858 research outputs found

    Lightning Observations and Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Atlantic and East Pacific

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    It has been hypothesized that deep, intense convective-scale "hot" towers may aid the process of tropical cyclogenesis and intensification through dynamic and thermodynamic feedbacks on the larger meso-to-synoptic scale circulation. In this study, we make use of NCEP Reanalysis data and Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) lightning imaging sensor (LIS), precipitation radar (PR), and microwave imager (TMI) data to investigate the role that widespread and/or intense lightning-producing convection (i.e., "electrically-hot towers") present in African easterly waves (AEWs) may play in tropical cyclogenesis over the Atlantic, Caribbean, and East Pacific regions. NCEP Reanalysis 700 hPa meridional winds for the months of June to November for the years 2001-2009 were analyzed for the domain of 5degN-20degN and 130degW-20degE in order to partition individual AEWs into northerly, southerly, trough, and ridge phases. Subsequently, information from National Hurricane Center (NHC) storm reports was used to divide the waves into developing and non-developing waves. In addition, information from the NHC reports was used to further divide the developing waves into those waves that spawned storms that only developed to tropical storm strength and those that spawned storms that reached hurricane strength. The developing waves were also divided by the region in which they developed. To assess the evolution of convection associated with the AEWs as they propagated across our analysis domain, the full 130degW-20degE domain was divided into five longitude bands, and waves were analyzed for each band. To help determine the gross nature of the smaller convective scale, composites were created of all developing and non-developing waves as a function of AEW wave phase over the full analysis domain and each longitude band by compositing TRMM PR, TMI, LIS, and IR brightness temperature data extracted from the NASA global-merged infrared brightness temperature dataset. Finally, similar composites were created using various NCEP variables to assess the nature of the larger scale environment and circulation

    The Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Storm Integrated Lightning Flash Extent

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    Objective: To investigate the kinematic and microphysical control of lightning properties, particularly those that may govern the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in thunderstorms, such as flash rate, type (intracloud [IC] vs. cloud-to-ground [CG] ) and extent. Data and Methodology: a) NASA MSFC Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM) is applied to North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (NALMA) and Vaisala National Lightning Detection Network(TradeMark) (NLDN) observations following ordinary convective cells through their lifecycle. b) LNOM provides estimates of flash type, channel length distributions, lightning segment altitude distributions (SADs) and lightning NOx production profiles (Koshak et al. 2012). c) LNOM lightning characteristics are compared to the evolution of updraft and precipitation properties inferred from dual-Doppler (DD) and polarimetric radar analyses of UAHuntsville Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research (ARMOR, Cband, polarimetric) and KHTX (S-band, Doppler)

    Triadic Interactions in MIECHV: Relations to Home Visit Quality

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    Objectives This study was conducted to look inside home visits to examine active intervention ingredients used and their relations with ratings of home visit quality. In particular, triadic interactions that engage the home visitor, parent, and child together and provide a context for home visitors to facilitate parent-child interactions by observing, modeling and coaching behaviors that promote optimal child development were examined. Methods Observations were conducted to describe intervention activities (with the HVOF-R) and rate quality of home visit practices and engagement (with the HOVRS A+). Results Analyses revealed the majority of home visit time (71%) was spent in home visitor-parent interactions with only a small proportion of home visit time (17%) spent in triadic interactions and an even smaller proportion of time (2%) during which home visitors actively coached parent-child interactions. Amount of time spent in triadic interactions was related positively to quality ratings of home visit practices and engagement. Moreover, time spent coaching parent-child interactions uniquely predicted home visit quality after accounting for visit length and home visitor time spent observing and modeling. Conclusions for Practice Increasing the percentage of home visitors engage the parent and child in triadic interaction should be a focus for home visiting programs. Home visitors will likely need professional development and supervisory support to enhance their skills in coaching parent-child interactions during triadic interactions

    Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Akn 564. I. ASCA Observations and the Variability of the X-ray Spectral Components

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    We present a 35 day ASCA observation of the NLS1 Akn 564, which was part of a multiwavelength AGN Watch monitoring campaign. Akn 564 shows a photon index varying across the range 2.45--2.72. The presence of the soft hump component below 1 keV, previously detected in ASCA data, is confirmed. Time-resolved spectroscopy with ~daily sampling reveals a distinction in the variability of the soft hump and power-law components over a timescale of weeks, with the hump varying by a factor of 6 across the 35-day observation compared to a factor 4 in the power-law. Flux variations in the power-law component are measured down to a timescale of ~1000s and accompanying spectral variability suggests the soft hump is not well-correlated with the power-law on such short timescales. We detect Fe Ka and a blend of Fe Kb plus Ni Ka, indicating an origin in highly ionized gas. Variability measurements constrain the bulk of the Fe Ka to originate within a light week of the nucleus. The large EW of the emission lines may be due to high metallicity in NLS1s, supporting some evolutionary models for AGN.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (v3 has final fixes for publication

    Photodetachment study of the 1s3s4s ^4S resonance in He^-

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    A Feshbach resonance associated with the 1s3s4s ^{4}S state of He^{-} has been observed in the He(1s2s ^{3}S) + e^- (\epsilon s) partial photodetachment cross section. The residual He(1s2s ^{3}S) atoms were resonantly ionized and the resulting He^+ ions were detected in the presence of a small background. A collinear laser-ion beam apparatus was used to attain both high resolution and sensitivity. We measured a resonance energy E_r = 2.959 255(7) eV and a width \Gamma = 0.19(3) meV, in agreement with a recent calculation.Comment: LaTeX article, 4 pages, 3 figures, 21 reference

