88 research outputs found

    Historia de la educación bilingüe en el estado de Nuevo México

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    Nuevo México ha sido siempre un estado plurilingüe y multicultural. Por lo tanto, la educación en el estado siempre ha necesitado un componente de bilingüismo. Los gobiernos de España, México y Estados Unidos tuvieron que adaptar sus sistemas educativos para poder satisfacer las necesidades de la población local. El esfuerzo del pueblo nuevomexicano ha sido constante a lo largo de toda la historia para mantener vivas todas sus lenguas. Ese esfuerzo aparece reflejado en su Constitución y en lo pioneras que han sido sus leyes de educación dentro de los Estados Unidos e incluso en el contexto internacional. Este artículo repasa los momentos, los movimientos y las leyes más importantes que han ido marcando la historia de la educación bilingüe en Nuevo México.New Mexico has always been a multilingual and multicultural state. Hence the Education policies in this state have always required a bilingual focus. The governments of Spain, Mexico and the United States had to adapt their educational systems in order to meet the needs of New Mexico. New Mexicans’ effort to keep all their languages alive has been a constant struggle throughout history. It was reflected on their Constitution and on their trailblazing education laws within the US and even in an international context. This article goes over the milestones, social movements and State and Federal laws that have made an important impression on Bilingual Education in New Mexico

    Diseño de un transportador sin fin para descarga de escoria de carbón proveniente de dos calderas en la empresa finca Buga

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    El siguiente proyecto de diseño e investigación tiene como objetivo plantear el diseño de un sistema de transporte de escoria de carbón, procedente de dos calderas, con el fin de contribuir en la implementación de buenas prácticas de manufactura y la reducción de factores de riesgo para los empleados de la empresa de alimentos concentrados Finca S.A.S. El diseño de un transportador sin fin permite optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema de producción de la empresa, al automatizar el desplazamiento de materia prima; disminuyendo consigo los tiempos de transporte de la misma. El presente proyecto supone la oportunidad de demostrar todo el conocimiento adquirido durante la etapa lectiva y la capacidad de liderar proyectos de mejora que contribuyan al desarrollo industrial de la empresa.The following design and research project aims to propose the design of a transport system for coal slag, from two boilers, in order to contribute to the implementation of good manufacturing practices and the reduction of risk factors for the workers of the concentrated food company Finca S.A.S. The design of an endless conveyor allows optimizing the operation of the company's production system, by automating the movement of raw material; decreasing with it the transport times of the same. This project is the opportunity to demonstrate all the knowledge acquired during the school stage and the ability to lead improvement projects that contribute to the industrial development of the companyPregradoIngeniero(a) Mecánico(a)TABLA DE CONTENIDO 1. INTRODUCCION ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA.......................................................................................2 1.2. OBJETIVOS.....................................................................................................................................3 1.2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL ............................................................................................................3 1.2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS ...................................................................................................3 2. MARCO TEORICO ...........................................................................................................................4 2.1 EL CARBON Y SU DISTRIBUCION ............................................................................................4 2.2 CLASIFICACION DEL CARBON.................................................................................................5 2.2.1 ANTRACITA .............................................................................................................................6 2.2.2 HULLA BITUMINOSA ............................................................................................................6 2.2.3 HULLA SUB-BITUMINOSA...................................................................................................6 2.2.4 TURBA Y LIGNITO .................................................................................................................6 2.3 ESCORIA, RESIDUO DE LA COMBUSTION DE CARBON....................................................7 2.4 PROPIEDADES FISICO QUIMICAS DE LA ESCORIA ...........................................................7 2.5 TORNILLO DE ARQUIMEDES....................................................................................................8 2.6 TRANSPORTADORES DE TORNILLO SINFIN O HELICOIDALES....................................9 2.7 APLICACIONES DE LOS TRANSPORTADORES SIN FIN.....................................................9 2.7.1 TORNILLOS SIN FIN EN LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTICIA...........................................10 2.8 CONTEXTO DEL PROBLEMA ..................................................................................................12 3.0 DISEÑO Y PARAMETROS DE FUNCIONAMIENTO ................................................................14 3.1 DATOS PRELIMINARES.............................................................................................................14 3.2 CLASIFICION DEL MATERIAL................................................................................................14 3.3 CAPACIDAD DE DISEÑO ...........................................................................................................15 3.4 POTENCIA REQUERIDA............................................................................................................16 3.6 EXPANSION TERMICA...............................................................................................................18 3.7 COMPONENTES DEL TRANSPORTADOR.............................................................................19 4.0 ANALISIS DE CARGA Y SIMULACION ......................................................................................20 4.1 MATERIALES DE FABRICACION............................................................................................20 4.1.1 CARACTERISTICAS DEL ACERO INOXIDABLE 304...................................................20 4.2 METODO DE ELEMENTOS FINITOS ......................................................................................22 4.2.1 GEOMETRIA DE ANALISIS................................................................................................22 4.2.2 MALLADO Y CONDICIONES DE CARGA.......................................................................24 4.3 RESULTADOS Y ANALISIS........................................................................................................26 4.3.1 ESFUERZO MAXIMO EQUIVALENTE.............................................................................28 4.3.2 DEFORMACION TOTAL......................................................................................................29 4.3.3 FACTOR DE SEGURIDAD ...................................................................................................30 4.4 DISCUSION DE RESULTADOS..................................................................................................32 5.0 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES................................................................................33 5.1 CONCLUSIONES...........................................................................................................................33 5.2 RECOMENDACIONES.................................................................................................................34 6.0 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS..............................................................................................35 7.0 ANEXOS..............................................................................................................................................3

