34 research outputs found

    Construção e validação dos marcos de competências para formação do enfermeiro em urgências

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    Objetivo: construcción y validez de los marcos de competencias a ser desarrollados en la formación del enfermero para la asistencia de pacientes adultos en situaciones de urgencia con enfoque de las vías aéreas, ventilación y circulación. Método: estudio descriptivo y metodológico que se dio en tres fases: en la primera, se realizó una revisión de la literatura y un taller compuesto por siete experts para la construcción de los marcos de competencias; en la segunda, participaron 15 experts para la validez de apariencia y contenido por medio de la Snowball Technique y la Técnica Delphi, realizado el análisis de contenido de las sugerencias y calculado el Índice de Validez de Contenido para comparar la concordancia sobre la representatividad de cada ítem; en la tercera fase, participaron 13 experts en la cual hubo una concordancia final del material presentado. Resultados: los experts en su mayoría eran enfermeros, con post-graduación y actuación profesional en la temática del estudio. Fueron construidos y validados marcos de competencias para la formación del enfermero en el enfoque de las vías aéreas, respiratorias y circulatorias. Conclusión: el desarrollo del estudio proporcionó la construcción y validez de los marcos de competencias. Se resalta su originalidad y potencialidades para orientar docentes e investigadores de manera eficiente y objetiva en el desarrollo práctico de las competencias en la temática.Objective: to build and validate competency frameworks to be developed in the training of nurses for the care of adult patients in situations of emergency with a focus on airway, breathing and circulation approach. Method: this is a descriptive and methodological study that took place in three phases: the first phase consisted in a literature review and a workshop involving seven experts for the creation of the competency frameworks; in the second phase, 15 experts selected through the Snowball Technique and Delphi Technique participated in the face and content validation, with analysis of the content of the suggestions and calculation of the Content Validation Index to assess the agreement on the representativeness of each item; in the third phase, 13 experts participated in the final agreement of the presented material. Results: the majority of the experts were nurses, with graduation and professional experience in the theme of the study. Competency frameworks were developed and validated for the training of nurses in the airway, breathing and circulation approach. Conclusion: the study made it possible to build and validate competency frameworks. We highlight its originality and potentialities to guide teachers and researchers in an efficient and objective way in the practical development of skills involved in the subject approached.Objetivo: construção e validação dos marcos de competências a serem desenvolvidas na formação do enfermeiro para a assistência de pacientes adultos em situações de urgência com foco na abordagem das vias aéreas, ventilação e circulação. Método: estudo descritivo e metodológico que ocorreu em três fases: na primeira, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura e uma oficina composta por sete experts para a construção dos marcos de competências; na segunda, participaram 15 experts para a validação de aparência e conteúdo por meio da Snowball Technique e da Técnica Delphi, realizada a análise de conteúdo das sugestões e calculado o Índice de Validação de Conteúdo para aferir a concordância quanto à representatividade de cada item; na terceira fase, participaram 13 experts, na qual houve a concordância final do material apresentado. Resultados: os experts em maioria eram enfermeiros, com pós-graduação e atuação profissional na temática do estudo. Foram construídos e validados marcos de competências para a formação do enfermeiro na abordagem das vias aéreas, respiratórias e circulatória. Conclusão: o desenvolvimento do estudo proporcionou a construção e validação dos marcos de competências. Ressalta-se sua originalidade e potencialidades para orientar docentes e pesquisadores de maneira eficiente e objetiva no desenvolvimento prático das competências na temática

    Treatment of injuries in emergency departments: characteristics of victims and place of injury, São Paulo State, Brazil, 2005

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as características e local de ocorrência dos atendimentos decorrentes de causas externas em unidades de emergência. Foram analisados 35.107 atendimentos, realizados em três unidades de emergência do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2005. Entre os resultados, a maioria das vítimas foi do sexo masculino (59,1%) e da faixa etária de 0 a 29 anos (62,1%). As causas mais freqüentes foram quedas (39,3%) e impacto acidental (16,5%). Na residência ocorreram 64,7% dos casos e na via pública 19,9%. Agressões foram mais freqüentes na via pública. Nas residências há maior probabilidade das mulheres sofrerem lesões que os homens (OR = 0,51; IC95%: 0,48-0,53). Na via pública, a probabilidade dos homens virem a ser vítimas de lesões é 1,34 vez a das mulheres, nos bares é 3,22 vezes, no local de trabalho é 2,82 vezes. Maior proporção de eventos em residências foi observada para as faixas de 0 a 9 anos e de 60 anos e mais. Esses resultados ressaltam a residência como importante local de ocorrência de lesões, devendo ser objeto de programas de prevenção específicos.The objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics and place of occurrence of injuries treated in emergency departments. A total of 35,107 emergency department visits for injuries were analyzed, excluding traffic injuries, in São Paulo State, Brazil, 2005. The majority of victims were male (59.1%), and from 0 to 29 years of age (62.1%). Leading causes were falls (39.3%) and accidental blows (16.5%). Most injuries occurred in the home (64.7%), followed by public places (19.9%). Assaults were more frequent in public. Women were more likely to suffer injuries at home, as compared to men (OR = 0.51; 95%CI: 0.48-0.53). Men were 1.34 times more likely to be injured in public places, 3.22 times in bars, and 2.82 times in the workplace. A higher proportion of events among children aged 0 to 9 and individuals 60 years or older occurred at home. The results highlighted the home as an important place for the occurrence of injuries, which should be considered when planning injury prevention programs.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Clinical simulation with dramatization: gains perceived by students and health professionals

