8 research outputs found

    La construction d’une identitĂ© cosmopolite depuis le cƓur de la Chine : les « sanwen » de Yan Lianke

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    Notre article rĂ©flĂ©chit sur la maniĂšre dont l’auteur chinois contemporain Yan Lianke, connu surtout pour ses Ɠuvres de fiction, a utilisĂ© l’essai littĂ©raire pour dĂ©finir son identitĂ© publique. À travers l’analyse de trois recueils en particulier (Wo yu fubei, Faxian xiaoshuo, Chenmo yu chuanxi), nous montrerons comment ses proses non fictionnelles rĂ©sument, ou anticipent, les thĂ©matiques placĂ©es au centre de ses romans et de ses nouvelles, en contribuant en mĂȘme temps Ă  construire de lui l’image d’un intellectuel engagĂ©, en particulier contre la censure, et cosmopolite, bien que profondĂ©ment ancrĂ© dans le terroir chinois.The paper shows how contemporary Chinese author Yan Lianke, whose fictional writing is well known by the critics, has used the literary essay to define his public identity. Through the analysis of three non-fictional collections (Wo yu fubei, Faxian xiaoshuo, Chenmo yu chuanxi), we will show how Yan’s non-fictional proses sum up or anticipate the central topics of his fictional writing, while, at the same time, contributing to depict him as an engaged writer, especially against censorship, and a cosmopolitan intellectual, although deeply rooted in rural China

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    <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">L&rsquo;articolo tratta di come, all&rsquo;interno della metodologia <em>process drama</em> applicata all&rsquo;insegnamento delle lingue straniere, l&rsquo;immedesimazione nel ruolo drammatico influenzi la produzione linguistica degli studenti. Ad una prima parte teorica in cui il <em>process drama</em>&nbsp; viene posto a confronto con i pi&ugrave; tradizionali esercizi di <em>role play</em>, utilizzati da nell&rsquo;approccio comunicativo segue una parte in cui si analizza un ciclo di lezioni condotte in base alla metodologia <em>process drama</em>, svoltosi all&rsquo;Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Milano con una classe di studenti di madrelingua cinese nel mese di giugno 2010. L&rsquo;analisi dell&rsquo;esperienza mostra come le attivit&agrave; proposte secondo questa metodologia abbiano spinto gli studenti, durante la lezione, ad immedesimarsi ciascuno in un particolare personaggio e come questo abbia influenzato il coinvolgimento affettivo e comunicativo degli studenti, migliorandone la produzione linguistica e fungendo da stimolo a valorizzare le loro conoscenze pregresse.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><strong><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">Learning according to roles: a process drama exerience for the teaching of italian to students in the stranimedia project</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">This article discusses how, within the process drama methodology applied to foreign language teaching, the identification through the dramatic role influences the linguistic production of students.&nbsp; After the first theoretical part where process drama is compared to more traditional roleplay activities used in the communicative approach, there is a second part which analyzes a cycle of lessons conduced using process drama, carried out at the University degli Studi di Milano with a class of Chinese mothertongue students in June 2010.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Garamond; font-size: small;">The analysis of the experience shows how the activities proposed uing this method pushed the students to identify with their characters and this in turn influenced the emotional and communicative involvement of the students, improving their linguistic production and acting as a stimulus for giving value to their previous knowledge</span></p

    Rewriting the Great leap Forward in Contemporary China : Subversion and Conciliation in Yan Lianke's Si Shu