    Molecular Characterization of Host-Specific Biofilm Formation in a Vertebrate Gut Symbiont

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    Although vertebrates harbor bacterial communities in their gastrointestinal tract whose composition is host-specific, little is known about the mechanisms by which bacterial lineages become selected. The goal of this study was to characterize the ecological processes that mediate host-specificity of the vertebrate gut symbiont Lactobacillus reuteri, and to systematically identify the bacterial factors that are involved. Experiments with monoassociated mice revealed that the ability of L. reuteri to form epithelial biofilms in the mouse forestomach is strictly dependent on the strain’s host origin. To unravel the molecular basis for this host-specific biofilm formation, we applied a combination of transcriptome analysis and comparative genomics and identified eleven genes of L. reuteri 100-23 that were predicted to play a role. We then determined expression and importance of these genes during in vivo biofilm formation in monoassociated mice. This analysis revealed that six of the genes were upregulated in vivo, and that genes encoding for proteins involved in epithelial adherence, specialized protein transport, cell aggregation, environmental sensing, and cell lysis contributed to biofilm formation. Inactivation of a serine-rich surface adhesin with a devoted transport system (the SecA2-SecY2 pathway) completely abrogated biofilm formation, indicating that initial adhesion represented the most significant step in biofilm formation, likely conferring host specificity. In summary, this study established that the epithelial selection of bacterial symbionts in the vertebrate gut can be both specific and highly efficient, resulting in biofilms that are exclusively formed by the coevolved strains, and it allowed insight into the bacterial effectors of this process

    The Narrow Line Region of Ark 564

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    The continuum and emission-line spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564 is used to investigate, for the first time, the physical conditions and structure of its narrow line region (NLR). For this purpose, composite models, accounting for the coupled effect of photoionization and shocks, are employed. The emission-line spectrum of Ark 564, which ranges from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared, shows a rich forbidden line spectrum. Strong emphasis is given to the study of the coronal line region. The diversity of physical conditions deduced from the observations requires multi-cloud models to reproduce the observed lines and continuum. We find that a combination of high velocity (Vs = 1500 km/s) shock-dominated clouds as well as low velocity (Vs = 150 km/s) radiation-dominated clouds explains the coronal lines, while the optical low-ionization lines are mainly explained by shock-dominated clouds. The results for Ark 564 are compared with those obtained for other Seyfert galaxies previously analyzed such as NGC 5252, Circinus, NGC 4051 and NGC 4151. The model results for the ultraviolet and optical permitted lines suggest that the broad line region may contribute up to 80%, depending on the emission-line, being of about 30% for Hbeta. The consistency of the multi-cloud model is checked by comparing the predicted and observed continuum, from radio to X-ray, and indicate that the dust-to-gas ratio in the clouds varies from 10^{-15} to 10^{-12}.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. Accepted in A&

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Alternate Routes to a Broad-line Region Radius

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    It is now possible to estimate black hole masses across cosmic time, using broad emission lines in active galaxies. This technique informs our views of how galaxies and their central black holes coevolve. Unfortunately, there are many outstanding uncertainties associated with these "virial" mass estimates. One of these comes from using the accretion luminosity to infer a size for the broad-line region. Incorporating the new sample of low-luminosity active galaxies from our recent monitoring campaign at Lick Observatory, we recalibrate the radius-luminosity relation with tracers of the accretion luminosity other than the optical continuum. We find that the radius of the broad-line region scales as the square root of the X-ray and Hbeta luminosities, in agreement with recent optical studies. On the other hand, the scaling appears to be marginally steeper with narrow-line luminosities. This is consistent with a previously observed decrease in the ratio of narrow-line to X-ray luminosity with increasing total luminosity. The radius of the broad-line region correlates most tightly with Hbeta luminosity, while the X-ray and narrow-line relations both have comparable scatter of a factor of two. These correlations provide useful alternative virial BH masses in objects with no detectable optical/UV continuum emission, such as high-redshift galaxies with broad emission lines, radio-loud objects, or local active galaxies with galaxy-dominated continua.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Spectral Energy Distribution and Emission-Line properties of the NLS1 Galaxy Arakelian 564

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    We present the intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) of the NLS1 Arakelian 564, constructed with contemporaneous data obtained during a multi-wavelength, multi-satellite observing campaign in 2000 and 2001. We compare it with that of the NLS1 Ton S180 and with those obtained for BLS1s to infer how the relative accretion rates vary among the Sy1 population. Although the peak of the SED is not well constrained, most of the energy is emitted in the 10-100 eV regime, constituting roughly half of the emitted energy in the optical/X-ray ranges. This is consistent with a primary spectral component peaking in the extreme UV/soft X-ray band, and disk-corona models, hence high accretion rates. Indeed, we estimate that \dot{m}~1. We examine the emission lines in its spectrum, and we constrain the physical properties of the line-emitting gas through photoionization modeling. The line-emitting gas is characterized by log n~11 and log U~0, and is stratified around log U~0. Our estimate of the radius of the H\beta-emitting region ~10 \pm 2 lt-days is consistent with the radius-luminosity relationships found for Sy1 galaxies. We also find evidence for super-solar metallicity in this NLS1. We show that the emission lines are not good diagnostics for the underlying SEDs and that the absorption line studies offer a far more powerful tool to determine the ionizing continuum of AGNs, especially if comparing the lower- and higher-ionization lines.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, LaTeX emulateapj.st
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