2,307 research outputs found

    Relación entre la percepción de los estudiantes de las prácticas odontológicas acerca del liderazgo de sus docentes con la intención de deserción de la carrera

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    La presente investigación se basa en el modelo del instrumento de Bass y Avolio (1990). Se utilizó el cuestionario Tendencias del Liderazgo de la Licenciada en Educación Odris González (2004), que permite determinar el liderazgo transformacional. Además de la recolección de datos a partir de una pregunta elaborada por la autora que mide la frecuencia de la intención de deserción en los estudiantes. Los datos arrojados permiten establecer que la mayor parte de los estudiantes han tenido la intención de abandonar sus estudios, además más de la mitad de los estudiantes perciben que el estilo de liderazgo de sus docentes es inadecuado. Por otro lado, no se halló correlación significativa entre la percepción de los estudiantes acerca del estilo de liderazgo de sus docentes, con la intención abandonar los estudios. Se encontró relación entre el semestre académico y la percepción del estilo de liderazgo y también con la intención de desertar de la carrera

    Efecto de la descolmatación del río Chicama aguas arriba del puente victoria en la socavación de sus pilares

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    El presente trabajo de investigación presenta la obtención y comparación de la profundidad de socavación que se genera en los pilares del Puente Victoria según las siguientes variables: topografía, la granulometría y 03 tipos de caudal con diferentes períodos de retorno, 50, 100 y 500 años. Con estos datos se realizaron los modelos: unidimensional en el software Hec Ras y bidimensional en el software IBER. Se obtuvo la profundidad de socavación local y socavación general para ser sumadas y obtener la socavación total. La investigación demostró que la descolmatación aguas arriba del río, más la construcción de un dique provoca una nueva corriente de agua que va a afectar principalmente a los pilares del margen izquierdo. Teniendo 02 tipos de pilar, pila punta aguda y grupo de cilindros, los más afectados fueron los pilares circulares. Estos alcanzan una profundidad de socavación total en el modelo unidimensional de 3.79 m para un caudal de 1052.42 m3/s con período de retorno de 50 años; 4.07 m para un caudal de 1359.06 m3/s con período de retorno de 100 años; 5.48 m para un caudal de 2295 m3/s con período de retorno de 500 años. Mientras que, para el modelo bidimensional alcanzan una profundidad de socavación total de 5.62 m para un caudal de 1052.42 m3/s con período de retorno de 50 años; 6.40 m para un caudal de 1359.06 m3/s con período de retorno de 100 años; 6.72 m para un caudal de 2295 m3/s con período de retorno de 500 años. Se observó que el modelo bidimensional arroja profundidades de socavación más elevadas con respecto al modelo unidimensional, esto se debe a que el software IBER analiza el comportamiento del agua en 2 direcciones, siendo así un análisis más óptimo.This research work presents the obtaining and comparison of the depth of the society that is generated in the Victoria Bridge according to the following variables: topography, granulometry and 03 types of flows with different return periods, 50, 100 and 500 years. With these data, the models were published: one-dimensional in the Hec Ras software and twodimensional in the IBER software. The depth of the local scour and the general scour was obtained to be added up and obtain the total scour. The investigation showed that the decolonization upstream of the river, plus the construction of a dike causes a new water current that will affect mainly the pillars of the left margin. Having 02 types of pillar, sharp tip pile and group of cylinders. These reach a depth of total scour in the onedimensional kmodel of 3.79 m for a flow of 1052.42 m3 / s with a return period of 50 years; 4.07 m for a flow of 1359.06 m3 / s with a return period of 100 years; 5.48 m for a flow of 2295 m3 / s with a return period of 500 years. Meanwhile, for the two-dimensional model it will reach a total depth of 5.62 m for a flow of 1052.42 m3 / s with a return period of 50 years; 6.40 m for a flow of 1359.06 m3 / s with a return period of 100 years; 6.72 m for a flow of 2295 m3 / s with a return period of 500 years. It was observed that the two-dimensional model showed higher depths of scour with respect to the one-dimensional model, this is because of the IBER software analyzes the behavior of water in 2 directions, thus being a more optimal analysis.Tesi