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    Yan Lianke compte parmi les auteurs les plus connus de la littĂ©rature chinoise contemporaine, en Chine comme Ă  l’étranger. CĂ©lĂšbre en Occident pour ses Ɠuvres interdites en RĂ©publique Populaire de Chine, il demeure en mĂȘme temps bien ancrĂ© dans les cercles intellectuels chinois. Notre thĂšse a pour objectif d’analyser comment notre auteur essaie de dessiner son identitĂ© entre les deux pĂŽles de la subversion vis-Ă -vis du pouvoir et de la conciliation. Nous prenons en particulier en considĂ©ration la maniĂšre dont, dans son roman Si shu (2011), il essaie de rĂ©Ă©crire les Ă©pisodes du Grand Bond en avant et de la Grande Famine qui a suivi (1959-1961) ; pour ce faire, nous le mettons en relation avec l’historiographie, la littĂ©rature et les films disponibles en langue chinoise sur le sujet. Nous soutenons par ailleurs que ce roman occupe une place importante dans l’évolution de l’Ɠuvre et de la dĂ©finition identitaire de Yan Lianke, car il marque le point de passage de son engagement Ă  un graduel repliement sur soi-mĂȘme qui semble ĂȘtre en cours aujourd’hui.Yan Lianke is among the most well-known authors in contemporary Chinese literature. Celebrated in the West for his works banned in the People’s Republic of China, he is at the same time a renowned figure in Chinese intellectual circles. The purpose at the hearth of this thesis is to analyse how the author defines his own identity between the two poles of subversion to power and conciliation. We will consider in particular the way in which, in his novel Si shu (2011), Yan Lianke attempts to re-write the episodes of the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine that was caused by it (1959-1961). In order to do so, we compare it to historiographic works, literature and films available in Chinese on the topic. We argue moreover that this novel has an important place in the evolution of Yan Lianke’s work and identity, because it marks the passing point form his engagement towards society to a gradual withdrawal into himself

    Une réécriture du Grand Bond en avant en Chine contemporaine : Subversion et conciliation dans le Si Shu de Yan Lianke

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    Yan Lianke is among the most well-known authors in contemporary Chinese literature. Celebrated in the West for his works banned in the People’s Republic of China, he is at the same time a renowned figure in Chinese intellectual circles. The purpose at the hearth of this thesis is to analyse how the author defines his own identity between the two poles of subversion to power and conciliation. We will consider in particular the way in which, in his novel Si shu (2011), Yan Lianke attempts to re-write the episodes of the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine that was caused by it (1959-1961). In order to do so, we compare it to historiographic works, literature and films available in Chinese on the topic. We argue moreover that this novel has an important place in the evolution of Yan Lianke’s work and identity, because it marks the passing point form his engagement towards society to a gradual withdrawal into himself.Yan Lianke compte parmi les auteurs les plus connus de la littĂ©rature chinoise contemporaine, en Chine comme Ă  l’étranger. CĂ©lĂšbre en Occident pour ses Ɠuvres interdites en RĂ©publique Populaire de Chine, il demeure en mĂȘme temps bien ancrĂ© dans les cercles intellectuels chinois. Notre thĂšse a pour objectif d’analyser comment notre auteur essaie de dessiner son identitĂ© entre les deux pĂŽles de la subversion vis-Ă -vis du pouvoir et de la conciliation. Nous prenons en particulier en considĂ©ration la maniĂšre dont, dans son roman Si shu (2011), il essaie de rĂ©Ă©crire les Ă©pisodes du Grand Bond en avant et de la Grande Famine qui a suivi (1959-1961) ; pour ce faire, nous le mettons en relation avec l’historiographie, la littĂ©rature et les films disponibles en langue chinoise sur le sujet. Nous soutenons par ailleurs que ce roman occupe une place importante dans l’évolution de l’Ɠuvre et de la dĂ©finition identitaire de Yan Lianke, car il marque le point de passage de son engagement Ă  un graduel repliement sur soi-mĂȘme qui semble ĂȘtre en cours aujourd’hui

    Crise de l’Histoire, crise de la reprĂ©sentation: “La MĂ©moire collective” de Zhang Kangkang et autres exemples de “mĂ©tafiction historiographique” dans la littĂ©rature chinoise d’avant-garde

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    If history has been defined as a crucial element to construct national identity, what happens when its reliability is contested? In China, despite having been considered for a long time as an instrument of propaganda, narrative’s relative freedom of re-elaboration, as Dutrait (1989) suggested, has covered an essential function in the process of reflection on historiographic processes. The paper considers some literary works belonging to what Linda Hutcheon (1988) defined as “historiographical metafiction”: novels and short stories by a variety of different authors, all characterized by intertextuality and an explicit reflection on the process of writing literature and history, as well as by a questioning of the meaning and truthfulness of memory. It proposes an overview on some of those texts, and a specific focus on Zhang Kangkang’s short story “Collective Memory” (Jiti jiyi é›†äœ“èź°ćż†, 2000), showing how, by suggesting a reshaping of the “imaginary mirror” that history is in China today, they open questions on the topics of historical traumatism, memory, and writing

    Long-term proactive management of psoriasis with calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate foam: an Italian consensus through a combined nominal group technique and Delphi approach