    A Test Bench for Distortion-Energy Optimization of a DSP-Based H.264/SVC Decoder

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    International audienceThis paper describes an OMAP based real-time test bench to find the Pareto frontier of an H.264/SVC decoder within a distortion-energy optimization space. A metric to estimate video distortion is introduced. In addition, energy consumption estimates are obtained from real-time measurements of the computational load. Finally, test bench operation is successfully demonstrated with different H.264/SVC-compliant sets of sequences

    A DSP based H.264/SVC decoder for a multimedia terminal

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    International audienceIn this paper, the implementation of a DSP-based video decoder compliant with the H.264/SVC standard (14496-10 Annex G) is presented. A PC-based decoder implementation has been ported to a commercial DSP. Performance optimizations have been carried out improving the initial version performance about 40% and reaching real time for CIF sequences. Moreover, the performance has been characterized using H.264/SVC sequences with different kinds of scalabilities and different bitrates. This decoder will be the core of a multimedia terminal that will trade off energy against quality of experience

    A DSP based SVC IP STB using open SVC decoder

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    International audienceIn this paper, a implementation of a DSP-based IP set-top box (IP-STB) to decode CIF sequences compliant with the new Scalable Video Coding standard (14496-10 Amd 3) using Open SVC Decoder (OSD) is presented. The OSD software, designed for the PC environment, has been integrated into a previously developed IP-STB prototype. About 15 CIF frames per second can be decoded with the IP-STB

    Sistemas de autor orientados a un fin educativo específico

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    Este artículo presenta unas aplicaciones informáticasque tratan de cubrir un espacio que, en opinión de los autores , existía en el campo de las Tecnologías de la Información aplicadas a la Enseñanza. Hasta el momento, el docente que trataba de emplear algún problema de Enseñanza Asistida por Ordenador (EAO) se encontraba dos alternativas: emplear programas cerrados con los problemas de enfoque , contenidos y disponibilidad inherentes a los mismos o desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones, lo que requería elevados conocimientos informáticos. Los autores plantean una solución intermedia: los Sistemas de Autor Orientados a un Fin Educativo Específico (SAFEE). Estos sistemas se basan en tres pilares: flexibilidad en la generación de recursos, sencillez en su utilización y uso abierto