    Ergonomic proposal in the storage area of a plastic industry company to reduce industrial risks

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    This research was aimed at identifying ergonomic risks for the warehouse operators in the workstation of a plastics industry company, it also explained the reason for the ailments caused by bad posture and proposed ergonomic design solutions. It is an applied, quasi-experimental, exploratory and descriptive research; with a mixed approach where a Nordic Questionnaire and the REBA methodology were used, as they detect musculoskeletal symptoms prematurely and a posture analysis is performed when carrying out tasks, as well as measurements of lighting and noise. Ailments caused by uncomfortable postures with a high risk rating were found in activities such as order preparation, revision and accommodation, mainly in parts of the body such as the neck, wrists, lower back and hips. As a result, postures that are viable in the warehouse with the use of equipment were proposed, reducing the risk to negligible and medium rating. No risks were found in relation to lighting and noise

    Implementación de Programas para la Promoción de la Salud del Adulto Mayor en las Comunas 7-8 del Municipio de Villavicencio

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    La presente propuesta es el diseño y la implementación de un programa para fortalecer la promoción de la salud en el adulto mayor en la ciudad de Villavicencio, se proyectó para realizarlo durante el primer periodo académico del 2016 (fase I) y el segundo periodo académico del 2016 (fase II). El siguiente trabajo de proyección social se enfocará en la fase número dos en donde se pretende la elaboración de un Programa Estilo Promotor de vida saludable para el adulto mayor, en conjuntos con el grupo de personal capacitado de las instituciones participantes, en el transcurso del segundo periodo académico del 2016.Resultado Final para Obtener el Título de Enfermera (o) Material Acompañado de un Disco Compacto (CD-ROM), ubicado en la Colección Multimedia, identificado con el número ENF/0789. Proyección Social (Enfermería). Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Programa de Enfermería, 2016.PregradoEnfermerí

    Effect of the application time of phosphoric acid and self-etch adhesive systems to sclerotic dentin

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of application time on the resin-dentin bond strength (µTBS) and etching pattern of adhesive systems applied on sclerotic dentine. Material and Methods: A total of forty-two bovine incisors had their roots removed. The 1-step self-etch GO (SDI), the 2-step self-etch Adper SE Bond (3MESPE) and the 35% phosphoric acid (3MESPE) from the 2-step etch-and-rinse Adper Single Bond 2 (3MESPE) were applied on the bovine incisal surfaces according to the manufacturer's instructions or duplicating the recommended conditioning time. After adhesive application, thirty teeth were restored with composite resin, stored for 24 h in distilled water at 37°C, and sectioned into resin-dentin bonded sticks (0.8 mm 2 ) and tested according to the µTBS at 0.5 mm/min. The etching pattern of the remaining twelve teeth (n=4 for each material) was examined under scanning electron microscopy. Each tooth was divided into a buccal-to-lingual direction into three thirds, and each third randomly assigned to the groups: control (no treatment), according to the manufacturers' instructions and duplicating the recommended application time. The µTBS and the relative percentage of the tubule area opening were evaluated by two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α=0.05). Results: The duplication of the conditioning time favored only the GO adhesive (