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    none85Background: Although long-term management of psoriasis is paramount, this approach is challenging in clinical practice. In the recent PSO-LONG trial, a fixed-dose combination of betamethasone dipropionate (BD) and calcipotriol (Cal) foam applied twice a week on non-consecutive days for 52 weeks (proactive treatment) reduced the risk of relapse. However, the role of Cal/BD foam in the long-term management of psoriasis needs further clarifications. The ProActive Management (PAM) program, a nationwide Italian project, aims at reaching a consensus on the role of proactive management of psoriasis. Methods: A steering committee generated some statements through the nominal group technique (NGT). The statements were voted by an expert panel in an adapted Delphi voting process. Results: Eighteen statements were proposed, and the majority of them (14/18) reached a consensus during the Delphi voting. The need to provide long-term proactive topical treatment to reduce the risk of relapse for the treatment of challenging diseases sites or in patients where phototherapy or systemic therapies are contraindicated/ineffective was widely recognized. A consensus was reached about the possibility to associate the proactive treatment with systemic and biological therapies, without the need for dose intensification, thus favoring a prolonged remission. Moreover, the proactive treatment was recognized as more effective than weekend therapy in increasing time free from relapses. Approaches to improve adherence, on the other hand, need further investigation. Conclusions: The inclusion in guidelines of a proactive strategy among the effective treatment options will be a fundamental step in the evolution of a mild-moderate psoriasis therapeutic approach.noneDe Simone, Clara; Dapavo, Paolo; Malagoli, Piergiorgio; Martella, Alessandro; Campanati, Anna; Campione, Elena; Errichetti, Enzo; Franchi, Chiara; Gambardella, Alessio; Megna, Matteo; Osti, Federica; Ribero, Simone; Zagni, Giovanni; Calzavara-Pinton, Piergiacomo; Fabbrocini, Gabriella; Amoruso, Giuseppe Fabrizio; Baglieri, Francesco; Biamonte, Anna Silvia; Bianchelli, Tommaso; Bigi, Laura; Bortoli, Jarno; Brunetti, Bruno; Buligan, Cinzia; Cagni, Elisabetta; Calderoni, Ombretta; Calzavara-Pinton, Piergiacomo; Campanati, Anna; Caputo, Alighiero; Carrera, Carlo Giovanni; Carugno, Andrea; Chersi, Karin; Cicchelli, Stefano; De Natale, Flora; De Simone, Clara; Dapavo, Paolo; Di Maria, Domenico; Errichetti, Enzo; Fabbrocini, Gabriella; Ferrari, Angelo Salvatore; Fogli, Emanuela; Forconi, Riccardo; Franchi, Chiara; Galeazzi, Augusto; Gambardella, Alessio; Giovannini, Andrea; Giura, Maria Teresa; Iuculano, Massimo; Lazzaretti, Giuseppe; Leporati, Claudia; Magnanini, Massimiliano; Malagoli, Piergiorgio; Marconi, Barbara; Martella, Alessandro; Maruccia, Adriana; Megna, Matteo; Miglietta, Roberta; Minuti, Anna; Mocci, Luigi; Modica, Sonia; Narcisi, Alessandra; Odorici, Giulia; Osti, Federica; Pazzaglia, Massimiliano; Peila, Rossana; Pertusi, Ginevra; Pezza, Michele; Pezzullo, Elio; Puccia, Nunzio; Raulo, Umberto; Ribero, Simone; Rossi, Mariateresa; Rusignuolo, Sergio; Sapienza, Giada; Savarese, Catello; Scalisi, Mariaelena; Strippoli, Davide; Stroppiana, Elena; Tiberio, Rossana; Trischitta, Antonino; Tucci, Maria Giovanna; Vaira, Fabrizio; Verrone, Anna; Villa, Lucia; Zagni, Fabio; Zoccali, AndreaDe Simone, Clara; Dapavo, Paolo; Malagoli, Piergiorgio; Martella, Alessandro; Campanati, Anna; Campione, Elena; Errichetti, Enzo; Franchi, Chiara; Gambardella, Alessio; Megna, Matteo; Osti, Federica; Ribero, Simone; Zagni, Giovanni; Calzavara-Pinton, Piergiacomo; Fabbrocini, Gabriella; Amoruso, Giuseppe Fabrizio; Baglieri, Francesco; Biamonte, Anna Silvia; Bianchelli, Tommaso; Bigi, Laura; Bortoli, Jarno; Brunetti, Bruno; Buligan, Cinzia; Cagni, Elisabetta; Calderoni, Ombretta; Calzavara-Pinton, Piergiacomo; Campanati, Anna; Caputo, Alighiero; Carrera, Carlo Giovanni; Carugno, Andrea; Chersi, Karin; Cicchelli, Stefano; De Natale, Flora; De Simone, Clara; Dapavo, Paolo; Di Maria, Domenico; Errichetti, Enzo; Fabbrocini, Gabriella; Ferrari, Angelo Salvatore; Fogli, Emanuela; Forconi, Riccardo; Franchi, Chiara; Galeazzi, Augusto; Gambardella, Alessio; Giovannini, Andrea; Giura, Maria Teresa; Iuculano, Massimo; Lazzaretti, Giuseppe; Leporati, Claudia; Magnanini, Massimiliano; Malagoli, Piergiorgio; Marconi, Barbara; Martella, Alessandro; Maruccia, Adriana; Megna, Matteo; Miglietta, Roberta; Minuti, Anna; Mocci, Luigi; Modica, Sonia; Narcisi, Alessandra; Odorici, Giulia; Osti, Federica; Pazzaglia, Massimiliano; Peila, Rossana; Pertusi, Ginevra; Pezza, Michele; Pezzullo, Elio; Puccia, Nunzio; Raulo, Umberto; Ribero, Simone; Rossi, Mariateresa; Rusignuolo, Sergio; Sapienza, Giada; Savarese, Catello; Scalisi, Mariaelena; Strippoli, Davide; Stroppiana, Elena; Tiberio, Rossana; Trischitta, Antonino; Tucci, Maria Giovanna; Vaira, Fabrizio; Verrone, Anna; Villa, Lucia; Zagni, Fabio; Zoccali, Andre

