 h and 33 h exposed to 1.5% ethanol and a salinity of 5); (ii) the African clawed toad Xenopus laevis (stages 24, 32 and 34 exposed to a salinity of 20); and iii) the pond snail Radix balthica (stages E3, E4, E6, E9 and E11 exposed to salinities of 5, 10 and 15). Image sequences were analysed using Sparse Optic Flow and the resultant frame-to-frame motion parameters were analysed using Discrete Fourier Transform to quantify the distribution of energy at different frequencies. This spectral frequency dataset was then used to construct a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix and differences in movement patterns between embryos in this matrix were tested for using ANOSIM

    Active stereo platform: online epipolar geometry update

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    This paper presents a novel method to update a variable epipolar geometry platform directly from the motor encoder based on mapping the motor encoder angle to the image space angle, avoiding the use of feature detection algorithms. First, an offline calibration is performed to establish a relationship between the image space and the hardware space. Second, a transformation matrix is generated using the results from this mapping. The transformation matrix uses the updated epipolar geometry of the platform to rectify the images for further processing. The system has an overall error in the projection of ± 5 pixels, which drops to ± 1.24 pixels when the verge angle increases beyond 10°. The platform used in this project has 3° of freedom to control the verge angle and the size of the baseline

    Combining motion analysis and microfluidics--a novel approach for detecting whole-animal responses to test substances.

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    Small, early life stages, such as zebrafish embryos are increasingly used to assess the biological effects of chemical compounds in vivo. However, behavioural screens of such organisms are challenging in terms of both data collection (culture techniques, drug delivery and imaging) and data evaluation (very large data sets), restricting the use of high throughput systems compared to in vitro assays. Here, we combine the use of a microfluidic flow-through culture system, or BioWell plate, with a novel motion analysis technique, (sparse optic flow - SOF) followed by spectral analysis (discrete Fourier transformation - DFT), as a first step towards automating data extraction and analysis for such screenings. Replicate zebrafish embryos housed in a BioWell plate within a custom-built imaging system were subject to a chemical exposure (1.5% ethanol). Embryo movement was videoed before (30 min), during (60 min) and after (60 min) exposure and SOF was then used to extract data on movement (angles of rotation and angular changes to the centre of mass of embryos). DFT was subsequently used to quantify the movement patterns exhibited during these periods and Multidimensional Scaling and ANOSIM were used to test for differences. Motion analysis revealed that zebrafish had significantly altered movements during both the second half of the alcohol exposure period and also the second half of the recovery period compared to their pre-treatment movements. Manual quantification of tail flicking revealed the same differences between exposure-periods as detected using the automated approach. However, the automated approach also incorporates other movements visible in the organism such as blood flow and heart beat, and has greater power to discern environmentally-driven changes in the behaviour and physiology of organisms. We suggest that combining these technologies could provide a highly efficient, high throughput assay, for assessing whole embryo responses to various drugs and chemicals