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Sucre

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Sucre.Resumen A partir del estudio y análisis reflexivo de los contenidos del curso, en este trabajo se presenta el abordaje realizado por el grupo, sobre la violencia del conflicto armado en Colombia, tomando como estrategia de acompañamiento la imagen y la narrativa. Se presenta el análisis del “Relato N° 2. Angélica”, escogido por el grupo, en el cual se analizan distintos fragmentos en los que se identifican situaciones vividas durante su desplazamiento de su sitio de origen, los traumas, tristeza, miedos y desolación, ocasionados por las distintas formas de violencia que enfrento junto a sus hijas. Basados en los interrogantes planteados, se profundiza desde la perspectiva psicosocial en aspectos relacionados con sus vivencias, mediante la narrativa, como una estrategia de intervención, pues según (White, 2016a, p. 29) cuando se realiza trabajo psicosocial con personas que han sufrido alguna alteración psicológica y emocional por la violencia, es importante estar atentos a lo que desean hablar con relación a su experiencia, a fin de que se convierta en una terapia, para la reconstrucción de sus vidas; se pueden ver en el relato, hechos relacionados con las dificultades y experiencias de miedo, dolor, rabia, la manera en que mediante recursos de afrontamiento, comienza a entender y enfrentar su realidad, se analizan los impactos psicosociales, el posicionamiento que asume como víctima y sobreviviente, la imágenes naturalizadas de la violencia, la emancipación discursiva, los significados alternos, de las imágenes dominantes de violencia y los emergentes psicosociales . Asumiendo el Rol de Psicólogo, en las experiencias relatadas en el caso, se realizan tres preguntas estratégicas, tres circulares y tres reflexivas, relacionadas con el relato escogido; entendiendo la pregunta como una forma de intervención, con la que las personas pueden hacer un examen a su situación y reflexionar de manera positiva, para la reconstrucción de sus vidas. De acuerdo a los interrogantes planteados, se analiza el Caso Cacarica y se diseñan tres estrategas de Acompañamiento Psicosocial, con base al enfoque Psicosocial, las técnicas narrativas, expresivas y performativas, el informe del paso 2, las conclusiones y Link página Wix.Abstract From the revision and reflexive analysis of the course contents, in this written will be posed the approach made by the study group and it is about the violence of the armed conflict in Colombia, taking the image and narrative as a strategy. The analysis of the tale number 2 “Relato No. 2 Angelica” was selected by the study group in which some different paragraphs are studied and are identified experiences lived by Angelica during her displacement from her home site, her traumas, sadness, fears and desolation caused by different ways of violence which she and her daughters had to face. Based in the question posed, it made deeper from the psychosocial perspective features relative with her experiences through the narrative as an intervention strategy according to (White, 2016b, p. 29) When a psychosocial job is made with people who has suffered any psychological modification because of the violence, is imperative to be attentive and listen to them when they want to express their experience and become a therapy as a purpose for construction of their lives. Also in the story it can detect facts associated with the difficulties and fear, painful, rage experiences, the way that they understand and face the reality through the coping resources. The psychosocial effects are analyzed, the situation such as victim and survivor she assumes, the naturalized images of violence, the discursive emancipation, the alternates meaning of the dominant images of violence and the emergent psychosocial. Taking the role of psychologist in accordance with all the experiences posed in the selected story it is formulated 3 strategic questions, 3 circular questions and 3 reflexive questions. Understanding the questions as a kind of intervention in which people can examine their situation and reflex in a positive way for recover their lives. Regarding to the interrogation, the group analyze the “Cacarica” case and create 3 strategies of psychosocial accompaniment based in the psychosocial focus, narrative, expressive and performative technics the report of the step 2, the conclusions and the link of the Wix page. Keywords: Conflict, coping, difficulties, painful, emerging, experiences, fear, psychosocial, trauma, violence

    CCR7 as a novel therapeutic target in t-cell PROLYMPHOCYTIC leukemia

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    T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL) is a poor prognostic disease with very limited options of efficient therapies. Most patients are refractory to chemotherapies and despite high response rates after alemtuzumab, virtually all patients relapse. Therefore, there is an unmet medical need for novel therapies in T-PLL. As the chemokine receptor CCR7 is a molecule expressed in a wide range of malignancies and relevant in many tumor processes, the present study addressed the biologic role of this receptor in T-PLL. Furthermore, we elucidated the mechanisms of action mediated by an anti-CCR7 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and evaluated whether its anti-tumor activity would warrant development towards clinical applications in T-PLL. Our results demonstrate that CCR7 is a prognostic biomarker for overall survival in T-PLL patients and a functional receptor involved in the migration, invasion, and survival of leukemic cells. Targeting CCR7 with a mAb inhibited ligand-mediated signaling pathways and induced tumor cell killing in primary samples. In addition, directing antibodies against CCR7 was highly effective in T-cell leukemia xenograft models. Together, these findings make CCR7 an attractive molecule for novel mAb-based therapeutic applications in T-PLL, a disease where recent drug screen efforts and studies addressing new compounds have focused on chemotherapy or small molecules.Peer reviewe