    Polymyxin-B hemoperfusion in septic patients: analysis of a multicenter registry

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    Background: In 2010, the EUPHAS 2 collaborative group created a registry with the purpose of recording data from critically ill patients suffering from severe sepsis and septic shock treated with polymyxin-B hemoperfusion (PMX-HP) for endotoxin removal. The aim of the registry was to verify the application of PMX-HP in the daily clinical practice. Methods: The EUPHAS 2 registry involved 57 centers between January 2010 and December 2014, collecting retrospective data of 357 patients (297 in Europe and 60 in Asia) suffering from severe sepsis and septic shock caused by proved or suspected infection related to Gram negative bacteria. All patients received atleast one cycle of extracorporeal endotoxin removal by PMX-HP. Results: Septic shock was diagnosed in 305 (85.4&nbsp;%) patients. The most common source of infection was abdominal (44.0&nbsp;%) followed by pulmonary (17.6&nbsp;%). Gram negative bacteria represented 60.6&nbsp;% of the pathogens responsible of infection. After 72&nbsp;h from the first cycle of PMX-HP, some of the SOFA score components significantly improved with respect to baseline: cardiovascular (2.16&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;1.77 from 3.32&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;1.29, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.0001), respiratory (1.95&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;0.95 from 2.40&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;1.06, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001) and renal (1.84&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;1.77 from 2.23&nbsp;\ub1&nbsp;1.62, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.013). Overall 28-day survival rate was 54.5&nbsp;% (60.4&nbsp;% in abdominal and 47.5&nbsp;% in pulmonary infection). Patients with abdominal infection treated with PMX-HP within 24&nbsp;h from the diagnosis of septic shock had a 28-day survival rate of 64.5&nbsp;%. Patients showing a significantly cardiovascular improvement after PMX-HP had a 28-survival rate of 75&nbsp;% in comparison to the 39&nbsp;% of patients who did not (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001). Cox regression analysis found the variation of cardiovascular, respiratory and coagulation SOFA to be independent covariates for 28-day survival. In European patients were observed a higher 28-day (58.8 vs. 34.5&nbsp;%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.003), ICU (59 vs. 36.7&nbsp;%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.006) and hospital survival rate (53.2 vs. 35&nbsp;%, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.02) than in Asian patients. However, the two populations were highly heterogeneous in terms of source of infection and severity scores at admission. Conclusion: The EUPHAS 2 is the largest registry conducted outside Japan on the clinical use of PMX-HP in septic patients. Data analysis confirmed the feasibility of PMX-HP to treat septic patients in daily clinical practice, showing clinical benefits associated with endotoxin removal without significant adverse events related to the extracorporeal technique