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    Objetivo: identificar na literatura quais os ganhos percebidos pelos estudantes e profissionais da área de saúde, utilizando-se da simulação clínica realizada com recursos da dramatização. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura, com a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs (JBI), com busca nas bases de dados: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Web of Science, National Library of Medicine, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online. Resultados: foram analisados 53 estudos, que atenderam os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos. Entre os diversos ganhos obtidos, destaca-se a satisfação, autoconfiança, conhecimento, empatia, realismo, diminuição do nível de ansiedade, conforto, comunicação, motivação, capacidade de reflexão e de pensamento crítico e trabalho em equipe. Conclusão: as evidências demonstram a ampla possibilidade de uso da dramatização no contexto de simulação clínica com ganhos nas diversas áreas de saúde e, também, interprofissionais.Objetivo: identificar en la literatura cuales los beneficios por los estudiantes y profesionales del área de salud, usándose la simulación clínica con recursos de dramatización. Método: revisión integradora de la literatura, aplicándose la metodología propuesta por el Instituto Joanna Briggs (JBI), con búsqueda en las bases de datos: Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Web of Science, National Library of Medicine, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online. Resultados: fueron analizados 53 estudios, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. Entre los diversos beneficios obtenidos, se destacan la satisfacción, autoconfianza, conocimiento, empatía, realismo, disminución del nivel de ansiedad, conforto, comunicación, motivación, capacidad de reflexión y de pensamiento crítico y trabajo en equipo. Conclusión: las evidencias demuestran la amplia posibilidad de uso de la dramatización en el contexto de simulación clínica con beneficios en las diversas áreas de salud, y también interprofesionales.Objective: to identify in the literature the gains health students and professionals perceive when using clinical simulation with dramatization resources. Method: integrative literature review, using the method proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). A search was undertaken in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Web of Science, National Library of Medicine, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online. Results: 53 studies were analyzed, which complied with the established inclusion criteria. Among the different gains obtained, satisfaction, self-confidence, knowledge, empathy, realism, reduced level of anxiety, comfort, communication, motivation, capacity for reflection and critical thinking and teamwork stand out. Conclusion: the evidence demonstrates the great possibilities to use dramatization in the context of clinical simulation, with gains in the different health areas, as well as interprofessional gains

    Central venous catheter-related sepsis

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    Many papers have been published about the complications caused by percutaneous central venous catheterization, since Aubaniac described the punction of the subclavian vein in 1952, and especially after the standardization of total parenteral nutrition by Dudrick et al. in 1968. Among the various complications related to this procedure, one of the most important is “primary sepsis” or “catheter-related sepsis”, because of its impact upon the morbidity and mortality involving the critically ill patient. However, sometimes it is very difficult to diagnose that complication. The main problem lies between the difference of catheters that are truly causing sepsis and those that are only showing positive culture. Surgical, medical, and microbial literature were reviewed in this paper, to provide enough information on the diagnosis of primary sepsis caused by central venous catheterization.Desde a descrição inicial do primeiro cateterismo venoso da veia subclávia, efetuada por Aubaniac, em 1952, e especialmente com a explosão de seu uso após o advento da nutrição parenteral, descrita por Dudrick et al., em 1968, várias complicações têm sido descritas, causadas pelo cateterismo venoso, central, percutâneo. Dentre as mais variadas complicações atribuídas a esta técnica, uma das mais importantes é, sem dúvida, a sepse primária, relacionada ao cateter venoso central, devido ao aumento considerável da morbimortalidade do paciente crítico. No entanto, algumas vezes, torna-se complicado efetuar o diagnóstico de sepse primária, relacionada ao cateter venoso central. A razão disso é a dificuldade na diferenciação entre os cateteres que estão realmente causando infecção e aqueles que estão apenas colonizados, mostrando apenas uma cultura positiva. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão atualizada dos principais critérios diagnósticos, clínicos e microbiológicos de sepse primária, relacionada ao cateter venoso central

    Late evaluation of the relationship between morphological and functional renal changes and hypertension after non-operative treatment of high-grade renal injuries

