111 research outputs found

    Direct and label-free monitoring oligonucleotide immobilization, non-specific binding and DNA biorecognition

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, [VOL 192, (1 March 2014)] DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2013.10.110DNA binding chemistry on silicon surface has been investigated. Aminated oligonucleotide probes were immobilized on the chip surface by chemical silanization and further covalent attachment. The chemistries employed were the classical 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane/glutaraldehyde and, for comparison purposes, the novel 3-isocyanatepropyltriethoxysilane, that allows the direct attachment of the aminated probe. Alternatively, a thiolated oligonucleotide was also photochemically immobilized by means of a thioether linkage. The experiments were followed label-free by Dual Polarization Interferometry. All chemical and photochemical methods gave rise to a probe density immobilization in the order of 1.0-2.5 x 10(10) molecules/mm(2), similar to the values reported for other chemistries. The obtained data suggest that DNA strands are anchored in a different conformation depending on the immobilization method employed. In order to avoid non-specific binding of target molecules, ethanolamine and inert proteins were assayed, and successful results were obtained when using small size proteins such as gelatine. Hybridization efficiency was around 20% for aminosilane-based immobilized probes, and more than 4-fold this value when the other immobilization methods were employed. The ability for recognition complementary DNA strands discriminating non-complementary ones was applied for species identification in mixtures. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Research projects MASCREEN CTQ2010-15943 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, and PROMETEO 2010/008 from the Generalitat Valenciana are gratefully acknowledged for financial support.López Paz, JL.; González Martínez, MÁ.; Escorihuela Fuentes, J.; Bañuls Polo, MJ.; Puchades Pla, R.; Maquieira Catala, Á. (2014). Direct and label-free monitoring oligonucleotide immobilization, non-specific binding and DNA biorecognition. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 192:221-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2013.10.110S22122819

    Materiais cerâmicos de inserção aplicados a baterias de íons lítio

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    Esta revisão visa ser uma introdução à aplicação de materiais cerâmicos em dispositivos de armazenamento de energia, em especial baterias secundárias de íons lítio, dispositivos nos quais os materiais cerâmicos, especialmente óxidos, são muito importantes em todas as partes do dispositivo. A revisão está focada nos materiais cerâmicos para catodos e anodos, partes chaves destes dispositivos. Ela tem por principal finalidade ser uma fonte de informação para aqueles que desejem trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos para tais tipos de dispositivos. Aspectos relacionados à nanotecnologia e materiais óxidos nanoestruturados para esta área são discutidos ao final do artigo.This paper aims to be an introductory text on the applications of ceramic materials to energy storage devices, mainly lithium ion secondary batteries, i.e. devices in which the ceramic materials, e.g. oxides, are very important in all parts of the device. This review is focused in ceramic materials for cathodes and anodes, which are key parts of the battery device. The main purpose is, therefore, to offer to the reader, who is interested in the development of ceramic materials for storage devices, enough information concerning the main oxide materials used nowadays and promising technology regarding nanoestructured oxides and electrode geometry based on the nanoscale

    Low-Stringency Single-Specific-Primer PCR as a Tool for Detection of Mutations in the rpoB Gene of Rifampin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    By the low-stringency single-specific-primer PCR technique, a highly sensitive and rapid method for diagnosis of rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis was established. Seven rifampin-resistant and five rifampin-susceptible specimens were analyzed. Rifampin resistance was determined by MIC measurement. A complex electrophoretic pattern consisting of many bands was obtained for both susceptible and rifampin-resistant isolates. The same pattern was obtained for all of the susceptible specimens, but differences between resistant and susceptible isolates were found. DNA sequencing showed that a particular mutation produces a specific electrophoretic pattern

    La Rábida : Revista Colombina Hispanoamericana. Número 206 - Año XIX

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    28 páginasLea Navas, Jesús: Recordando una fecha histórica, 12 de octubre de 1842.- Fernández Pesquero, Javier: Chasco curioso. Páginas de la novela de la vida (sobre un suceso ocurrido en Chile).- Martín Mayor, Eloy: Una visita a la Escuela de Náutica.- Marchena Colombo, José: De nuestro acervo. Apostillas. Texto que incluye vista de Huelva desde el Conquero.- "Un bañista" firma el texto "Punta Umbria", con dibujo de Pepe Caballero.- Jiménez Barberi, José: Poesía. Ilumina, Señor...- Marchena Colombo, José: A un requerimiento.

    La Rábida : Revista Colombina Iberoamericana. Número 83 - Año VIII

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    16 páginasMarchena Colombo, José: La fiesta de la Raza.- José de Diego: Bajo la sombra del gran laurel (Poema a la memoria de Rafael María de Labra).- Memorial. D. Francisco de Quevedo a la Condesa Duquesa de Sanlúcar.- Jurado, Cristóbal: Necrópolis pre-romana (Niebla).- Fernández Pesquero, Javier: El concepto de España en Chile.- Del Diario vivir (un onubense).- Causerie pour les réfugiés belges a Pau.- Asociación Patriótica Española. Homenaje (Banquete) al Doctor Marco M. Avellaneda, Embajador de Argentina.- Certamen Colombino.

    Hypoalgesia and altered inflammatory responses in mice lacking kinin B1 receptors

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    Kinins are important mediators in cardiovascular homeostasis, inflammation, and nociception. Two kinin receptors have been described, B1 and B2. The B2 receptor is constitutively expressed, and its targeted disruption leads to salt-sensitive hypertension and altered nociception. The B1 receptor is a heptahelical receptor distinct from the B2 receptor in that it is highly inducible by inflammatory mediators such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide and interleukins. To clarify its physiological function, we have generated mice with a targeted deletion of the gene for the B1 receptor. B1 receptor-deficient animals are healthy, fertile, and normotensive. In these mice, bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced hypotension is blunted, and there is a reduced accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in inflamed tissue. Moreover, under normal noninflamed conditions, they are analgesic in behavioral tests of chemical and thermal nociception. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we show that the B1 receptor was not necessary for regulating the noxious heat sensitivity of isolated nociceptors. However, by using an in vitro preparation, we could show that functional B1 receptors are present in the spinal cord, and their activation can facilitate a nociceptive reflex. Furthermore, in B1 receptor-deficient mice, we observed a reduction in the activity-dependent facilitation (wind-up) of a nociceptive spinal reflex. Thus, the kinin B1 receptor plays an essential physiological role in the initiation of inflammatory responses and the modulation of spinal cord plasticity that underlies the central component of pain. The B1 receptor therefore represents a useful pharmacological target especially for the treatment of inflammatory disorders and pain

    La Rábida : Revista Colombina Hispanoamericana. Número 200 - Año XIX

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    32 páginas.Caballero, José: Diseño de cubierta y de interiores(monográfico sobre la Semana Santa).- Redacción: A nuestros lectores.- Bersandín: De acá y de allá.- Morales Rollán, Felipe; Marchena y Marchena, José: La Semana Santa.- Marchena Colombo, José: Excmo. Sr. D. Francisco Terán Morales.- Fernández Pesquero, Javier: Dese mi ermita en la montaña chilena.- Terrero, José: De nuestro acervo. ¿Cuál será la próxima fase de la historia?.- Marchena y Marchena, José: Poesía. Pincelada.- Romero Pérez, D.: Sugerencias de La Rábida.- Rocormo, Mario: Poesía: ¡Tantas cosas de diré...".- Vázquez, B.: El Sermón de la Montaña.- Personalidad portuguesa en Huelva, de "Diario de Huelva".- Sesiones de la Colombina. Sueltos.Ejemplar procedente de la BNE