    A DSP Based H.264 Decoder for a Multi-Format IP Set-Top Box

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    In this paper, the implementation of a digital signal processor (DSP) based H.264 decoder for a multi-format set-top box is described. Baseline and main profiles are supported. Using several software optimization techniques, the decoder has been fitted into a low-cost DSP. The decoder alone has been tested in simulation, achieving real-time performance with a 600 MHz system clock. Moreover, it has been integrated in a multi-format IP set-top box allowing the implementation of actual environment tests with excellent results. Finally, the decoder has been ported to a latest generation DSP

    Continuous monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence and microclimatic conditions reveals warming-induced physiological damage in biocrust-forming lichens

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    Purpose Biocrust communities, which are important regulators of multiple ecosystem functions in drylands, are highly sensitive to climate change. There is growing evidence of the negative impacts of warming on the performance of biocrust constituents like lichens in the field. Here, we aim to understand the physiological basis behind this pattern. Methods Using a unique manipulative climate change experiment, we monitored every 30 minutes and for 9 months the chlorophyll a fluorescence and microclimatic conditions (lichen surface temperature, relative moisture and photosynthetically active radiation) of Psora decipiens, a key biocrust constituent in drylands worldwide. This long-term monitoring resulted in 11,847 records at the thallus-level, which allowed us to evaluate the impacts of ~2.3 °C simulated warming treatment on the physiology of Psora at an unprecedented level of detail. Results Simulated warming and the associated decrease in relative moisture promoted by this treatment negatively impacted the physiology of Psora, especially during the diurnal period of the spring, when conditions are warmer and drier. These impacts were driven by a mechanism based on the reduction of the length of the periods allowing net photosynthesis, and by declines in Yield and Fv/Fm under simulated warming. Conclusion Our study reveals the physiological basis explaining observed negative impacts of ongoing global warming on biocrust-forming lichens in the field. The functional response observed could limit the growth and cover of biocrust-forming lichens in drylands in the long-term, negatively impacting in key soil attributes such as biogeochemical cycles, water balance, biological activity and ability of controlling erosion.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreements 242658 [BIOCOM] and 647038 [BIODESERT] awarded to FTM). FTM and DSP also acknowledge support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041) and Comunidad de Madrid (REMEDINAL TE-CM, S2018/EMT-4338) respectively. JR, DSP and LGS acknowledge to research projects funded by the Spanish Government, CTM2015–64728-C2–1-R and PID2019-105469RB-C21 for providing financial support at different stages of the data analyses and manuscript development. EV was supported by the 2017 program for attracting and retaining talent of Comunidad de Madrid (no. 2017-T2/ AMB-5406)

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción y comercialización de snacks de frutas deshidratadas y determinación del modelo de negocio

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    The snack market in the country is growing in recent years, due to being very portable, cheap, varied and easily accessible products, becoming a product with a large market of all ages and social classes, this, and high tendency to a healthy lifestyle that is imposed in recent years, opening the door to the entry of new products that meet these characteristics -- Thus, the dried fruit becomes a promising choice when venturing into this market -- To this end, a feasibility study in which relevant aspects of the industry and the market are evaluated, and the fundamental technical,legal, organizational, environmental and financial requirements for the assembly of a business model and its respective set is performed up as a productive project -- Thus concluded according to conditions arising within different stages of the study that this model is feasible for implementationEl mercado de los snacks en el país está creciendo en los últimos años, debido que son productos muy portables, económicos, variados y de fácil acceso, lo que los convierte en productos con un amplio mercado de todas las edades y clases sociales; esto y la elevada tendencia a un estilo de vida saludable que se ha impuesto durante los últimos años, abren la puerta a la entrada de nuevos productos que cumplan con estas características -- Es así como la fruta deshidratada se convierte en una opción prometedora al momento de incursionar en dicho mercado -- Para este fin, se presenta un estudio de prefactibilidad, en el cual se evalúan aspectos relevantes del sector y del mercado, así como los requerimientos técnicos, legales, organizacionales, ambientales y financieros fundamentales para el montaje de un modelo de negocio y su respectiva puesta en marcha como proyecto productivo, con lo cual se concluye, según las condiciones planteadas dentro de las diferentes etapas del estudio, que el modelo es viable para su implementació