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    Objective: To evaluate the anatomical and functional renal alterations and the association with post-traumatic arterial hypertension. Methods: The studied population included patients who sustained high grades renal injury (grades III to V) successfully non-operative management after staging by computed tomography over a 16-year period. Beyond the review of medical records, these patients were invited to the following protocol: clinical and laboratory evaluation, abdominal computed tomography, magnetic resonance angiography, DMSA renal scintigraphy, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The hypertensive patients also were submitted to dynamic renal scintigraphy (Tc-99m EC), using captopril stimulation to verify renal vascular etiology. Results: Of the 31 patients, there were thirteen grade III, sixteen grade IV (nine lacerations, and seven vascular lesions), and two grade V injuries. All the patients were asymptomatic and an average follow up post-injury of 6.4 years. None had abnormal BUN or seric creatinine. The percentage of renal volume reduction correlates with the severity as defined by OIS. There was no evidence of renal artery stenosis in Magnetic Resonance angiography (MRA). DMSA scanning demonstrated a decline in percentage of total renal function corresponding to injury severity (42.2 +/- 5.5% for grade III, 35.3 +/- 12.8% for grade IV, 13.5 +/- 19.1 for grade V). Six patients (19.4%) had severe compromised function (< 30%). There was statistically significant difference in the decrease in renal function between parenchymal and vascular causes for grade IV injuries (p < 0.001). The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring detected nine patients (29%) with post-traumatic hypertension. All the patients were male, mean 35.6 years, 77.8 % had a familial history of arterial hypertension, 66.7% had grade III renal injury, and average post-injury time was 7.8 years. Seven patients had negative captopril renography. Conclusions: Late results of renal function after conservative treatment of high grades renal injuries are favorable, except for patients with grades IV with vascular injuries and grade V renal injuries. Moreover, arterial hypertension does not correlate with the grade of renal injury or reduction of renal function


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    The materials that we can use as grafting material can have different origins, which in turn conditions their different properties and behaviors. Depending on their ability to interact with the surrounding bone, they can be classified as bioinert or bioactive materials. Bioactive materials are capable of stimulating the formation of bone tissue, bonding directly to the bone, thus forming a strong and unique interface between bone and biomaterial. The graft material, on the other hand, must be biocompatible and resorbable to be integrated into the newly formed bone, which is structurally similar to bone, osteoconductive and, if possible, also osteoinductive and osteogenic. When we work on the bone regeneration process, we must also take its structure into account.Os materiais que podemos utilizar como material de enxerto podem ter origens diversas, o que por sua vez condiciona as suas diferentes propriedades e comportamentos. Dependendo da sua capacidade de interagir com o osso circundante, podem ser classificados como materiais bioinertes ou bioativos. Os materiais bioativos são capazes de estimular a formação de tecido ósseo, unindo-se diretamente ao osso, formando assim uma interface forte e única entre osso e biomaterial. O material de enxerto, por outro lado, deve ser biocompatível e reabsorvido para ser integrado ao osso neoformado, que é estruturalmente semelhante ao osso, osteocondutor e, se possível, também osteoindutor e osteogênico. Quando atuamos no processo de regeneração óssea devemos também levar em consideração a sua estrutura

    CoronaVac vaccine is effective in preventing symptomatic and severe COVID-19 in pregnant women in Brazil: a test-negative case-control study.

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    BACKGROUND: More doses of CoronaVac have been administered worldwide than any other COVID-19 vaccine. However, the effectiveness of COVID-19 inactivated vaccines in pregnant women is still unknown. We estimated the vaccine effectiveness (VE) of CoronaVac against symptomatic and severe COVID-19 in pregnant women in Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a test-negative design study in all pregnant women aged 18-49 years with COVID-19-related symptoms in Brazil from March 15, 2021, to October 03, 2021, linking records of negative and positive SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests to national vaccination records. We also linked records of test-positive cases with notifications of severe, hospitalised or fatal COVID-19. Using logistic regression, we estimated the adjusted odds ratio and VE against symptomatic COVID-19 and against severe COVID-19 by comparing vaccine status in test-negative subjects to test-positive symptomatic cases and severe cases. RESULTS: Of the 19,838 tested pregnant women, 7424 (37.4%) tested positive for COVID-19 and 588 (7.9%) had severe disease. Only 83% of pregnant women who received the first dose of CoronaVac completed the vaccination scheme. A single dose of the CoronaVac vaccine was not effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19. The effectiveness of two doses of CoronaVac was 41% (95% CI 27.1-52.2) against symptomatic COVID-19 and 85% (95% CI 59.5-94.8) against severe COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: A complete regimen of CoronaVac in pregnant women was effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 and highly effective against severe illness in a setting that combined high disease burden and marked COVID-19-related maternal deaths

    Complicated intra-abdominal infections in a worldwide context: an observational prospective study (CIAOW Study)

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