    Kynurenine Inhibits Autophagy and Promotes Senescence in Aged Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Through the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Pathway

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    Osteoporosis is an age-related deterioration in bone health that is, at least in part, a stem cell disease. The different mechanisms and signaling pathways that change with age and contribute to the development of osteoporosis are being identified. One key upstream mechanism that appears to target a number of osteogenic pathways with age is kynurenine, a tryptophan metabolite and an endogenous Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist. The AhR signaling pathway has been reported to promote aging phenotypes across species and in different tissues. We previously found that kynurenine accumulates with age in the plasma and various tissues including bone and induces bone loss and osteoporosis in mice. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are responsible for osteogenesis, adipogenesis, and overall bone regeneration. In the present study, we investigated the effect of kynurenine on BMSCs, with a focus on autophagy and senescence as two cellular processes that control BMSCs proliferation and differentiation capacity. We found that physiological levels of kynurenine (10 and 100 μM) disrupted autophagic flux as evidenced by the reduction of LC3B-II, and autophagolysosomal production, as well as a significant increase of p62 protein level. Additionally, Kynurenine also induced a senescent phenotype in BMSCs as shown by the increased expression of several senescence markers including senescence associated β-galactosidase in BMSCs. Additionally, western blotting reveals that levels of p21, another marker of senescence, also increased in kynurenine-treated BMSCs, while senescent-associated aggregation of nuclear H3K9me3 also showed a significant increase in response to kynurenine treatment. To validate that these effects are in fact due to AhR signaling pathway, we utilized two known AhR antagonists: CH-223191, and 3’,4’-Dimethoxyflavone to try to block AhR signaling and rescue kynurenine/AhR mediated effects. Indeed, AhR inhibition restored kynurenine-suppressed autophagy levels as shown by levels of LC3B-II, p62 and autophagolysosomal formation demonstrating a rescuing of autophagic flux. Furthermore, inhibition of AhR signaling prevented the kynurenine-induced increase in senescence associated β-galactosidase and p21 levels, as well as blocking aggregation of nuclear H3K9me3. Taken together, our results suggest that kynurenine inhibits autophagy and induces senescence in BMSCs via AhR signaling, and that this may be a novel target to prevent or reduce age-associated bone loss and osteoporosis

    IMI : global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice : 2022 update

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    PURPOSE. Surveys in 2015 and 2019 identified a high level of eye care practitioner concern/activity about myopia, but the majority still prescribed single vision interventions to young myopes. This research aimed to provide updated information. METHODS. A self-administered, internet-based questionnaire was distributed in 13 languages, through professional bodies to eye care practitioners globally. The questions examined awareness of increasing myopia prevalence, perceived efficacy and adoption of available strategies, and reasons for not adopting specific strategies. RESULTS. Of the 3195 respondents, practitioners’ concern about the increasing frequency of pediatric myopia in their practices differed between continents (P < 0.001), being significantly higher in Asia (9.0 ± 1.5 of 10) than other continents (range 7.7–8.2; P ≤ 0.001). Overall, combination therapy was perceived by practitioners to be the most effective method of myopia control, followed by orthokeratology and pharmaceutical approaches. The least effective perceived methods were single vision distance undercorrection, spectacles and contact lenses, as well as bifocal spectacles. Practitioners rated their activity in myopia control between (6.6 ± 2.9 in South America to 7.9 ± 1.2/2.2 in Australasia and Asia). Single-vision spectacles are still the most prescribed option for progressing young myopia (32.2%), but this has decreased since 2019, and myopia control spectacles (15.2%), myopia control contact lenses (8.7%) and combination therapy (4.0%) are growing in popularity. CONCLUSIONS. More practitioners across the globe are practicing myopia control, but there are still significant differences between and within continents. Practitioners reported that embracing myopia control enhanced patient loyalty, increasing practice revenue and improving job satisfaction